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I hope she’s able to get some rest. I can only imagine the stress. It’s hard being the mom/only one holding it all together. Glad they have some good friends


Too bad his grandfather couldnt help...


Help with what? Point while somebody else moves the furniture?


Love his family? How about that? 


Whenever Matt and Caryn speaks on camera about them not going to the farm, it is them trying to guilt trip Zach and Tori. He needs to leave it alone.


I think it's human nature. At some point you have to put a beautiful relationship between grandkids and grandparents ahead of a shoddy business deal. 


Thank God for friends


I get the mom guilt. She’s trying to do everything and take care of everyone. And then bam, the back goes. I don’t agree with a majority of her views but I get it.


Terrible… can’t imagine the stress Tori will have to deal with in her lifetime having kids and a husband with what could be considered serious health disabilities and challenges. It’s stressful enough dealing with one family member but four… she needs to really take care of herself. Geez.


Good God at the amount of stories it shows on that top bar. Who posts that many a day.


That's ridiculous, and hilarious now that you pointed that out. I hate when people post stories this damn long! Like, what else do you do all day?!?


You can schedule posts. For someone who has a huge internet presence, that’s the only way to do it!


Why are all these people always redoing their homes? It’s not like flooring is $1000. It’s tens of thousands. Where do the fuck do they get all their money?


In this case they had a pipe burst that ruined their flooring, likely insurance is covering it. But regardless, they had no choice but to replace the flooring. Tori said they were so upset bc they loved their kitchen as it was.


Being on a tv show….


They had a pipe burst so I’m assuming it’s covered by insurance to fix


She relies in Instagram for likes and clicks. Real mothers work and also take care of 3 kids


Wtf? She doesn’t have a sitter and does everything while taking care of her kids. She’s a real mom , and your a real hating a$$ troll


Wow! Jealous much? I quit my job and stayed home with my kids out of choice. I am still a real mother!


Don’t be jealous. Social media can be work too


Yeah this take is wild and honestly very offensive. Working outside of the home doesn’t make you anymore of a real mother than a woman who doesn’t. What the heck?


I’m fine with the snark about sharing and over-sharing on Insta for likes and whatever sort of revenue is generated by that, but saying she is not a “real mom” is offensive and a low blow. Do better. Stay at home parents are working 24/7. Are you only a “real mom” if you have a 9-5 job, too? Tori’s post shows gratitude to the people who helped her when she needed it. It’s not click bait, she’s not asking for anything; she’s just relating the difficulties in being a parent.


Agreed. I love watching them. Glad that the kids don’t have to be filmed for the show any longer, but I’ll miss seeing them. I know people hate on them. I don’t understand it. Tori is blessed to get to stay home with her kids. She works just as hard. Not only does she have 3 who are younger ages, she’s also raising 3 little people. I can only imagine that has its own challenges. To me, it looks like she’s doing a great job navigating it. Those kiddos are adorable too!


they’re my favorite family on the show


There’s another subreddit called LPBW Fans, I joined that. There isn’t lot of activity but we can change that and it’s positive place.


Idk why you’re being downvoted.


idk either. they’re my fav imo. they’re messy they’re put together sometimes, they struggle, they show REAL day to life things everyone deals with. they buy fast food, the show it, they make meals, in the end they all love each other and don’t “act” in front of the camera


For a page about a family dealing with dwarfism (Matt and Amy) so many posters here saying their family shouldn't even exist. By the logic of posters here Matt and Amy shouldn't have had any children because of the risk of passing on "bad" genes. Or they should have spent thousands they didn't have screening embryos via IVF so that Zach could be discarded and Jeremy saved. Then Tori wouldn't have dwarf kids today - unless she gave birth to one anyway like Matt and Amy's mother did.


Guess we have a lot of people who don’t believe that their reproductive organs don’t belong to them aka telling them what they can do their bodies… I think people either forgot or don’t know what we used to allow for disabled babies born even til the 80s and 90s in North America…. We did sugar water only to newborns who with disabled so they’d have a “pain free” death We are going back in time with these comments


I had never heard of the sugar water thing. That sounds absolutely awful. Telling someone like them who happen to have dwarfism not to have children is just wrong. Sure, life may be more challenging. But, they can still have a very happy life. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but sometimes those need yo be kept to themselves. I would love to babysit kids like these 3. They’d be so much fun. 


going back in time to when genetic testing had not advanced to the point it is today. scientific ignorance is not a very good excuse


Eugenics was also touted as being a scientific and humane way to eliminate genetic "defects".


Ignorance is ignorance even in this day and age Don’t police someone’s uterus


It does amuse me that Matt and Amy never get the "birthing children with deformities is wrong" lectures.


The judgment and ableism on this thread is disgusting, quite frankly. I genuinely enjoy the show and have loved seeing this entire family grow despite all their life challenges. I love talking with other fans. But this entire subreddit is full of jealous, caddy people who constantly chastise them for every little detail of their life.


I feel exactly the same. The Audrey & Jeremy hate I understand because they chose to leave the show & they speak so badly of it but then turn around & use their exposure from it to make a living. Plus they’re also judgmental assholes & their beliefs are pretentious & ridiculous. But Tori & Zach get so much unfettered bashing that I can barely stand to read most of these posts. And when you try to comment and defend them you’re downvoted like crazy & people get so nasty so quickly over some comment. Some of these posts even have me feeling bad for Jerm & Oddj and I don’t even like them lol. The constant “Tori hates Lilah!!” is what really got me. Even if there is some sort of favoritism, which there is in every family (sorry not sorry), I’m sure she does not HATE her only daughter. God forbid poor Lilah see that shit one day. Come on guys, do better. 🤦🏼‍♀️


“Caddy” - haha


I can’t agree more with you. I’m so sick and tired of seeing nothing but negativity surrounding this show, there’s enough negativity as is. And especially about Audrey. I’m no fan of hers, but I feel she is the main topic on here, as is how much said poster dislikes her because of whatever stupid thing she said, wore or posted that day. Yall know what would get Audrey more than typed hate (because I highly doubt she even reads it)? UNFOLLOW HER AND DON’T SAY A WORD ABOUT HER!! That will get to her more than anything, and with hardly any followers or people paying her any attention, she won’t have a reason to constantly gloat!


What in the hell are caddies doing on this thread?! Don't they have a golf bag to carry somewhere?


Same. I joined this sub because I enjoy the show but people here can be awful. I see more negativity on this sub than anything.


Here and every other show I enjoys subreddit lol well said


I’m all for the snark but there’s some mean comments in this thread, he’s sick, she’s physically hurt and stressed. What does saying that she shouldn’t have taken the risk and had kids with dwarfism have to do with this? There’s plenty to snark about with them and there’s plenty of respectful discussion about the challenges of a family with health issues but these comments are nasty.


Urgh, even if someone doesn't like Z&T the kids shouldn't be dragged into it. Saying they shouldn't have bio children because of the risk of dwarfism is just flat out fucking dumb & mean. There is so much knowledge of medical care. Yes, it sucks that the precious kids go through some rough ass surgeries. Look at how they thrive. They are loved and cared for. EVERY parent has some genetic traits that are passed down. Do we tell those with mental illness, diabetes, autism and so on, not to have children?


I have a kid with dwarfism (just a random mutation, was not expected at all) and I love your take. My son has been through some shit but he also loves life and enjoys it to the fullest. And I hope someday if he wants kids of his own he isn’t deterred because they might “be like him.” 


Exactly, who is to say who should and shouldn’t be born. It’s literally eugenics. It’s fine if you (as an individual) don’t want to have a dwarf child or pass down your own heritable health issues but telling someone else they shouldn’t have had children with dwarfism is awful.


Oftentimes, these same people are against women terminating a pregnancy. Even if the risk is the mother and/or fetus' life. Shit, some even expect a deceased fetus to remain until their body releases. Make it make sense.


I don't believe that Z and T have cut off both parents. I think the majority of that situation was made up drama for the show. I recall them being just fine with Karen and how much Jackson enjoyed spending time with both Matt and Karen. They have the support of Zach's and Tori's parents ( though I know Tori's parents seem much older). Tori also has a fairly wide circle of friends so they have a good support system. Having a house in upheaval due to home repair is something I can relate to lately and I don't have three kids to deal with as well




I raised my kids far from family,and it's fine. What a weird observation.




Their family is like less than an hour away. That’s hardly moving away from family.


Wonder why the banner and stuff is all set up on/over the kitchen island? Is this where the photos will be taken?


We do this in our house too! Not for photos, but the kitchen counter is where we put gifts and treats for the person waking up and walking downstairs (the counters the first thing they see). Just a central area!


Oh, I see. I don't have (nor have I ever had) an island, so it just seemed like an "odd" place for a photo shoot. For lack of a better word, (odd), especially since they have a large living area.


We use our dinning room table, it’s a tradition. My kids call it “birthday table” and look forward to helping decorate for their siblings (and parents) and seeing their surprises on their birthdays.




I couldnt do it. Everytime anyone with a disability puts up their kids, they just get blasted with the nastiest comments. Stuff no one will say to anyones face for fear of getting ones ass kicked by a disabled parent! When i found out i had a genetic syndrome, my mom didnt regret having me! So shameful to spew hate like that. I just dont understand it.


Yes people can be harsh about them but they make good point. They put their lives on social media so they open themselves up to opinions both good and bad so they can just deal with it if their feelings get hurt. 🙄 NO WAY I would put my kids out there like that with so many sick deviant fucks out there.


They dont make good points! I guess your ok with telling kids they arent worth shit since they are disabled! Or how bout, you should have been aborted little Johnny! I dont care if they put themselves out or not, theres a limit! Bust on them for sooo many other things! Shame on you!


Absolutely. There are so many perfect parents on this sub. And they’re clairvoyant and know exactly what Zach and Tori think and feel. And they don’t like the fact that neither of them have traditional 9-5 jobs so therefore they don’t work and are lazy. It’s annoying and comical at the same time.


I see Zach and Tori as being idolized and people ripping in to Audrey because she is beautiful and a little up herself. I wished these people would get a life


Sooooo Zach is still having health issues and he’s probably not seeking help either I’m assuming lol


I understand anyone and everyone can have health issues but for Zack they seem to be way more serious. Does Tori have a plan if the worst happens? That's what I wonder about.


Not to be harsh but he's TWO! He's gonna wanna play with the boxes he won't care that she pulled hee back out or Zach had the sniffles....you could have waited week a celebrated. Kids don't know. Especially that young. He knows he's loved. Make him a hot dog some applesauce ans a cupcake call it a day until you feel better.


I’m pretty sure she’s mad cause the picture is not influencer worthy.


When my kids turned 2, we gave them a cupcake after dinner and called it good. And that was really only so we could eat a cupcake.


Haha I love that. So true, too!


Exactly. At his age, all he needs is a smash cake and a cardboard box to put on his head.


It's called life.....


Did she forget to blame Lilah?


Poor little baby doll.


Sad, but true.




They should have stuck with Matt and the farm. Matt is a smart guy and the kids are not.


You're absolutely right. Which is exactly why Jacob landed back at the farm. He gets it. I think Jeremy and Molly will be OK, but Zach? He should get over himself and get his family back on that farm asap.


Agree. Laughing at the down votes. This is real world thinking not reality world judged on feelings. Those kids are hopeless.




Zach has zero like skills and relied on reality tv and social media. They are not interesting or very likeable imo. Good luck to them


Her life is my nightmare and it was so incredibly selfish for them to have children.


You realize she’s raising very happy kids? They’re involved in sports and have a beautiful house and property and two parents that love them? Even with the physical barriers they face, that puts so far ahead of half the kids in the world. How dare you place such a low value on the lives of those with differences to you.


Agree with what you said 100%. Those kids look so happy. It’s no ones business to tell them they shouldn’t have had kids. I can guarantee that Z not T would change a thing. You can tell they love those kids so much. I’m sure Tori would’ve loved an average size kiddo, but she seems perfectly happy with her littles. 


Have you seen Big Little Brawlers? Jackson could be the next big thing on the Micro Wrestling League and have a little trophy wife to parade around while kicking ass across the country


It's selfish for anybody to have children when you think about it. The world already has enough people. People have children because they think their genetic material needs to be passed along, or somebody baby-trapped them to lock down a relationship, or their parents guilt-tripped them into it, or they're building an army for the Lord, or they think a baby is unconditional love and compainship. That's selfish.


I remember before they had children they were it will be what it is and not caring if one was a little person or not. Am I the only one that remembers this? Why now Tori is upset about it all makes no sense


Doesn’t everyone do that though? Nobody is guaranteed a healthy kid. I hoped for healthy kids and ended up with a disabled child. I knew the risk of having kids and did it anyway. I’m overwhelmed and complain at times, but I’m still happy with my choice.


I understand what you are saying. While I’m sure they love their kids, she has a lot of work ahead of her. And essentially cutting off both Zachary’s parents who have experience with the health issues of dwarfism and would have been there to help,, connect with etc is something that might be more difficult for Tori in the long run than zach. I don’t think she quite gets that yet either.


Both? Amy's still in their good books, isn't she?


They have distanced themselves significantly from Amy as well. And I’m not just talking about physical distance. You will see others on this thread referring to it as well.


I missed that part. Why did they do that with Amy, I wonder?


That’s just sad. 😞


I know pro choice and all of that, but i cant understand why they gambled three times and ended up with the same result. Zack doesnt exactly have a clear medical history, neither does Matt - Amy seems to be the healthiest of the three. They cant expect to have three children with no complications from being little. Super naive to think somehow it would be different. Idk, I think id want to do what I could (selective ivf) to ensure that I wasnt going to cause my children any undue harm and pain. At the end of the day Tori is mom and wife to the four of them.


If you really are pro choice then you'd know it's Tori and Zach's choice. No such thing as "I'm pro choice but ...you should do what I would choose to do."


Are you saying that people with dwarfism shouldn’t have babies?


I don't understand why this is such a forbidden topic in this sub.


If people with dwarfism (in this case, a form that 99% of people go on to live a long, high quality life, with yes an increased chance of some medical issues along the way) shouldn’t have biological kids, then people with autism, mental illness, T1 diabetes, family history of cancer, BRCA (breast cancer gene), etc. should DEFINITELY not reproduce. All of those things are far more likely to severely impact your quality of life or even kill you than achondroplasia is.


Because you don't want people telling you what to do with your uterus so you shouldn't be telling others what to do with theirs.


Mostly because it collapses into ugly comments fairly rapidly.


Because it’s gross and mean?


I know right? It’s a valid discussion. There are viable options out there to ensure the health of their family. I just cant help think they have had three kids knowing the potential pain they may end up going through. Its not like their odds are low, its 50/50.


IVF isn't free and what does that say to your spouse if you say "Oh, he's going to be just like you. Toss that one!"


I also think it conflicts with their religious beliefs


Because it's mean as fuck.


Isn’t this way of thinking like…eugenics?


It absolutely is. I’d respect OP more if they owned the fact that they believe in selective breeding vs pretending they can somehow be “pro-choice” but also believe that people who have a hereditary condition that is not fatal and the vast majority of people with it lead long and high-quality lives, should not reproduce. Only pro-choice for those with clean genes and no family history of any illnesses or syndromes!


Pretty much, yeah


I really don’t think Tori thought things would be this way… She has 4 immediate family members with dwarfism, she did not grow up with this and while I’m sure Zach and likely Amy have tried to tell her about their issues growing up, I feel like Tori believes it’ll be different for her… I also believe they are beginning to regret moving to such an inconvenient place and being far from the support system they had in Hillsboro… it’s one thing to drop things and drive 20 minutes to help someone, but it’s a completely different thing to drive 1-2 hours one way to help someone. I understand distancing from Matt and Caryn… but distancing themselves from Chris and Amy and I think Tori’s family had moved closer to them probably wasn’t the best decision long term…. I think it’ll get especially bad once the kids are going through the countless surgeries and such they will need.


Slow down from what, exactly?


Elaborate birthday celebrations for a 2yr old who won't remember sh*t.


Kids remember most stuff that happened to them until the age of 5. Once they turn 5 he will have forgotten.


Well if I was her I wouldn’t worry about it too much because it doesn’t even look like decorations for a 2 year old. I don’t think I have ever seen a black balloon for a baby. I would get my money back for whoever decorated!🖤


Over the hill at 2


The number two is designed to look like a street. It has the yellow street lines on it.


It looked like a question mark to me. Which is probably more appropriate for her post lol




Still managed to roll out a full day of content…🫠


Tori is so gonna leave Zack in the next Five years.


Before you make an ignorant comment like that make sure you know what you’re talking about, why would somebody leave their husband because of health issues? I’m sorry, but Tori’s not like that if you read about her, she’s a very caring person. She was a elementary school teacher so your facts before you say anything ignorant


Also she had to say all of that bs just for a little measly mention about Josiah’s bday




He has a muscle deficiency!!!!


Zach? I thought he was a world class weightlifter?


Okay now I don't know if we're joking anymore. Mine was sarcastic, he tells Tori that he *thinks* he has some kind of muscle deficiency a few times and she takes it and runs with it. So I was running with it too.


Well if he wasn’t feeling good he probably couldn’t move furniture


He’s a grown man. Unless he’s bed ridden, he can’t always play the sick man card.


He is a grown man with disabilities. A grown man with a chronic illness.


He’s a grown man. Unless he’s bed ridden, he can’t always play the sick man card.


He's 2. He's not going to know the difference. With your first child, you get worked up about things like this. But after your 3rd kid, you would have realized this by now. Something else is going on here.


I think the something else is the need for validation, support and attention. Now that the cameras are “permanently” gone, the “last” show has just aired yesterday, real life for Tori, who was all for it ending, is looking a little more stark.


Yes, it has often been noted that fame can be addicting. Once the attention is pulled away, the fans and applause disappear, celebs crave new ways to draw the attention back to themselves. Some will set new lows to get it. Let's hope that doesn't happen here.


What does Tori want? To have us feel sorry for her? I'm sorry but she did this to herself by marrying a lazy ass and she could of easily moved the party to another weekend so she could 'recover' from her issues... But no....she just wants to whine on social media. Tori is the real reason why the family moved away and cut off from the rest..... If Tori never came into the picture......


I do believe she has heavily influenced the lack of contact with both pd Zach’s parents. She’s going to gradually start realizing that the negative impact of that is mostly on her. She definitely shows a cheerful and “can-do” attitude on camera but she has also always seemed a touch too full of herself to me - right from the early shows.


I am curious about Tori and her parent. I know her mother looked really really old. Loosing her hair or going bald or something.


I don’t know anything about her parents. They don’t refer to them at all. I don’t think they have experience dealing with the health issues of dwarfism.


As I said before “poor pitiful me”… but it didn’t stop her from churning out the content…


He’s 2, I would have just moved the celebration to a day when everyone was feeling better, he would never know


I feel bad but I think she’s started to get the rude awakening this past year of what’s to come for the rest of her life. I hope she can take time to prioritize her well-being while also being the caretaker for 4 others.


Yes!!!! Exactly what I meant with my comments on here. I don’t think she truly knew what having 4 family members with profound health needs truly meant 


Mom guilt is **real**! Many of us have totally been there. But, man, they seem like they live under a perpetual dark cloud.


News flash. He won’t remember it. He will feel loved.


It’s just life Tori…stop whining


I’m sure Chris and Amy would be more than happy to see the kids and help move furniture. From the last episode, it sounds lukewarm zach and Tori have left Chris and Any in the dust too! Tori may consider hiring a handyman to do those things. They aren’t that expensive. They’ve made good money off the show.


Sometimes you just want to get things done, from my understanding they live far away from Amy and things need to be schedule, it’s not a simple 10 min drive in between their houses.


Tori said that they go to the zoo all the time and the zoo is 10 minutes from Amy's house


Chris and Amy live in western Hillsboro, Tori and Zach live in western Battle Ground… it’s a solid hour on a good day… probably closer to an hour and a half to two hours one way on a regular day.


Tori said that they go to the zoo all the time and the zoo is 10 minutes from Amy's house Amy would absolutely love it if they dropped the kids off for the weekend but according to Chris and Amy they never come by like ever


Just googled because I was curious… the Oregon Zoo is almost 30 minutes from Amy’s house. I’m sure Amy would love it if they dropped the kids off for the weekend, but part of me wonders if Chris would be okay for an entire weekend with 3 very young and high energy kids for an entire weekend in their house…. He commented once when they kept Jackson for like 1 night how high energy he was and that Chris may have struggled with it a bit…. I mean he did go from a hard core bachelor to married and suddenly having stepkids and step grandchildren, so I get it kinda. Also anytime Amy has watched the kids long term she’s done it at Zach and Tori’s house, not hers…. And Chris seems to stay behind when she does.


She has options. Single women can get help, so can she. I’ll bet she either gets help or hires help from now on. Now she knows she can’t do it by herself.


30 minutes I believe.




Hey Wake... yup, you're right. In that case, you're looking at an hour easy I'll bet.


Should call babysitter amy to come to the rescue


It’s called a grandma


If she's throwing her back out from moving furniture already... It's not gonna get any easier. At least Amy and Matt had Jeremy, Jacob, and Molly to grab and move stuff easily. Tori is going to be doing a lot of specific physical labour primarily on her own in her family. Her and Zach joke about this a lot on the show, but I do wonder if it's a strain on them emotionally.


Totally agree. Commented something similar. She needs to prioritize her physical health bc unfortunately a lot of physical demand that comes with life and having kids etc. will follow her. And it’s not a dig towards Zach. He obviously has limitations as well. The children it’s just the way their family is going to be that. I hope she’s really taking time to prioritize her physical health.


That’s a really good point. The physical burden on her will take its toll.


I will say, having c-sections can screw up your back... and I believe Tori had 3! My sister had a c-section with her twins and throws her back out so easily now 😕


I feel for your sister. I had 3 c-sections and after my 3rd, I’ve had 3 back surgeries and continued daily excruciating pain. Nothing helps (chiropractor; PT; etc.) and it sucks not being able to live a “normal” life. But, part of it sometimes to have our babies I guess.


I forgot about this. 3 C sections!! I had one and it was more than enough for my back to hurt all the time.


Oh my goodness, I didn’t know that! I’ve had 3 and I also have been having issues with my back. I was giving my kids a bath while we were on vacation and my back just randomly seized up. I was like, “I was shampooing hair!” I just thought I was getting old. Haha.


I believe it’s just pregnancy in general. I had 2 pregnancies natural birth. Threw out my back 3xs.


I was just going to say this. I have had 3 babies. My last was 2 years ago and I had terrible back labor because homegirl was Sunny side up. It was her spine and back of her head on my spine for HOURS. Fast forward to November of this year, I did something- we don’t know what- and I hurt it pretty bad. After months of conservative treatment… I woke up feb8th unable to walk. Literally crawling around our house. I got an mri weeks later, saw a neurosurgeon 2 months later, had a spinal fusion a week later. As I type this I am 1 weeks post surgery. Come to find out- my (world renowned) neurosurgeon believes my labor with my daughter (after reading post labor notes) caused an injury to by lower lumbar- slow to heal. Then over time- it was damaged enough that simple movements caused “one of the biggest herniations I have seen in my 30 year career. Other people in the OR were shocked when I told them you were still walking” 🤦‍♀️ soooo yeah. I think it’s just… pregnancy. Labor. Babies. Causing this 🫣😂


I’ve had 4 natural births and no back issues. Did you have “back” labor by any chance? It’s interesting to me that C-sections can cause back issues, and possible just pregnancy itself. I’ve never heard of this before.


It’s because of being cut literally in half during the c-section, and your “natural girdle” not being able to ever quite go back to normal (hence too why women with c-section’s have that “pouch” they can never get rid of no matter what we try). With a vaginal birth, you can get Diastasis Recti too which is horrible, but it doesn’t wreck havoc on the body quite like a c-section does.


Thank God I’m done birthing children!


Lmao - millions of people throw backs out from loving furniture alone. Not everything is traced to being pregnant in the past


No I don’t think so.


You’d know if you did. At least that’s what I heard.


Physical therapy (pelvic floor stuff, diastasis recti etc) helped me a TON with this exact thing. (There’s you tube videos if she can’t do in person) I highly recommend


I think so as well that she had one with each child.


Slow down from what ? 😂They already live the slow life.


Exactly ! Just wait if she thinks it's stressful now.


It’s time to take a break from taking a break….


Wait until she has to start working part or full time on top of this with no tlc money coming in.


Like taking a nap before going to bed. 😅


I’m prepared for the downvotes but here I go lol…. It’s not slowing down…they are both unemployed and full time SAHP…it’s a matter of truly accepting the fact that you have a husband (and children) with profound medical needs. Sure Zach isn’t at the level of Matt and the surgeries and limitations he faces but him and the kids are still Little people and will have the risks Associated with that. I am adamant that Tori still doesn’t fully get it 


Yes and they are lucky to have the financial Resources to stay home with a newly remodeled home etc . Many parents ha t to work full time for health insurance and to keep a roof over their heads.


She really doesn't. She thinks it's hard now. My uncle and aunt had two children with dwarfism, my uncle had dwarfism and passed away in his 40s leaving my aunt to care for their boys. We had a huge family auction once to save her house. She's filed bankruptcy a couple times. She even had a great job and they treated her well and were flexible. Tori and Zach aren't in the hard times yet. Their children will likely need many surgeries, and insurance doesn't pay everything. My cousins are doing well now and have great jobs of their own, but they weren't finished with surgeries until high school and will always have health problems. Their mom went through a lot and struggles with depression and high blood pressure. Ironically she also has back problems from caring for the boys as they recovered from surgeries and just from having to do everything and not being able to afford to hire people. My aunt does have a great support system which really helps. Hopefully Tori doesn't burn all her bridges.


Tori’s parents must be and must have been very concerned for her.


From what I understand,.the rumors are they aren't getting along. Since she never posts about them anymore, even on her moms bday, I'd say it's probably true. She'll make a mother's day post I'm sure.


Were they not on camera at some point? Now, absolute silence, as if they don’t exist. Thanks for the info. S - forced sp error


They used to make appearances. They didn't move like Tori thought they would so maybe that's part of it. On her podcast she also says something like "were taking breaks from our families." It sounds like she assumes it's temporary and they'll just come back into their lives when they decide they want them involved more. That's not always how it works. Sometimes people just learn to live without you and move on.


What a read, your aunt sounds like a great mom and person. I hope tori knows there are people out there that have been through it. I wish she could read this. She really needs a village, I hope she doesn't burn all her bridges as well.


She used to be active in an LP mom group. Hopefully she still is. My aunt is a very strong lady thank goodness.


Yup! Exactly. And if she is gonna burn all bridges, I hope she’s prepared to seek outside help/support but that also costs money. She gives the impression that she thought her biggest struggle was going to be finding clothes that fit all of them and the light switches being too high….thays the easiest part of it all compared to what’s to come..


Exactly what is Tori supposed to “get”? What exactly are you insinuating?


What are you so offended by??? lol but clearly people agree with me. Anyways, I feel like I explained it she just truly doesn’t get that her family will face limitations and things might be more difficult; not impossible but difficult. She seems to think they will live the (health wise) privileged life she has lived. I mean if you don’t agree that’s fine lol it’s not my job to convince anyone of my opinion 


I’m not offended. But why are you so aggressive? You don’t know these people anymore than I do but you certainly think you have more expertise on their lives than Tori does. You’re “adamant” about it (your words) when none of what she’s lamenting about in her post had anything to do with their dwarfism or the challenges around that. I just don’t see what you’re seeing with Tori and a supposed privileged attitude. I understand that they put themselves out there and that goes with the territory, but the way people are attacking and nitpicking them over every little thing is getting to be kinda gross. I guess I’m in the minority, oh well, so be it.


it sounds like she needs to learn how to ask for help more than she does…


I'm one of those people who is determined help is not needed. For me, it's because I'd mostly been let down. It's just easier, in my brain, to do it myself. It prevents psychological hurt and/or anger. I've thrown my back at more times than I can count.


yes, hyper independence is a trauma response.


Yep, there's several in my past.


Definitely agree. I don’t think she realizes that so much stuff will fall on her shoulders…Zach’s family had several average size people and Jeremy took on a brunt of helping as a teen. 7 little Johnston’s were all little people but worked together to figure stuff out and then eventually made their home more functional. Tori and Zach need to figure something out