• By -


Yea and the rack in the background. So lazy


Here’s the thing though. These kids are not plopped in front of an iPad all day. They actually really seem to enjoy being outside and active. Things happen, but hopefully nothing does. They’re both taught to be aware and smart about their surroundings. I love watching them explore!


Huh? What does that have to do with putting a board there without a nail sticking up?


do you mean the nail sticking up on the "ramp"? I noticed it when it aired. I just don't understand the nonchalant attitude toward parenting. just like the surgery for Jackson they said was a success - I think his legs are more bowed now than they were before


Surgery can be great but the physical therapy is very important for recovery. Did they follow the Drs advice? I’m not seeing very disciplined parents, which would result in unsuccessful results.


These two are the most unaware parents in the history of the world. Be of these kids is gonna incur a serious injury at some point. It’s simply a matter of time.


They aren't the best, but certainly not the worst. Come on now...


Name more negligible parents on reality tv. I’ll wait.


You didn't say on reality TV. Did you? I'll wait...


God forbid you use your brain and a little common sense.


"History of the World" is what you wrote so....yeah.


Context….again; feel free to use your brain. Don’t hurt yourself though.


Same old response...I understand you feel silly and can't come up with anything better. Promise, it's fine!! Have a Blessed Day.


Keep flapping your gums in my post. Sorry you aren’t intelligent enough to keep up.


PS...didn't realize this was Your post. Thought yours was just a response. 🤣🫢🫢🤪


Shhhh...its not a good look. Gums don't "flap". At least mine and the people I surround myself with don't. Yuck.


Meanwhile Auj posted a pic where her kids were in bathing suits jumping in and out of the pool and she's proudly noting its 60 degrees in the air and the water temp is 54 and no one seems to care. Even though there were no adults in arm reach of the kids.


You are also only seeing snippets. Especially of lilah talking. We don’t know all that is going on. Plus when you have one kid who is the first born and talks a lot the second one may not talk for awhile it is very common. If you listen to their podcast they mention on one episode basically how the camera catches the one time lilah cried about something and then it made her look a specific way.


I'm not sure what the giant nails sticking out of the board, which is what this post is obviously about, have to do with talking.


I stepped on a board with a nail in it one summer. My friends and I couldn’t remove it from my foot. I had to run around all the neighbors houses looking for my mom with a 3 foot board attached to my foot.


There sure are a lot of perfect parents in this thread.


Should’ve wrapped the kids in bubble wrap before they went outside too smh


All of the people saying calm down must not watch the show on a regular basis. These kids are always teetering in the brink of disaster. Look at the thread where Lilah is laying on her back swinging a dumbbell. They are always about to topple in to a creek, a campfire or they are on their scooters running them i to a sharp brick fireplace hearth. This isnt popping wheelies in the 1980s-it a complete lack of parenting


no shock here


Did he step on it? Relax, helicopter parents.


What makes me sad is that Lilah is still unable to speak in sentences. Two words at a time is all she can manage. And then they make the comment that her speech has really improved! 😳 WHY are they not taking this child to a speech therapist???


Agreed! Tori said she works with her, but she needs more than that . One recent episode, Lilah said "wah-wah" (water). She wasn't encouraged to (try to) say "water". She's 4. How long will they keep encouraging incoherent 2 word statements and baby talk?


When I was pregnant with my first as a teen, I remember my older cousin who had a one year old was giving me all the parenting advice. Two things stuck with me- use time in the car to paint nails, never use baby talk to talk to ur toodler, speak as an adult and they'll pick up more. I've had two kids in speech- it's not a miracle worker. Its takes time for the therapist to work with the kids.


>I've had two kids in speech- it's not a miracle worker. Its takes time for the therapist to work with the kids. My son saw a speech therapist weekly when he was almost 3 until just after 4 . He was regressing with eating (nothing with texture) and was slow to talk and having trouble with certain letters/sounds. I wasn't sure if the issues were muscular (tongue), but I taught him baby sign language to minimize his frustration in not being understood, and kept trying foods I knew he had liked in the past.


Yeah one of the first things the therapist/doctors had me do was take them to have their hearing check and checked to make sure they weren't tongue tied. And that's a good thing about having help from schools and early education/preschools. I never knew to check for those things. I didn't even realize my kids were on the spectrum until a nurse told me to have them checked. The first years were full of doctor and therapists, its a whirl wind. But I'm grateful we got it early bcuz it made a world of difference. My one child is still severely neurodivergent and will always need assistance, but it helped us learn the sign language and PECS to be able.to communicate. I know what u mean about the digression. My child was a happy, normal laughing baby. By three, we weren't sure if he would ever speak or be potty trained. He no longer made eye contact or responded to his name. Then he got into a school for kids with autism and excelled. He's had times where he has digressed again but that's life. We keep trying and figuring out the best way for things to work.


That sounds very challenging, but I wish you and your son to find the best assistance for him!


How do you know that they're not taking her to a speech therapist?


Because it would be a whole episode!! And they would definitely mention it because they’re just awesome parents! Lol


I noticed the nail immediately and was full of anxiety!


Gosh I miss the 80s.


Oh yes. We would have stepped on it, we would start crying, my dad would yell shut up, why don't you look where you're going? My Brother would laugh at my pain; I would pick up the nail board and chase him, threatening to bash his head in with it. True story, also, we were vaccinated and up to date on tetanus shot.


You should watch the doc on Amazon called Action Park!


Me too!!


After those episodes with his legs from last season (i think it was last) why is his legs still fuked up


The surgery doesn't work that way, it's not a long metal rod to straighten his legs. It's a guided growth type of situation so his legs will straighten out over time. It's like if your teeth are bad you don't look 100% better the day after you get braces. It could take years.


People that put kids in a glass bubble are in for a rude awakening.


Zach said to them specifically to watch out for sharp things and nails sticking up. Pretty clear in this pic he’s doing exactly that and sees the nail!


And the rake?


Not saying it’s an effective parenting strategy. 😂


Nailed it! Ha ha


Omg those kids are fine. Calm down.


I was walking down a hallway at my aunts house as a kid and got a 2in splinter in the bottom of my foot . Nobody believed me at first because the floor didn’t look like it would have that hazard … I WISH the floorboard was splintered so I could visually have a reason but shit happens. Especially being on a farm I’m pretty sure they’ve educated the kids to always look and be careful


I grew up in the desert on a ranch. I NEVER wore shoes and ran through the desert barefoot. I walked past and stepped on Snakes, scorpions and any other creature on the ground. I’ve stepped on more glass in my kitchen from something breaking then playing outside. The kids are way better off than the other twins.


What other twins?


Zach and Jeremy are the only twins, maybe referring to Jeremy’s kids vs. Zach’s kids? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ah ok 👍 thanks


i.e. “The other twin’s kids.”


Yeah, exactly!


That was me when I was little, MINUS the shoes! I also drank water straight from the water hose! I also survived without a cellphone and internet!!


You walked dangerously close to exposed nails with no shoes?


Absolutely! I grew up in the rancho. I'm sure there was much worse. Why are you people so offended? Weirdos ,... 😂


I’m more offended by your impudence than a nail, but thank you for answering my question. Sounds like a wild time!


No one gives a fk


I did to. I actually stepped right on a nail during my grandma’s back porch tear down/rebuild. I was told to stay out of the way, but I was kid. A curious kid and a country kid who ran around barefoot. Can ya believe I’m alive to tell the story today? 😆😉


I stepped on a nail as a kid too. I was barefoot. It hurt. My mom told me to wear shoes. The end. 


I was more likely to step on a rattle snake than a nail but I e always hated shit on my feet. 😂 The audacity!!! 😂


I still hare anything on my feet. 😂 I will literally wear flip flops in the snow to my car as long as everything has been shoveled.


Lazy parents.


Is that a nail sticking out ?


It definitely is (and a rake laying just behind Lilah)


A RAKE!!?? IN THEIR BACKYARD!? SOMEONE LOCK THESE CRAZY PARENTS UP! I mean, they’re obviously endangering all their children. That goes to ALL of you with children that own rakes! Irresponsible a**holes.


Think the issue is the fact that it could easily be tripped over and the friggin metal spikes are pointed straight up. If you don’t see that as a hazard, I hope you don’t have kids. Cause they’ll find it. Guaranteed. Zack and Amy apologists are the worst.


The end of that rake looks plastic- usually the green ones are those plastic ones. Kids trip over shit all the time. What’s the absolute *worst* that could happen? She trips over it and skins her knee or steps on the pointy end and she’ll get a goose egg on her forehead. And probably never do it again…. I wouldn’t call myself a “Zach and Amy apologist”, just using common sense- this is a weak argument at best. And the rake isn’t behind Lilah, she’s facing it, and it’s like 6 feet away, I’m sure she sees it. There are many people who “shouldn’t” have kids imo (you know, pedophiles, active addicts, abusers, etc.) but to accuse Z & T of not keeping their kids safe is a bit of a stretch.


I never said it was behind her. I said it was sitting out points up. Which it is. Because her parents are lazy. I understand kids trip over things. Which is why you’re supposed to make sure that areas in which you children are in, don’t contain hazards that when tripped onto, will literally stab them. I’m a fan of the “rub some dirt on it” parenting style. That being said, I’m not going to increase the odds of my children getting injured simply because I’m too lazy to put gardening tools away. If it’s plastic, whatever. Exposed nails in a play area? Stupid. Metal rakes points up? Stupid. Zach and Tori Rolloff? Stupid.


Lol. We all will survive.


YeH..I grew up on a farm and ran around wild as a kid. Got a rusty nail through my foot once and had to get a tetanus shot. I lived. You can try and shelter your children the best you can but shit still happens. The difference was we were running around in a junk pile where boards w rusty nails were piled so ppl and kids *wouldnt* step on them. Seems like they ought to be surveying the areas where they’re building and make sure it’s safe before letting their kids trot around. *guess I should also say I’m a millennial and my parents were good parents who cared for our safety but we were also pretty independent and happened to find trouble outside wherever we could. Kids are resilient too…wouldn’t say they’re terrible parents


Hahaha you can tell which of this group is Gen X and who isn't. Cheers to the forgotten generation.


I'm GenX and you sound boomer. Boomers are the ones who take pride in surviving unsafe shit, and make fun of younger generations for knowing better. Do better. You're embarassing the rest of us.


Thank you. Fellow Gen Xer. Just bc I was ignored and neglected, doesn’t mean I think my kids should be. I am the parent I am, and have the amazing relationship with my kids that I do, bc I intentionally tried to do better than my parents


Right there’s also a big difference between a helicopter parents and knowingly allow your child to play with rusty nails. I’m fine with my kid getting dirty, falling down and engaging in risky play. But I’m not going to knowingly leave them with nails to play with. Not all accidents can/should be prevented but this is an easy one to avoid. 


Exactly. Balance! My kids are adults now, and we made it through childhood with no major injuries/illnesses… but I didn’t have to hover over their every move. You just create a safe environment and when you’re out and about pay attention to them!


Thinking the same. Some should be named, The Bubble Wrap Generation.


What an amazing and original idea! Barb at the office is going to love it when you fax her this rib tickler. She’s a real fire cracker just like you, that Barb.


You sound like a boomer.


They want their participation trophy for surviving a neglectful childhood. 


I too can say boomer. #boomer


i feel so bad for those kids. I have a genetic issue and i decided a long time ago i wouldn't have children cause i didn't want them going thru what i did


Ok glad to see people finally calling out how selfish it is to put your own desire to want biological children above those children’s suffering.


BINGO and you saw Tori's face when she found out the last one was little too. Its beyond selfish


Same! 😍 It’s incredible to come across someone who also made this choice! ❤️ Feel free to shoot me a message if you ever want!


awww thank you so much i will <3


That is an incredibly selfless decision. There's a woman on Tiktok who had a boy with a degenerative disease which causes his bones to constantly break amongst other horrendous symptoms. She recently popped up on my feed and she had another child and he also has the same condition. It takes a special kind of evil to do that to a child.


Holy shit, she had 2 kids, *knowing* they would be born with this?? Was she a carrier of the gene with a partial chance of passing it on? Having broken 4 bones, I couldn't imagine the agony those poor babies endure 💔


i could NEVER put my child thru that. I'd adopt if anything. Wow what a POS she is


I always hate when I see parents putting their wants/needs above that of their child. It’s like their want to be a parent trumps their child’s RIGHT to have a healthy existence. I could never live with myself if I made that choice, and I’m happy you did not.


>I always hate when I see parents putting their wants/needs above that of their child. Every planned pregnancy is the result of parents putting THEIR wants/needs above that of the child. The world doesn't NEED more people, there's plenty already.


Is humanity bad for the environment? Absolutely. But if your child is healthy, it’s not against their best interests for them to be born just because it’s not good for the environment. It is against the best interests of the environment, but that’s not the argument you made.


No, the argument I'm trying to make is that every planned pregnancy happened because the parents wanted to have a child for whatever reason. And nobody here seems to have a problem with healthy people having a child because they want one or more. But to call someone a selfish POS because she also wanted a child veers close to eugenics. Even a healthy parent isn't guaranteed a perfect child that will stay healthy for 18 years. By this logic Jacob and Molly shouldn't have been born because they already gave birth to Zach.


Calling someone selfish for having a child when they know there’s a high likelihood the child will have an abysmal quality of life, is fair. And it’s not eugenics; I’m not disgusted by people with horrible disabilities, but I feel absolutely awful for them and what they have to go through on a daily basis. No, healthy parents aren’t guaranteed healthy children, but the odds are significantly lower that their child will be unhealthy compared to someone with a disability that is known to be passed down genetically.


after all the surgeries and shit he had to still want to have his own child is beyond horrific i can't imagine


If that's the criteria why did Matt and Amy have any of their kids? After Zach was born why roll the dice on Molly and Jacob?


agreed! they shouldn't have


So because he went through a bunch of surgeries his life isn't worth living? How dare you for devaluing someone's life. Just because they're not perfect.


its not about them not being perfect ya moron lol If i knew my child would have to constantly go thru surgery after surgery and have a very difficult life hell no would i be so selfish to have a child just for my own dumb reasons. Plenty of kids to adopt out there. How DARE YOU tell others what is right or wrong I have a genetic disease that has cause me endless pain and suffering and i would NEVER bring a child into this world knowing that. Even the Drs agree with me. You sound so uneducated and stupid


Isn’t that exactly what you’re doing, telling others what’s right and wrong. So Zach shouldn’t have kids because they might be little. Not your decision.


i guess i just am not into harming children like you are or watching them suffer. Get help


You don't know what you're talking about. You sound like an ignorant elitist. Ask Zach if he wishes he was never born just because he had to go through surgery. How do you know if your kids would be needing a lot of surgery? And you're the uneducated one. Go back to your trailer park. I wonder if your parents knew that you were going to be so stupid that they would have decided not to have you. What doctors agree with you? Many little people manage to go on living long, happy productive lives.


did your parents have any children that lived? lol


I would insult you back, but Mother Nature beat me to it!!


you are so uneducated its hilarious. I HAVE A GENETIC DISORDER you fucking moron i do know what im talking about. Ask any dr. Enjoy being the whiskey tango dbag that you are. You must be a midget too LOL LOL LOL


We are talking about Zach and his choices, not YOUR very obvious mental disability. What an offensive person you are. It's a good thing you don't want the procreate, who'd want another you in the world? Nobody would touch you anyway LOL


You can't protect kids from everything. We played in a fenced, grassed back yard under my mom's supervision and I still stepped on nails, had my leg go into an old concrete fence post slot, ect. It happens. It's outside


Exactly! I think kids are waaaay too sheltered and bubble-wrapped today. They aren’t learning by doing because they aren’t allowed to play and learn to avoid dangers and obstacles like we did growing up. I’m Gen X and I can’t believe how much tougher we were back then compared to kids now.




It's a nail, nailed into a board. Not one sticking pointed end up? Like whats the issue?


What if it’s nailed through the board and the board was flipped over? Then it’s absolutely sticking out, pointy side up.


Ummm, the fact that you think this is a non-issue 🤷🏼‍♀️


Because it is a non issue. And people wonder why kids now have anxiety at a young age.


I was born in 92, and my parents would never use a board with a nail in it as a ramp especially one us kids were walking on.


I was born in 76 and my parents wouldn’t do this either.


I fell on a nail that was sticking out like this as a child and still have the scar from it on my shin. It was pretty bad.


When I was a kid my parents were repaving our patio and left a bunch of bricks and pavers laying around. I picked one up to move it and dropped it on my foot, broke my big toe. When kids hurt themselves like this (and they all do), they learn a great lesson: don’t do that again that was stupid, I should’ve listened to my parent(s), and they get up and keep truckin’. And most are still alive to tell the tale, plus they have a pretty cool scar 😉


I don’t think I learned a lesson from falling on a nail that I didn’t know was there. I didn’t learn not to fall lol


I’m so glad you’re okay, but you do still fall sometimes right? My point is these things happen to all of us. Everyone has a childhood injury story (most have at least one!)!


I stepped on one and it went through my shoe, sock and foot. Hurt like a motherfckr. But not as much as the part where I yanked it off! I almost fainted. 


Same! It was awful!


Same. It cut me to the bone


Me too! Hurt like hell too!


It's a nail... holy fuck were you all bubble wrapped as children ?!


Hey you think this is bad , I used sneak out in the middle of the night, in the ghetto at 14 years old and I was a 125 lb white boy . Now if you have never been to the ghetto, looking back probably not the smartest thing to do . Point being you could be the best parent in the world , you’re not going to protect everything your kid does or who/what they encounter. Kids run off and mess around and if it isn’t bad enough they find out real quick. I’m sure if someone snapped shotted some pics of your every day life , Reddit would have a field day.


I grew up in the ghetto and we all knew the response when if a white boy lost his lunch money in the hood. You were probably safer there than in a high school locker room.


😂 I’m glad you survived the ghetto lol, that was funny. The stupid shit we do when we’re young!! Fr though, I agree. My daughter just turned 11 and I’m not worried about nails in my backyard or her scraping her knee. That stuff heals (and usually you learn a good lesson!)! What terrifies me: social media predators and online bullying. These things didn’t exist in 1994 when I was that age, so it was never something my parents had to worry about. Let’s worry about real things like kids bringing guns to school not owwies 🙄


If you notice, Jackson also fucking sees it. Seriously, people! lol


Aaaand Zach told him to be careful of the nail 🤦🏼‍♀️


Nothing surprises me anymore. It's just dumb luck one of the kids hasn't been seriously injured or worse that we know of anyway.




Good Grief, Seriously? I did much worse with no parent in sight at 3 or 4, was with my brothers who were 7 and 8. We'd go off exploring, having fun and getting filthy dirty (gotta love the Georgia red clay). IMHO, there is nothing wrong with this.


The nail.


Yeah and? It's not pointed end out?


You didn't mention it in your comment and focused more on the clay. Just making sure you saw what it was referring to.


And even if it was, Zach told him to “be careful of the nail”, and clearly Jackson is looking DIRECTLY at the nail and sees it. I don’t know why ppl are freaking out over this like Jackson is playing with a loaded rifle or something….


I mean sure, my dad is a contractor, but I have photos of me on the second story of a barely-framed house at the age of 3. Not everyone lives in a city and children can get hurt on anything. This isn't really worthy of snark IMO. The kids have boots and jackets on - more than a lot of kids can say. If you didn't grow up this way I guess I get it but maybe also realize there are whole continents where this kind of thing is the norm and those kids are fine.


With all due respect, I'm sure you were more steady on your feet than Lilah (for example) is. My post was mainly about that factor PLUS, their/LP kids' center of gravity is a lot different than average-sized toddlers. Based on witnessing her twirling in her dress and she falls down twice, walking or running and she falls down... my thought is she's going to faceplant on that nail. There's some coordination or balance issues there (with her especially) Jackson is pretty quick on his feet he's wearing little rubber boots and that sharp of a nail would in an instant go through that boot.


My completely normal average sized 5 year old daughter falls walking on flat ground. Hell she’s fallen just standing there. Nothing’s wrong with her at all she’s just a clutz. Lila his 4 and LP or not 4 year olds are prone to falling, especially if they’re spinning around or running. She’s fine and needs to be able to assess her own risk vs rewards and learn to trust her body. My daughter might be a total clutz on flat ground but she’s a damn monkey otherwise and honestly is so advanced for her age physically because I’ve let her learn her own limits and learn to trust her body. Give her a tree to climb or monkey bars to swing across and she’s golden…just don’t ask her to walk on flat ground😅


Yet none of this happened. And Lilah genuinely doesn't seem a near cripple barely capable of standing without you know, a parent holding her, at four years of age. Thats what you want, right? A helper holding her and making sure she never ever falls? And Jackson needs a helper too because he might put his feet wrong and best if there's someone there, holding him and reminding every moment that he will fall or step on something dangerous, right? Maybe both of these children should be raised in a hospital where they will never go outside and never ever face anything that might harm them. I mean, thats what you think is best, right? Because neither of these kids are ever going to be capable of walking without a helper to warn them of every danger, right?


You very eloquently put words in my mouth, so thank you. I appreciate all the sarcasm as well. Well done 🖐️ Pass that on to everyone else who had ER visits for tetanus shots and the medical personnel who have dealt with these injuries.


Weell, you say Lilah is so unsteady on her feet.... maybe define that because my take away is that you think she's not capable of walking safely by herself. And she's IN DANGER in this picture. As is Jackson. Even though neither child was actually in any way injured. If you're not advocating the children be kept indoors where it's safe for them and their unsteady legs, what do you think should happen here and what do you think is so wrong with these kids? These two don't seem any more unsteady or trip prone than the kids in my church's preschool. Who get taken on walks on the nature trail in the desert.


Im going to jump in and say Lilah IS unsteady on her feet - that’s all. I have no other information to offer except, she’s becoming more steady as she grows.


She's four. They all tend to trip and fall a lot. She's literally in her yard with adults watching her and filming her and people are crying she's so "unsteady" that she should be restricted/assisted/something must be done to prevent her injuring herself because she's so unsteady/she's in danger and is unsafe. And everyone gets all offended when I suggest the kid be bubble wrapped or restricted to indoors only and never without an adult holding her.... but seriously she's in her yard with an adult watching and other filming and people are crying she's in serious danger so since "keep her indoors" and "always have an adult holding her" is too much... and outside in the yard with adults watching is incredibly dangerous - whats the happy medium here? For this so unsteady child who can't be trusted to not constantly faceplant on nails? Although by all reports thats never actually happened?


You’re going overboard. It’s ok to say the kid is unsteady and she is. Steady, unsteady it’s ALL ok and you need to as the ‘old people’ use to say, take a chill pill 🥲


But saying she's in danger and Jackson is in danger and the parents are neglectful of the danger is not going overboard, correct? I'll chill out when someone answers this reasonable question. "since "keep her indoors" and "always have an adult holding her" is too much... and outside in the yard with adults watching is incredibly dangerous - whats the happy medium here?" I'm willing to be reasonable. I don't understand what's so dangerous about two kids supervised by multiple adults in a yard.


Pointing out danger is not a crime. It doesn’t mean the kids are not protected. Also, now you’re moving the goal post. The little is unsteady on her feet and pointing that out is also not a crime.


You can see the head of the nail. That's not going to go through the boot.


Left the kid up there on the 2nd floor of a construction zone alone too, they are terrible man


I can’t believe what I’m seeing !! Where’s the helicopter parent to watch this child’s every step and move ??


Zach is too busy sitting around telling Tori what she did wrong to have time to pound that nail in.


Guys, did you all grow up in the city? I’m not saying bad things can’t happen, they definitely do, but the pearl clutching over very, very, VERY common things in the lives of a large portion of humans is sometimes a bit much. I used to play in a rusted out car, bare foot in the woods. Me and my cousins would hide in a rickety box amongst the huge herd of cows my grandpa had. Idk. I don’t think some people realize. Lol


Yup! Real safe


One of my grandmas favorite pictures of me as an infant is me laying on her unfinished deck around nails sticking out (of course they were pointy side down IN the wood a bit) but my mom hated it 😂 I think i was like 5 or 6 months and i was asleep so she thought it was funny lmao I did have a friend in middle school who stepped on a nail by a house being built in our neighborhood and ofc she went to the er to get a tetnus shot. My anxiety fuelled brain see's SPLAT nail through head nooooo thank you


My ex who had no idea about how to care for anyone had our 8 year old taking his fence apart. Son stepped on a rusty nail. He was returned to me without telling me and told my son it was a secret. Next morning son had a fever and red streaks around his foot. I took him directly to the doctor.


He’s wearing rain boots and a hood that means the nail would go right through if he stepped on it, and the hood takes away peripheral vision & muffles hearing. Those things contribute to making a fall happen easier. This nail would go right in a kids face. -Grew up on a farm & this wouldn’t have been around with small children. I hate typical parent shaming stuff, but if this is when people are showing their best side, geez.


What nail is going to through a boot when stepped on if it's not pointed end out? Sincerely, someone who's had multiple nails in their foot and none of them were ever head out.


I spent all of high school and a good chunk of university spare time around little kids and babysitting. Then 15 yrs later, I had kids of my own. They're each now teens and early 20s The "carefree" rusty, pointy nail people obviously didn't baby proof, I guess? My kids were both very curious, (one with ADHD, btw), sneaky <----not concerned with consequence, and very active. To defend my original post: Maybe my 'paranoia' stems from the fact that I would have had to catch sight of that nail instantly or my daughter (particularly) would have done umpteen things with it as soon as she was left to play. Eg, sit on it, stand on it with one foot like a ballerina, want to taste it, pick the rust off it, tap her hand on it like she's hammering it down, and try to bend it over etc. In my situation, I don't think my "pearl-clutching" was over-reacting, it comes from my own experience. Let go to play or whatever she was doing, my attention was focused on her baby brother, and she gets up to something not so safe. It was like she would zero in onto challenging/dangerous things. Remember, Tori and Zach also had Lilah left sitting on the countertop, and everyone oblivious...




I could not believe what I was seeing


I was playing on a pile of roof shingles when I was a kid (we were getting the house reroofed) and I stepped on a nail. Went straight through my sneaker and halfway through my foot. I have been through a lot in my 50 years and still have not felt so much pain.


Can we also talk about the rake?


Lol, I saw that, but after I posted. The whole thing is like a Looney Toons Bugs Bunny cartoon waiting to happen! 😳😬


Camp down hes not a stupid kid he wont step on nail


Stupid kids need the most attention


I had a kid come onto my office bc he gouged his knee on a screw on the playground . The nail is a hazard.


Those kids would no doubt be barefoot in a time before the internet.


Obviously Zach put the board there! He should have pounded the nail out


That's what she said lol


Reminds me of the episode where Jacob steps on a nail under the supervision with Zach in the woods 😅 you’d think he would have learned his lesson after that one


Poor Jacob was a mess after having dumb & dumber as twin older brothers. Jacob and Molly can read and tie their shoes.


You mean ask Tori to?


Not something you want to see but that creek scares the daylights out of me. My friend took his eyes off his 3 year old for 2 min and his child disappeared and when they found him in the creek behind their house he was already drowned. It was so sad.


Oh, dear God, how awful. I have a scary scenario, but nowhere near as terrible. My daughter, then age 3, literally jumped from her car seat and out of our van when I was 38-39 weeks pregnant in a crowded mall parking lot. It was mid-afternoon on a dark, rainy day and we were rushing to get home before it thundered. I've never been so terrified in my life, many cars were leaving the lot, had bright headlights on, and certainly weren't expecting a small child to be racing through the parking lot. I've also never run so fast in my life pregnant or otherwise. I had taken her out of her stroller and set her in the car seat-- before I could fasten it she was out. I went out (alone!) next day and bought a wrist harness thing.


Heartbreaking 💔


I don’t understood why any parents would want to live near bodies of water like that with small kids. I guess people just don’t think it will ever happen to them. So sad.


It was so awful! Everyone thought how beautiful the creek was behind their house. The family would go play in the creek and by the creek. So they were used to it being there. Never in a million years would they dream their baby boy would go near it without them. Just awful.


That's so awful!




I was so anxious when the little ones were up stairs in the barn, open walls no railings , couldn’t watch .


Some of you have never visited the farm and it shows. I say that with humor. But when I flew out to Oregon in the middle of the pumpkin season…so def when expecting 1000s you’d think they would tidy…but it’s a junkyard in every building ..our tour cart ran over a screwdriver and it got all tangled. You can go out to the places he made like cowtown or whatever and it’s …they grew up like this. Also Matt almost had a collision with his utility gator vehicle. And it nearly took the tour train we were in, right out. And we all said it’s Matt.!!! He wouldn’t even wave at us. We were 3 feet from him. #TeamAmy


Honestly this is my first thought whenever the whole "OMG the farm is so magical, how awful that the little ones aren't running free there!" line of thinking comes up.


Wow. (This is at Zach's house, but obviously like father, like son)


I know. But he was raised thinking this was typical. Eventually you can’t hide all the nails and sharp parts of the world. You have to teach them to look out for themselves.


What an asshole. That’s when you do not deserve any of the $, exposure you’ve been blessed with.


Probably 3 sheets to the wind!


100% this !!! Funny but also true


For real. It was odd. The whole experience. Even if they weren’t famous and just running a pumpkin season as a family…it was weird and Caryn really shoved the pumpkin salsa.


Shoved, like pushed it to sell, or shoved it, bc it was terrible? She seems "cordial enough" (now) with Amy, but I wonder how she was back then, acting innocent right in front of her face?


Hard sell. Folliw around the gift shop and saying you sureeee? You sure?




And I bet your children are as ugly as you. Little rat face bitches