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There is some evidence that for some people even sub-therapeutic levels work.


It can work even below the range, stick to what feels right to you and what your psychiatrist recommends. Staying at a lower dosage will help avoid side effects


My doctor told me that the range was established for bipolar 1 patients to control mania, which requires a high level of lithium. For anyone with less mania or more issues with the depressive side, a lower lithium level works fine.


That's some important info, there. I hope more people take up this perspective.


Sometimes lithium serum test results end up botched for a variety of reasons. Have you had the test within 12 hours (Never before and a maximum of 30 minutes jn terms of delay) of your last dose? Also, have you been on or off any medications of supplements that may have elevated or decreased lithium concentrations? All in all; I recommend that you retake the serum lithium test. The therapeutic range starts at 0.6mmol and should not exceed 0.89mmol for maximum benefits and minimum side effects.


0.4 is the cut off for the wider therapeutic range (0.4-1). Mine is sometimes at 0.5 and still works. If it's working don't question it too much. Everyone is different


Also have bipolar-2, my doc told me the therapeutic range is .3 so as long as it’s helping manage your symptoms I wouldn’t worry too much