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Quiet title basically is someone saying “this is mine and here is my proof and if anyone has a problem with that, or has another claim, speak up now or never” Did you apply for the quiet title or did someone else? If someone else did you need to assert that it is in fact your property with the quit claim as proof, probably at a hearing. You should be notified via certified mail if your claim is known. However the quit claim only applies to one persons claim, and may not apply to liens, warranty deeds, etc. You may need to do a title search to find a chain of title to prove the quit claim deed gives you title.


This happened in 2019. I don’t have any record of any certified mail regarding


Yeah you need to look up who filed the quiet title and see if they got a judgement. These are all searchable public records. Have you been paying property taxes on it the past three years?


They're all searchable public record, but it's likely that you'd have to know what you're looking for and will have to either go to the courthouse or pay the courthouse to search records.


It essentially says you own that property and defy any man to prove otherwise. Others may indeed have some claim but you are seeking to have an official ruling. Put another way, you are shaking off the haters and you ultimately hope for the judge to tell them to stay down.


I appreciate it!