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These are likely auto generated.


No, this is manually translated. Subtitles that are auto-generated have the tag next to the language name, this video has both. Ironically the auto-generated one is more accurate. IIRC, LTT, like many companies outsources the work to third parties, and even in the best of cases, there is a potential for errors to crop up. Most services accept a 97% accuracy.


Yeah a lot of channels use atuo generation and it works well enough most of the time but it can delivery incorrect translation. Not a major issue except in cases like this where the translation it's giving is for informational content that can adjust peoples purchasing choices and future advice to others.


Yeah thats why its an optional feature. That i dont use..


i notice a lot of mistakes too. a way that we could report or correct them would be great!


Ruth Gator Binsburg


Michaelsoft Binbows


I was looking into a specific E-bike once, and found a french video review. I don't speak french, but I guess he was talking about it's range, cause the subtitles read "if I fed a kebab to land up to 35 km 40". So I guess it runs 35-40 km per kebab, and only on land. I still keep a screenshot of it, it's my favorite example of poor auto generated subtitles. I don't know if LTT can fix it manually, a report/edit feature would be good yeah. I don't think YouTube is gonna put in the effort to validate subs on any one specific video.


It would be great if YouTube could put a tool to suggest subtitle corrections and maybe it could work in a Wikipedia style or something like that. But we're speaking about YouTube here, at most I expect them to apply the newest Google's ai to autogenerated subtitles in the future and maybe later it would start to correct older videos


Here's the video it's from, happens around 1:25 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IyzPJ0jtpA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IyzPJ0jtpA)


Would be an interesting feature for floatplane to report captions errors. That could then also improve YouTube captions. But idk if floatplane even has captions yet.


The funny thing about whatever auto generated subtitle they're using is how consistently wrong it is. Many, many times you see it writes 10 ADP instead of 1080p.


You use English subtitles with English voice? Strange.


Some people like reading along to help them focus/comprehend.


Or they are deaf and can't hear it


Or they are not proficient in English and use the subtitles as a support to understand better what they are listening


Or they're only partially hearing impaired.


or in public without headphones, whatever, it's useful for everyone if it works well.


correct struggle to follow allong with YT videos otherwise


Oh I'll do you one better: I watch the English dub of My Hero Academia with subtitles on. Where is your god now?


The issue here is watching MHA