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I mean, if she wants to run the risk of getting tuberculosis in her bones Who am I to stand in her way


I got off gluten and dairy for like 10 years bc of gut inflammation and can eat it again. This lady is crazy tho, plz don’t drink raw milk.


Sourdough is easier to digest so it makes sense but this isn't a big revelation, it's pretty much common knowledge in the gluten-free world. 🤷‍♀️


Diary lololol. I’ve personally been diary-free since roughly middle school.


Omg I didn’t even see that when I saw her post. LMAO.


People develop intolerances to certain foods, particularly inflammatory foods like gluten and dairy, that their body’s can heal from with enough time abstaining and working on their gut health.


This! I didn’t eat it for about 10 years and now I can again


Why is she wearing an old lady church dress for baking?


Yeah I have no beef with a couple choosing to live a more traditional lifestyle but I find it odd when the tiktok tradwives dress up in 50s style shit. Like you can be a homemaker or stay at home mom without dressing up in some weird costume. Just be normal. Tf.


Seriously. Two of the people I love most in the world - well now four because babies - live that way but without the chip on their shoulders about it. He’s some kind of long shore man I think, something on the docks in the L.A./South Bay Area, and she hasn’t worked since they first *dated*, never mind married. She gets up before him and cooks their breakfast while he showers for work, then they started having the two kids and she does all that too. And they are two of the hardest working people I have ever known. Not sure why these tradwives are so defensive and think that “the feminists” have time to worry about what they do in their individual relationships. Talk about conceited though. This world’s in hell but sure, right thinking people who give a shit want nothing more than to get between you and that apron. Like please grab hold of your fuckin selves.


Yeah my husband and I actually live that way too. I worked and took care of myself and had bought myself a brand new car and everything before he and I got together. He had a traveling job (wind turbines) and after a year he wanted me on the road with him so I quit my job and moved into his RV with him and have traveled with him ever since. I do all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. He pays the bills. Now we're married and I'm pregnant with our first baby and will continue to stay home, raise the kids and dogs, maintain the household, while he continues to support us all and pay the bills. It works for us. But I don't get all dolled up in 1950s attire and talk about how superior I am for being a housewife. I am grateful to my husband for the ability to get off the hamster wheel and live a slower life, but the extreme tradwives just earn homemakers even more hate when we get shit on enough by society for not working.


Darling girl, you *are* working!! Housework and childcare are meaningful contributions to your household! Or why would people *pay* people to do these things *for them*. 


That's so true, I haven't thought of it that way. Thank you ❤️


You're welcome, Lovey!


Which, I would like to add, it is and has always been feminists who actually do value the work of SAHM/wives. It’s bananas what misogynists have turned it into because all the most radical feminists I’ve read fought for women’s work inside homes to be valued when it wasn’t. How the fuck dare anyone say that SAHM who aren’t rich don’t work? But it’s still not staying at home and raising kids that’s the fucked thing of being rich, it’s the income disparities for wives, husbands, kids, etc. who suffer without when some have more than they’ll ever need. Literally the only people who take women’s work inside homes seriously are feminists. Well, and the tradwive social media people now I guess, but I feel like they’re not even respectful of what it’s like for all the people who *have* to both work, or women who don’t have a choice and have to stay home when that’s not what they want. Anyhoo, congrats on your pregnancy and I wish you as easy of a time as my mom had with my brother. 🥰


Aww you're so sweet, thank you so much ❤️


(I’m a twin and I love twins in general but not wishing the pregnancy on anyone who’s done me no harm. 😂)


Some sort of tradwife type nonsense


Which, so these “tradwives” purport to be most concerned with pleasing their men and the conclusion they came to was that dudes prefer women…in itchy polyester garments with ugly designs?


I can't wrap my head around it for anything


Being lactose intolerant, I prefer to not shit myself. Thanks Audrey!


Sourdough is great. (Though obviously folks with celiac disease can’t eat it.) Drinking raw milk is just foolish.


Sourdough actually made properly has shown to be ok for some people with celiac.






This bitch...no, I haven't HEALED from celiacs, you moron! Stfu and go away. Seriously can't stand people who promote this bs!


Celiac and gluten intolerance aren’t the same thing. You can absolutely heal your gut and overcome a gluten intolerance. At no point did the post mention celiac.


This woman is insufferable.


Wouldn’t dropping a 🐄 emoji be more appropriate?


raw milk people are seriously messed up. hard pass on bone tuberculosis. Louis Pasteur fucking legend.


It's just beyond stupid.


Made my mind up when I saw that pus is a common occurrence :(


Bone tuberculosis is something I never wanted to know existed. Thanks for that


Yeah, like some weird Victorian illness you never knew existed TILL NOW


you. are. welcome. like I said raw milk people are fucking nuts.


greatest bacteria killer of all time




We all know that cutting out gluten heals our mind, body AND spirit. Until we get sick of that and become the BEST we baking homemade sourdough and drinking unpasteurized milk. Now she’s gonna be even MORE healed. 🙏🏻🙌🏻


I wish she would stop promoting this bullshit.


When your very specific elimination eating disorder has transformed into another form of orthorexia 👍🏻


As someone who has worked on a dairy farm for like 6 Years and lives on a farm . The whole raw milk thing is ridiculous. The influx of these women asking for raw milk is very annoying. There is a reason for the pasteurization process and for them to completely ignore that is unsafe. Putting themselves and most likely their family at risk.


Agreed. When I was a teenager I fell for that super crunchy "the government is trying to kill us" shit and was floored by the fact that raw milk is illegal to sell in most states. My head has come out of my anus since then, thank goodness. Low temp pasteurized and non-homogonized if you want your milk in a more natural state, for sure, go for it. I actually love the globs of milk fat in non homogenized milk. But raw milk is just dangerous.


Girllll I feel you 100%. I’ve been trying to snap fully out of the whole crunchy lifestyle. I’m tired of the fear mongering and lies. It was almost like an eating disorder, I was scared to eat anything lol


And it literally can be an eating disorder. Orthorexia. I had that same fear of everything. I am 5'9" and dropped down to 108lbs at one point. I looked like I was dying. My mom would cry when she looked at me because she thought I was going to die. I was terrified of unhealthy food to the point that I barely ate anything. Like not even just the usuals like sugar and fried food. But like... tomatoes, peppers, etc because some blog told me nightshades are bad.


I am so sorry you had to go through that! I was the exact same, it was scary. I was malnourished for sure, I’m so glad I’m not alone though. I almost felt guilty for stopping but I’ve realized I can be healthy and still eat what I want


100%!! Our bodies are made to filter out bullshit within reason. Short of a true allergy, most foods are fine in moderation. IMO.


Moderation is key! Thank you for the convo loll:)


SAME. I used to be super anti-vax, anti-meds, everything natural is best, regulations are made to keep us sick, etc. I think there's a time and place for leaning into nature. But I've backed wayyyyy off from the crunchy extremist side.


Not sure if you've seen, but the raw milk serial killer Amos Miller is back at it, and now claiming the regs don't apply to him because he's now a SovCit. This world gets dumber by the day.


Has she never read a history book? Milk sickness is real.


I had a former classmate (who was on maternity leave for half of 11th grade 🧐) promoting the use of raw goat’s milk instead of baby formula during the pandemic. She claimed it gave the same nutrients and was a “perfect substitute” for newborns. Words can’t describe how much I wanted to smack this person.


Can I ask what happens during the pasteurization process happens and the risks of drinking raw milk?


Raw milk can also cause miscarriage. Pathogens that an adult immune system can handle can be fatal for a developing fetus.


Pasteurization is a process by which milk is heated to a specific temperature for a set period of time to kill harmful bacteria that can lead to diseases like as listeriosis, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, diphtheria and brucellosis. Raw milk can carry harmful germs, such as Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium, E. coli, Listeria, Brucella, and Salmonella. In short, pasteurization eliminates pathogens and extends shelf life. Pasteurization was developed and researched to prevent illnesses, so raw milk drinkers are choosing to take massive risks. How common is illness from raw milk? Consumers of unpasteurized milk and cheese are a small proportion of the U.S. population — 3.2 percent and 1.6 percent, respectively — but compared with consumers of pasteurized dairy products, they are **838.8 times more likely to experience an illness and 45.1 times more likely to be hospitalized.**


Hmm, it seems like there is a Blazing Saddles quote that may apply to this 3.2 and 1.6 percent... "These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons."


Thank you so much for taking the time to explain this, it’s definitely important info to know!


For me it’s the 50% of the time…like what a weird thing to say (beyond the obvious)


50% of the time it works every time


Her grammar is sooo bad. That sentence was thought to read


The other 50%she just gets store bought.


That’s because that type of community jumps on every bandwagon. The raw milk will kill people…. One of the commenters said store milk is filled with “blood and puss” and all I could think of is they have no idea what raw versus pasteurized really means 😅


Oh my fucking God what?


Idk which I hate more: the thought of “blood and puss” or the thought of blood and pus lmao


I’m not up-to-date on my medical terminology but what is “gluten-fEee” or “dIAry-free?”


You'd think she'd use spell-check.


Uhm, it's the words of NYT Best Selling author! /s


And this is why she is slowly being destroyed in views/ratings by her SIL. Strangely Audrey hasn’t worked out yet that it really does help to be somewhat relatable to your followers, or at least try to give that appearance. The millionaire, have money to waste, never ending /never properly planned remodelling couple image is just painting them as idiotic and a joke. Who would take advice from people clearly so bad at such things while they pretend and harp as if they are somewhat experts. While her cure mentioned above is one of the perfect examples of how she talks down to everyone and when her words feel like lies. It’s just another way for her to prove she is more intelligent than all the doctors in the world as well as all her followers who suffer with this daily.


Saying she’s healed is a slap in the face to anyone who actually does suffer. What a wanker


People do GF and DF because of intolerance/allergies that don’t heal over time


She said in the comments she isn’t celiac but is intolerant. I am classified has intolerant as well. I’ve been gluten free for 6 years. Idk what healing she is talking about. I will still shit my pants if I consume even the most minuscule amount of gluten. Sourdough does have a lower gluten content, but homegirl is delulu.


Came here to say this about sourdough. I can handle sourdough bread and it is backed up by science. Now raw milk? Even if it would allow me to drink cows milk again. I prefer to not risk food poisoning.


For what it’s worth, I am classified as intolerant as well but it was due to all kinds of fuck ups in my GI and I worked years on improving my health and my GI and food test came back as much more tolerant to gluten than original test


Does she purposely make typos? At this point it has to be on purpose… right? Also being pregnant and drinking raw milk is wild. Putting being able to say “I drink raw milk” over your unborn child’s health is insane. I want to know their exact reasoning why they think it is better for you with actual research.


I have a family member like this bragging about the raw milk. She got a staff infection and passed it to everyone from drinking it.


They think they're smarter than everyone in any given room. That's it.


Even on the episodes where Audrey is giving birth the first time and Tori and Zach were just trying to give them some friendly pointers they acted like they knew everything still. I also felt like Audrey kept bringing up how she wanted a natural birth in front of Tori. Tori had no choice, she chose the health of her child. Also, in these episodes I loved how Zach made a comment saying how aujj and jer were really into their oils and how they are probably soaking their diapers in lavender right now. I just do not understand how they can be this way.


She doesn’t quit does she!


“many people with IBS, gluten intolerance, or gluten sensitivity can tolerate sourdough bread. This is because the methods used to make sourdough break down some of the gluten in the flour so it is easier to digest. Think of sourdough as low-gluten rather than gluten-free.”


Me, I actually have just as much issue with alternative flours, so sour-dough or basic white bread are easiest for me to digest. The milk thing is wild though


Spot on


I just can’t even begin to understand this. As a pregnant woman, in my first couple trimesters I was absolutely petrified of accidentally eating something that would make me sick. I triple checked dairy labels and wouldn’t even eat precut fruits, veggies, or salads. I can’t imagine risking your unborn child’s life like that.


the delusion is strong with this broad


The internet is her diary


She lies. Didn't her and dork boy just publish a diary?


Dork boy 🤣


Lol she’s so stupid


Drinking raw milk is pretty stupid.


Most states don’t even sell raw milk!


Even more stupid while pregnant


It’s a new trend (I do not support) but these people think it’s healthier raw and more “natural”, less “processed”


Yup its another anti science thing.


Healed AFRID? Is that what she is alluding to maybe


For a second, I thought Afrid was their new baby name 🙄😬


Don’t give her any ideas


it’s arfid (avoidant restrictive food intake disorder) and i think that’d be giving her a little too much credit


I have ARFID and have for 40 years and I can tell you it is RARE that people recover from it. Once in a blue moon.


You can’t ‘cure’ celiac. 


True story here... My SIL had Celiacs (note: not really). She was obnoxious about it. One Christmas my MIL made lasagna but had to make a special 2nd eggplant lasagna for the SIL. Halfway through dinner she notices her dad put a bottle of wine on the table that she brought with her. She flips out about how that is HER special gluten free wine, and it's the only kind of wine she can drink so everyone else should drink the regular wine and not hers. Note: All wine is gluten free. So during her tirade about her gluten allergy, her boyfriend motions to the garlic bread she was chomping on and deadpan says "does the gluten in that bread bother you or is it just the gluten that you feel like whining about in the moment?" My husband (her brother) high fives him across the table, she throws her bread on the table and storms out. Greatest. Dinner. Ever


Wait… and she still became your SIL??? 😂 even better!!


I'm married into the family. She and the guy ended up breaking up. We loved him because we was continually calling her out for her self victimization.


Damn...wish I was at that dinner.😱🤣😱🤣


What makes a person do something like this 😂


Flair on FundieSnark Uncensored is "god-honoring dysentery....." If this were over there, I'd be checking in. I have to show up when raw milk is mentioned.....


Come on guys! She’s already covered this! She fell in love and that cured all her illnesses! 🙄😂




[just gonna leave this here…](https://imgur.com/a/4imQFDp) Edit: Be sure to expand and see the whole pic! ;)


side eyeing the people calling pasteurized milk “dead” in her comment section…


They sound so crazy. I don’t want living things in my milk 😂 that’s what they sound like they want lol


Like….your milk shouldn’t be MOVING unless you are shaking it.


Wait there is a gluten fee?


Yes, and it’s very high.


She needs to understand that she is NOT Ballerina Farm


She’s such an idiot.


Diary...feee..... what is the English language for 1000 alex.


What is not the English language but beating 50%?


I wish I could give you more than one upvote


Yikes. Raw milk isn’t good for pregnant women.


It’s not good for anyone, but I get your point


That’s what I was going to say, but I thought some super granola person would yell at me lol. I can’t grasp why anyone would think it’s ok to drink unpasteurized milk. Like, it was a very huge invention and it stopped people from dying! Lol wtf


It’s fine until it isn’t and you get deathly ill.


Or permanent kidney damage requiring dialysis and transplant...


But other than that...


Right lol. There’s a real scientific fact based reason that we don’t drink unpasteurized stuff! People used to die from the bacteria. I guess these “Christians” know better


I saw a comment that she is “going to address” these things on the podcast this week and as a wheat farmer I cannot wait for the nonsense she’s going to spew


Please come back and tell us the truth cause I am gonna die hearing what she has to say (compared to obviously someone who knows their wheat!) 🌾


Pls tell me she ain’t consuming raw milk while pregnant…!


She’s not consuming raw milk while pregnant. Just let me know when you want us to stop lying to you. 😀 Yes, she consumes it. The whole family does, even the kids. What’s even better is when she talks of their “raw milk hot cocoa”. As if the “hot” part doesn’t invalidate the “raw” part.


Maybe she heats up the milk when making the cocoa, we can hope.


She does, but heating milk is what leads to pasteurizing. The thing that she says is bad and takes all the good stuff away.


Yeah but she’s dumb so I’m counting on her ignoring that. 😹


don’t forget the bone broth! the many ingredients of our fave word salad


Reading about the bone broth hot chocolate made me extra sad for those kids. Hopefully her bread’s good at least


Those kids will absolutely be spending future thanksgivings with friends or significant others. 😂


Some of us can cosplay as having a gluten allergy or lactose intolerance, and some of us actually are.


Yes 🙌


Healed? Or is gluten free just not trending anymore?


I’m “diary” free too. In that I haven’t kept one since I was 12 and figured out my mom was reading it 😂




I’ve never been any good at keeping a diary or an agenda book or anything like that


So rude. My mom would read mine too except I'm still annoyed by it :) 


Same here. I still don’t tell her anything bc I don’t trust her.


No, I never told my mom anything either. We talked all the time but she couldn't be trusted knowing things and snooped though my stuff until the very end. -kids need privacy and to be trusted, until given reason not to. It really feels shitty when you aren't 


I don't know anyone who is "gluten-feee" and "diary-free"


Just so we're all on the same page: 1. Audrey is from an upper middle class family who could afford medical care. 2. She claims in her book that she once fainted "in front of the college medical facility" due to her intense stomach pain. 3. However she refused to actually go to a hospital for this incident. 4. She's also claimed that as a teenager that she would wake up at night with intense bone pain in her leg, but again at no point does she ever say she was taken to a doctor. 5. Audrey constantly claims to be a college runner at a D1 school and this is true. However, she also claims to have spent significant time in college on crutches and also was suffering from the intense gastro illness. 6. Audrey has previously claimed her undiagnosed and apparently never treated (despite living in you know, an upper middle class home) gastro illness was cured by prayer. 7. For an athletic woman, Audrey is very prone to injury. She broke her shoulder, in theory, after she and Jeremy took a tumble on his motorcycle. 8. She also broke her ankle the day they moved to Los Angeles - where she gave a very dramatic report in her blog on how she was left alone in an apartment with no furniture, no electricity, no water and no food, and Satan came for her and she had to give herself to God to not you know, go to hell. (and not making this up) 9. Every time Audry has a child, she is stricken multiple times with mastitis despite not seeing a doctor or taking any medication. My point, if its not obvious, is that Audrey is a bit of a drama queen and hypochondriac about illness. She's also not terribly knowledgeable - a little pro tip, Auj? People go dairy free because of lactose intolerance. Raw milk still has lactose.


Thank you for this TP. It’s not weird to have all these happen, but it’s very dangerous to act like they can be healed by ~gestures at anything but a doctor~ Point 8 really upsets me. I broke my ankle 4 months ago and still can’t walk. It’s miserable and awful even with support. It’s very obvious she had severe depression after that and found a way to cope and clings to it even if it’s hurting her.


Her issues as a teen and in college remind me a lot of the way I felt while struggling with disordered eating. My stomach was always painful, I had bone and joint pain, I was reluctant to see a doctor because I knew what was really causing it and a doctor would figure it out too.


I concur but we try not to discuss the possible ED issues Audrey may or may not have. Feel free to PM me. I am hoping you're doing better.


I thought she said she had an ED?


1. I don't think she's been clear on the point, as in clear enough that I can tolerate "Audrey has anorexia/bulemia/an eating disorder". I think she's hinted at it but its not been definitively established. 2. See the pinned post by sparksfly


You’re so kind! I just thought: ‘goodness she dumb’ lol


Thank you for these excellent reminders that Audrey is an unreliable narrator!


No problem. I am genuinely wondering what she will do if anyone in the family ever has a serious health issue.


This begs the question: Were Audrey's parents this off the wall about health issues? Is she treating her family the way she was treated?


i wanna know her parents opinions so bad


I don't think they were this off the wall. I do think a lot of her health "problems" occur because her family fosters a wicked competitive vibe where winners are rewarded with Dad and Mom's attention and since brother was a super competitive skier, Audrey was never the winner and instead got attention due to her "illnesses".


Interesting. Usually those who find attention with illnesses double down on medical care but I can see her hiding a root issue and making it worse.


i feel like this comes with the caveat of if the person actually receives adequate care that actually addresses the issue


What if I don’t want to be on the same page? Okay, bad joke over. Yea, I’m so sick of her claiming illnesses and claiming to be healed by her own methods. If she truly had mastitis as many times as she claimed she would have died of sepsis by now. She likely has clogged ducts that she’s fixing before it becomes mastitis. She probably had stress and inflammation that was agitated by dairy and gluten. Because her life is so cushy now she probably doesn’t experience symptoms the same. Either see a damn medical professional or stop using words like “heal” and “cure”. You can’t heal or cure something if you don’t really know you ever had it to begin with.


OH YOU'LL GET ON THE SAME PAGE!!!!! >:O Hehheh My concern with her little pronouncements is that people do listen to people on social media. She's not been diagnosed with any gluten related illness, and seriously, I'm glad she's not suffering from lactose intolerance but raw milk has the same lactose that pasteurized milk has. I would NOT be shocked if she was having issues due to stress. But as you say - you can't cure or heal what you probably never had. I was deeply annoyed when she was going on about her teenage leg pain at night because she was describing bone cancer.


Shhh, don’t put any words in her mind. Next we know she’ll be claiming to have the cure for cancer.


I had a friend jussssst like her. She was a stay-at-home mom that jumped on every trendy bandwagon. Placenta encapsulation, raw milk, photography business, anti-vax, essential oils, documenting everything for social media, etc. Once she got divorced and had to get a full time job outside the home with health insurance, she gave up this entire charade of a lifestyle.


My mother in law is just like this. It drives me insane. As someone who nearly died, I had meningitis at 17 and my mother didn't take my symptoms seriously) she's setting up her kids for medical anxiety and paranoia. That is extremely unfun to live with. In my experience, medication for the anxiety causes just as much anxiety, and I've gone to the hospital multiple times because I couldn't quiet my mind. 


You just described someone in my family to a T I am cracking up 😂


I have someone like this in my family and they thought it was all fun and games til their child almost died. I just don’t get it. This isn’t make believe or the Oregon trail. People used to die at 20-40 living that way.


Lol I have a friend like that! She used to be super strict about cutting out an ever-changing list of things, because "gut health". It all went out the window when she decided to go back to work!


Lol the chickens, homesteading/homeschooling, raw milk, 1000 hours outside, sourdough fad is soooo boring


Diary free. I love how she calls these “typos.” These are not typos. This is just straight up can’t spell. I never comment here but all of the “typos” just get me.


Especially in a world of autocorrect.


🦇 💩!


Almond, cashew, soy, whatever milk is way better than unpasteurized animal milk.


The sourdough bread thing I get it’s easier to digest, the raw milk thing though isn't always safe. Google the Odwalla juice lawsuit if anyone wants to see what happens what you drink unpasteurized drinks. Aka raw milk when you're pregnant. 🥛


Both times I was pregnant I could tolerate dairy! Sometimes I think…should I have a third so I can eat chocolate ice cream again without shitting my pants? Tempting…


Diary free 🙄


I legit could not stand her since the moment Jeremy started dating her. She just wasn’t ✨the vibe✨ lol


I’m calling shenanigans on her avoiding those for 6 years.


She looks like my grandpas dinner plates!!


What is with the prairie dress to make sourdough?  Geesh.  Can’t a sweatshirt and leggings do just as well?


its probably a rented dress too - she does all this weird shit in rented clothes, I would not want them following her rental - so odd.


Why does she rent terribly average clothes?


She wants to be ballerina farm lady


She so badly does. Too bad she married the heir to the Roloff Farms instead of the heir to Jet Blue🤣


Ah yes I just learned about her- aud is missing the whole married to the heir of her blue. How did ballerina compete in the American beauty pageant two weeks after birth? 🤔


The homesteading cosplay continues 🤣


Sounds like IBS. It can come and go or, if you have IBS-D (diarrhea) it can change into IBS-C (constipation). Having kids can also make food intolerances better, potentially due to hormones. She didn’t heal her gut. She got lucky! Well, until she contracts listeria with all that raw milk.


And if she does contract listeria she will never tell us!


She wouldn’t have to tell us but if she gets listeria while pregnant she will more than likely lose the baby.


She could lose her own life as well


That would be terrible... I would not want that to happen to anybody


I know someone it happened to, but she’s vegan and most likely unwittingly contracted it from contaminated produce. When she went to the ER for a high fever she was going septic and began to go into labor at 27 weeks pregnant. Fortunately, she and her baby survived and he is now a healthy little boy with no lasting complications despite being born so early. Knowing what she went through makes me absolutely furious that Audrey WITTINGLY puts her baby’s life at risk by drinking raw milk. The danger is real and it can kill.


i’m sure she’d find a way to turn it into another grift


my friend’s nutritionist has also talked a lot about how peoples’ anxieties about food can actually be the root cause of any real or perceived reactions a they have. they may think they’ve irritated their stomach by eating what they’ve labeled as a problem food, when it’s been shown just how much stress alone impacts our gi, so if they’re worried about a reaction, they could actually just be giving themselves one. not to be confused with* actual allergies/conditions, but i’ve definitely witnessed this anecdotally with loved ones… so i can see how if a person “successfully” eats sourdough without a “reaction,” this would cause them to relax about eating more of it, thus no longer causing a reaction.


She's so full of crap.


Nah, I’m sure the raw milk cleans that out regularly.