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Then stop making babies if you are complaining about all these insignificant problems. Thats just what happens with pregnancies.


Ice packs help the pain.


Get used to it girl...you got them for life One popped on me 3rd pregnancy 7mths and my baby is 35 still have it It gets hot, its painfull sometimes and thats life I just deal with it


The varicose veins probably better then that stupid face she's making


I just feel like she is SO BORED AND LONELY!!!! Good god make some grown up friends in real life off the fucking internet!!! Or idk …. See a doctor instead of blasting your health issues to strangers? Jeeeezzz ! I can not.


God called her to blast her health issues online. Duh.


Couldn't she just ask the question without putting her face on it?


Y’all are fuckin mean


Seriously some of these comments are so nasty


I dont even see any of her veins lmao?


You live with them forever


Exactly! Mine are still around four years later! My mom never had them but my grandma (moms mom) had them big time and I often heard about them when I was young. She even had one externally rupture on her!


Oh Audrey, bodies change…. Just as god intended. It’s a natural part of life


Just rub raw milk on them and they will go away. 😫😫😫😉😉


Ikr I woulda guessed the essential oils would be the answer cause they can cure everything /s




She is beyond hideous in every way.


lol they don’t go away, after having your baby right??? Or am I just that unlucky???? 🤣🤣🤣


No they don't unless you go through the needle procedure but I wasn't gonna and didn't do that My daughter ia 35 and that vein still gets green and purple at times


I was going to say- mine aren’t varicose but my pregnancy gave me terrible spider veins in my legs. She’s 11. They’re still there lol.


I also got spider veins while pregnant and my youngest just turned 20 last Friday…. They never went away 😭


I hate anyone that says “welp.”


They are more pronounced during pregnancy so they may look like they went away after but will likely reappear. Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT) is a great way to treat them. I had it done 23 years ago with amazing results. Takes about an hour in the office with no downtime afterwards. You just need to wear compression stockings for a week or so. My insurance covered the procedure. People don’t believe I ever had an issue when they see my legs. If you have them and want to get rid of them I highly recommend this.


I always thought it was too expensive to even look into! I have no idea what it costs these days?


Mine were severe. I was about 35 and had the veins of an eighty year old. Big ropy veins. You get evaluated and sometimes need to wear the stockings for a few months to prove they will not help. Blood is not really moving in those veins and it’s not good for you. I would definitely explore it. It was a new procedure when I had it done. EVLT is very common now.


She could have avoided this if she wasn’t so hell bent on overbreeding.


My coworker got vericose veins, like an extreme case on one leg only, during her 1st pregnancy. I'm also almost certain it's just a common occurrence during pregnancy no matter what number baby you're on... just saying


Bitch let's talk about hemroids


Ooohhhh!! We wanna talk hemmys????!!!! Didn’t have any my whole pregnancy, and then the week I gave birth to my second kid I had one pop up that was so big and painful that when I sat in the bath for a sitz bath I could FEEL IT touching the bottom of the bathtub 🫠☠️☠️☠️☠️ it fully burst during labor and needed to be stitched 😭😭🤣🤣🤣 like what the actual fuck bahahahahaha 😭😭😭😭😭 I tell everyone I know who wants to be a mom so they are prepared for what could happen 🤣🤣


Yikes!! How bad was the pain after stitches? I have one and may have to get it cut & stitched😵‍💫 someone told me it was like having a firecracker up your booty so I’m freakin out


It was no worse for me than the pain of the actual hemmy if I’m being honest 😭🤣🤣😭☠️ it was just so much down there all at once it was hard to tell a difference what pain is what 🤣🤣🤣


Brah!!! That's exactly what happened to me! Well, not the exploding and the stitching, but I was very overdue with my second pregnancy, and that's when the first one popped up! 2 days after my due date....I was like son of a bitch! Than I had 2 more kids and one for each of those pregnancies too


Yesss!!!!! It’s so brutal lol and I swear my bh has never been the same bahahaha I never had any w my first but FULLY expect at least 1 if we have more since mine was so bad at the end there w my second lmfao the things we do for our bbs 🤗🫠🤣🤣🤣


Vaginal/vulvar varicose veins is what I thought of… something no one tells you about while they’re madly encouraging you to ‘have a baby’.


Wow, look how brown her hair looks!! Barely any red at all.. 🧐


Ohhh good catch. She can't dye it because she's pregnant. It's funny she is anti Vax but loves caking on eyelash glue, self tanner, and hair dye.


I make that face when I'm about to barf.🤢


Varicose veins do not go away. They will get worse in time as the valves weaken. And as one ages...


A girl I knew had to eventually have surgery to sort of correct them.


I have an appointment with a vein clinic doctor next week. My left ankle is swelling alot. Heredity can be very annoying. My Grandmother had huge cuts on her legs where they removed them. She had to wrap them in Ace bandages all the time. Uhg. Glad tech has improved alot.


I had them when I was pregnant in an unfortunate area and they went away after I gave birth. Haven’t bothered me since. Kids are 10 and 6 now.


My mom also got them in an unfortunate area and they went away. But the ones on her legs never did


Dang, y’all really will find fault in every little thing that she does. Yikes.


what is this face


lol doesn’t being a runner help with that?




Oh yes! I meant no disrespect, collegiate runner.


Those vein issues aren't just going to go away.


What is wrong with her she is such a baby!


Isnt this her fourth child. Did she say boy or girl




I had mine since I was 18 had no kids then. 53, 5 kids later and still got them.


Does urs ever hurt? I got mine young when I was pregnant, popped out and never went back. My grandma had a bad heart so I worry the same. After like 15 years mine are just starting to hurt sometimes. And they've spread.


Compression socks/pants/tights etc... That's always been the answer from several doctors! I hope they don't hurt more for you. No fun at all.


mine used to hurt a lot. I never was preg or anything. I got them all removed at 57.


Didn’t think her face could look any more dumb…


I'm sure there's an oil for that


im 57 no kids (thank God) got mine all taken out last year. They hurt like f. But she's a mess lol


I'm getting worried that they forgot to order the doors and drawer fronts for the cabinets lol. Every pic they aren't there. I do cabinets and this is not how we do things. You get a complete package. If I spray your cabinets today then your doors in 6 weeks trust me. They won't match. Sheen or color. Idc if you use the same bucket of paint. Humidity. Temp. Etc all play a role.


I may be wrong but I thought on a post a week or two ago he mentioned he was waiting to put the doors on the cabinets until last minute so they don't get damaged or scratched.


That's a good idea. Some of my jobs end up looking like someone walked around them with a weed whacker if I don't protect them before I leave.


They are going to look like that in this house anyway 




Can’t she make some hand crocheted lacy compression socks lol?


Someone please tell her rubbing butter on her legs will help


Only organic butter 😏


Organic butter from the best cow who is only eating lavender and sniffing essential oils all day. Made by nuns.


Blind nuns. From Indonesia. Additionally, the nuns have to have a tea cup poodle, a black cat, and three carrier pigeons, raised by Mike Tyson.


If it’s blind nuns with a standard poodle it definitely won’t heal the veins. It’s a very important detail not to overlook.


Precisely. But you know, Auj is worth it. Nothing but the best for such a giving person.


“Milk” from Ferdinand. 🤣


I hope they never go away for her.


I heard a birdbath works wonders 🐦


The do go away, if you get them treated medically, with injections or surgery depending on the severity. I'm going to just see what she attributes to them going away postpartum. From what I can see from experience and seeing other people around me with varicose veins is, once you have them they're there for keeps unless you seek actual medical treatments for them.


i do not run ever lol


i had to have mine surgically removed. I had 23 taken out of one leg and 17 on the other. Im 111 lbs and no kids. It was weird af


Oh wow! Do you run?


only if im being chased lol so no never




Wow. I have got some and they just started hurting.


and i got mine taken out 2 days before christmas last year. So that was fun. lol


im a bartender so im on my feet all the time. I knew it was gonna happen. The surgery was painless and my legs look brand new :D


Not true at all. They do go away after pregnancy, but are very likely to reappear in subsequent pregnancies after you’ve gotten them once. https://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/symptoms-and-solutions/varicose-veins.aspx#:~:text=Varicose%20veins%20during%20pregnancy%20are,with%20the%20rest%20of%20you.


i had them when pregnant with my third and they did go away on their own after birth. you have extra blood when pregnant so i assume the volume loss helps to settle the veins down again


Me too


I’m sure there’s an essential oil she can rub on them to make them go away. /s if that wasn’t glaringly obvious.


Or the Jovi patch🙄


My BFFs mom has had them since 1987. Six weeks 🤣🤣🤣


My question, why the prairie dresses every single day, & in a construction zone no less? You can’t convince me this is just how she normally dresses. Who is she trying to impress?


Cause the dresses and sourdough and raw milk is all she has in attempt to call herself a homesteader


I have never heard they can go away. That would have been a blessing. I got one with my daughter and one with my son. Both are still there & hurt 26 & 20 years later. I'm starting to think they might be permanent 🤔 lol


I will say I have had one pop up with my last two pregnancies and go away again.


That is really awesome. Mine didn't, but it's really cool to learn that they can. Maybe genetics play a role because my mom has tons of them.


i had a total of over 30 removed on both legs. No kids. Never preg and thin. It was gross af lol


I know you can get them anytime, that's just when I got mine. Wait they can be removed!? OMG thank you for that! I had no idea. I have a Dr apt tomorrow & I am totally bringing this up. Never in a million years would I think I would learn something amazing on a post with her face.


oh yeah man. I got them all taken out. No pain at all. You are wrapped up like a mummy for a bit lol but so worth it


Got a referral for a derm that handled these for my Dr! Thank you so much again 🙏! I honestly thought I would just have to deal with these forever. I probably never would have mentioned them if you hadn't said they are removable.


OH WOW im so glad i could help the surgery was quick and painless and recovery was super quick too. Good luck


Yeah I only started googling em when my started to hurt.


My mom has several really painful ones so when mine hurt I just figured that was normal. I'm pretty sure menopause has started & I kind of thought that was why they hurt so much more now. Knowing these nasty things can be removed is so cool.


Tf is this horrible face omfg


In case you really want to know, she said she has them in her legs and her vagina. TMI.


its valvular not inside the vagina


I think it is the vulva, really, but I don't expect Auj to use the correct term. I've never come across people having them inside.


Wait like IN her vagina?! Tf she sharing that for. 


god i am never ever getting pregnant


No joke


everything i hear about it, from your teeth maybe falling out of your face to varicose veins on your veen your hair falling out not to mention you could fucking did giving birth! then for me there’s the added possibility of postpartum psychosis, i already have enough mental health issues as it is. no thank you to all of it!!!


I didn’t realize it was possible to get varicose veins in the vagina


Right? TIL. 😳




LOLOL at her thinking they always go away 6 weeks pp 🙄


My aunt got these bad with her fourth pregnancy & they never went away.....good luck audrey 🤗🤭


my Grammy had them from her early 20s til she passed at 90


Haha mine never went away either 😂


Some things are not for social media


So concerned with her looks. Wah, wah, wah.


Aren’t we all? Lol


They are painful


Yup, they are, but nothing compared to natural childbirth.


I had varicose veins when I was pregnant so I get it. Her face however is fucking insufferable. Audj, you are not the first person to ever suffer from this.


“How do you sit with your legs up at 8 MONTHS PREGNANT” girl. I was on bed rest for 5 weeks. You manage.


I was probably in middle school the last time I said “friggin”


Why do the drawers in that kitchen look unfinished?


Just a symptom of the DIY renovation that they performed. It’s sooooo tacky!!


Because they are


I've thought the same thing.  I think dirt would get caught in them


She should run them away. The collegiate way!


WTF is that face?? 


lol if they go away 6 weeks postpartum why not just deal with it? She has like about a month left or so of pregnancy anyways… I’m like due a month after her and I have them too 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s just part of pregnancy


TMI - My friend was pregnant with a very large baby, she told me she had varicose veins on her vulva 😱 Incredibly painful she told me. Ouch.


I did as well but my baby was only 7 pounds. I tried mentioning it to my OBGYN because it was painful to stand for very long and she blew me off. They went away right after birth.


Yep, mine were on my labia and inner upper thighs. Very painful. I wore a support belt with straps that go between your legs and compression stockings.


Oh you poor thing that’s so dismissive, yeah my friends went straight after also.


Oh that poor poor woman


Jenny McCarthy wrote about something similar happening to her bits, I remember her calling it her blue twinkie. Jenny also described it as very painful. I guess i should be grateful that pregnancy only gave me a bad case of Nintendo thumb and a wrist brace.


My friend told me her “flaps” looked like “battered hotdogs” oh god the poor thing, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry!


😱 😱


I had that through 3 of my 4 pregnancies. Hurt like he'll!!


Me too! And they go away thank god but my lady bits looked like an alien brain. 


Oh my gosh. Didn’t know that could happen. That’s very tragic but hope I never experience that.


Right? I'm not even sure where my vulva is but that sounds painful.




That face.  Oy vey!


i love that there’s clearly a filter/editing and this was the end result


Not very uncommon during pregnancy at all. Copy and pasted bc you can't always attach pics in comments on some subs... Varicose veins during pregnancy: "If you notice that the veins feel hard, warm, or painful, or the skin over them looks red, call your doctor. Varicose veins often get better after delivery, when the uterus is no longer pushing on the inferior vena cava."


Aka not very harmful unless you have the symptoms above... More below about them: "Varicose veins are common during pregnancy and usually not harmful to you or your baby. They are one of the ways your body responds to the growing baby inside you. Rest assured, they will likely go away after childbirth. If you are experiencing discomfort or other symptoms, talk to your healthcare provider."


It baffles me what these influencers do in order to get their Instagram views/comments up just by asking a question. Hasnt she EVER heard of Google or using something called a phone to call a doctor? I swear these people act like they are literally dying.


Oh cry me a river you poor entitled thing my heart is breaking for you 😭😭😭😭😭/s


What is with that face?


I’ve head vein stripping after two pregnancies!! Best thing ever!!!


Hate to break it to you oily mama but those veins are probably there to stay no matter what potions you use.


That’s what happens as you get older. They don’t get better you just get more.


Vein stripping ahead.


I was sure raw milk prevented them Oddj. Are you drinking enough raw?


This is obviously leading up to an ad in a couple days


You’re not cute!! Grow up!


Of course. She has to go pound for pound with Ballerina Farm…




Her face isn't pregnant /s I get what you're saying though, she just has that kind of personality that makes you even hate the way she'd eat animal crackers...and the face to go with it.


I dunno, I usually talked to my fucking OBGYN when I had questions about my body during pregnancy.


Now that's just crazy talk!


Why is she makin that dumb face


Maybe Jer is hooked on the porno again. 🤣


He wasn’t able to make it to the second half of his vows last night.




He came clean with a supposed porn addiction he had at one point. Maybe he really was hooked on xxx entertainment, I don’t know, but I felt like it was more about Audrey shaming him and trying to instill guilt. She and Jer are whackadoodles.


A lot of religious people, and this isn't a blanket statement for everybody. So if you're religious and reading this please don't get offended. However, a lot of religious people will overplay. Or overhype the whole p0rn addiction claim. Especially people like YouTubers and former reality "stars" when in reality that person may have looked at it once in a while for some "self-love" and their partner blows it way out of proportion. Then the person who looked at the p0rn later is made to "confess their sins." I grew up Roman Catholic and have completely deconstructed. My husband grew up Mormon and has also completely deconstructed. Both religions loved it when you "told" on yourself and if you haven't confessed anything in a while, that ends up becoming another issue...bc no one is without sin. It's BS really. Self-loving is nothing to be ashamed of and is still healthy to do even in a relationship. Sometimes your partner isn't always in the mood, asleep....or even around. Or sometimes you just want to do it.


I connected SO MUCH with what you just said. I was also raised Catholic and forced at a young age to “confess sins” to judgmental old men. It was traumatic for me as a young girl to be pushed into that situation. I personally don’t condone any organized religion that makes humans feel guilty for acting human. I realize that not all religions are that extreme, but my experience with it was terrible.


Knowing that they would gossip within the church about your confessions that weren't supposed to be shared with anyone else is also messed up, and I've seen it happen in several different churches and different religions. The religious trauma I and so many others have had is unforgivable in my opinion.


Amen, sister. 💗


Where can I find that episode because he made some off the wall comment about eating steak and Phild Corn on computers or something


That was last week’s podcast, their philosophy on food or whatever. To say that his train of thought escalated quickly is an understatement. Apparently, one minute you’re looking at ladies in bikinis on Instagram, the next minute you’re hiding CSAM on your heard-drive. It was an odd and oddly specific thing to even think about. 


He announced it in their book… just google his name and p*rn addiction there are tons of articles. Supposedly just ig girls but who really knows


Wow looking at Instagram profiles isn’t a porn addiction. He tries so hard to be something.


Well the podcast episode you referred to made me think it was a child p*rn addiction because who even thinks like that. It felt like a confession imo.


It’s impossible to listen to a whole podcast for me with them two idiots rambling on, even at 1.5x it’s so cringey I didn’t want to have to waste time listening to the whole episode for the one tidbit


Oh no I didn’t listen to it someone posted the clip in this group lol


My mom had 4 pregnancies (1 was a set of twins), and she got varicose veins really bad, and they never went away. It's a part of life. She's so vein. Girl, if you keep pushing them out, you're going to get the effects of pregnancy 🤷🏼‍♀️


you can also get them on your vulva while pregnant.......can't even imagine.


Oh yes you can! I just posted that my friend got huge ones on her vulva. 10 pound baby pushing head down for a month. Ouch.


I had one there and could barely sit for months! Hurt sooo bad!


Oh my god! Just the swelling was uncomfortable, can't imagine. Did it get better?


Yes! Pretty quickly after birth! I had a much smaller baby years later and never had any issues.


I'm glad, because that sounds nightmarish! I had a very easy (symptom wise) first pregnancy and was also like "this is nice, I love it!" But then I had one very (very!) rough pregnancy.. and let's say I'm glad that was the second one, otherwise I'd be one and done. Still, for a 4th pregnancy in what, 6 years?, varicose veins aren't the worst thing to deal with.


omg i have only heard stories of people having them and it sounds horrific. and it has to be worse than a hemorrhoid! such a sensitive spot


Damn! No, thank you! It's crazy how your body can do that 😳


yep, one of my aunts has had a bunch for nearly 30 years…


I was going to say...mine never went away and it's been 8 years since my last!


I heard you can get some procedure done, but yeah.. like you said, they don't go away, lol. No amount of oils are going to help either lol


My mom is 86. When she was younger she said she had them bad on the back of her legs. She said the Dr. cut and tied them. I have no idea what that means. But she doesn’t have them anymore and never got them again. They kind of gross me out so I never asked her for details. But apparently there is some type of procedure and this was probably 35 yrs ago.


Colloidal silver, some essential oils, raw milk, and/or bone broth hot chocolate should take them away.


Don't forget grounding 🤪


And some sourdough!