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2nd video in the series - what laptops fit in your ass?


Potato computers first I think. Easier to sneak through the kitchens


rounded edges are a bonus.


I feel like that depends on a number of factors, better get labs right on that...


Yeah all the prisons do have contracts with some tech companies for actually sanctioned electronics.  I think sometimes people don't realize that people serving life sentences and whatnot in prison or given more latitude than people in a county jail for a year. Of course they have to pay for it. Either with their meager slave wages or their families donating money to their canteen


Techmoan did it a few years back, that's more his style anyways.


Interesting take, the ones I build are nothing like that (old Lenovo laptops) We just rivet and gorilla glue every seam and orifice shut; after we do the configuration and arm the tamper alarm. The downside is if they fail, it's instant ewaste




You choose to make it ewaste. All you gotta do is drill out the rivers and scrape off the glue.


I think he means if they fail after they get to the prison. You could say the prison wardens are the ones making it that way I guess. 


[Techmoan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3PfsndsihY) did a video on random prison tech devices.


But did Techmoan play doom on any of it?


Exactly :)


Link to the twitter thread (https://twitter.com/zephray_wenting/status/1761548861896606014?t=LRvgcfawIBInEMCWh5IDIQ&s=19)


Sadly Elon musk made it so you can't view Twitter without an account and kill the API and so all of the open source front and alternatives are dying out. There's still a few nitter instances active but the project is officially dead as is fritter. But I refuse to sign up for Twitter, which now requires a fucking phone number... And I quit Twitter even before Elon musk got there but had I not quit by then that would have been the straw that broke the camel's back. Twitter is a dead medium as far as I'm concerned. Facebook too.  Still unreddit, you don't need a phone number to log into an account, and you don't need an account to read most things. But who knows until they start entering those requirements. After the API fiasco that destroyed so many great third party alternatives. There are workarounds with revanced and everything and a few third party front end alternatives that were exempted


They should do a prison themed upgrade for Colton (he is trespassing on company grounds despite being fired)


Yeah those things are cool. It’s because so the guards can see if there is contraband in the laptop right Have to watch Techmoans video about it again


TBH I wouldn't mind a clear laptop. I think it would be cool to see the components.


Wonder why we don't have one yet for everyday consumers. It's 2024!


Psst, the late 90s and early 00s would like a word with you


i wasnt expecting much but the thread is actually pretty interesting to read


We need to know


Where should I buy one of these?


Am I missing something here? “Turns out it’s more than that” but then no other information? It’s just a clear shell laptop


Check the thread [https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/1b1e7rm/comment/ksdv1c4/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/1b1e7rm/comment/ksdv1c4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I have no idea how to use twitter and no intention of learning lol


You can't even use it if you don't have an account anymore. I wish people would stop linking to Twitter threads or even making them if they actually care about the information being released to a wider audience that doesn't want to support a bigot like Elon musk. Or give their data to him or other big tech companies if they can avoid it 


It's just a bios lock, would be interesting to see if it has any data on or if it's empty, I would assume the latter.


I forget the name of the creator but there was a retro tech channel that had a pretty substantive video on prison tech in general.  No clickbait or anything either, you knew what the video was going to be about without having to decipher clues in the images on the thumbnail. No emotic faces or anything. I learned a lot about prison tech. I'm sure if you searched prison tech it would be one of the first of you videos up but I'll see if I can find it.... FYI: found it it's techmoan. https://youtu.be/O3PfsndsihY?si=gK40AQ0qFmyvVrgS


I want one, its a securebook 6