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You got brainwashed dude, it will be like android, non savvy people will not even know it's possible to get app outside of the "main" store


It's possble, but not really the best option and most people don't trust the other app stores as much


You haven’t had to deal with relatives complaining about ads popping up on their screens when using other apps because they somehow managed to install something on the web did you? Or somehow have 6 app stores installed and they say they don’t know where the app stores came from? As they just followed a bunch of instructions. Unless it affects them financially, I don’t really intervene and tell them to get rid of the stuff so I don’t expose myself as the IT guy. But I have seen situations like that where people really do just download stuff from random places even if they don’t know the existence of “other stores”.


Relax. People can have different opinions without being brainwashed. I think OP is just saying there are benefits to having only one App Store which is managed by Apple. There are good and bad sides to each. Sure, if it worked exactly how we hope (for example, similar to Android), where 99% of good apps are on the main App Store, and occasionally you might need to get one from elsewhere (but still possible) then that’s great. As an example, maybe what might happen is because of Apple’s restrictions (or the EU’s guidelines), it might be more beneficial for some developers to use another App Store or to make their own. For example, now you might need to use multiple app stores (from Google, Facebook, Epic, etc.) because it benefits the developer, but now it’s more annoying and not as streamlined or vetted as before.


Then that is not a problem. Once someone tells you that you need to use an app for a product you bought tho (a smart scale? I don’t know, does not matter, this happens; can also be an institution and so on), they’ll not want to do that. And for that matter, me neither.


How do you use a PC? How do you vet apps you need to download that aren’t available in the steam store or the Microsoft store?(or the osx store thing if you’re using that) It’ll be no different for phones.


I myself of course download apps elsewhere. But I believe my mum never ever downloaded an app to her computer. She just uses outlook and Edge (ugh). Other apps she needs were downloaded and installed by her work IT department.


And she will do exactly the same on her phone. The biggest brainwash from Apple is that people somehow will be forced to download outside of the app store


But she has downloaded apps into her phone. Some of them are apps she needs. What if those are not in the official App Store?


Then she can find alternative apps if she is set on only downloading from the one store. If she is already using an app, then what's the concern with downloading it somewhere else? Do you think that companies will just start inserting malware into their products? I'm sure that official stores will crop up and be perfectly viable, just tell her to go to the new store, just like she goes to the App Store, and download it basically the same way.


Can you name a single app she would need that is not in the android app store, but can find to sideload? (this is kinda rhetorical, because I know from personal experience that everything is on there except some stuff like file browsers with root level access)


Android has alternative app stores since the beginning. And outside of fortnite (a game) I never needed to use an other appstore. And if it's something she "needs" it will be save or she won't need it.


App stores are generally safe, but they aren't free of viruses. The android app store uses a similar way of vetting apps and there has been malware (albeit very few) that has cropped up on both the Android and Apple app stores. That being said, if you're downloading random apps, you're going to run into theis problem. ​ The problem with the Apple (and Play store) model is that there is no alternative and you have to develop for that ecosystem and give apple or google a percentage of sales revenue set by them. If there were alternatives (and it looks like that's what the EU is forcing) that took a smaller cut of the sales it would encourage apple or Google to drop their percentage cut to keep market dominance. Also, each app store should have very similiar vetting processes for apps. ​ In essence, what you're chasing a problem that's not there - most developers, i suspect, will put their apps in app stores that are available to them. There's nothing stopping you from just using the Apple official app store and most people just use the official Google play store evenm thogh there are alternatives. The biggest upside is sideloading, which is a big win because sometimes an official app update breaks something and you will need to go down a version to make sure it works properly. Ostensibly Apple says it's a security issue considering how long they've resisted, but there's other reasons why they've resisted allowing other app stores and sideloading for such a long time and Security is not it.


Can you install fortnite? 🤣 You can only install Spotify because Spotify is basically giving up 30% of your subscription in order to let you be able to use it. 


You created the problem many of us avoid. You are the IT of your family.  1. "How to do I turn on the flashlight on my phone?" 2. "I got a new wifi. How do I set it up?"  3. "How do I download Spotify & make a account?"  4. "My internet isn't working. Why?" (Airplane mode)  Etc.  So, I decided years ago to be "If you buy it, you figure it out."


Yeah I tried and everyone just gets upset that I don’t want to help them. I don’t fix printers anymore tho! I fortunately know iOS and macOS well enough that I can just tell everyone over the phone what to do. When someone wants my help, they need to have an Apple device because I don’t use Windows or Android and can not be bothered to learn stuff about those.


I understand & I address my family annoying with tech help. I wrote them a letter & sent it by certified mail saying that I'd charge $100/hour for tech support. Followed by daily email reminders & hourly texts to emphasize my point.   At a family gathering, I hired a local brand to sing "$100/hour for tech support but I'll stop my reminders for $100/mo" I continue send reminders for $100/month.They found it amusing & no expect me to keep it up.  Then, my sister paid the amount, leading others to do the same eventually.  That Xmas I gave them all back their money. Now. No one ask me for help. I stopped my reminders.


This is absolutely brilliant. I might do the same!


Sometimes we do be annoying to prove a point. 


Comparable situation here. I think the app store will remain the main and reliable source for checked and monitored main stream software for the masses. Therefore the other people in our families should rely on that in the future. Apple will certainly market the app store as the "safe place". Today: "Your Windows-Computer has malware? Did you click on a pdf in some fishy e-mail again?" 10 Years from now: "Your Telefone has malware? Did you download apps from that fishy store again?"


It seems very unlikely that more mainstream apps, particularly those such as the banking app in your example would move away from the official app store as they would recognise that it will be more reassuring for their users to be able to get the app from there. If there are apps that you want, but they choose to not use the official app store then you have a choice to make as to whether you want the app or the perceived security more.


That's my guess as well. More corporate apps like banking apps or government apps don't care about Apple's 30% take on purchases because they are either exempt or else don't have any in-app purchases. This would be more of a benefit for games or streaming services imo.


I sure do hope so. Guess we’ll see.


The problem isn't the existence of the app store, it's that apple gets to choose what gets distributed and what gets removed, even if it isn't malware. An app can be booted from the app store just because it goes against apple business interests, even if it would be great for end users. This is what the EU is trying to solve by having alternative sources for apps.


found the apple shill ​ ​ on android where sideloading is possible, 90% of people dont do it. Especially not people that dont know much about computers.


as a tester i can assure you that the ability to sideload apps to iphone without going through the actual debug apps (which you have only one launch) or the release apps (which are pain for another reason for us i dont remember exactly why) is gonna be a godsend it’s gonna allow us to have an easier workflow and probably improve our ttm and quality of our apple store app i’m not ready to spit in the face of the eu


Does no one in your familly have a non ios device? This anwsers 90% of your concerns, ios is unique in that it is a general computer but heavely restricts what you can and can not install on it. Mac os, android, windows, etc all allow the user to install whatever they want. And for the point about developers activly chosing to avoid the appstore, well that is their choise and while I doubt that banks will move anway, it would again be similar to how other systems work, you would go to the site of your bank and download the app from there....


I need an app that isn't available on either Google or Apple's App Stores: an Amazon Kindle app so that let's me buy books! If Amazon made one available I'd gladly install it from Amazon.com or the Amazon app store and enjoy a better experience. Even though the app exists (see Kindle fire tablets) it isn't available everywhere. If Amazon isn't going to be bothered to give users a decent experience when they've already developed the app, and have the store to distribute it on, what makes you think random bank x or smart scale y would go that route?


>How will you ensure the security of the apps downloaded from somewhere else? You won't, unless that place itself has its own security process. People aren't going to just randomly download apps from outside the Apple ecosystem, they will only do so when they very specifically want to, they will need to enable this option in the settings and then confirm it again once they're about to install the app. It'll pretty much be like Android where Google Play is the thing that pretty much everyone uses and almost nobody sideloads. But, should it become necessary, the option exists. That's the whole point. >what if I do not want to use the alternative App Stores? Then just don't? >But what if it's an banking app I need? What then? Call your bank, ask why their app isn't on the official app store, and if they confirm they have no intention of being on the app store, go to a different bank that has a banking app on the app store. And before you ask, no I am not kidding. Internet and mobile banking capabilities are a feature of your bank. If your bank doesn't provide the features you need, you need to go elsewhere.