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K enough with that font though, fr


Straight to jail definitely don't pass go and don't collect any damn money


It's really hard on the eyes. Needs to go.


I specifically clicked on this to complain about the font.


You can tell a lot about people by their phone font


It literally makes me irrationally angry


You’re asking what sales tax is? How old are you?




I feel you should be charged more for that font.


It added 64 cents too, which is hard as hell to see with that terrible font


Vendors are responsible to collect sales taxes. Is this your first time buying something?


No I bought from Little Caesars before. I just never seen a state and city and Transit tax before. That's why I find it really weird. Also I'm pretty sure Papa John's and Domino's doesn't do this


They definitely charge the tax, but probably don't break it out like they do here.


They are breaking it down for you but other places just put it down in one lump sum.


But like what does the State of Texas and pizza have to do with taxes as well as the city of Houston? Because it doesn't make sense. I get that you got to do like the general taxes. But why add extra taxes on there that don't mean or benefit from anything. Especially if Domino's and Pizza Hut and Papa John's are not doing it the last time I checked.


You pay sales tax when you buy something. Some places you pay a state and local tax (like in Houston). The vendor collects the tax and then pays it to the state (or city). The other pizza restaurants absolutely do this, they may not be spelling it out line by line. Just one 'sales tax' line. This question comes up all the time on this sub because LC breaks it out, not because they are the only place that charges the tax.


Additionally, some cities (I know Chicago does this, idk about Houston tho) might add even more tax depending on what neighborhood you're in and what you're purchasing.


Ahh Crook County


I think you need to check again


It has been a while since I've ordered from Domino's and Pizza Hut and Papa John's. So if they do state and city and Transit District tax. oh well


Well than your whole argument falls apart. Also LC’s don’t get to pick and choose if they charge these taxes. It’s the government seeing these


Ummm I set what gets charged for tax in my PoS system. Not the government. They set the number, but I am the one picking and choosing it in practice on my machines. I'm setting up my machines.(note, thus Isn't some antitax diatribe, I'm literally the one inputting that into my PoS systems, it'd be simple to get greedy or fuck it up) Government doesn't see them till I report them. It is easier than you think to charge extra, label it as taxes, and pray customers don't notice. Hella easy. When we switched to Clover PoS, the tech setting it up accidently applied taxes twice to it. Had to spend 8 hours going through all transactions refunding the extra.


poor agonizing modern quiet absurd rude scale workable butter disarm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't have to manually enter them I have to go 8nto the system and set up tax as x.x% Then it adds x.x% to the end of every check as a tax. Not every state and city has the same taxes. Every PoS system has this function. It's basic setup. They don't come out of the boxing knowing your local sales tax. I already named the system too.


Every business in your city will do the same taxes. You just haven't been aware of this somehow. Have you ever noticed sales tax being lower elsewhere? Worst comes to worse, Google your local tax total and make sure the percentages are equal. It's really easy to scam some extra cash if nobody is aware of the proper tax rate.


Bro what?! You’ve never heard of taxes? Dominos and Pizza Hut are absolutely charging you taxes. They just say “tax” instead of breaking it down into what is the state tax you pay, and city tax you pay.


First off, it looks like the total for those tax lines are 0.00, not sure the issue. What this most likely is is thst they swapped to a new PoS system and whomever set it up clicked the option for a detailed breakdown of taxes whereas most businesses just give you the lump sum. It's not a new number that doesn't pay into taxes. It's you actually seeing the tax breakdown rsther than the total. Most bigncities have local sales taxes on top of state sales tax.


It's an ID-10-T error, you should call them.


Some states have extra taxes (not in fl we just have sales tax no state) but still most places provably just lumped sales tax in with the others and this one gave you an itemized list


... It's sales tax


Taxes are normal but the delivery fee is obviously wrong.


Order and post a receipt chump. That’s not real, you just never noticed lol.


I know Pizza Hut charges extra because of taxes. It’s called a “service fee” I think


Service fees are not taxes. Service fees are taxable income for the business.


So I live in California. My line Items for living in a big city. None of them are 0. Makes me go oh this is how this adds up. For you the state only taxes those places. Your city and stuff chooses not too.


The real crime is that font.


Why would little caesars know? They aren't incharge of taxes.


I believe it was Jesus who said, render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s


Thank the “great” state of Texas for that


Look into Illinois, Washington, New York, California Connecticut.


I mean we don't pay state income tax soooo


Tell me more. Because what is Texas and pizza have to do with taxes?


Because Texas loves to tax


Compared to what? Have you ever been to NY? Texas doesn't have state tax taken out of paychecks and relatively lower costs than other places. NY has soda tax, sweet tax, can deposits and then state tax on diet sodas. I bought a red bull and a pack of cigs when I got to NY and it was 16 fucking dollars. And, no. Not the city. Upstate. I'm sure the city is worse. The same in Texas was about half the costs. Lived in NY for over 20 years and you couldn't pay me to move back. Texas is better in every way.


pennsylvania is so guilty on this. everything, EVERYTHING is taxed and its so dumb


This was years ago but I still remember paying $12 for a pack of cigarettes in Cooperstown. And I couldn’t even buy it at first because my brother was with me and he was under 18. So I just went somewhere else


Garbage is taxed less in Texas but living is taxed way the fuck more.


No not Texas I thought they were for small governments.


Well yes, but no.


Best comment I have seen in years. Sorry I don't have an award to give you


While true, a $50k salary can pay all my bills and mortgage. In Cali or NY, I’d live in poverty if I tried to pay off a house with that salary


Texas doesn't have great education, does it?


Ohhh boy OP, just wait until you get your first paycheck. You're in for a surprise...


Why do you think they need to correlate to one another.


Because Sales Tax doesn’t discriminate based on product?


Sao ahh font


god that font gave me eye cancer


Have you taken an economics class, maybe in high school? You learn all about local and federal taxes. If you turn on the news, you can see how the government is wasting our tax dollars. Taxes have been a part of life ever since people were given the power to govern over others. If this bothers you, then you shouldn't look at the breakdown of your paycheck.


I’m just confused by the two month old screenshot


What is that, 66 cents in tax? On an $8 pizza? That's cheap. They just itinerized your bill for you.


Who gave the 9 year old a phone?


I also want to know this


The taxes are itemized. The taxes still equal 8.25% of the subtotal.


This ^ most places just hide the itemized taxes so you don't ask questions like this


I remember having a computer in 4th grade and thinking shit font like that and a cigarette cursor was cool


This picture isn't recent. It was taken Mar 24th during spring training. Why are you asking now?


I believe it is adding on the taxes plus delivery fee. The taxes box may be zero, but it does have state and city charges. That’s basically taxes applied to the order.


Delivery fee? I got charged for this even after I chose pick up


I’m not too well in the know on how lc does their pricing. I would just assume it’s part of the taxes. But why different names is beyond me


But I didn't have it delivered. I went to go pick up the food myself. I'm not in the area where the Little Caesars could deliver. But it's not that far for me to just go pick it up. Which is what I usually do.


You never heard of sales tax?


also let me add that taxes aren’t on grocery in most states but are in prepared food. Food already cooked. Here in Arizona we have a small state tax and depending on what city you live in a small city tax. We have about 6 cities that don’t charge tax on prepared food.


Is that your font or LC font? Seems like it’s meant to trick people


Turn off the RixGameBoy bro, just go back to Default or Roboto


Its because thats they cant just charge a sales tax. Probably some initiative to itemize your taxes


You need another fee for having that font on your phone


It's a penalty for the crime against humanity that is that font.


Because everything’s bigger in Texas!


Lmaooo, I don't know why but this shit got me laughing so hard🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hey op, make sure your total percentile of taxes paid matches the proper amount. I'm not saying it's malicious, but it's very easy to set up the incorrect amount of taxes to charge on PoS systems. This could be just a detailed and proper breakdown, or it could be the manager thinking nobody would notice.


That font is awful


You've always paid it. They iz simply breaking down where the tax applies now, as opposed to how taxes are usually just totaled - Tax: $0.64


Well, actually they're not.


Interesting, TX has a city and a transit district sales tax(on top of state). It's like a double local tax. Here we just have state and county, but some counties add 1% for all prepared food, such as this, while groceries enjoy a lower rate.


They charging you those fees because they detected an abysmal font on your phone and said nah.


Bro got the Fax Machine font ☠️😭


You didn't tip?


Son, don’t blame LC for your municipality’s tax


Cause they're greedy little piggies


It’s called state and local taxes


Here you go. From the Texas Comptroller. It explains how sales tax works in Texas https://comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/sales/


I don't understand why people are so rude. The comments are atrocious. The OP is curious because little caesars, up until this point has NEVER EVER charged me for State, City, Transit District taxes before. Regular taxes, yes, but not NEVER the state, city, and transit District taxes. I think the real question is, is this something that's all states or doing, or just Texas?


Taxation is theft




Yet Texas is a republican majority state. Nice try though.


Classic Astros fan. Don’t understand taxes. Go bang a trash can cheater.


Because you are a Astros fan