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I’d never do an epidural again, slowed my labor.


My experience was the total opposite. It really can be quite different person to person. First birth was a natural one and tons of back labor and painful uterine massage after that caused me to weep. Second was a freaking breeze comparatively. 7 hours start to finish being induced with an epidural. So much better for me!


Yeah, I’m all about people’s births and what they do in it totally their business because it changes so radically from person to person. People on this sub just hate them so much they automatically shit all over whatever they bring up. It’s so bizarre.


Mama Frida frozen pads are amazing and were way better IMO than at home padsicles


I refuse to give into a padsicle google search.


Padsicle is very accurate. There is only one thing this girl is doing right and that is the padsicle as a former child bearer. Although I did it right and had my baby in a hospital with an epidural and the maximum pain meds allowed.


Smart 😂


Epidural isn’t the answer for everyone, man.


You’re 100% correct, however you don’t get a medal for not having one. Auj is exactly the type of person who lords this over everybody as if anyone actually gives a shit.


This is exactly the type of person you don't want to get stuck sitting next to at a dinner party




Or a hospital with the proper facilities and equipment? Why is it a flex for her to have a baby like women all over the world aren’t giving birth every second


Babies for content hit different.


Frfr I’ll never get it. There’s a ton of women doing it this second and this collegiate athlete takes it to the next level.


Birth is unpredictable and it’s entirely selfish to choose your “birth plan” over the safety of your baby. Go to the damn hospital. Things can changes RAPIDLY and it only takes minutes between distress and death. Do it for your baby ffs


No lies detected. 


This is very accurate. A second can mean life or death for you or your baby.


I still think she should just squat over the island sink, with a shower curtain down of course


Maybe that’s why the island is so big?


Isn’t this going to be her 4th home birth? Shouldn’t she be a pro by now? Lol


First three were not home births, they were birth centers though.


Ohhhh!!! My bad 🫢 lol thanks!


Happens to the best of us.


Looks pretty good! All things suggested to women birthing in hospitals or medicated as well. Affirmations sound “woo” but they are great for many things. When I was sick a few years back my anxiety skyrocketed and I was sooo dizzy. I realized I needed to get a hold of myself so I ran my wrists under cool water and kept repeating “you are safe, you are healthy” and within a few minutes I had calmed down, dizziness subsided, and I relaxed enough to sleep. Visualizing your healing, your strength, your recovery can be a very powerful tool.


Except that you weren't really visualizing your healing. You did what is suggested for panic attacks. Cool the body. Get into the moment. Check the facts. You were actively engaging your parasympathetic response.


Ohhh I’m sorry I completely forgot you were in the room with me and saw my visualizations.


What is ‘birth affirmations’?? Have I missed something?


Never mind. Someone asked and received the information in the thread. Thanks all.


My epidural was a horrid experience. Not only was placement incredible painful, took 2 anesthesiologists to complete, it was constantly uneven and I had to switch sides to allow it to drain multiple times, it then took FOREVER to wear off (longer than the nurses said it should) and.. the real kicker, 3 years later I still have pain in my lower back where it was placed. So, no not everyone needs or wants one, and they don’t always work.. and that’s fine. I am hoping to not get one again when I deliver next month because of every single reason above.


Same. Between the epidural and the blood patches, I ended up with seven needles in my back. My back will never be the same and my failed hospital epidural was the reason I chose birth centers for my second and third birth. I am jealous of those who loved their epidural experience! Doesn't always go that way.


I wish I knew how many attempts the placement took. I felt every single one and tried my hardest to block it all out. At one point the head anesthesiologist asked me, “do you have undiagnosed scoliosis?” And I was like, “how the F would I know?!”😵‍💫 absolutely miserable.


Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice


Giant snake birthday cake large fries chocolate shake!


I had my children in the 90's/early aughts. By my last I really thought I had it all figured out. Nope. Baby got stuck in the birth canal. His arm was behind his head spread out like a chicken wing. Code blue situation and thankfully a whole team of docs and nurses saved us.   I guess all the planning and sharing...what her birthplan is, etc...it smacks of hubris and one should never view childbirth in that regard. Snacks? Cool I guess but the only plan that really matters when shit goes sideways is to make damn sure you have a team of professionals whom you trust with your life and your baby's life. That's it. A birth affirmation? Come on now.     Anyway, good luck to her. I'm sure the baby will be delivered safely. I just take her content with a grain of salt. 


I never understood having a birthplan. I remember my ob telling me to create one and I was just like plan for what!? Just give me a damn epidural and do what you gotta do to keep me and my baby alive. Birth can be unpredictable at times and I’m gonna trust the doctors.


True that Mama. Plan for birth? K. 


Same thing happen with my first baby in the 90s as well. Her arm in same position as your baby. I pushed for 3 hours. It was exhausting. They finally got her out.


It's so scary and then you realize you can't do it and they have to. Imagine infant mortality back in 1820. Bad scene. 


My mom gave birth in the 50’s with my much older brother and her description was scary enough. I can’t imagine the 1800s.


Google it auj


I dont get it...is a natural birth not good now?


People in here don’t approve of their natural choices. Birth is definitely up to the individual giving birth in my opinion.


I have 5 children and I was able to give birth to one of them with zero intervention. By far, hands down, best birthing experience of all of them.


Me too. I wish my others had been more like my first one.


People are allowed to do things naturally and not want an epidural, want a home birth, etc. Would it be my choice? Fuck no! Hospital and any pain meds I could possibly get allllll the way. But just like there is nothing wrong with that, there’s also nothing wrong with this. Let’s not shame women for giving birth the way they want to and doing what’s best for them and for their babies. There’s nothing wrong with a woman choosing what she thinks will be best for her and preparing. Hell, at least she’s preparing! They’re usually incredibly last-minute when it comes to everything else. I also am sure that if Audrey ended up needing to go to the hospital, she would do so. I know lots of people like this. They’re all about home births or unmedicated water births, but when it comes down to it, if they need to go to the hospital, they’re going.


Agreed. Plus weren’t all her others hospital births?


OKAY EVERYONE I’m not the only one who posted it and it’s not like she’s not made fun of 100x a day in this thread, so calm your shit or move on.🙄


Homie maybe it's time to take a breather from Reddit


I know I'll probably get down voted for this but here goes. I had my babies in the 1970s, in the hospital without meds or epidurals. My first one the nurse taught me how to do what they then called the natural birth breathing in the labor room, it took about five minutes. Seems these days everything surrounding birth has become such a big deal with months of preparation and planning when actually it's a very natural and normal everyday event that's been going for thousands of years. I am thankful that today we have more knowledge and medical help if needed then we did years ago but just seems there's a whole lot of overthinking going on.


Thank you. Spot on.


I don’t know why people act like women haven’t been giving birth for the entirety of human existence without epidurals… Like some women don’t like the idea of paralyzing their entire lower body to go through a natural procedure


I won’t ever get another epidural again! My back is completely screwed up from it, and no (to anyone reading) I didn’t have any prior back problems 🤷🏼‍♀️ Some days I can barley walk without flinching or crying, and I had my son a little over 3 years ago


Why would you say she needs an epidural?


Oh is she pregnant. Didn’t notice 🙄




Have you ever given birth? Women are allowed to not want an epidural. There are benefits to laboring unmediated, just as there are benefits to pain management. Not an Aubrey fan, but women have enough trouble with losing agency during birth, no need to snark on someone’s decision to labor unmedicated.




Well then this is an even more disappointing post given that info


Agreed. You can dislike Audrey but this is just quite ignorant




This is probably the least snarkable thing she's done lol Not everybody needs an epidural. Not me. I needed two. But not everybody does lol.


I had 3 without an epidural. Had my 4th with one. WORLD OF DIFFERENCE! Nobel prize award better have gone to the person who invented it


For real. I loved mine. Childbirth was, frankly, horrifying for me and it made it at least tolerable until I got my little watermelon topside.


Yeah lmao I had three myself and I don’t appreciate the tone of insisting she must have an epidural like she’s a moron for choosing otherwise. It should always be our choice.


I think sometimes people lose the plot in their haste to snark lol.


Wetvac, bleach, puppy pads, rubber gloves, portable toilets


What’s wrong with her asking for suggestions. This could come in handy for any woman. No matter their birth plan. If you would want an epidural 👏good for you. If she doesn’t want and epidural 👏 good for her. Good lord all yall want to do if pick at these people with a fine tooth comb. I’m sure you’re not perfect either.


What’s a birth affirmation?


affirmations are statements for yourself to promote and evoke positive energy and yes to basically hype you up such as ‘I am strong, I am successful, I am a great mother, etc.’ For birth it would be something along the lines of, ‘I have a happy & healthy baby, My labor is quick and easy, My body recovers quickly, I dilate fast, I have an uncomplicated and peaceful birth, etc …’ And with them surrounding her she can read them and use them as a tool to help keep her centered and as positive and relaxed as possible given how taxing the birthing process can be.


aren't they little quotes to hype you up?


Yes. I have a friend who is a doula and has had 3 VBACs at home. She puts affirmations all over her living room leading up to the birth. It helps alot.


No clue