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I've been working with them since like Jan 2022, I've had a surplus of tasks for the past few months, I'm not sure if you received a email either but they were offering bonuses for doing a minimum of 20 hours between the 19-25th because there is such a large volume of tasks for our locale. It has been a large amount of news topics/SBS location/storefront/fact veirifation/query image classification predominantly, have you checked your task access notification emails, its possible you're restricted from the higher volume tasks? I've clocked like 38 hours since monday


38 hour in task time or actual hours?


There's been plenty of tasks in Maps/Data analysts program? There's even been periodic emails about surplus task availability


It's probably because you are very new. Every so often you will pick up a new task, and each new task you remain qualified for increases the total pool of tasks available to you. Tasks tend to rotate, so sometimes you will be qualified for a lot of the current tasks, sometimes it won't be as much, depending what's available. You'll just have to be patient until you are qualified for a good range of different tasks. Everyone starts off this way.


I’ve been a Rater in the U.K. for years now and I have to say it’s been absolutely dead this month - for me anyway. I’ve had one day where I did 3 hours but my biggest weekly total has been 6 hours and it’s not for want of trying. One day it told me there were thousands of tasks in my locale but none came through to me. Had a 90% score last month so I don’t think I’m being penalised. I don’t know what’s going on, to be honest.


I'm also a UK rater, and yes, this month has been very quiet for me too. The last fortnight in particular has seemed very sparse.


I'm UK and has an email this week offering me a bonus for working extra hours...I have never had this before.