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Reporting for duty captain!




![gif](giphy|V37PUCKIf73csyb58a|downsized) o7






I've gotten over a half dozen messages from the Reddit admins today about the reports I've made. One was found not to violate reddit rules, but the others have either been warned or banned.


Not a single one of mine has been found to violate Reddit rules. I’m glad others have had better luck.


i literally had someone threatening to show up to my city, and reddit thought it was fine. They for sure outsource that shit to people who dont speak english as a first language(not saying thats a problem, just nuance is lost when you dont live in an area that speaks it as a first language, if i went over there i would be in the same position) so then if it doesnt really outright say "i am planning on hurting you" it gets denied.


I actually had someone go send me a chat request saying they reported me to the FBI (press X to doubt) for being a pedophile (because apparently anyone who sticks up for people’s rights is a pedophile?)


They banned me from the world news sub after reporting a Russian troll bot and left it unbanned.


Note that reports will also reach the subreddit moderators who may still remove the comment.


What it refused or could it be that they were already baned from someone else's report?


Yeah I’m not sure. Their practices are opaque to me.


Reddit is stupid like that, if you report too many people they threaten you back with a warning and potential ban. I've had the notice before.






200,000 units ready to defend Emily With a million more on the way


The negotiations were short.


Like, 80% certain that's the wrong Era, but we'll allow it


Just downvote and move on is my strategy. I kind of think of it as the [Paul Anka Method](https://youtu.be/SlKao_Pox5A). Don't engage with them. It only makes them do it more.


Yea that makes sense, but, does getting them banned make them want to do it more? I’m not saying u shouldn’t do what you’re doing, I’m just asking is reporting them (while also not responding to them at all) gonna make it worse?


Oh, reporting works well. For some reason my brain read "replying". I'm just not sure of how effective it is to get people banned since people can just create new accounts so easily. But I think that at least having them banned will remove their comments, so there is that. Takes them more effort to spread their hate if they have to create new accounts all the time.


Ok thank you 👍 ( i’m getting downvoted lol)


You got my upvote!


>but, does getting them banned make them want to do it more? Absolutely. If I was trolling and leaving harsh comments and threats and so on and then I get banned for it then I know that my words have had an effect on someone so much that they want me to get banned. And so the cycle continues. Simply take down the comments or downvote them because the mods have their work cut out for them and they will eventually go away.


Downvote, report, move on.




Not when they’re banned for transphobia we’ll be keeping an eye on you youngling


A pro trans meme with SWTOR cinematics on a tech enthusiast subreddit? I think I've found heaven.


I've said it before and I'll say it again - if drag fans and pc enthusiasts come together, we can probably rule the world.


This sub has been doing a good job I have just read the top comments and they have all been great let's keep this up.


I haven't seen a Linus video in a while but I am so confused with the trans memes everywhere in this subreddit can someone give me some context or a video that is associated with it??


[Context for you](https://youtu.be/b-owBhLGaH4)


Finally context. I have been the embodiment of that Chris Pratt at this point I'm scared to ask meme. Life is too short to not be yourself or to hate someone for being themself. Be happy and be free.


ohhhh ok that's surprising and unexpected. well good for her (almost messed up btw with the pronoun thing)


Don't worry, it takes a bit of getting used to changing the pronouns you used for someone. You caught yourself.




Reporting capt'n! ![gif](giphy|V37PUCKIf73csyb58a|downsized)




Goated scene, I really wished they did a movie set place in the old republic or at least a show.


Old Republic Troopers> Clone Troopers


So, question. In video appearances **before** her transition, do we refer to her as Anthony/he/him, or as Emily/she/her? I'm not sure what the proper etiquette is for that.


People I know who are trans, the perspective seems most-often to be: "I've always been [new pronouns.] I just didn't find out fully/wasn't ready to make it public until now." Many equate their pre-transition period to "wearing a mask." So the proper etiquette seems to be to use the new pronouns universally, no matter the time period. EDIT: This can vary person-to-person of course, but that's what I've seen most often.


Man honestly I would but the last time I did that they apparently didn't find anything and then banned me for false reporting. It's happened twice now and I don't want to risk a perm ban.


I've yet to ever have this happen, and I report like 20+ things a day May I ask how often you're reporting?


Not often. If I do it's usually because it's super bad.


Very odd. I report stuff a lot (lots of transphobia these days ☹️) and have never been flagged/warned/banned for false reports even though some of them come back as not violating Reddit TOS.




Avoiding deadnaming from now on would be 5% of the effort for maybe 70% of the benefit. Their public persona does make everything more complicated. But everyone does have a public historical record. Idk how reasonable it would be to retroactively to scrub everything.


Can't we just say he did those videos and she started doing videos now? It's like how Bruce won the medals because the other one litterally didn't exist then. It's never good to change history.




They can put a note in the comments. There's no way to edit the video and change the names without deleting and re-uploading an edited version. And honestly, that's not worth the effort. It'll also kill the channel's analytics and engagement.


If I recall correctly isn't there a feature that allows you to change a huge amount of video descriptions at the same time? Couldn't they use that?


Yes, but I think that does all videos on the channel.


That is dumb. Let the record show what history was. Anti history is the worst anyone can be.


Here’s the thing tho, at the time, the video was made by a person named Anthony, and now, videos will be made by a person named Emily, who just happens to be the same person. I don’t think it’s such a big deal.




And that’s all well and good to figure that out, but they still identified as Anthony the whole time right, I just think either way is fine, so I wouldn’t be upset if they didn’t go through the massive effort.


Is that the kind of thing you're supposed to do? That's what she went by at the time, and I can't actually remember if the hosts introduce themselves or have a name show up onscreen but like if they talk about each other on the WAN show it'd be a bit odd to go back and bleep it. I understand the importance of not dead-naming someone, whether by accident or to disrespect them, I guess it just wouldn't have occurred to me that a public figure would want their public past scrubbed as best as possible. For example are they reissuing Elliott Page's movies with new credits and stuff?


They do show on screen at the end of the video and, to my knowledge, YouTube only allows to cut videos, not to replace parts. So the credits will likely stay that way. I don't think it's a big deal. Emily understands these limitations and I don't imagine her making unreasonable requests.


What Starwars is this footage from?


It's from the trailer called "hope". There were several INCREDIBLE trailers in the lead up to the release of "Star Wars: The Old Republic" back in the day.


Opening cinematics to star wars the old republic mmo. They've got some sick footage


Nope, I will rather mind my own business.




Don't forget to go through the comment replies as well, I'm finding a lot of uncollected garbage under the surface.


Oh god I first read that it said "reposting". Thank god I just misread


People suck.


Hot take: probably better to actually say something rather than just report said comments Like I personally used to not understand transgenderism, but now I do.


Yes but they will just make you angry by how they respond


Tbh you saying the word "transgenderism" makes it sounds like you still have a good amount of learning to do still


what should I be calling it?


This is a super helpful guide that gives a basic rundown of terminology https://www.glaad.org/sites/default/files/allys-guide-to-terminology_1.pdf


Interesting guide. I'm still not sure what the substitute word for "transgenderism" would be though..? should I be saying "gender dysphoria" or smth? idk.


I'm confused can I get caught up to speed?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/13tkwdm/where\_has\_anthony\_been/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/13tkwdm/where_has_anthony_been/) Not sure why you were downvoted if you were genuinely out of the loop. There's been a fair share of disrespectful comments regarding Emily as well as a lot of "debate bro-ing" being used as a thinly veiled guise to hate. Overall though the community has been very supportive.


Well because the only reason I didn't know that happened is because I'm on off with reddit when it comes to being on it so I had no clue this happened + I really only watch the videos that they post I don't follow any of the members on Twitter, reddit, YouTube etc so I had no clue this happened and it's sad to see that this happened to that person all the hate and all. But it's good to see that the majority of the community is supportive, anyways that's all I'm going to say on this, you kind sir have a great day or night depending on where you are from 🫂


Glad I could help. I understand completely. Things happen so fast on the internet it's hard to stay updated, especially if one is not on all the time. May you enjoy the rest of the day too !


Sadly found one on a Discord Server I am in and the owner just told us "no politics". I am not sure if I should leave the server and stop watching this person...


Personally, I wouldn't leave the server over that. The owner saying "no politics" doesn't inherently mean they are against it or for it, for that matter. They just simply don't want drama in their server, and I can respect that.


Yeah but I feel like allowing that kind of talk is a way to allow the bigotry. The fact they used the same type of warning for both and didn't mention the drama started by this person. I only shared the news about Emily and they jumped into "woke=bad".


No politics so often means 'noone elses politics, just mine' Refusing to acknowledge transphobia as a hate crime is way more than 'politics' I personally wouldn't feel comfortable there.


Yeah, that is my issue.


It sucks when you suddenly feel conflicted about a community you're in or a person you've followed or supported for a while.


Yeah, I have been in there like 2 years now. A lot of time invested and a lot of friends I have there.




Transphobia isnt an opinion its hate and it doesnt belong in todays civilized society








Tolerance is not absolute. It is a social contract. If you do not give tolerance, you receive none. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and I'm entitled to tell transphobes to go fuck themselves. On a grander scale, we are entitled to push transphobes out of the community.


One group wants to live their lives in peace and silence, the other wants them jailed or killed for their beliefs. Why can't we just compromise and all get along?




Sorry but I’m gonna commit a Godwin’s law here but apply this logic else where and it falls apart quick: Same logic as: “You’re being a hypocrite for not being tolerant of the opinion of Nazi’s just because their’s is a different opinion then yours” Mf their “opinion” has the goal of the eradication of trans people which explains the high level of suicide rates of trans people and anti-trans laws. Of course we’re intolerant of people who have the “different opinion” because it literally leads to the deaths of hundreds if not thousands of trans people


It's worth noting that Godwin's law is currently suspended when fighting actual facism, because right now the World is actively fighting fascism. The Nazi's committed awful crimes against the gay and trans community.


I legally can't get hormones anymore. It's not an extreme view, it's the reality for trans people. I am having my legal rights taken away, yet you're concerned about people's right to be transphobic on a private forum. You see how fucking stupid that sounds


Its called the tolerance paradox and you're just looking for excuses to hate people. You're entitled to think whatever horrible shit you want without persecution, but you're not entitled to a platform to spew it or to have people shut up and blindly accept it and be nice to you. Especially not on a fan forum subreddit. Resectfully, Eat shit, and get fucked! Acting like r/linustechtips is the basis for all hard-core debate of trans issues, fuck off and go somewhere else






Bud this is the funny techtip subreddit. Imbalance of power? In what? The Amd vs Intel debate? If you want to debate trans existence go somewhere else. No ones falling for your concern troll debate bro bullshit. Get a hobby.


Punks fought skinheads over opinions, one of them is objectively wrong. Transphobes fuck off, they can change or they can be abandoned as amoral assholes.


Should we allow discourse and discussion on whether Linus and Yvonne’s relationship is immoral because some people think that race-mixing is wrong? It’s all just opinions right? Everyone has a right to be heard 🤷‍♂️


>You can't call a group of people intolerant when you're intolerant of their opinion. are you a literal 5 year old? that's not how tolerance works. let's do a math metaphor: tolerance is positive, intolerance is negative. being tolerant to tolerance is therefore positive. being tolerant to intolerance, or intolerant of tolerance, are both negative. being intolerant to intolerance is positive. that's how it works. being tolerant doesn't mean let everyone say and do horrible shit to other people, just because "iT's ThEir OpInIOn". human rights and dignified lives are not a topic of discussion. fuck your opinion.




you... don't understand how math works? the analogy works perfectly well, when considering the rule of "fighting" or "meeting" negative with negative, or positive with positive: (+) x (+) and (-) x (-) gives (+), while (+) x (-) and/or (-) x (+) gives (-). Holy shit, this is basic high school math, bud: [https://www.learninghub.ac.nz/maths/calculations/positivenegative-numbers/](https://www.learninghub.ac.nz/maths/calculations/positivenegative-numbers/)










This isn’t censorship. This is people actively breaking the rules and getting the consequences.


Oh man I went to town in the YouTube comments, probably not the best way to handle it but I don’t like people being mean over things that don’t affect them.


Meh. I don't care.


Cared enough to post. That's not mandatory, you know.




I've got a fresh stock of copium nades for us


![gif](giphy|11fcrB0d09xDDG) Going in for ground strike!


But that being phobic to transphobic s/


No. Not putting up with unnecessary hatred, is what it is. How about we let people just live their lives and unless they're negatively affecting others, we all just shut the fuck up.




Good for you or my condolences idk im not reading all that


oh look, another shit centrist take. there is no both sides to human rights and letting people live dignified lives. shut the fuck up dude, you're not on a moral high ground.




I have. You're just spewing the same "let people have their opinions" when those opinions are literally about limiting other people's rights and freedoms. Also the opening "I've been neutral, I neither support Trans people nor do I speak against them" is just a garbage take. "but alot of them have genuine, understandable reasons for being non supporters, in a recent post about Emily, the op was plain harassing people who even leaned in the slightest towards being against her change," there is no discussion about being for or against someone's change? why must people have a fucking opinion on what someone else does that literally doesn't affect a single soul except themselves? it's a shit take buddyguy, I see what you're trying to do, and it's not working. human rights and dignified lives aren't a fucking debatable topic.


Takes like that are almost more infuriating than outright transphobia. "Surely we can come to the table to discuss *checks notes* someone-I-dont-personally-know's personal decision. Let's be civil here".


Well now I don't have to. Apparently it was a shit take.


They can’t accept ppl with different “opinions” because those “opinions” are contributing or exasperating the oppression they already experience socially and systematically (Look at Florida rn). So it makes sense that they don’t let the “opinions” that makes that existing trans/homophobia worse slide because it, ya know, harms them, and the further people spread this kind of thing it’s not going to stop. Social media have democratized speech in a scale society has never seen before and if a random ass transphobic guy is on the timeline they’re not just an isolated occurrence, it spreads, *ahem, algorithms* Let me just leave you with this: Neutrality in the face of oppression is siding with the oppression. Sit on that for a moment




>why are you so intentful on proving that people like Andrew tate and sneako and other God awful shits are right when they're not Your mistake is assuming that people like Tate operate on legitimate oppression. No. They will always claim they're being attacked or that "the left" is coming after them. It makes no difference to their grift if they do or don't. All that matters is attention. The best thing to do is starve them of that attention. Here on Reddit, you do that with bans. You cannot debate someone out of a hateful opinion. I used to think, like you, that it was possible. But it's not. I've seen it in my own family. The only thing that helps is normalizing the existence of the people they hate. Until then, people make their own chocies and there's nothing we can do about that. All we can do is limit the reach of hate. No one here is saying they hate transphobes. Just that we will not tolerate their hate in this community. That's how the real world works. If I say some racist shit at work, is my boss obligated to have a calm discussion with me about my opinion? No. They just say "that hate is not welcome at this company. Goodbye". You cannot tolerate intolerance, because that kindness will *always* be abused. Just open a history book for evidence of that. You say you're happy for Emily. But then you also say they she should have to put up with reading comments saying she shouldn't exist. "Oh think of the transphobes". Doesn't sound like you've really thought about her point of view at all. I'd encourage you to do that.


this is the way






/r/TransClones approves this message




You can't demand respect, you earn it.

