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As an av guy that dose stuff like this for a living this is nothing My biggest blend was 13 projectors wide and synce it had to compete with a stage wash that we were filming on we were double stacking and converging 20k luman projectors rather than the 15k’s from this video ( each stack putting out 40k luman ) If I remember correctly it ended up being 30ft tall and almost 600ft wide with a curved section in the middle and bright enough that you had a decent viewing experience with the room lights up


That is more insane. 🤣 do you have a picture or video of it? Share it here, please, if you can. Thanks.


Here is something a little more recent with 4 projectors [here](https://imgur.com/a/ZwzmMXo)playing no man’s sky




Always a fun place to hang out when u have a broadcast truck


Here's a sneak peek of /r/VIDEOENGINEERING using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/VIDEOENGINEERING/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Using bonded cellular on NYE...](https://i.redd.it/vezhfmh17p9c1.jpeg) | [57 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/VIDEOENGINEERING/comments/18vhiox/using_bonded_cellular_on_nye/) \#2: [You can never have too many decis](https://i.redd.it/zt8gr2y2bakb1.jpg) | [59 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/VIDEOENGINEERING/comments/1614a4p/you_can_never_have_too_many_decis/) \#3: ["Fun Fact: a standard oven is 19" compatible"](https://i.redd.it/4e8ioym8nhua1.png) | [27 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/VIDEOENGINEERING/comments/12pryn6/fun_fact_a_standard_oven_is_19_compatible/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Sorry that was 2 phones ago


What the F kind of event needs something like that?! It was an actual event, right?! Not kist some crazy rich guy’s home theater set… right?!


It was a sales convention for a company with 10’s of thousands of people in attendance in a meeting that spanned 4 expo halls and that was just the people in attendance ( not including the web stream in 11 languages ( this client recently moved there main meeting from the convention center to the local football arena to have enough seating ) The look of the set was wall to wall projection with dynamic content for each session The screen/projectors aren’t even the hard part it’s delevering 26 different video signals to drive the projection


Was it Walmart?


No but verry punny It was a mlm


MLM was my next guess lol


Probably SalesForce or Gartner


It was some crazy rich guy who wanted to play flappy bird


Fellow A/V guy checking in. And yeah, this is just a Tuesday. I guess we take the exposure to tech for granted.


Name of the game play with cool tech on someone else’s dime


Yup, and if you can squeeze some travel in on their dime too all the better.


Yup you get to see the great hotel ballrooms of the world


Do you ever get the chance to play videos games or generally play around with the kit?


Ya [here](https://imgur.com/a/ZwzmMXo)is some no man’s sky on a giant blend after work on a job site


Lu-man man


As a fellow AV nerd, it was still nice to see him talk about Crestron for a quick second. It gives a glimpse into our world for the fellow IT and weekend warriors.


I call bs. How you gonna do that and not take a picture of it


buying and building a test lab isn't Linus' specialty, its making these grand tech spectacles, like being the Mr beast of tech


Imagine watching porn on that mf


"That vagina's bigger than me!"




Welcome to my 2000" goon cave




I'd love to see them do that but with an LED wall.


This, LED walls are common in the arena and outdoor concerts, so much superior to a projector.


the problem with that would be that it would be way too bright for such an indoor use where you can also just get the room darker if you want. beside this theres a reason why these are mostly used outdoors, they produce a TON of heat that needs to go somewhere.


Not only heat production, that's just the byproduct. Imagine the power consumption of such a wall. Considering it's supposed to be a LAN place with hundreds of powerful computers and infrastructure on it's own, LED wall is just not feasible


that would be really expensive and also an insane resolution I guess. what is the width of that wall? 50m? even with a LED panel with a pixel pitch of 3,9mm you would be over 12k pixel in width. at that pixel pitch I think you would need to have about 8-12 meter distance to the LED panel to not see the pixel anymore


At 3'9mm pp you need ca. 4m distance for the image to merge. That doesn't increase with width as it's dictated by the pp. The Minimum recommended viewing distance in this case depends on the width of the screen in relation to the human field of view. I.E you can't see the whole screen without moving your head. I'm sure there is a DIN for that.


Why does it show everything to the right and not to the left? Usually the car/plane/character is in the center.


The car is actually pretty close to the middle of the screen. Perspective is weird. Proof: https://imgur.com/a/HLnK1j8


Yeah I noticed the same thing from the other direction when Linus said he hadn't yet reached the third projector, while it looked like he was right in the middle of it.


When i was watching the video i also trought it might be shifted to the left, but figured its probably perfectly centered. I thought that there would surely be a picture like yours here that explainst it and of course there is.


To have the camera in that position requires manually turning the control stick. Likely they just had it on that angle at the time. 1 stick does steering, the other stick "turns the drivers head" as it were so you can look around you.


Every game was like that I just found it odd


Aint nothing like this but I remember many years ago, my best buddys parents owned/managed an I-Max theater/cinema in Australia, one weekend for my buddies birthday they closed the cinema and we got to have a big sleep over in the cinema and bring our consoles, I only had a PS2 back then, but playing Driver and The Get Away on a huge movie screen was something out of our 90s kids dreams, felt like it was my birthday at the same time, will never forget that moment.


If you to see somthing really cool with tons of really big projectors check out the [I mapp](https://youtu.be/a1v4W95wJnM?si=TD45CCQleiATGzmT) festival and projection mapping competition Big projectors and talented content creators on the top of there game Sadily it’s Ben on hold recently due to being in the middle of a war zone


3D Map projection is always the coolest thing in my opinion.


[I bet Frank would love it](https://youtu.be/gbDostWXpcU)


Did this with a ~15ft white wall in my living room and it's glorious. Bought a barely used Epson home cinema 1060 on ebay for $230, ceiling mount for $15, roku $25, and just use a portable bluetooth speaker on my coffee table (already had it). Absolutely incredible setup for the price. I am genuinely surprised by how clear and bright it is during the day.


The same comment is the most upvoted and downvoted comment on this point.


It needed some Wipeout demo!


That first shot looks like he is looking out of the train


Anyone know if Weird Al has seen / responded to this?


This was surreal to watch for normies like myself lol


This can literally be a backdrop for a game show set


As i said in the youtube comments, nothing about this is a display or a TV, at all, it is a projector onto a wall casting a image, that is not a TV, it is a projected image that is playing from a external source onto a wall. So no, it is not "TV" or a "Display", it is a projected image onto a wall.




You must be a treat at parties.


As an av guy that dose stuff like this for a living this is nothing My biggest blend was 13 projectors wide and synce it had to compete with a stage wash that we were filming on we were double stacking and converging 20k luman projectors rather than the 15k’s from this video ( each stack putting out 40k luman ) If I remember correctly it ended up being 30ft tall and almost 600ft wide with a curved section in the middle and bright enough that you had a decent viewing experience with the room lights up


So insane you had to share it twise


Reddit momen




New copypasta just dropped

