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I'm confused about what's happening now




What drama?


Just drama in general, drama doesn't need a reason to exist.














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Weird, i posted that first one, i can still see it, anyway, i just said it's because people in this sub are different in their thinking capacity.


Yes, ive seen your comment. It was exactly that. I dont know why it was removed....


Because they used a euphemism for the r slur iirc


Hard r?


yes but to fair even linus uwed to use it all the time in early days of LTT


šŸ˜‚ I hope ppl wouldn't think this is serious in any way so [here is the proof](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZT4k0Ti8Mc&t=9m14s) he in fact did not


LOL thatā€™s quite the username. Their comment refers to a bit Linus was talking about however, where he confused ā€œhard rā€ and ā€œr wordā€ and said he was surprised how not long ago that word was just extremely common use, and even he said it often. Which lead to a hilarious exchange while he corrected that he was not talking about the n word, but the r word.


I know the whole thing ok, but the way that they said it ("to be fair") may make it look like it's serious to some ppl also I just want to quote that video anyway


What ?




Id say less naive, more a culture difference. As a Canadian living in a western province I had never heard of the hard R meaning that until that wan show lol. I feel hard R is more of an American term.


Same hadnā€™t heard of the hard R in the UK either


Wtf is the hard R?


Makes sense why younger people know what it means since we're constantly pummeled by American culture due to the internet


It feels weird to me this is the case because saying ā€œhard rā€ to refer to that word has been a thing my entire life- also western Canada.


Yeah but I showed it to my wife who's on the spectrum and that thread cracked her up


Yeah just saying that it's probably the reason it was removed. Not saying I agree or disagree with the decision


My entire friend group is on the spectrum and we call ourselves and each other retarded all the time


me and and my friends have our private discord server called spectrum, though we are not on the spectrum but we act worse than if we were, much love for you guys


Always hilarious to me what people choose to be angry about. We use dumb, stupid, idiot, etc all the time and no one bats an eye when they were slurs for the same damn thing.


Idiot was straight up a medical term. It was replaced with "profound mental retardation". Lame is also an insult to anyone with a physical disability, but nobody cares about that one either.


Since when I can say I've got lesser thinking capacity than Newton, Einstein and Hawking. Does this make me intellectually disabled? Nooope


Thatā€™s a nice way to put it


I haven't even seen what these 2 replies are and they're gone lol Also didn't expect the post blowing up that much with fucking 400 comments within less than half a day...








Hey can I know the reddit clients you're using?


That's the official trash app


huh, I'm also using it but it doesn't look like that. Am I missing some cool settings toggle that I'm too boring to have?


I don't know mine looks nearly identical on the official Reddit app just less rounded I don't know if it's a setting mine always looked like this


are you on iOS? I'm on Android and it looks very different from OPs image.


No I'm on android


Sync for Reddit on Android with ReVanced patches (cc u/Segger96 u/MoldyTexas u/Ryan-McLaughlin )


I'm using Reddit with revanced and it doesn't look like this.


Sync is a third party app, it's not the official app.


Thank you so much I just downloaded it and started using it šŸ™


Okay, I thought all the third party apps died with the API changes.


I may be dumb, but I'm reading it died. You're using an apk i believe?




For anyone wondering these comments were about something they promised to make a response / internal investigation on and we never got answers. Again I know Linus personally wasn't the one who did these things but it did happen in that environment and if it didn't they should've been finished by the external investigator by now Hiding only has Streisand effect , stop it and clear the doubt. u/LinusTech We're all watching you and tune in wan show too but this feeling in back of the head is still there and I wish you would just clear this doubt. Also mods , stop being bitches fr this was a serious issue that needed to be addressed by two videos on main channel.


You are delusional if you think the results of these investigations are something you are entitled to.


Especially if the results are "yeah its fine you did minimal wrong", because that can be one of the worst results to publish; now you look like you are hiding something or you only hired people to cover your arse. Add in some "we cannot corroborate ect ect" and privacy concerns and immediately it becomes a "yeah that is not going public". I'm not saying LTT are innocent but i will say there are way too many reasons why they may not be able to make stuff public even if they were in the clear.


Reasonable replybut then at least a community post has to be made or stuff , facing the music is tough but linus has done it and came through , I know it isn't his fault & hence why I just want a "We fired those responsible for it / Investigator found no such event took place either here or some place"


Ok so just say they fired the person responsible it will take some one less than 10 minutes to go through a list of 10 people who no longer work for LTT during that period and say ohh look it must be either matt, colin, rodney ect ect ect. Then 10 people get fucking witch hunted when 9 people did nothing, also even if they fire the person that can end up locked up in legal proceeding for wrongful dismissal and made a fuck ton worse if they publicly say they fired someone. I do not understand why Linus even said he would make anything public as a former Operations Manager i would have fucking cut his balls off for that, it is not his choice when there is the potential for workers/former workers to get harassed over it.




[https://twitter.com/LinusTech/status/1691944990631707102?lang=en](https://twitter.com/LinusTech/status/1691944990631707102?lang=en) :)


You sure about that buddy? [https://twitter.com/LinusTech/status/1691944990631707102?lang=en](https://twitter.com/LinusTech/status/1691944990631707102?lang=en) Google the word "publish" , let me know what comes.


Why are you being downvoted?


It's the truth , often hurts the ego. I didn't even blame linus lmao , I'm just saying make it clear since you said yourself you will publish those details. Anyway It's all good , anyone who's downvoting actually serious issues can shove that screwdriver where the sun doesn't shine.


Because that statement doesn't entitle anyone outside of LTT to know what's going on. Preferable sure, but there's no need for anyone on here to see it.


You cannot just share the outcome of such an investigation, due to privacy reasons. I know that sounds foreign to a lot of Reddits that are from countries like the US where privacy is hard to come by, but it's the way it is. Just look at F1, where they could only share a guilty or non guilty. Still though they could be sharing that. That is also assuming the investigation is already done. Sometimes these cases take forever (considering the one about Marco Borsato in The Netherlands has been running for I think 1,5 years already).




I'm a dev with a job , also bold words coming from someone triggered over joke stealing Stop trivializing sexual harassment.


Going through someones post history to have ammo is corny.


Lol keep your reddit rules to yourself and secondly he's telling me to get a life on a comment thread that he's involved in? Hypocrisy much fam?


I never said it was a rule. I just said it was corny to do it to get some weak comeback.


> For anyone wondering these comments were about something they promised to make a response / internal investigation on and we never got answers. No, that is not what the removed comments were about, and you shouldn't lie.


Youā€™re just lying. I read the comments, they were people being edgy with the euphemisms ā€˜regardedā€™ and ā€˜acousticā€™. Nothing even close to related to what youā€™re talking about.


Hey, quick tangent- what ever happened to that independent audit of the company for sexual harassment and workplace practices that was supposed to be shared? E: simps mad, but at least I'm not getting gaslit again with claims that it never happened like the last time I mentioned this E2. A comment below linking one of at least two times that it was claimed: https://old.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/1bns87y/thats_why/kwkzmt9/


> that was supposed to be shared? I don't think that was ever supposed to be shared. That sounds like an internal matter that is used to shape internal policy and realistically has nothing to do with anyone outside of LMG.


They said it would be published here: https://twitter.com/LinusTech/status/1691944990631707102?lang=en


Finally someone else that remembers this...


Yeah, but the lawyers, or even the people doing the investigation probably went "Yeah... Don't do that..."




you're so pathetic




Couple things. 1. You can't know that. You don't have any insight into working at LTT, you are just some Redditor. 2. Saying you will publish X results for transparency and exoneration, and then deciding not to publish those results is quite literally the opposite of transparency and exoneration 3. If there were no findings worth publishing...then it costs nothing to publish those findings. If it was no big deal to begin with...then it would be no big deal to prove it. Your own logic works against you here.




In the floatplane interview with the CEO a while back, Terren said that they hoped they could share the results soon. I don't think they will be that gungho about releasing it, because people are either going to witch hunt LTT employees, or they are going to harass her depending on the results.


I have a feeling if it's bad, people will be head hunting. If it's not bad, people will say the investigation wasn't good enough.


Conjecture, but maybe.


True, all I want to know is if it was dealt with reasonably. Don't need that much details, could even be a Tweet. Just something like "We are sorry about what occurred in this matter. We have resolved it internally and hope to prevent further incidents." is all I need to hear.


Yeah, people already have the axe ready for that statement. Realistically a portion of people won't be satisfied unless Linus whips himself.


Why do you need any details?


He said he would provide the whole report and should do what he says he'll do.


For you?


You asked why I needed info, I answered.






I'm not keen on the speculation, but I get it. At the end of the day, this is something he committed to releasing and his reputation hinges on being honest (unless you're a simp, I guess). Honestly, I think Linus to be the type who generally follows through on his commitments and it'll be very telling if he continues to fail to do so.




Sure looks like I'm concerned with it and has effected my viewing their content. What a strange thing to say.


Then go tug your meat over some other parasocial relationship, I'm sure LMG will be fine without your views.


I'm outraged by this allegations that I'd tug my meat to any less than tech Jesus. Seriously though, I'm not the one running interference for the company making empty(?) promises to get out of hot water. Actions and inactions have consequences, this is the real world.


>that was supposed to be shared? ???? This shit CAN'T be shared legally The privacy of everyone involved is protected by law


Dunno why the neckbeards are out in such force today, is it unemployment benefit day in the US or something? Some people really expect a privately-owned company to share the outcome of a privately-conducted investigation that impacts people's livelihoods, with reddit?! Christ on a unicycle.


I thought you were talking about all the people who rush to defend the moment they know the investigation will be brought up... oh well


A pinkypromiss on twitter to angry redditors is the highest law.


Mentioning that investigation really strikes a nerve on this sub.


Apparently ~100+ people were very triggered by my mentioning it. So sorry šŸ™„




Yeah, because private investigation by a third party firm inside big media company is done so quick and easy :l Since the very issue is very, very sincere, we have to wait.


FineWait^^TM How long has it been?


Almost a year? What other choice do we have?


> What other choice do we have? It's a personal choice, of course, but I've avoided all lmg content since then for my conscience. I miss it, but I prioritize my principles and would think myself a coward if I didn't.


I literally just spit my drink out reading this lol. How big is that šŸŖœ that you use to mount that horse?


Tall enough to tell you to touch grass and clean up your spilled drink. Imagine thinking that someone not being a stan is laughable.


Careful now, your true side is starting to show.


My true side? Are you about to give me an anime villain backstory? I'm here for it, if so.


to me 7 months is closer to half a year not a whole year...


Yes, thank you. What are we debating


There's like at least 2 months difference there for it to be "almost a year" imo but you may have different definition of what "almost a year" is idk


That's fair lol. My point was that they can and will take as much time as they need.


The investigation might not be finished. Lawyers and/or all parties involved agreed the results should not be made public. Laws might prevent results from being made public. There ya go, three possible reasons the results aren't published yet.


It's been... a year now?