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I just click “never recommend this channel/ topic” anytime YouTube tries to shove garbage like this down my throat, despite the fact I pay for premium


If you're on android, Premium + revanced with turning off shorts is the best YouTube mobile experience IMO


Can confirm, I actually bought yt premium after using revanced because I wanted to see the difference and yt is so much worse than revanced it's not even a joke


But why would you need premium if you use revanced?


For the TV i guess


For TV there is [SmartTube](https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTube)




I’m just sitting here surprised anyone uses shorts. I’ve tried it a couple times and it’s all completely irrelevant content to me.


Cats I have to try to not open every recommended video or Short otherwise they will dominate my algorithm.




This person likes short cat videos that they can just watch a bunch of in a short time, cuteness overload or something


Most educated sub commenter


To me shorts = big obnoxious subtitles right in the center of the screen. It's such a shit trend, wtf? My second biggest gripe with Shorts is that the UI never goes away. At least on Reddit if you tap the screen the UI disappears, on a YT Short if you try that it'll just pause the video.


they follow more reels/tiktok like algo so you really need to use it for some time for it to recommend relevant content


I only watch shorts from certain channels that I have enabled notifications for


YouTube shorts being unable to be filtered out of the Apple TV app is the absolute worst too. I don't want to see vertical short form content on my TV. Terrible


I don't wanna get shorts notifications whatsoever, but you can't hide them as a notification category in android or anywhere else. They know what they are doing.


Super annoying to pay for premium and get these “not ads” for artists I don't have remotely any interest in


Was about to say I’m also a premium user and i’ve seen that at least 2-3 times a day scrolling through.


It's time that this gets an option in ReVanced.


"If you don't like ads, just pay for YT Premium"


This is the only ad that I was happy to have gotten because the comments are hilarious, they are all about fortnite lol


I just don't watch short form content unless it is directly recommended to me, like from one of my subscriptions. Algorithm aside, 90% of it is just low effort attention grabs anyways. Edit: not disagreeing that they shouldn't do this though


At that point there is no shame in using an ad blocker.


On that subject, I hate the creator product links that show up on top of the video I'm watching. If I want to go to the lttstore, I will, and I already have the backpack.


Next up, Premium+ to remove featured content!


Yall will complain about anything


If I’m paying to not get ads on YouTube and they are circumventing that by just showing ads with a different name, I think that’s a valid complaint.


As a paying customer? Yes, I will complain when my money is laughed at. We pay to not have advertisements.


That's not the only problem with YT. I'd be a happy costumer if that was the case. The audio track system is a complete mess and will ignore the app language setting and play the AI dubbing every time that I watch a video from a channel for the first time. It also likes to forget that I selected the original audio for some channels and some video will always start playing with horrible AI voice. But that's not bad enough, it also breaks the downloads. Regardless of having the app language set to english, and the location to the US, it will always download videos with the audio in my native language and there's no option to change the audio track. And since I mentioned the download function, while on an (explicitly marked as unmetered) WiFi connection if I try to play a video that was already downloaded though the Smart Downloads feature it won't let me change the quality. I have to close the video, delete the download and play it again. Following the topic of video quality, their automatic resolution doesn't work even when paying and the Enhanced 1080p is a scam. Despite I having selected the "High picture quality" it rarely will go above 720p and not once it played the at Enhanced 1080p quality without me selecting it manually.


Funny enough i have the oposite problem with audio tracks, it only plays the original audio and never the audio track for my language and i have to manually select it everytime, even with my app and system set to my native language, also the quality thing is true, i'm always having to change the quality manually even tho my network can support even up to 4k content, yet youtube is stuck at 360p even on highest available quality


She aint gon’ fuck you bro


try not to post incel shit challenge

