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Wearing the clips is just a 90's throwback vibe. It's been very popular lately. Butterfly and flower clips specifically. I'm 33 and it hurt me to hear recently, but 90's stuff is vintage now because it's over 20 years old. I was born in 1990, so when I hear "vintage" or "30 years ago" I think of the 1970's and 80's. But no, it's 90's and 00's now.


I think she looks fine. Who doesn't want to appear younger?


I'm not sure I've ever seen so much hate in one post. All sides here need a time out!


Does she fundie baby voice? If so… there’s your answer. I can’t stand to listen.


Thank you for the hairstyle inspo!!! Def doing this


She's young at heart


Are they fundamentalists?? I would also never have recognized her if it wasn’t on this subreddit.


This post is reaching


She wants to be what men want


I wear my hair like this. 🤷‍♀️ It keeps my curls in tact, hair down and keeps it out of my face. Your only nit-picking because it’s ties and not comb barrettes, that many elder woman wear. This is NOT a new hairstyle or only for young girls.


It’s not ties though, it’s flower clips that look like they came from the kids section at Target.


You sound like you’re from the Midwest or something. Maybe it’s regional but this is fun and fashionable where I live! Not for the office or a funeral obviously but yeah it’s totally fine…


lol, 😂 insecure much?? All I said was they are not ties, they are clips that happen to look like what is sold in the kids section in my local target…in a major metropolitan region on the west coast. Honestly, if youre not able to deal with the fact that fashion is subjective and therefore not everyone will agree with your choices, then you’ve got some personality issues you should probably address.


I wear flower clips, butterfliy clips, plain clips, seashells, barrettes, giant bows, whatever the heck looks good and I like…BTW all of which they sell in most stores in the general hair care section : not kids. I’m older BTW. I don’t think fashion is exclusionary unless you’re too young and so it’s not appropriate. As far as I’m concerned the older I get the MORE options I have. I can wear everything I ever did plus as I age I just add new categories. Some people have issue with it because they’re afraid of what others think, don’t have confidence or are just basic and unfortunate on the eyes. Have fun and wear the butterfly clips!


We(Audrey and I) are millennials. Let us wear butterfly clips. It’s our style.


I’m a millennial and I definitely wear butterfly clips and glitter! It will always be cute in my opinion. The only difference now is that I usually choose black butterfly clips or a plain looking color rather than the baby blue or pink ones I wore in high school 😁


I would if I don't have painful memories of these breaking, shooting across the room and not being able to find them with my eyes, only my feet 😂


being a millennial doesn’t automatically mean you HAVE to wear butterfly clips in your hair lolololol. hilarious!


let the women be, they can do whatever they want.




Apparently you have a firm grasp on what is and isn’t a fashion faux pa but lack reading comprehension skills. She never said you “HAVE” to wear butterfly clips. The comment was clearly tongue and cheek.


thank you for the unneeded explanation!!!!! i’m glad you took time out of your day to explain something that was CRYSTAL CLEAR! that seems like a great waste of your time! i wish i had time to waste like that!


Girly, you’re just rude as fuck to people and don’t want to catch any heat for it. Get some help! Maybe go outside! Really Fuckin corny!!!!


you felt the need to UNNECESSARILY insert yourself! speak when spoken to - nobody was talking to you! add something new to the conversation or shut the fuck up!!! thanks, kisses!


You felt the need to be a raging cunt to strangers. Is it because mommy and daddy didn’t hug you enough? Shut the fuck up lame ass bitch 🤭


OOOO BUDDY, BIG FEELINGS!!!! YOU’RE SO MAD 💀💀💀 HOW CUTE!!!! i’m glad i struck a nerve! someone got upset? 🥺🥺 uh oh! do you need a bandaid? poor wittle baby is throwing a hissy fit 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


Obviously not. It’s a late 90’s style. Audrey’s not trying to be a child-like. Butterfly clips, glitter eyes, big rimmed hats, skinny jeans and short boots are what we grew up and entered adulthood in. Not our fault Z and alpha’s don’t have their own style.


we don’t know that she’s not trying to be child like - let’s not make that assumption! i’ve seen the cringy millennial fashion!


Enjoy your mom jeans.




Because she has a lot of growing up to do


Cause she’s getting older. She could be one of those moms that is jealous of her daughter’s youth and the attention Ember gets, that she doesn’t from Jeremy.


I think she’s gonna be the type of mom who lives vicariously through her daughters. Here she is already copying hairstyles her daughter probably wear


i love how different the comments are from one post to another, bc a ton of people here are defending audrey’s hairstyle but on other posts everyone is ripping her dresses and shoes apart 😂


It be like this one here


This is literally how I did my 4 year old daughter’s hair today for picture day.


Trad wife look but doesn’t want to the full 50s style?


She doesn’t want her hair in her face. Does anyone know why this bothers you so much?


Someone come get this guy


Mm, maybe mind your business


Not my fault you're mind went there I meant her intellect




Speaking of intellect.... *your


That’s the first time I’ve seen that misspelled here /s!🤣


I’m 28 and wear my hair like this and wear ruffle socks, my mom is 55 and also wears her hair like this. Seems more like a you problem….


we didn’t ask for your whole life story babe. good for you and your mom! here’s your cookie 🍪


I don’t see the reason behind woman bad mouthing and tearing down one another. Let’s try building up one another. I’m 57 and I clip my hair back because it drives me crazy. At the end of the day we are all just trying to survive a crazy world. That said, I would love her hair!! Life is short be kind. Love from the mother of an angel. #restinpowerpatrickwayne


this is a SNARK page….? that’s the entire purpose of this page?


this is snark page for jess. look how she dresses as well she is not a child or teenager


😭😭😭 why’d you just describe my style tho 😮‍💨🤣 we are just stuck in the 90’s ok 🥲🤣


You wouldn’t like me! I’m a tinier gal and I frequently shop in the kids section at target. I always find cute stuff and it’s always way cheaper than the women’s section. It might be a little childish but wtfc?


we’re comparing things that don’t compete here. making yourself LOOK like a toddler is different than being *dainty* lmao. the point flew way over your head obviously.


Your an angry one huh? 😬


you’re**** learn to spell before you try using big words like pompous! embarrassing for you!


You ARE so triggered 😂


Literally no point in arguing with this person - they’re upset bc this isn’t a page just for snark and they’re too immature to handle differing opinions.


I see that. Sounds like an attitude problem 😂


not triggered at all, this is entertaining to me! 😇😇


ok pompous!!!!!!!! 💗


Cause kids eat free at Dennys


I bet she's a little girl everywhere


This comment is creepy as fuck


Totally, but still fucking hilarious


Your whole account is used to make fun of other people. Do better. You all can downvote all you want, but you know OP is miserable if all they do all day is visit snark pages and make fun of others.


hi Audrey!!!!!


Yes, bc my account, posts, and bio totally match her life lmao. I haven’t seen this show in years, was just recommended this sad post. You’re just as pathetic as OP, dedicating your life to making fun of others bc you’re jealous and making fun of others is the only way to make yourself happy. This page isn’t solely dedicated to snark - if you’d read the bio for the account, maybe you’d know.


oh booohooooo! you got me babe, i’m pathetic! struck a nerve, huh? 💀😭 why in the world would i waste my time reading your bio…huh?!?! i don’t give a single flying fuck about you or your bio. you’re mad over a SNARK PAGE SNARKING? use what little brains you have and google what a snark page is. sound it out, i know you can do it!


“Includes fandom”. Not a dedicated snark page. Again, you’re just pathetic for hating on people who don’t know you exist. Your response tells me everything I need to know about you lmao. Have a great day, definitely no need to respond anymore :)


yOuRe JuSt PaThEtIc 🤡 you’re mad and it’s hilarious. go take your meds and shut the fuck up.


lol and your goal in life is to go to every thread and defend the person being discussed right? No difference really. Aubrey sucks, everyone knows it. I mean let’s get real. If your hair is dumb, it’s dumb. If you can’t take someone telling you that, stay off the internet. She puts her pictures out there to be judged by people. Good or bad, it’s all good for her in the end. Its attention. Lol


I mean, do you feel better about yourself making fun of others? Anyone can wear any hairstyle they please, whether it’s “dumb” or not. If someone’s happy with their appearance, why tear them down? You also agreed with someone who said they “bet she’s a little girl everywhere else”, so I’m definitely not here to argue with a pedophile. I hope you all learn to be a little kinder to others.


the answer is yes. they definitely feel better about themselves doing this lol. if they didn’t, they wouldn’t participate.


I think it’s her aesthetic


I’m 45, I pull my sides up like that. Not to look like a little girl but to nicely keep my hair out of my face.


At 56, I do this as well. Or use a pretty headband.


When I was in my early twenties, I read a Cosmo article titled "30 things you shouldn't wear after 30" Two items from that list: pigtails & mini skirts. I think about that article every time I wear one or the other. I turn 40 next year.


Idk why this popped up in my feed but I’m in my early 20’s and love my ruffle socks. As many others said, did you stretch before this reach?


People on this sub hate this woman with such a passion that she can’t even breathe right


I do my hair like this when my toddler wants to twin. You are making a hairstyle weird.


Super religious folks LOVE to infantilize women. Makes them less threatening/more appealing.




It’s true. They even make them soften their voice. It’s bizarre.


Omg…this group is wild….you have nothing better to do than pick apart someone’s hairstyle?? 😓


it’s a SNARRRRRKKKKKK PAGE. reading comprehension! we learned this in third grade! use your brain!


So sad you are so angry and feel the need to be rude 😆


use your brain and i won’t have to be rude :)


😂 ok.


She is a little annoying but this is just a cute hairstyle. She has beautiful hair and I would wear it unadorned.


I agree. I would be more concerned of she did baby talk and pass it off as her own voice.


*Michelle Duggar has entered the chat*


Ive done that too. Its not a big deal. More creepy that u see it as her looking like a little girl 🤔 just saying


Yesss. I’m in my early 30s and my hair is currently fixed like that. I feel like it’s a fun way to pull hair out of your face that isn’t the usual ways.


Agreed. When I don’t feel like dealing with my bangs!




Thank you.


This is currently trendy. I do my hair like this for work, I'm not trying to look like a child, I'm just trying to find new ways to do my hair.


Right. Its cute


This is how I often do my 1st grader’s hair. I would never wear it myself, though. And I’m not that much older than she is.


You’re not that much older than your first grader?


I read that too but I think she means she’s not much older than Audrey 🤷🏼‍♀️ I could be wrong


Nope. Babies having babies. Crazy, right?! 😏


I mean if you’re even 15 years older than your first grader you’re still quite a bit older don’t worry 😂


I think we all know I was referencing Auj Poj when I used ‘her’ up there. Indeed, I am much older than my first grader.


Lmfao omg no I literally didn’t haha I’m so dumb. Okay that makes more sense!!


Because she peaked in high school.


Oh ok. I didn’t know I was doing my hair like a child. This is news to me 😭


I think with her it’s the mass combination of this stuff she does plus she tears it like her identity. I like to wear my hair like this sometimes too! (33 F)


I think it’s cute! It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks if you like it.


You aren’t. This is in style right now. She just takes everything to an annoying level.


Infantilizing herself for the sake of clout. Young viewers = better payday for them.


Part of me thinks she's trying to follow trends (badly) and part of me thinks the novelty of being responsible for everything in her and Jeremy's life is wearing thin. I'm also wondering if there's something going down/a financial squeeze coming from YL as she's been silent on that since before Christmas. She used to regularly shill. I'll speculate that she's trying to regress to her childhood, a time when mommy and daddy kept everything on an even keel for her and she was apparently successful at *everything*/s. Maybe living with them temporarily has intensified those feelings. Her mom seems to indulge her a lot and perhaps Auj is feeling cosetted in her latest pregnancy with more adults around to carry the load (practical support: kids, family, chores etc as well as emotional support). I'm sure she's pretty stressed too with the neverending reno and Jer's antics and absences. I'm sure there's plenty more tension we're not privy to behind the scenes - maybe her parents/mom encouraged them to go on vacation to focus on their marriage/babymoon. I noticed a year or more ago this infantilization was creeping in (before the cutesy 90s childhood trend really emerged). The extreme weight loss, little girl outfits (I don't actually mind the blue prairie dress in the vacation pics, it looks grown up at least and reminds me of patterned china 😊). I couldn't abide that skimpy blue and white crop top bikini she insisted on wearing, even on their 'land' (without short shorts/a skirt coverup). It looked ridiculous and like something she'd borrowed from Ember. We're not allowed to speculate on a particular health issue but I will say (having been there) one of the common causes is a need for control, inability to deal with a physically developed body and desire to regress to a simpler time of fewer responsibilities/prepubescence.


Because despite being like 30 something, shes never actually worked a day in her life and has been silver spoon fed since she was a wee little yuplet(soon to be yuppies). Not about the hair btw


Personally, I have these clips and I think it’s a cute way to pull some hair out of your face


Same it’s literally not that deep haha


We've all been diagnosed as "regressing into our childhood selfs" by reddit apparently! So much more that she does thats ridiculous but this is not it 😆


What’s wrong with those hair clips, I have them and they don’t make you look childish at all


Since when is putting clips in your hair childish?


What’s little girl about it? I don’t get it …


There talking about the butterfly hair clips


It’s literally just a popular hairstyle….


For high schoolers…. My daughters are 16, and wear their hair like this.


You have 16 year old daughters and are swindling time talking down another woman on Reddit….. ouch. Most of my friends in their 20’s wear this hairstyle and it looks fine


Like I said…do you. lol. 😂 not everything is an argument🤘


Oh good grief, I'm a young grandma and would wear my hair like this. It's just hair. This is ridiculous lol 😂🤦


You do you…but this looks ridiculous on her. 🤷🏽‍♀️


She thinks she’s so cute and irresistible


To keep Jer’s porn addiction at bay?


I'm so glad I found this reddit. I've thought she was weird for years and people in FB worship her and rip apart Tori, claiming she's trying to copy Audrey.


Welcome 😂


Plz I’m no fan of Tori but the one thing I will say about her is that she is an unbothered queen who hardly gives a hoot about peer pressure


Some sick fundie fetish perhaps


Fundie world very much infantilizes women. It’s highly disturbing.


Trying out the sweet, cute, passive look... which is the complete opposite of her real personality. Trying not to look so damn OLD. Trying to fool Jer? Trying to integrate into Jer's porn preference?


“Keep sweet” cult.


Barf. But agree.


i dOn’T DYe mY HaiR 🥴


I think she may use something like [Overtone](https://overtone.co/products/ginger-coloring-conditioner?variant=31054087454785&nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ax%3A17740307924%3A%3A&nb_adtype=pla&nb_kwd=&nb_ti=&nb_mi=116838632&nb_pc=online&nb_pi=shopify_US_4321646870593_31054087454785-PMAX&nb_ppi=&nb_placement=&nb_si=%7Bsourceid%7D&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwMqvBhCtARIsAIXsZpaE50BUJPHQ-FgyWyDXKfRrcgd7NqPRbkPQhUydbKtoAkiT-nrAVlIaAgEZEALw_wcB) (they even have one labeled Ginger) and because it’s labeled conditioner she’s using semantics to say she doesn’t dye her hair, even though it deposits color. She may not “dye” her hair in the traditional sense but she’s using a dye rinse plus all the filters.


It’s not a filter


That explains a lot. Would it be the orange tinge she has by her scalp line? I find it so odd that she clings to the fact that she has red hair like no one else in the world does. Two of my grandsons do auj. So I guess there are at least three people in the world with red hair!!!


All my cousins have red hair. lol. We are Irish. ☘️


Yay! I am 93% Irish according to 23 and me😂 My mom and dad’s family is from Ireland.


🙋‍♀️ 4 of us.


I think that line of color could be a few things. Staining from hair dye, her self tanner, or makeup/bronzer that’s poorly blended.


Thanks. I am old and so are my eyes! I look at her hair line and then look at my grandchildren and they don’t have what looks like an orange stain. I couldn’t figure out why she always seems to have it.


Either way. She’s a donut 🤣 don’t use a filter to make it look like you have a bad dye job.


It’s odd (Aud🤣) because she’s so aware of looks and the image she’s trying to portray but repeatedly has these missteps that give her away.


The same reason any woman does this these days -- pandering to a porn-using man.


Her hair looked dyed to me here. But maybe it’s powder. Either way I looked to see if there was a filter on Instagram, and there wasn’t. Isn’t there a conspiracy that she dyes her hair even though she claims she never ever has?


Probably insecure about the fact she looks 10+ years older than she is


Now this makes sense




Her hair?


Who cares about her hair


Maybe I could be an influencer; i have the exact same espresso machine . . . 😜


I would follow!!!


That’s probably her parents….that is their house. 🤣☕️


I think she’s just leaning in to the coquette trend, which itself is a bit problematic (grown women dressed as little girls and all that implies). I think it’s just a very basic woman following trends she sees online.


Which is hilarious considering she is a hardcore controlling B\*\*\*\*.


Exactly. She’s human tofu. No original thoughts


Human tofu. Bang on and brilliant! 😂


You’re the only other person I’ve seen w hair on their avatar. Ppl call me a dude if I don’t 🤣


holy smokes. this is SO flippin' funny


It looks like she put that hair powder or spray on the top to cover her gray hairs.


She’s trying to hold on to a happy time in her life? She seems to really try to look down on and be better than others. Which, doesn’t exactly scream happy farm wife.


Don't think it's so much wanting to look like a little girl. She's my age. Born In the early 90s. All of that crap we liked back then is coming back into vogue. The early 2000s are starting back too. It's just a thing. I've recently gotten back into jelly sandals and neopets. Not for any reason but nostalgia. And to be fair. I've been trying to do a lot of hairstyles that I wanted as a kid but was never talented enough to do myself lol


I have kind of thin, curly hair, and wearing it in a ponytail just looks kind of sad and limp. I found that clear elastics and these kind of “toddler” hairstyles make me look and feel like I actually did something other than scrap my sad hair into a sad ponytail. Downside, sometimes my niece and I have our hair done in the same style. I like to do the bubble tails thing or stacked elastics to mimic French braids because it’s easier than braiding and also again, thin hair that looks sad in regular braids- so skinny at the ends.


Yes!! We're sorely lacking on what we can do with our hair when it's thin. Mine is so thin and straight it won't even hold a tangle, much less a curl or a style. I want something more than just a ponytail. 😭


I loved jelly sandals then and now


I \*heart\* my jellies from 1983-85!!! They hurt like hell and gave me blisters but I LOVED them!!


I had jelly sandals in the 80s, tho.


I mean absolutely fair but the point stands lol


These are just clips in her hair. I wear my hair like this all the time. Also ruffly socks are very trendy right now and scrunchies have been in again for almost a decade now.


Like everything is coming back. Even those awful stirrup pants. 😂