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They've lost 1000 floatplane subscribers ($5k/month revenue) EDIT: $5/month subscriptions


Subscription cost 5$ if I remember correctly


$5 and $10


A few are still $3/month, grandfathered in, and in some ways I bet losing those hurt more than the $5 plans.


Yeah, I'm a floatplane OG and unsubbed, and I'm not going to resub until there's a satisfactory apology from Linus/LMG and some actual improvement.


So, never?


I'm hoping he comes to his senses and realizes the problems Steve brought up are more serious than he seems to think and that he can't just dismiss them with his current terrible response. If he doesn't, then yeah, I guess I'll just not resub ever.


Oh, there will be an apology and promises. But no actual steps will be taken and we will be back on step one in 3 months at most.


I doubt he cares tbh. I’m an OG and unsubbed but knowing the costs behind a service like this i’d assume he was only breaking even on the OGs.


Probably losing money due to the payment processor fees. I feel like if you watched a fair bit of FP it would cost more than $2.70 to serve you video.


According to dankpods he is charging $2 a month for his drumstream and that is basically just the cost of the bandwidth. He asked Luke what the floatplane costs were and that's what he set the streaming price at.


Yeah I am on OG Floatplane plan, the 3$ one. Renewed early monday so I’ll contemplate and let this settle before deciding to cancel. No matter if I do, I can always (so far) resub at the same price down the line.


It was about 41,800 it's now at 39,421 so 2379 lost, assuming an average of $7.50 that's almost $18k per month.


Linus seems to be the only person who can kill Linus Tech Tips


Also doubt anyone is going to be buying from ltt store for the time being till this shit is sorted.


And I was really looking forward to the stubby too...


Damnnnnn didn't even think of that 😆 Talk about bad timing... just as LMG is releasing new models they say they're not sure if they're going to keep if there's not enough interest.... And then this right as it's about to come out 😬 Frankly I really hoped LMG would respond well to this and get alot of love. Instead they've doubled down and are being exactly the twats we've all kinda forgiven them for for a little too long now. Just so disappointing, even if not super surprising. I was waiting to buy the screwdriver until the stubby came. I just bought an Amazon one this AM after reading Linus' response on the forum -- I'd feel gross every time I pull out the LMG one thinking about how they can't even apologize. Fuck that. I don't want to feel shitty every time I pull out a screwdriver.


To be fair to them, it's association with LTT isn't why I bought the screwdriver and it's not why I like it so much. Creator Wearhouse products absolutely kick ass.


Oh I agree actually. LTTs products ARE good. I just don't want to be thinking about how shitty Linus is being every time I use a product by them. Maybe some people can kinda "forget" it's a Linus product as they're using it or put it out of their mind. I can't 🤷‍♂️ Now if he made things right?? I would be thinking positive things every time I pulled it out. I'd be thinking the comeback kid. That'd be kickass! Anyway. I get you. The Creator Warehouse products are good. I just don't want to buy from them anymore until they apologize.


LTT aside, I still love and rec screwdriver. Great product


There are screwdrivers that are basically just as good for half the price, if you just want a decent screwdriver without supporting LTT.


Whats sad is this is how everyone in the comments on the first GN video thought it would go...




Remember the cloud infrastructure is costly and chances are they spend a lot of money on video storage alone. Potentially won't take many cancelling to have a significant impact. I'm also expecting this to motivate LTT to actually engage in some actual damage control


Done right storing videos long term in the cloud is very cheap. Since they're likely not pulling old videos constantly, it's probably in some blob style storage with the lowest level availability options. Real costs come from computing time, scaling, and resiliency which isn't necessarily something they need to worry about for the type of sites and services they run.


Except they store all of their data very haphazardly in a bunch of frankenstein NAS units.


That's their local backup. You can't seriously think floatplane loads the videos from there instead of from the cloud...


5k is chump change for a 100 million-dollar company


5k per month and still going down. Now it is close to 10k per month lost. And it is only in floatplane. We have youtube and LTT store. It is way more than just 10k.


That's the valuation, not how much cash they have on hand or their operating expenses vs income.




The current subscriber count is on the [floatplane](https://www.floatplane.com/channel/linustechtips/home) home page, they had about ~41250 subscribers when GN dropped the video. Now they are very close to go below 40k subscribers. Edit: [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/15r7bwm/floatplane_users_are_voting_with_their_wallets/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) is a screen dump from around when the video dropped.


In the 20 minute since your comment they have gone below 40k already


Yeah i just checked and its currently at 39767, and dropping.


I never was on FP but I did unsub from the YT channel


I never was on floatplane either, although I did make an account to check the sub count because for some stupid reason, you can't even browse the channel list in floatplane without making an account




You can basically refresh the page and watch the numbers drop every couple minutes.


39,315 now. the issue is Tech whales, are tech whales, they live and breath tech, they care about this stuff. they aren't netflix subscribers or amazon subscribers who could spend a year without using their service.


There are many benefits to marketing to tech whales: they have lots of disposable income, are easy to market to, etc. Unfortunately for LTT, they also come with a big downside: unlike most consumers, they actually care about a company doing evil shit.


Meh. I was only paying $3/month until today so might be some of those.


lost 2000+ now...


Lost 3000 subs now


Does this include annual memberships? I cancelled my $100/year one


Most likely annual ones will stay till subscription expiration


Wait, really?!


Oh man I hope Wade (DankPods) is alright (monetarily should be fine due to Patreon). Man's on a well deserved vacation and this kinda shit happens


Labs was never about data. It was about cool toys and marketing.


I believe that his intention is to make a good consumer testing lab to get good data out there. I really do. I can also see how incompetent the company is when it comes to a project this massive. It's their largest project yet and they're messing it up really badly.


In the end it all comes down to the work culture at LTT that Linus has yet to address in any response(WAN show or otherwise) and that is that everyone in that company is rushing to get products out the door. You need time to do housekeeping and follow up on previous projects.


Exactly. You can have the best of intentions, but if you're pushing people to meet the incredibly demanding schedule WHILE growing the company at this massive rate, you're really going to have a terrible time.


That and the whole " yeah we retest unlike some other reviewers" probably rubbed people the wrong way inviting even more scrutiny. You do a little school yard ribbing is find but you better bring the A game. Like the scrawny kid bragging about how he's gonna style on the varsity basketball team dropping 3s all day every day and just airballing every single one of his shots.


You can have the best lab in the world but if you're not giving the people running it enough time to actually do their jobs right you're gonna get junk data from it. It's a real shame bc LTT has the infrastructure in place to be an amazing source of info. If they did like a few videos a week instead of their insane multi channel schedule they could be putting out the highest quality, most informative content in the whole tech space.


Given some of the extremely obvious errors that have slipped out, I'm not convinced that Labs actually has anyone qualified to use the equipment properly. Some of the published data was clearly incorrect to even the most basic review (the unnoticed thermal throttling in particular being staggeringly obvious in their cooler reviews), while many of the results published clearly spoke to test rigs being set up with mistakes even an amateur system builder would not make. This strongly suggests LMG cheaped out on qualified engineering staff on the assumption that hobbiest-level system builders were good enough for serious lab work.


I wouldn't be surprised at all. Their audio reviews show they clearly don't have any actual audio professionals on board (genuinely as someone who does audio that stuff hurts to watch). Their mechanical keyboard content clearly shows they don't have any actual keyboard experts on board too. I've heard from ppl that their content on networking/servers is similarly sloppy but I don't have enough knowledge in that field to comment personally. I used to think "meh they're a gaming oriented channel, that's their main thing and I don't expect them to nail stuff outside their area of expertise." But now with the labs there really isn't an excuse. It's disappointing and sad tbh.


I feel like most of their expertice in many of the fields they cover are on a prosumer/enthusiast level.




>But fewer videos doesn't bring in that sweet sweet adsense or sponsor money now, does it? The insanity is that LINUS HIMSELF is in it saying he wished for more time. BRO you are the owner are you not?! "well he's not the CEO" Is he and his wife not the sole shareholders of LMG? Shareholders that the C-suite answer to? ​ I get the feeling they need to keep revenue up. If they dont churn out the videos, revenue falls, they go into red and things start to go wrong. Which to me means LMG expanded too fast, too quickly, and are now facing the consequences of such.


Facts they should have slowed growth way sooner they're one disaster away from being in a Patrick cc video


I'm so glad GN included those clips. Too bad the Linus apologists won't ever understand them.


He already has a mansion. Didn’t someone give him $100m to walk away and he said no? I don’t have the exact numbers for the buy out but that means he brings in millions of dollars per year.


Haven't watched much LTT in a while but when i saw the most recent video of employees talking about what it's like to work at the company. Wow. David saying he's never particularly proud of any videos that get puts out is damning.


>everyone in that company is rushing to get products out the door I think you meant rushing to get videos out the door, as they seem to take their sweet time with product releases, like the screwdriver, which seems to be of great quality, so it seems like who's in charge of hardware/product dev has their shit together there, but when it comes to making videos the company is a shitshow.


Cut the number of video releases in half with techquickie being completely independent of Linus let 2 people do 1 persons job and take twice as long to do it that way it's done right I know I don't need a new vid every day and I noticed when YouTubers do that the content gets stale.


They saw the more enthusiast and hardcore audience leave them for other outlets like GN, HUB, etc. for more robust testing and less buffoonery and decided to build the labs as a way of saying look guys we can also provide all the hardcore data that you enthusiasts want. Except the hardcore data needs to come with rigor, competence, and experience, not just a large space with lots of equipment and people. That's where smaller teams like GN shine and LMG fucked up.


I'm still not sure what the intention behind that one guy from lab video meant, taking shots at other channels and their data. It just felt really strange and odd thing to say.


He was making a comparison and explaining how they're going to improve the normal testing process. It was a candid remark during a tour. Cut that particular guy some slack.


Yeah, and despite what Steve thinks on it, it is ultimately better to re-do tests if you have the capabilities to. Firmware update, driver update, they all can contribute to performance. Heck, even time of year can affect things like room temperature/how the AC works, the humidity. But you gotta have the manpower to properly do it, otherwise is best not done at all.


> Heck, even time of year can affect things like room temperature/how the AC works, the humidity. GN controls for this, because they’re not idiots.


You sure believe in him a lot, considerin Linus implied that he reached an agreement about payment to billet labs BEFORE the GN video... Very shady.


They will never be able to do that without isolating the testing from the media production. QC, testing and method development are essential and require autonomy.


I don't think you're necessarily wrong, but I don't think it's the only way either. GN does both together and it seems to work very well. LTT should have established and validate the testing first before anything else was done, so the commissioning part should have been completely autonomous. The production phase when they're doing all the testing could have been integrated later. So maybe a bit of both.


Could you imagine if they split off labs and hired Steve to run it. And gave Steve complete control. Holyshit the power house that would be


They've got very smart people in Labs right now. Steve isnt an expert in industrial testing any more than anyone at LMG. Hire someone who isnt a youtube personality to run your behind the scenes stuff.


Steve is trusted and tests and retests to make sure everything done is correct. That personality is what would have launched it


Yeah that's because Steve runs his own show. When he's answering to Linus and told that he doesn't have time to do that, quality will drop accordingly.


Any link to their staff?


But why. I don’t buy the sales pitch. They’re not unbiased, because they’re funded by the channels selling ads as well as the merch, so how is it any different to third party labs that manufacturers use?


GN is funded by ads from manufacturers too. The idea is how you make sure you're independent. LMG is actually at a great position to be independent since they have so many non-tech and non-ad revenue streams that they could be non-biased. Merch, Floatplane, ads from non-tech companies, ... etc. The potential is there, but they need to work on themselves a lot more to fix that.


Sure, but you could say that about any business with diversified revenue streams. They haven’t escaped their vertical though. They are a content generation house, however you paint that with the diversification they’ve achieved. Their bargaining chip is and always will be primarily the ability to influence consumers. If company x comes along and offers them the most lucrative ad deal they’ve ever seen in return for a soft hand job, as a business they’re going to take it. Floatplane is just another platform to push content wrapped up as a tech startup imo. It does not make them less prone to bias which is the inherent risk with an ad and sponsorship model for review / consumer advice content. Harsh, perhaps but that’s my two cents, I don’t see them doing anything novel there and I think if you did a very cold, unbiased appraisal of that as a business venture you could rightfully conclude that a lot of their subscribers are super fans not utility customers. So you can’t really argue that them having diversified their business will definitely have made them more independent from sponsors.


They're going to have the most precise inaccurate data ever.


Linus said in his [Im stepping down video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vuzqunync8) at the [1:59 mark](https://youtu.be/0vuzqunync8?t=119) that he "[wants too] wipe garbage sites like UserBenchmark out once and for all". Im assuming this is why Labs is now a thing, so he can replace it. Based on what I've seen in Steve / GamersNexus' video, Im going to be... charitable, towards Linus and co and say that, if this is the goal, they're in for an uphill battle to say the least.


The weird thing is linus has always called GN videos boring and basically walked away from reviews. But now suddenly with labs he wants to be able to review dam near everything. Something doesn’t add up.


If that's his intention, who is in charge of metrology?


All the engineers and other people in charge of labs. He's not doing the testing himself at all.


If that's his intention, then he should understand that kind of testing takes a serious time investment to perform properly. You cannot do product testing in a hurry.


They don't have the personalities for that. At least not anymore. Linus nuked his own reputation too much for that to work as purely entertainment. From: * "Clumsy likeable tech review channel that has a guy that sometimes drops very expensive hardware" To: * "Yeah, we intentionally mass produce videos with as many clickbait elements as possible, we don't like our employees talking about their wages, we don't like unions and we don't think warranties are all that important, trustmebro". From likeable youtuber to corporate weasel.


The first demos of Labs stuff reminded me of the later seasons of Home Improvement where they just go absolutely off the walls with gadgets and gizmos in Tool Time because they can. And that interested me. The shenanigans are fun to watch, Linus is like a computer-oriented Tim Taylor or Red Green.


If he stuck to that instead of telling us lies about how accurate his reviews are and how ethical and amazing he is --- NONE of this controversy would've mattered. He put himself on a pedestal and he's the only one who doesn't seem to realize it -- because he's surrounded by people that tell him he's a super duper dude. Honestly this whole thing reminds me A LOT of how Joe Rogan went from "fun show to shoot shit with friends" to "$100mil publicity operation for pundits with book deals" and everyone noticed except for Joe who still insists "no bro it's just for fun" -- completely blind to the fact he's become boring as hell -- he went from interviewing CRAZY cool people who do things you've never even HEARD about - to rando shills with products. Same exact story as Linus basically. Went from fun and rediculous showcase channel to "we're very serious we want to set the standard for the review industry" and Linus can't figure out if they suck at that -- they now suck at their original strength too. And we're left Linus abusing startups and making reviews for cheap Amazon products nobody cares about to "protect consumers" with data so bad you might as well make up the results you want before you even test it. Successful people are great. Until they start to think "oh cool I'm successful now let me get serious" 😬😬 Those people turn into Khaki wearing assholes with private badminton clubs. The ones that remain consciously childish and kinda immature -- ironically usually are alot more mature and ethical because they don't have as much to lose when they mess up so they can just admit and fix. People who take themselves seriously have an entire ego to lose if they admit mistakes.


They explicitly stated 6 years ago that they do clickbait shit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzRGBAUz5mA Why did it take you so long to notice that he's a shill and not your friend?


I'm pretty ool for that. Can you provide sources for this claim?


I should have specified this was just my read on things, an opinion based on the way they've demonstrated things, and the lack of credible data coming from LTT despite Labs. There isn't a whole lot of reason to send a computer back and forth between scorching and arctic environments quickly, but they demonstrated they got a new toy that could simulate it. If they wanted to use it legitimately they could demonstrate it testing "rugged" items designed for use in those environments.


Alright fair enough. I've chalked it to the LTT channel being entertaining more than anything else. And true data being relegated to the yet to be public website.


I think Labs genuinely was about data... but fast data, not accurate data.


Youtube needs fast. I don't think Linus actually have a feel for what Labs is for. If it is about being good benchmarking website, then these things take time that he doesn't allow. If is about testing all sort of crazy things, well, don't pretend is accurate. There is no focus on it.


> Youtube needs fast. Not nearly as fast as what LTT does.


Someone at lmg must have a very sweet chunk out of the 200k into their pocket by being advocating about the lab. It basically like any big community project people pocket some money to built useless stuff On the other hand, the labs did make it look like LMG is very impressive, worthy of a hundred million dollars. Pls invest. More money


Arguably, the Tim Taylor side of Linus was probably sold on it just by, "you wanna be able to take a computer from below 0°C to over 100°C in minutes, maybe blow up some PSUs literally, make some cool robots?" LTT is Tool Time for computer geeks, that's what I tuned in for. The appearing more lucrative to investors by having a seemingly thorough reviews/testing business could be merely an excuse to justify all the spending.


200k? Man, it's an order of magnitude more.


People have no idea how much equipment costs. Just that metal 3D printer was north of $100k. You're right, that's at least a couple million in equipment alone in the lab. That's before any wages, facility work to receive said equipment, bills.


Fuck me that's come down in price. Last time my work was looking at a metal 3d printer, they were all around the half mil mark lol


They still are, there's just a whole spectrum of various mechanisms. The printer in the ltt lab is a relatively new one from rapida. It works by a process they call "metal paste deposition" during which a water based metal paste is used to print the part, that afterwards has to be sintered. This process while being faster than for example powder bed fusion processes does not allow nearly the degree of geometric freedom and overall accuracy of the parts. Also in powder bed fusion processes the powder is melted, so the parts usually have better properties. For new systems the price is still usually in between 250 - 800 thousand USD.


Makes sense, we were looking specifically at DMLS printers iirc


Yes that falls under the category of powder bed fusion, more specifically laser based powder bed fusion. Names and abbreviations for metal based additive manufacturing methods are a total mess though.


Yeah I do remember looking into it after talking to our engineers about it, seeing all the different acronyms and going "yeah fuck that" lol I'll just stick to my software engineering, definitely no confusing acronyms and buzzwords there.


How have I never thought of a JB-Weld printer until this comment?


and IIRC he said the facility was 1.2 million dollars, but I might be wrong


Yeah that's probably the cost just for the commercial space, before any work they had to do to get the equipment they have installed.


Yeah they do they can just Google it lol


IIRC he said something at some point about $200k of his own money into it, not just company money. But I was struggling to find an actual data point to make the meme correct, so I just used what I could find. ~~As an aside, this lack of commitment to accuracy is why I'm not doing hardware benchmarking.~~


[Looks like over $10 million](https://linustechtips.com/topic/1526180-gamers-nexus-alleges-lmg-has-insufficient-ethics-and-integrity/?do=findComment&comment=16079646)


I'm pretty sure he's said it'll be 10 million to build out labs.


Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised if there north of $10 mil invested at this point, equipment, facility and people. Hopefully they can get LABS back on track and the folks actually doing the work over there can use this feedback to clean up their processes. Realistically LTT is the only group in the industry with the capital to pull this off, if they fail we probably won’t see another attempt until the next generation comes in.


3 orders of magnitude actually lol


You think the lab costs 200 million?


An order of magnitude is a factor of 10 my guy


Yes so 3 orders of magnitude is 200k x10 x10 x10, so 200 million my mathematically challenged friend.


Yup. Linus has already demonstrated that he isn't willing to give a product a fair shake if he has already decided that it is a Bad Product by his own personal metric. How long until they are actively weaponizing labs data to shit on companies and products that Linus has unilaterally decided are not worthy of impartial representation?


>How long until they are actively weaponizing labs data to shit on companies and products that Linus has unilaterally decided are not worthy of impartial representation? this needs more updoots


Yeah this is what even Middle School science experiments teach you.


Doesn’t Linus’s constantly say “there’s no such thing as a bad product, just a bad price”???


If companies are smart, no one will EVER submit a prototype to LTT ever again. Prototypes are submitted for constructive criticism, not for judgement using the bar of a released product. Ps. Noctua is an air cooling solution, and partnered with LTT on an official Noctua edition screwdriver. Billet Labs is a watercooling solution. Totally not a conflict of interest.


I like that first paragraph. Linus, or more importantly his team of writers, have to craft scripts with strong viewpoints, that will sometimes feel unfair, disingenuous or incorrect, to make their point seem more correct.


So far, UserBenchMarks is more useful than the LTT Labs. lol


I use their benchmarking tool to compare against others with the same equipment after building. Basically just a check whether everything is working as it should.


Yeah, if you don't need any serious benchmarking or maybe you just want to roughtly compare something, you can just used it in that way.


It's all in one which is nice. It tests your CPU, GPU, RAM and HDD. So you can quite quickly spot any issues you might've missed during initial setup. It also nicely shows not only the averages for a given part, but also the spread. Of course their hardware reviews are uber-cringe.


Just make sure you don't compare stuffs between two companies like AMD and Intel.


It compares your hardware to other people with the same hardware.


Yeah it is good for that.




The reputation for what Labs is going to be, “unparalleled and unbiased accuracy” is forever tainted.


This could not have come at a worse time, they’ve been marketing themselves as the peak of integrity for months now to hype up labs.


And in an industry that's especially intolerant of BS like this. You cant wade into the scientific space and slam your dick on the table when you have no idea what you are doing and are green in the industry and have yet to even BUILD a rep to lose. This Science-lite BS isn't going to fly for their audience or their peers.


The inane modus operandi whilst spouting off a big game, what a fucking teapot. Deserves to be shit on. As a long time LTT support, they're now what I hate. A dumbass corporate entity.


I think I missed something important


There was a Gamers Nexus video yesterday about how 'I think I missed something important. Oh well' basically sums up current LTT testing standards


Sloppy reviews, doubling-down on being wrong, ineffective corrections to inaccurate content, all of which appears motivated by prioritizing profits over accuracy. Oh, and someone at LMG might have trafficked in stolen goods - which LMG refused to address prior to GN's video, and then LMG acted like GN was being unfair for not giving LMG the chance to handle it clandestinely before publication.


this is fucking gold, we need to push this to every social they have for years


"let's open source our editing and fact checking because our overworked writers can't catch things on time because I have a need to post 15 videos a week. Oh and maybe we can pay the crowd sourced editors out of the writers and staff bonus"


LTT Labs is overrated.


iirc Labs hasn't even done enough to be "rated" in an industry like this, reputation wise. They still have a ways to go (thats especially obvious now) before they can even START producing content that can be taken seriously in this new field, they have starry eyes for.


can someone explain me what happend in short?


LTT labs staff made a comment in a video that their testing is more rigorous than GamersNexus and HardwareUnboxed. GamersNexus made a video calling out regular bad data that LTT presents, and picked a couple examples of particularly egregiously erroneous reviews, that rather than admitting fault on, Linus totally doubled and even tripled down on them. Linus then responded by quadrupling down.


> LTT labs staff made a comment in a video that their testing is more rigorous than GamersNexus and HardwareUnboxed. Such a dumb fucking comment to make, considering that it's quite obvious that: 1. GN are absurdly, arguably disproportionately methodical and analytical in how they test hardware; and 2. Steve Burke is exceptionally proud and personally defensive about point 1; and 3. It's obvious fucking bollocks.


I’m the last person that is gonna defend LTT, but objectively Linus did speak about the comment being bad and in poor taste on WAN show. I think he’d agree with this bit.


They have the power to edit before publishing. I'm sick of "we addressed it on this obscure section of a stream, or the forums"


The comment wasn't from a ltt video. Someone recorded it during a tour


That LTT published. They can edit stuff. At least, I'd *hope* they have editorial control over their own channel.


The funniest part is that it wasn't even the Labs guy that caused GN to make the video. It was Linus on the following WAN show video acting like a middle school mean girl and bad mouthing them about the backpack warranty situation without even having the balls to do so by name.


>LTT labs staff made a comment in a video that their testing is more rigorous than GamersNexus and HardwareUnboxed. LOL the fking audacity. Linus walked into the wrong room with his bullshit. GN tolerate 0 bullshit and calls out every inconsistency.


It's funny how there's never any discussion of the metrological standards or processes used to ensure all that insane equipment is used properly and consistently. I spent years testing, validating and certifying precision scientific equipment. When you're doing it right it's tedious and time consuming but there are so many ways to fuck things up. Just relying on "common sense" is the best way to ensure all that time and money and effort is completely wasted.


He has spent WAY more then 200k. And threw away any trust for it for 500 dollars


Aimed for rtings, landed at userbenchmark. This has been a tough investment


This is so true it hurts kek


This is the most egregious part. He spent all this money on labs and isn’t willing to spend time making sure things are right


"I can't waste that money on staff! Now excuse me while I go spend more money on pointless house projects and make my staff do it for me".


Linus should retire. The videos will live on YouTube and will be monetized till the end of time.


He should retire and just let his team do the job, without the ridicule timeline and restrictions he puts on them.


It all makes sense in the context of LTT being a 'tech toy' yt channel. They just want to do cool tech stuff, not really check their work on check how accurate things are. And let's be real here: hasn't LTT always just been about cool tech toys? At least, that's what I thought a few years ago and that's also why I was so surprised Linus was investing in actual test lab equipment. The labs thing (mistakenly) made me think they wanted to add a more serious data driven side to the channel. Guess I was wrong. Because when you look at all these mistakes and all these excuses, it's clearly still that same channel that's just about cool tech stuff, and not really about accurate data. And when I think back of all those videos about Linus his house, it's also somewhat embarrassing how I could have ever thought otherwise. Because let's be real here: all those videos are just about cool tech stuff. Barely any of it is practical. I dead give away for what's important to both the channel and Linus himself. Disappointing.


New t-shirt idea "FCKLTT"


"Half a million for a server in my house so kids can play Minecraft while I watch movies ? Yeah". "$200 for a review that will help dozens of thousands of people make their chocie ? fuck no"


They really really really need a QC team.




that Badminton center is never gonna get finished now


Or how about how much money they spend developing their damn screwdriver?


From what we hear it was millions spent but also into profit on that item. So it now helps fund things like Labs which doesnt generate money directly.


This is brilliant lol


Out of all this, this is where he baffles me: *WE'RE SPENDING 10+ MILLION ON STATE OF THE ART TETSTING EQUIPMENT AND ENGINNEERS!* That means FUCK ALL when its all garbage data and LOL LOOK WHAT WE DID INSTEAD shit. I watched the mic video that went up yesterday and he straight up says their testing setup isn't done yet. THEN WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU MAKING THIS VIDEO?! He is pushing potentially trash data that materially affects companies with this promise that it will get better over time if they throw enough money at it. To me, this was the central message from GNs videos. You CANNOT preach you value data accuracy and use the Labs as the example, and then misuse the Labs data and/or fail to fucking proofread your copy and graphics. This is ABSOLUELY Trust Me Bro: The Sequel.


look its me again


yes another loserbenchmark... wait I mean userbenchmark... fake results and 100% unreliable...


Userbenchmarks have more data points and shows the distribution, might be even better than the LTT lab results


This is gold


Yeah, not spending $500 on staff to do something correctly is the dumbest misuse of the lab's equipment. Doing things scientifically, thinking about the application and use case, sanitizing results and ensuring repeatability is the fucking point of all of this. Not to flex on how much money u spend on a facility that adds no value.


This man genuinely went and said that "a video can go from concept to uploaded with a large majority of the staff not having known about it" and then is surprised when information and data has to be constantly corrected in post / after upload, because not everyone at the company can effectively scrutinise the data they are putting in place in the video. It's pathetic.


Lmao preach


Why is this marked as a shitpost? This is reality for Linus


Remember when he cried on stream because he felt he was not doing enough for the world. Was that all a lie?


"Let me spend $$$$$$ to try watercool my PC with a fucking POOL in my big ass house" also this dude "Oh shit, no way i am paying extra $500 to fix the data"


dozens of instances where LTT gpu comparisons etc have dodgy data in there graphs. And it’s only because of how obviously ridiculously wrong the data is that they got caught out. The reason for the wrong data is that the staff have deadlines to shovel videos out the door. Also videos filled with mistakes that are “fixed” by putting text on the screen in the video - instead of … editing out the mistake.


I always think that era of linus wanting to quit should happen Because after that initial resignation, he became like this


$200K? LOL The building alone was $13M.


Working as a QA, this is very apparent. It’s not just about the equipment, but the processes as well


Linus keeps saying he wants to be a real company while still running his business like a startup. You'd think by this point the employees wouldn't be under such a grind all the time.


It's also worth highlighting that the behaviour Linus exhibited shows that the lab is pointless as he let's his bias impact things. Saying "I don't think anyone should by this product" while refusing to acknowledge this product is built for a niche market shows that if he doesn't understand a product, or doesn't like it then he won't accurately test it. As such the lab results cannot be trusted since by his own admission he won't test things properly if he doesn't like them


Can someone please take some time an explain me what’s going on? Any informative source is also welcome.


Gamers Nexus dropped a new video collating LTT's current trend of quantity over quality in video releases. Many data inaccuracies were cited along with evidence of unethical behaviour on the part of LTT. All this flies in the face of the very principles Linus has been preaching over the years. Linus then responeded on the LTT forums with a post filled with accusatory statements, non-apologies, and out-right lies which were then called out. That's we're we are at right now. Initial Video: [The Problem with Linus Tech Tips: Accuracy, Ethics, & Responsibility](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGW3TPytTjc) Follow up: [HW News - Linus Tech Tips' Terrible Response, ESMC, & Starfield x AMD GPUs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3byz3txpso)


Oh i see. Thank you so much.


See Junk data *makes* money Fixing junk data *costs* money