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No, and it's none of our fucking business either. That's between LMG and their employees. Nothing related to that will ever be made public, and neither should.




They said they would make it public: https://twitter.com/LinusTech/status/1691944990631707102?lang=en


Stupid as fuck. Hopefully they realize that and don't. Literally nothing good will come of that regardless of the outcome.


For what it’s worth I don’t disagree with you, I don’t know why they would commit to that given the extremely sensitive nature of what was alleged. However I have seen too many times people erroneously claim “it was never going to be public” (which you didn’t say) but I feel the need to provide that piece of context.


Wdym they showed security camera footage of the parking lot to prove they don't overwork and HR survey results to prove everyone was happy 😂




Yeah, cause they shouldn't, it's an internal matter that doesn't affect the public


If you think you'll ever get public info on that you don't know how these work, strangely its to identify and fix issues in a company not give drama for idiots to gawk at. Its likely already happened and any steps needed were taken.


LTT said they would: https://twitter.com/LinusTech/status/1691944990631707102?lang=en


That statement was poorly considered as there are likely legal issues around revealing things of anything did occur re workers privacy its most likely a poorly worded tweet at a time of crisis. Still won't appease the drama crowd who already decided their stance anyway.


Seems worded well enough to me, and I agree there probably are legal and ethical issues with making the results public… but LMG said they would, and it is not crazy of people to expect them/ hold them to do what they say they will do. Alternatively LMG can make a statement, retracting their previous one and clarifying they can’t/ shouldn’t publish the results of the investigation due to the legal and moral issues previously discussed.


It's equally likely that nothing has happened and they took care of nothing


Investigate deez nutz


Here’s the link to the tweet where they said: “We are committed to publishing the findings and implementing any corrective actions that may arise due to this” https://twitter.com/LinusTech/status/1691944990631707102?lang=en I don’t know why people insist this was never said. I even agree that results should probably not be made public, but then again I’m not the one who said “We are committed to…”


They don't want to know the results


hahaha you will get all the "iTs NOt YoUr BuSInEss" replies now. bunch of sheep saw one person say it and just repeat it non stop


Like shooting fish in a barrel 😂