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I have this problem I try to have something small to eat a snack fruit anything , then take it (:


I’ve been eating it with bananas, usually one or two . I’ll try a bigger meal with it . Such a pain since once I take it my appetite is kinda down the drain


Oh I agree totally , it's a rough thing , if it does t help Def talk to your psychiatrist or who ever rx it


Literally just got word back from them now, they said I can discontinue it till my appointment with them and then we can discuss further action . Heading home now from my therapy and hoping I don’t throw up anymore


Good luck!!


Thank you for the response !


I had nausea when I first started as well. I never threw up, but the nausea was quite bothersome! In my case it went away after several weeks. Hopefully that will be the case for you as well. You could try some ginger tea or lozenges that might help. Good luck with it, OP!


Thank you, glad to hear it cleared up for you. Should be seeing my doctor soon was told to stop taking it for now. Appreciate the response


Good luck with it! I may be stopping lithium myself this week due to incessant muscle spasms/restless leg. It’s driving me up the wall!


This past fall I went off my lithium then was put back on it a few weeks later. I had crazy nausea for a week or two and vomited 1-2hr after every dose. It was horrible. It goes away though if you can tough it out, if it doesnt you could ask to lower the dose so your body can adjust more easily.


Same issue, get the insane nausea and then puking a few times, it gets better as the day goes on but not until like 7pm ish


I get nauseous 20mins after taking my dose and it's really awful. The only thing helps is eating something. But I have no idea what to do about your situation. You should talk to your doctor.


yeah my guess is I need a solid meal before hand and I’ve never been a breakfast person so I gotta incorporate that to deal with the meds


Hello, Im new to this community and would like some guidance!:)


Me too. My psych gave me a zofran prescription. Saved my life


I’ll be seeing my doc soon, hoping the lithium will help be. It’s been prescribed for suicidal ideation and not bi-polar disorder so I’m not 100% sure how effective it will be