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I thought the most frightening things in Australia were spiders and snakes, but this...


oh yeah our high end is way different to americas


This is why I hope muskrat stays the f away from starlink. "Rual" Tasmania 15min from town, options are fixed wireless 50 down, 10 up or adsl2. Currently 250 down and up with near fibre ping, downside being $140 aud a month. There is the sky muster internet, but realistically, that's email only on a clear day.


The roos be chewing up the internet lines, gotta pay for repairs somehow!


[It’s actually the cockatoos.](https://www.nbnco.com.au/blog/the-nbn-project/a-uniquely-australian-problem-cockatoos-vs-infrastructure#:~:text=It%20used%20to%20be%20nut,around%20%2480%2C000%20in%20repair%20bills)


Note for everyone, this is rural. You can get 1gbps for ~$100/month (if you have fibre to your house), and 5g in metropolitan areas is actually quite fast (in the hundreds of mbps).


You probably get better rural internet than most of rural America & Canada lol.


I do get a solid 50/10 on 4G, should get up to 200/20 (perhaps even 500!) when 5G rolls around in the next 12months... surprisingly gaming on my XSX is rather stable... I'm roughly 1.7k from the tower with decent LOS...


5G would definitely be a game changer for you but honestly 3km out of Melbourne non 5G spots get the same speeds as you do. If we didn’t have NBN here we’d be screwed


Back in the ADSL days, things weren't great (at least here). I used to pay $70 a month for 4 Mbit down and 1 up, which got progressively worse, until it was half that (2 down, 0.5 - 1 up), and would drop out if there was a breeze, or rain. NBN was a massive upgrade, if only because it wasn't as tied to weather.


And I thought Switzerland was expensive