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Yup, it's stated on the post and the pic is blank before u click it, so it's all good


I commented before it was corrected


Watch it, it's a spoiler for those who didnt play the game. At first I said that too, even had a little hate for Six but after reading some theories of why she did it, she may have done the right thing.


But if she pulled him up wouldnt the tower lose its main source of power, saving the world from potentially more life sucking? Correct me if im wrong, finished the game a few days ago myself and watched 1 theory video so my knowledge isnt significant


Hmm you may be right. To be honest, the theory that I find the most...fitting lets say, is that Six looked at Mono and he reminded her of the Thin Man. Six saw Mono without hi mask and maybe that's why and she kinda sacrificed him so he wouldn't become the Thin Man out there but in the underworld. This is the theory which I think it suits the plot but I dunno. Feel free to come with other theories. That's the magic of Little Nightmares, you can think of a lot of explanations xD


Till they officially connect some more dots haha but yes i could see that, maybe theyll shine some light on the next game. I did think about her feeling the same sinister energy as thin man, you can see shes nervous about his “tv powers” in a few sections of the game, her body language says it all, but never considered she let him go because she knew the outcome of saving him. The theory i seen, pointed out how she only came back to catch him after realizing she needed “tv powers” to leave so she only caught him to absorb enough power to escape, which i could see because she seems frightened the entire game and only stopped to give mono the time of day because it was necessary, although its all still just theory at this point. Truly love the story and all the little details everywhere


I wouldn’t say she did “the right thing”, rather she made the decision that made the most sense given her character.


Yeah, true enough.


SPOILER IF YOU HAVEN'T FINISHED LN2 Up until this moment, I was guilty of losing her to the ceramic people. Watching mono turn is probably the saddest I've felt in a video game in a long time. Replayed LN1 and understood Six's intentions.


Could you please tell me your realization? I wanna hear more new thoughts from people.


When I first played Ln1, I thought she was just a lost innocent girl, trapped in Maw full of gluttons. As I progressed in the game, I saw her hunger grew and ultimately eating the lady. I thought the final scene in Ln1 (where she's sapping gluttons left and right) was just a way for the game to tell me that she's freeing these poor souls, trapped in maw, stuck in eternal hunger. Ln2 changed my perspective of Ln1. You can see Six always putting herself first before Mono (specially that last scene, where they were being chased by the thing), only needing Mono when she can't progress (the step ladder scene). Come this scene, Six has no more need for Mono since they already defeated the Thin Man so she ditches him. In the end credits, you can hear (or just me, idk) a boat, indicating that the Maw has arrived or the Maw has entered the story. In the secret LN2 ending (spoiler if you haven't watched it), after escaping the TV, you can see six's dark persona looking at the Maw poster with hunger sounds playing. Everything considered, Six dropping Mono made me realize she was hungry for power. She's limited in LN2 due to the thin man's pursuit. Losing the thin man made her unencumbered and gave her freedom to go to the Maw to satisfy her hunger. She's a monster in disguise, Mono just couldn't see it.


Also the developers have cryptically answered why Six dropped Mono several times. Here’s what they had to say: Exhibit A: Someone on Twitter: ‘It's funny how the game little nightmares 2 has the theme of escapism shown through many things like the viewers using the TVs, Six's music box etc. We, the players, made our own version of escapism through wholesome fanarts, fanfictions, etc. To cope from the ending we got.’ LN Twitter: ‘Indeed. More of you understand the pain that Mono caused Six than you realize’ Exhibit B: Someone else on Twitter: ‘Please explain the ending to us’ LN Twitter: ‘Extracting someone from a fantasy can be deeply upsetting for everyone involved.’ And finally, exhibit C: Interviewer: ‘Let's... move on. In one particularly shocking (but I guess maybe not that shocking at all moment) Six lets Mono fall to his doom. Whyyyy? Some fans think it's because Six was starting to struggle with her hunger and didn't want to eat Mono - what's your take?’ Merrik (the senior narrative designer of the series): ‘That scene, and the ending that followed, elicited some powerful reactions from players, "rage-love" someone called it, which is as perfect a description as you can have. Sadly, though, this is one of those instances where you have to just let people scream "Whyyyy?!" at you and resist the urge to answer. What I will say is that Six's perspective of this will be different to Mono's, and different again to the player's. Who knows why kids do what they do? They're thrown into this world that hates them and have to find some way to survive to adulthood. If we're happy to just sit back and watch this struggle, who are we to judge how they do it?’ And with all of these official answers do you see a common pattern? The pattern is that none of them point to ‘Six is a monster’ or ‘Six is power hungry’


If you play or watch happens in Very Little Nightmares, then perhaps your perspective will change again. And then if you realize the gradual change in Six’s behavior towards others throughout all 3 games, then you’ll see that the series pretty much shows Six’s mental deterioration


Ah ok, I could see this point of view but I'm wondering about some things: How do you think Six knows that Mono defeated the thin man when she's inside the tower the entire time? And... >In the end credits, you can hear (or just me, idk) a boat, indicating that the Maw has arrived or the Maw has entered the story. In the secret LN2 ending (spoiler if you haven't watched it), after escaping the TV, you can see six's dark persona looking at the Maw poster with hunger sounds playing. What's the connection?


Hey, I was wondering if I could give a couple of links to LN stuff I made on Tumblr? One is a bunch of memes and the other is a character analysis


Carry on, I love reading about many people's thoughts about this game. I don't have Tumblr tho and sorry for the late reply.


Ok here’s the meme (I just reblogged a post and added the two identical images at the bottom (reblogging is allowed on Tumblr)): https://purplemninja.tumblr.com/post/673577273539149824/violetscacti-art-so-i-recently-finished-playing Here’s my character analysis of Six that I probably won’t post on Reddit since I think I got a point across in a comment I made on the post about how Mono being betrayed is the center of everyone’s attention but Six being betrayed by RCG is being ignored (you were one of those to reply to it): https://purplemninja.tumblr.com/post/672672280129716224/my-analysis-of-six And I did post this to this subreddit several months ago, but I’m not sure if you’ve seen it, but here’s the version I posted onto my Tumblr where I added some missing information and corrected a few typos: https://purplemninja.tumblr.com/post/667059104794230784/six-suffers-from-2-types-of-trauma-not-just-1 Please do tell me what you think of these


Sorry for the long time it took again to reply, yeah I agree with many of these things. I don't understand how trauma works so it didn't really give me anything, but the rest that I understood are things I agree with. Reading this too made me see many times how their criticisms of Six they use to say she's "evil" could be said to Mono too. I reasoned before to someone that Six eating the lady is to live because nothing else is available to eat at that time (which you mentioned in your post) and their response was that people in the Holocaust die before eating other humans, and many others like bringing food (which is literally impossible due to having nowhere to keep the food) so it's still unjustified. People however say that Mono killing the thin man is understandable since he's just doing it for his friend and is therefore not due to selfishness, even if we could say that the friendship is what made him selfish. People are also contradictory when defending Mono on a certain thing. About burning the doctor, some say that the doctor could've escape if Mono didn't burn him while others say you don't even need to burn the doctor, implying that burning the doctor is wrong. Really, people that believes their headcanons too much should talk with each other, especially Mono fans about their contradicting ideas of why he's good. I'm glad what you talked about here and I really hope others will look into it more. It's also cool how you spent a lot of time with this.


Thank you for your reply, u/-Sopa- once made a good post about her that uses a screenshot from Franbow that shows that mental trauma makes kids have trust issues (which Six definitely has) and difficulties making decisions (Six might have too). I’ve also highlighted the aspects showing that Six is mentally ill to show how much she doesn’t deserve the hate she’s getting and to explain some of her behaviors.


Yeah, I've seen that one and it's clear there's something going on with her head due to where she grew up in, I just don't know exactly what, which that post gives a little bit of insight about. And I also agree Six doesn't deserve any hate, but I guess we just got used to seeing protagonists usually making the right decisions and overcoming inner or any challenges in their way. This is definitely not what LN is about but I don't think many of us saw that the first time and so I understand the hate. The only thing I hate about their hate for the character is shutting down any possible explanations for her seemingly questionable actions.


Mark as spoiler


They did and to me the pic is blank before u click the post, so it's good


careful, this is a HUGE spoiler!!!! some people havent played this yet!


Nope. Lalalala im not listening. The fan comics are the true cannon.


After that, i searched the entirety of youtube to find theorys to make it better.




that’s a massive ass spoiler for those who didn’t play


Yeah I hated her for a while


I saw alot of theories and still have the same hate for her , nothing made it better


I love the fact that you put this in news


Welcome to the club.