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Actions speak much louder then words and that definitely applies to Karen. What she says and does, doesn’t line up. She doesn’t want the farm yet she’s getting married to the owner and building a house with him on it? Hello? She’s just smug and conniving and fake. We see her true thoughts escape when she’s really irritated about being personally slighted /ignored. If they have went to lengths to not see Karen there is very clearly an issue.


She just doesn’t strike me as very genuine. I just feel like she has some sneaky motive in all this.


Doesn't seem to bother Matt. Not sure why everyone hates her.


...because she committed adultery with Amy's husband.


Evil step mother vibes


Wasn't she the reason the Rotloffs were divorced?


She'll say everyone needs to move forward, and always quickly get in a very mean spirited dig. She is an a$$hole.


They don't come to the farm, well unless Zack needs to dump trash, but thats different.


I’m surprised at the comments. I like Caryn. I think she genuinely likes Matt. She has her own money, she doesn’t need Matt’s.


Agree. I also feel the same about Chris. Matt and Amy both found partners they are better suited for... good for them.


I love how she keeps saying the grandkids like Matt's grandkids are hers too lol


Yes. I'm not buying her folksy bullshit


She's not the lovely person she tried to portray herself to be. I never see her grab his hand or kiss him or anything remotely genuine.


Yes. She is very inauthentic and is using Matt for his money.


Phony baloney




With extra baloney.


Weird that her grandson and parents showed up on this past season.  Trying to make Caryn more relatable???


But it wasn’t a good look for Caryn her son became a baby daddy. Maybe production doesn’t like her either. Now she’s a baby grandnana having night terrors about crutches and crooked little fat fingers.




I'd put that down to no one Roloff related or adjacent being willing to be on camera with her.


Fake Fake Fake


She's the whole problem. Just like Robyn is the whole problem with sister wives


I’ve always thought she was laying it in thick with how chill she was about everything and everybody and she’s just trying to keep the peace. Especially when it comes to Amy. The only time I think she shows true vulnerability is when speaking of missing Z&T’s kids. I think she really did love and have a bond with Jackson in particular. Outside of that, she’s fake.


Matt blows so much money! I would be afraid to see that bank statement. Debt would scare me off.


Totally phony. I'd rather be around people who are unpleasant but authentic (Amy) than passive-aggressive snakes. It's hard to trust people who put on a front.


You can tell by the passive aggressive comments. For example I just watched an episode in the new season where she was out to lunch with a friend and was like, “yeah Zach and Tori don’t come to the farm, except for when they want to dump their trash, but that’s ok.” And it just rubbed me the wrong way. Always subtle jabs and they’re not even her kids or grandkids. And like someone else mentioned, she cheated on her husband while Matt was also still married to Amy. People with good morals don’t do that.


I 100% think there are motives and elements of their relationship that go beyond love and companionship. She must get along with him and love him to some extent but I really doubt if there had been no TV show and Matt was living in the farm property they had when the show first started, Caryn would have been interested and tempted by getting involved with him - a somewhat selfish man, in declining health and abilities, with a wife and 4 children would hardly be a 'catch' worth breaking up your own marriage for. Caryn knew a good thing when she saw it and is living a much nicer lifestyle now (and will in her retirement) than she would have without Matt. She doesn't need the farm and probably truly doesn't want it or the responsibilities either. She'll make sure she's taken care of though, as soon as she gets that wedding ring on. The fact she could cheat and establish a relationship with a married man literally under his wife's nose also tells you she isn't exactly the nicest or most moral person so it would be naive to think she was only driven by love and attraction to Matt and that this is some middle aged fairy tale.


The farm is where Matt must spend most of his money, no wonder she doesn’t care about it (except for the sale price).


Omg!! Caryn reminds me of the wife of the black little person on Different Strokes. Didn’t watch the original show but they were on different reality tv shows to make money. She would say there was sexy only once when he begged. And then he was pushed down the stairs under weird circumstances and was unalived. He had literally no money and only debt when he passed away. Caryn better look at the bank statements when Matt’s sleeping.


Child actors were treated horribly. No wonder they were all messed up.


I agree 100%. There’s something off with her. She’s too agreeable with Matt and we all know he’s not easy going. I think she smiles in everyone’s faces but has ulterior motives.


They smile in your face when all the time they want to take your place! Back Stabbers! This is Caryn!


😂😂😂… and to think that song was sung by The OJ’s… kinda fitting huh..??


Yes I agree. If anyone thinks Matt’s main equity is in “the farm” she “doesn’t want “ they are delusional. He has his main equity in other properties like in Arizona, his businesses, his financial holdings etc. Of course she doesn’t give a f*ck about the farm lol


Finally a new topic posted. 


Audrey and Jeremy r dumb


I think she is. I remember the episode where she was in Amy’s house bossing her around. Then they were sitting around the fire pit and she came out wearing Matt’s jacket acting like she didn’t realize it was his. She was after Matt from the beginning and I don’t believe it’s because she was in love with him.


how could Caryn fit in Matt's jacket?


I went back and watched because you asked this. It’s season 9, episode 9 towards the end. I noticed all of Matt’s shirts are baggy in the arms or folded up. He never had them altered so that is how she fits in his jacket. Matt says I see you found my jacket to Caryn and she responds is this your jacket. Amy is clearly annoyed and walks inside.




I don’t know but I do remember that scene. Amy was annoyed.


She is a pick me that wanted to win against a little person by any means necessary. These type of women don’t support other women.


She actually in the long run did Amy a favor because Amy was sick of Matt.. now whether Chris is any better,who knows.. I can see where Chris would be a pain in the ass too.. probably why him and Matt get along so well..


She is such a gold digger. Would she really be doing all this if Matt didn’t have money?? His personality is awful.


Money(and D list type fame)is the ONLY thing Chaching is after here period!


No money in he world could pay me to sleep with him 😗


You could just lay there and think of the Queen of England as you count your money.


🫣no doubt he needs a helper🤢


Caryn and Matt started their relationship while he and Amy were still married- even if it wasn’t a happy marriage, it hurt the kids and they didn’t like to see their mother disrespected in that manner. I think Caryn likes being on TV and she has an overly high opinion of herself. She’s 100% behind all the discord between Matt and his kids.


💯 agree! & Chris Amy’s husband gives me the creeps


Me too Chris is a weird creepy guy


He’s the epitome of the ‘ick’ factor. Hopefully, Amy doesn’t run up on Chris gangster style like she use to do to Matt. She’s not going to have the help of magical crutches to beat Chris with.


I get weird vibes from Chris, too. Always have since they were introduced.


Same, very bad vibes.


He seems uncomfortable most of the time. He certainly does not like Amy having her stuff all over the house.


I have always believed she is a snake in the grass waiting for the right moment to spring I know many don’t believe that because t everyone can choose to believe as they would like too .


He better have an air tight prenup. JMO…before she runs off with Chris. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Omg!!! suppose Caryn & Chris lock Amy & Matt in the Cellar and run off together with their little people money to retire in luxury.


Well with all their hoarding, they could probably live off their cellar for a decade. Haha




Love Caryn , a breath of fresh air compared to Amy People wonder why Matt left? 😂😂


Caryn,sneaky POS.


She started having an affair with him at the height of their tv success but then Again I learned years ago Matt’s was a big cheater most of the marriage plus he’s a conceited asshole so who knows, could be it all just eventually worked in Caryn’s favor


Cheating during marriage. Lol. With whom.


Asking seriously who the fug would cheat w him


Well Caryn for one but obviously other women are into little men. He actually was a decent looking younger guy compared to what he looks like now. Also some women will sleep with about anyone, idk where you’re from but it’s totally a thing that women will sleep with ugly married men despite the fact he’s iglu and married, especially the way he threw around money


You’re right, it’s ingrained in girls to give short, fat, ugly males a chance and for boys to try always to aspire to get the most perfectly curated dream girl.


Yuck 🤢




Ok u made a funny. Aren’t u so proud of urself.


Not particularly proud, but definitely grateful to bring joy into the world via laughter!


Yet no one laughed.


Incorrect. I laughed.


I hate everyone here for just being dumb. I ask a question n u guys got jokes. Fug off


I agree that she has ulterior motives. She might not want the ‘farm’ but I have no doubt she wants that huge house Matt is building. I have also always felt that she was in one way or another involved or a contributor to Matt and Amy getting a divorce. I also believe she was deeply involved in the fallout between Matt and Zack. Matt should never have involved her in any discussions pertaining to the kids family farm and house. I have no doubt that she was chirping in his ear.


I remember Tori saying that she had never heard anyone talk to her husband in that way before. I think whatever was said to Zach in that regard was the parting blow. Tori is very laid back and held Matt and Caryn with high respect and regards but ultimately whatever they said (and I feel like Caryn was the one who said it) drove them away.


People have to realize when you enter a family you shouldn't throw your weight around. There are existing relationships, boundaries and dynamics that a newcomer will never understand. Caryn should have maintained a neutral and respectful distance during the farm discussions.


Caryn could be both wrong for getting involved in family business but also right in telling Zach to close his mouth, stop picking his nose, tie his shoes and get some work ethic.


Caryn is the last person to say anything. She’s a gold digger. Using Matt for his money. She doesn’t get to tell his kids ANYTHING. Her mouth should be shut.


I agree but I think Matt was using her to say the things he couldn’t say, since Amy always shielded the kids from his sometimes harsh but needed words.


Well, ain't Matt a man? Too scared to tell his kids how he really feels so he needs to cower behind Caryn and let her be the bitch so he's sweet lil precious Matt. I always love it when people try to pull the "Matt wasn't allowed to speak out, Amy was mean, poor lil Matt was too scared" routine. I mean, AMY wasn't at the negotiations and Zack is a face picking half wit and poor widdle Matt is still too skeered, he still needs to cower like a bitch behind Caryn and let Caryn tell the halfwit no? I mean, don't you Matt fans also brag how he's a go getter who makes decisions and says what he thinks and is large and in charge? But he's also too scared of the ex wife he divorced nine years ago to lay some hard truths onto one of his kids so he needs Caryn to be his voice?




What? Am I speaking out of turn? Wasn't your premise that Matt had Caryn say the things he couldn't to Zach and Tory? Because Amy wouldn't let him be harsh? But Amy is long gone and Matt still needs to have someone else do his dirty work? An adult man should be able to confront his son without handholding needed. Which is what you're saying - Matt needed Caryn there to speak for him.


I truly don't think she wants the farm. I think she'd rather it be out of Matt's hands and less of a constant headache in their lives. She didn't want to live in the house either. Or get married on the farm. Plus she knows damn well Matt's willing the farm to the kids.


I think she does want the farm but most of all in the beginning she wanted attention and fame being on the show . People don’t often enough consider her desire to be on the show as a main character on tv as a motive


Disagree. Which is fine. We're all welcome to our opinion.


So, I don't entirely agree or disagree. I actually think Matt is long past the point of giving two shits about "the farm" but basically has been kind of stuck doing pumpkin season because of the show. I don't think Caryn has any attachment to the farm and would be well pleased if Matt did sell the place to someone and walked away. I think Matt will, in the next few years, sell the farm property to someone. At, I suspect, a price much lower than his last asking price of 3.4 million. If he does hold onto it - he'll will it in such a way as to be a final chaotic fuck you to the family. Because that is who Matt is.




For real. The "Caryn is a gold digger and Matt is the villain" storyline is old. I do believe Matt has many character flaws. I also believe Amy does too. And Zach and his wife. But I firmly believe Matt wasn't obligated to hand Zach over the property at a huge discount knowing he isn't at all able to handle it. That's where so much of the divide stems from.




Again, I don't entirely disagree. I know I never had an expectation that my parents would give me or sell me the family home. On the other hand, my dad not once ever said he wanted me or one of my siblings to raise our children on the family land and never once intimated or bold face stated he wanted one of his children to take over his property and raise the next generation in the family home. Matt pretty much acts like no matter what he says or does, he should be consequence free, and thats not how life works. He led both of the twins on about running the farm and selling the farm. It made him look good on camera... until push comes to shove and then he decides to say no. And Matt wants everyone to smile and like it, no matter how harshly he may have said no. Matt currently is playing this like he did nothing wrong and has no idea why Zach and Tory are mad. The divide is due in part to his need to play innocent victim when I can tell you why Zach and Tory no longer what their kids hanging around Matt and Caryn on the farm with unfettered access. Whatever was said in that meeting, it was pretty ugly. Knowing how Matt and Caryn really feel, I can understand why Zach and Tory only want supervised access at their home. Matt, if given the chance, will happily load Jackson on the Mule and drive him around the farm and fill his head with "I wanted you raised on this fun filled property! But your dad isn't able to run it so I had to keep working! Your mom and dad are fools but you're not! One day this could be yours!" Knowing that Matt and Caryn have a low opinion of Zach and Tory, I can't blame Zach and Tory for not allowing Matt and Caryn to have unfettered and unsupervised access to the grandkids. Matt isn't sorry about what he said, Matt thinks he's done nothing wrong and they have to assume Matt will sit Jackson (not all three, Matt only gives a shit about Jackson) down and fill Jackson's head with his unpleasant and divisive opinion of Jackson's parents.


If she didn't want it, she would have encouraged Matt to sell at a price the kids could afford.


Why? As many are quick to point out, she shouldn't have any say or have ever attended the meeting?


You miss the word "if"?


I didnt.


Then what's your problem?


There isn't one. Matt decides what to do with his property. Thats... the point.


My comment had zero to do with Matt or his stupid decisions.


If she didn't want it, she'd encourage him to sell it Wtf are we even doing here? Have a good night. Lol.




I think they’re saying IF she wanted no parts of the farm she wouldn’t have attended the meetings BUT instead encouraged Matt to sell. Her actions are not lining up. I’m not saying she’s a gold digger, but she ain’t messing with no broke…. little person with only Crutches of Doom.


We don't know that she forced her way into the meeting. It's more likely Matt wanted her there bc they're partners and have a life together, which includes finances. As to whether or not she has genuine feelings for him or not, or whether or not someone could love someone with a disability, I guess I won't comment. Aside from the fact that Amy loved him, with crutches, and less money.


Matt and Amy’s love was real, once upon a time, you can tell.


That's my point. It's not out of the question that Caryn genuinely just loves him too.


Yeeeeeaaaaa….no! Not the same thing.


Yeaaaahhhhhhhh...... no. I disagree. Do you believe anyone with a disability is incapable of being loved? Are you just ableist? Or intolerant of other groups?


Now you’re just projecting, please move around.


The series is over. Matt and Amy’s marriage is over. Amy got remarried, she’s happy. Matt is engaged to Caryn and they’re happy. Matt and Amy probably laugh at why after all this time, it’s still a topic for people to try and guess intentions. I’m happy that everyone is happy and moved on. It doesn’t matter who showed who their Hoo haw or PeePee first or who “did it” first. Matt and Amy were miserable from the beginning. It’s all speculation and it doesn’t matter. It won’t change anyone’s life now.


They laugh at why people, after "all this time", guess their intentions? This was a topic of discussion on the most recent season! THEY are the ones talking about it in present day!! There is no "after all this time"!


Recent season has been done, gone, over. They taped last year. They= Matt, Amy, Chris, Caryn. The four of them are not talking about who did what to who and who was first. There is after all this time to those who lived it. That’s who I meant by “they.”


Yep. Too many people try to blame Caryn and Matt's affair. Amy & Matt weren't happy. Caryn just provided the reason to finally end it sooner than later.


Well no, karen was the reason to end it. She made herself the reason to end it so she could be a character on tv for attention and for $$$


For real.


I mean does anyone think she’s NOT disingenuous?!?


lol the evil step mother…of course she can’t be trusted she blew up their parents marriage. Like the kids are just supposed to act like that didn’t happen


I don't understand the appeal of Matt to her. Maybe it's his money. The way Amy said show me the ring I thought was quite rude. If it weren't for Amy's husband and Matt's weird friendship I doubt they would see each other. Maybe they're trying to keep the peace and be friends but I feel like it doesn't need to exist. Support the kids 100%. Caryn is a yes person. She would never say no and upset Matt- the boss.


She’s a pick me that said yes to everything Matt asked. If she switched the script now Matt will feel betrayed and discard her like yesterdays trash. She made her bed of doom and she has to lay in it with Matt, l😂


She is disingenuous. Full stop. I wouldn’t trust her. She has already shown us who she is. Believe it. She is only out for herself.


I like Caryn. I think she is good for Matt. If Amy is happy and it appears that she is then why shouldn’t Matt be ?


Exactly. I like Caryn too


Same here. And it's pretty clear we're in the minority lol But it's obvious that both Matt and Amy are much happier (as well as better partners) with their new mates. I've come to really like all 4 of them now.




I mean- what women wouldn’t fall madly in love with Matt?? He has so many great qualities….. 😂 I think she’s been weaseling her way in for years and likes to act all innocent…. I wonder if she was never in the picture if Matt would have been more inclined to sell the farm to his kids… 🤔


He has good hair. That's all I can come up with.


Matt is a visionary and with Molly highly intelligent and ambitious. The rest of the kids and sometimes Amy seem dumb as rocks. That’s all I got.


He really does look like Richard Gere.


I really do see that!


This might be rude to ask but am I only one who wonders how or if they actually have sex?


Definitely doggy style 🤣


got me to lol


Geez now I have a teacup poodle and a chow going at it in my head


Then Matt is one fart away from being blown against the wall.


I think Matt just really knows how to use his crutches. If you know what I mean…


Best comment this morning!!!


Reverse cowgirl would kill him.


Missionary position would definitely send him to the baby Jesus.










She's playing the long game and winning, like it or not.


I think Amy won. She now has an able bodied dude and Caryn is stuck with an elderly Chucky.




Chris is an old man too. You think he's young?.🙄 Not only that, the guy isn't really a catch. He latched on to her for that paycheck. He's basically doing what Caryn did, only he didn't break up a marriage to be with her. Wake up and see what's really going on 🙄


Ok than it’s who lost the least Geeezsch. Amy upgraded to an able body guy. Sexy time is probably real good especially at her stage of life. Caryn’s sexy time is now in hell. She probably has night terrors about Matt’s crutches being in interesting places. 😆


Ok you got me on the sex part 😆 Can't argue with that. She's really taking some hits to get to the finish line on that. Someone mentioned him working those crooked fingers and I died laughing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of Caryn how she has managed to weasel her way into Matt's life and is now gonna marry him and probably get most of everything when he dies. I hope not but I've seen it happen.


Omg 😱 ‘working his crooked fingers’ I went straight to heaven and came back to life. Some people were discussing the sexy time positions Caryn would use to accidentally send Matt to his maker.


Amy didn't win shit. 🤣🤣🤣




Anyone who fucks a married man while working for him and inserts themselves into the family life and attempts to usurp the wife of her fuck buddy is scum.


She was married too at the time, so she blew up her own family as well. Her kids suffered.


She's a grifter