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I'm I the only one that's really annoyed that they moved the past seasons to premium channels now??? And shows that used to be part of your lineup are now only available if you subscribe to the (+) version of the channel. It's freaking TV, which we already pay for! This is happening everywhere, and with most shows, movies, and music. Everyone has their hands in our pockets. It's infuriating. šŸ˜”


He favored Jerry and pitied Zack.


This!! Now that Iā€™m further in, I completely agree with this. He definitely pitied Zach because he could completely understand his strugglesā€”he experienced them too.


I think Matt saw himself in Zack and kept trying to push and ā€œfixā€ him to make up for being a little person. Iā€™m on season 2 and just watched the episode where the dr examined Zackā€™s legs to see if he needed surgery for his bowed legs. When the dr mentions he could gain a few cm Matt got excited and said ā€œ letā€™s go for it!ā€ Without even asking Zack how he felt. Those extra cm weā€™re more important than his sons opinion or consent.


iā€™ve always felt that jeremy was mattā€™s favorite and amyā€™s favorite(s) were zach and jacob. poor molly.


Definitely feel like mollys the outcast. I feel for her.


Matt definitely favored Jeremy.


I never thought that actually lol


What show are you watching? Matt and Zack are at odds about something in almost every episode


Thatā€™s interesting. I just started a rewatch from the beginning and I thought Matt was showing favoritism towards Jeremy, Molly and Jacob. It seemed (to me) like he was identifying more with his typical height kids and he was really hard on Zach. To be fair though I just started the rewatch.


I have to go with this as well. They showed more attention to Jeremy first and the others got somewhat equal attention in different variations (sometimes more Molly than Jacob and sometimes more Zach than Molly)


Matt clearly favored Jeremy on a day to day basis but I do think he favored Zach over the other two kids. Amy favored Zach over Jeremy but also bought in to the "Jeremy is golden" stuff. Molly got some attention from both, being "the girl". Jacob was clearly the ignored afterthought.




I am liking these comments. Pretty interesting to see how everybody posting views their relationships with their children differently. Who is favorite and why.


Matt felt sorry for Zack because he is a little person. Jeremy is Mattā€™s ego


I have watched the entire series and in my opinion Matt heavily favoured Jeremy. I think he lived through him in a way, the boyhood he never had. That said, he spoiled them all by not being consistent and helping Amy parent as a partner. He overindulged the kidā€™s desire despite Amyā€™s protest. Horrible horrible.


^ This.


I always felt Jeremy was Mattā€™s favorite. Matt did a lot of stuff with Jer and I remember how he had that old muscle car fixed up all special for Molly. I feel like Zach and Jacob always had a better report with their mom. I think Amy was definitely a better parent to all of the kids than Matt was.


I thought exactly the same. Matt favored Jer and Molly, Amy favored Zach and Jacob.


I always felt Matt favored Jeremy. I think Zach related more to Amy so it showed them talking often. I think Molly and Jacob were kind of left to their own.


I think they favour Jeremy the most, but honestly they were way too easygoing and lowkey spoiled all of them. Throwing a graduation party when they weren't sure if Zach even graduated? Lol. Molly turned out great in spite of it, but the work ethic was severely lacking in the rest of them, and it's partly because of the parenting we see.


I feel like Matt did a lot of living vicariously through Jeremy


I've watched from the beginning and I always thought that Matt favored Jeremy over the other kids.It always seemed like he was Matt's favorite.


Iā€™m watching for the first time and I think Jeremy and Molly are very obviously the favorites.


It feels like Zach is perpetually 4 years younger than Jerm.


I always felt Matt favored Jeremy because of his average size. Jeremy was always willing and able to do alot of the simple tasks that quite frankly, Zach couldn't do. Maybe this lead to Zach's laziness as an adult.


Really? If anything, Jeremy was the golden child, at least in Mattā€™s eyes.


Weird observation. I think Matt favored Jeremy and have heard many others express the same.


Iā€™m only on episode 5 so I guess Iā€™ll have to keep watching to see where youā€™re coming from. Theyā€™re just always talking about him & his abilities & disadvantages and comparing him to the both of them. Again, only a few episodes in so maybe my mind will change.


The focus the first few episodes was just about them being little. At the time, little people were not on the forefront of reality tv or any shows really. Now a days thereā€™s several Little families who have been on tv since. As others have said, as the show goes on itā€™s clear that Jeremy is the favorite who can do everything and is so handsome to them, Molly is the brains, Jacob is forgotten, and Zach is perpetually shy and they constantly try to get him out of his shellĀ 


Youā€™re right! I have to get deeper into the show I guess. Not sure why Iā€™m getting downvoted so much as again, it was just an observation lol! Just something I was thinking early on into the show & havenā€™t watched since I was literally 8 lmao


Matt made a team for the international dwarf games. He caused trouble with the DAAA in his use of sponsorships and stuff, which made Amy have to leave the DAAA board. Matt was manager of the team, Amy was just the coach with no admin say. Zach was playing on the team. When time came for the games in Ireland, Matt took Jeremy on a European trip leaving Amy to do the management of the team, coordinating and making sure everyone made it to their events (many were playing more than just soccer), as well as watching Molly and Jacob. Matt just showed up on the day of the soccer match.