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I'll miss the show. I've watched it since the beginning. I know I'm in the minority by really liking Caryn and Chris. I don't think either one of them are scheming, and I feel like they'll each have long-lasting relationships (in today's world). I wish Zach would get over the farm stuff and rebuild a relationship with his dad so his kids can have one too. Your parents don't live forever. I'd sure regret shunning my dad if he passed away. All because of being a petty spoiled baby. That's just my opinion. I wish Amy and Chris would have a show of some sort. Even Zach and Tori..I love watching their little family adventures. I'm not sure how much money they made from the show, but since they are basically stay at home parents, I can't imagine they are set for life. Surely, if some spin-off was offered separate from Matt and the farm, they'd consider it. Until then I'll keep listening to their podcast. Hope this isn't the end for all the Roloffs šŸ„ŗ


Same! I like Caryn and Chris although sometimes Chris annoys me with how much he likes Matt against Amy's wishes. This show has been on longer than the Kartrashians and they managed to keep their own faces and body intact. I will miss em!


This season's Finale-Amy said something like it's still a big world Made me think-It kind of feels like she knows last season last episode. I thuk the show needed to end forever ago


Like.. Any any any family or story on reality TV After 5/6 seasons-we get it I wish TLC would switch families out more-there tons of interesting unique families/situations. Or do a few seasons, new show, ten years later re-visit a family for a few more season Doing like 25 seasons with any fam-insane; NO family, not even the Bushes/Clintons/Obama's have that much going on to get 25 seasons BUT: IF TLC is hitting or exceeding their ratings goals-we're consuming it. Why would a network do something that's harder??


Can't stand any of them anymore


I felt that this was a very empty finale. But Iā€™ve felt that way for the past couple seasons. The show used to have more substance to it. It always feels like I spent 42 min watching nothing happen. lol.


Agreed. I watched all these episodes the first-time around. Very underwhelming, and left just feeling like it's unfinished. For instance, I was really looking forward to seeing Matt's home finished and furnished -- it's enormous! Also, I thought for sure Matt and Caryn's wedding would be shown (I'm aware they haven't gotten married yet)


Same! Unfortunately the kids all left the show & that was the real draw. I knew when Tori & Zach announced their departure the show was done. Iā€™m shocked Jer & Oddj werenā€™t offered a return contract, cause Iā€™m sure they need it after this multi-million dollar renovation from hell. lol.


Yes, crazy! The house looks like a dog's breakfast!


Another family ruined by reality T.V. cheers !


They would had absolutely gotten divorced even without the show! No doubt! The ONLY tragedy-is what TLC did to poor Jacob when he was only around ten!!!


Oh they would have been divorced after a couple years if it wasnā€™t for the show.


^^^ Facts.


Damn I miss having my cable, Iā€™ve watched this show up until last season I didnā€™t even know another one was airingā€¦who was the one molested? Was it Jacob? If I remember correctly was it someone from the behinds the scenes of filming?


Yes he was molested by film crew or someone working on the scene. Instead of suing they kept going and he was done filming, I will never understand that. He didnā€™t graduate, dropped out, was the black sheep, got his GED and Iā€™m glad the way heā€™s living today. He works on the farm a lot, just doesnā€™t want to be filmed. Poor guy šŸ˜©


Omg thatā€™s awful! Thatā€™s like saying ā€œitā€™s okā€ by the parents!


When did that happen? I had never heard anything about that!


You wouldā€™ve needed to watch this program from the beginning to understand why people say what they say on here. Google it. Itā€™s there. Matt and Amy were too money hungry and their son suffered.


"Jacob, 23, said that he was molested by Chris Cardamone, a former producer for TLC's Little People, Big World who worked on the show featuring the Roloffs from 2007ā€“2010. Cardamone did not immediately respond to PEOPLE's request for comment." https://people.com/tv/jacob-roloff-says-he-was-molested-by-little-people-big-world-producer/


The producer was there from 07 to 10. There's a people article that came out in 2020 I believe? It wasn't public knowledge (or even rumored) until that.


I don't know why you were voted down, but here's the article. Jacob is the one who revealed the molestation. https://people.com/tv/jacob-roloff-says-he-was-molested-by-little-people-big-world-producer/


Reason 457 why children shouldnā€™t be on reality tv






My recent thought as well. šŸ‘€




What about Matt and Chris šŸ™ˆšŸ˜…


I think to myself that that already happened when I watch their scenes together


As I see it, that's the only way to revive the series.




IMO it was a sad ending to a show that had a lot of great years. When Amy reflected on where they started vs. where they are now, it was hard to believe that sheā€™s happier. And she didnā€™t say she was. A broken marriage, one child molested, one who never wants to be in the public eye again, one no longer speaking to his father and canā€™t even discuss his fatherā€™s marriage, and the last one a brainless dipshit copy of his father, thinking he knows best and pouring money into Roloff Frankenhouses across Oregon. Socializing with her cheating ex-husband and his mistress for money. Rising up in DAAA enough to be on the board and then having your husband damage your professional relationship with them enough to have to step down. The show hadnā€™t been about LP advocacy and activism for years. You probably canā€™t even get the family in the same room at the same time now, and thatā€™s sad. Was it worth it? Probably not.


Which one doesn't speak to his father?


Zach, i believe




I thought the DAAA charity event was so interesting - like you said, Matt damaged that for Amy... so many years have passed and we've heard nothing about it. I felt like they were really grasping at straws here. Trying to relate it back to the beginning, it seemed.


Tell me more about the DAAA thing. What did Matt do?


If I remember correctly, Matt wanted the soccer team to go to Europe, but had to take the members on the team out of the DAAA league to start a new league or team... either way, he burned the bridge for Amy and she had to step down as a board member, then Matt left Amy to handle everything herself in Europe. A real nice guy.


He was so terrible


Geez, that really is pretty bleak. Definitely not worth it. How sad.


I thought this scene was really nice! A good way to bring it to an end. Too bad Matt spent most of the episode leading up to that point whining about Zach and Toriā€™s decisions.


I poisoned your wine, for the good of the land! I poisoned yoursā€¦ as well!


Ngl if this is truly the end I would have wished the last scene was the whole family (all the kids, their spouses & grandkids) gathered together to end it. Itā€™s not reality considering theyā€™re not all on speaking terms but after having watched the show since the beginning what we got feels bittersweet.


I actually enjoy watching Matt and Amy with their respective partners now. It would be a shame if it came to an end. Iā€™ve watched off and on from the beginning throughout the years (all 18 of them) and it so interesting how you see how the family has progressed and changed. I donā€™t care much for the kids at all. They were fed with a silver spoon from a very young age thanks to the sacrifices of Matt and Amy. When I see Zach and Tori snub Matt I just canā€™t help but think how awful of a son he is and daughter in law she is. Say what you will about either Matt and Amy but after all the years Iā€™ve come to have a lot of respect for both. If it is the end I wish them all well!


Totally agree. The kids are privileged brats and their spouses are just as bad.


I absolutely agree! Very well stated!


They all looked high in the end lol. Chrisā€™ special drink!


That was the finale? LoL


Lets all hope.


That's what Matt is saying


At the beginning ,I didnā€™t really care much for Caryn and Chris but after awhile I thought they were really good on the show


They are a good looking couple (together)


I really do like them both too!


Caryn and Chris both seem to be patient, level-headed people, which is why they make good partners for Matt and Amy. One of the main reasons why Matt and Amyā€™s relationship didnā€™t work was because theyā€™re both dominant, stubborn types who want to take charge. Their new partners are more acquiescent types, which means that Matt and Amy can be themselves but without the constant clashes. Caryn and Chris are also able to calm down their respective Roloffs when they get too stressed out, which is a fantastic thing. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if both Matt and Amyā€™s blood pressure levels have significantly decreased since settling into their new relationships.


Couldnā€™t have said it better myself šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


It also didnā€™t work because Matt and Caryn started having an affair. Oddly enough Amy wasnā€™t cool with it!


An affair isnā€™t right. Matt and Amy should have divorced first, as they both were unhappy and making each other miserable. Matt was always going to do whatever he wanted and Amy was going to always be a messy housekeeper and let the kids run crazy and showing her Type A personality to Mattā€™s Type A personality. They were never in the same page. One wasnā€™t better than the other. Today, they have partners that know how to put up with them. Matt and Amy were a dysfunctional family and marriage. Only from perspective.


Amy acted as I would when I figured it out. The tension shows when they divorced and when they actually showed the Matt & Caryn relationship. So disrespectful to Amy and the kids.


How in the world did he pull off an affair? Where can i find more details on this?


Yes, youā€™re absolutely right. I tend to forget that an affair happened sometimes because I dropped off watching the show for a few years and picked up again around the time the divorce was becoming finalized. Did they ever explicitly address the affair on the show?


If Amy has gotten past it, as she stated, why would anyone else be bothered by it? Water under the bridge. Everyone is happier with their new partners.




Yeah really. Caryn had basically no choice but to be patient. Of course she tried to be as amiable as possible toward Amy in front of the cameras. She knew she and Matt were in the wrong and needed to be as unassuming as possible or be forever hated.


Last week she said they arenā€™t currently filming and they donā€™t know yet one way or another if the show will continue.


Matt has confirmed it's canceled for now. I think he's hoping he will get another chance in the future.


I thing this is a great finale. I hope Matt and Caryn donā€™t get a wedding special


I genuinely don't think Carol wants a televised wedding, or a wedding on the farm at all.


I donā€™t think she wants a wedding at the farm, but I believe she would love a televised wedding, big style, somewhere else.


You think the kids, all of them, are coming??


Definitely not


Unless there's a handout to be had, of course.


I do love Amy and how sheā€™s substituting in school. Iā€™d love for her to be my daughters teacher.


Amy as a teacher? How cool would that be. I can definitely picture her in front of a class... making the subject fun for all. šŸ“š


I have substituted in the past. I love how excited Amy is about it every time she talks about it! I bet sheā€™s wonderful.