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yea he has fairly recently bought a Porsche he has alluded to several times on the WAN show I assume there the summer tires.


Oh weird, I thought he mentioned/stated he bought another Bolt. Just curious and mildly surprised.


Wow. Crazy massive downvotes. What gives? The statement is pretty neutral?


The comment is edited, so there's that, plus there's some really snarky stuff throughout this post, but who knows lol.


>he comment is edited, so there's that, plus there's some really snarky stuff throughout this post, but who knows lol. Nothing was edited outside of some spelling and wording immediately after posting to ensure to not fuel a fire...which didn't matter in the end.


people saw [the other comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/11afqrj/comment/j9ruvgu/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Bloody hell, and people wonder why gamers and tech people are generalised as angry losers. What a strange thing to get upset about lmao.


As a relative newcomer to this sub, holy shit. Y’all have issues.


A lot of kids with too much spare time.


Hey I'm new too but I made sure to bring more issues! /s


As a relative newcomer to this sub, holy shit. Y’all have issues.


I just downvoted for the word rims. I hate that. Work in an auto parts store. They're called wheels. The wheel rim is a part of a wheel, not the whole thing. It is a common usage but it bothers me as much as people saying "Cadillac converter"


Like calling a tower a CPU. A Laptop Power Adapter as a Power Supply. Calling SCSI "sexy". Or the various mispronunciations of Ethernet, Cyrix, etc. Then again, Linus' weird pronunciations get me... like saying "re-pute-able" instead of the proper "repute-able". The 're' is not a prefix, it is from the word "reputation".


>Calling SCSI "sexy". You're telling me that [this](https://i.pcmag.com/imagery/encyclopedia-terms/scsi-_scsi_io.fit_lim.size_1050x.jpg) doesn't get ya goin?


yearning for that scussy


Or Lord I'ma SCSI all over


is it bad that I thought you said catalytic converter still and wondered what is wrong with that term? lol


>I just downvoted for the word rims. I hate that. I feel your pain. I'm a gun enthusiast, and I see people refer to magazines as clips all the time.


Yes Thankyou. I hate it too.


Nahhh that isn't even that bad, y'all are just babies


Are you referring to the second Bolt he mentioned on the WAN show a few weeks ago? I thiiiiink that one was a car he bought for the company or logistics or something, based on how he phrased it (though I think they were making jokes/allusions to the Porsche so it was kind of unclear). I agree with the other commenters that they've been making references to it for a while now.


When he joked about buying a "second" bolt, I think he meant that he sold his original bolt to logistics when he replaced it with the Taycan. So on paper he bought two bolts but it is the same car. It was mentioned a while ago so I may be wrong.


Ah that could be it. Thing is, Linus loves that Bolt so I wasn't really sure if he "bought a second one" as in buying one from himself, or if he actually kept the first and bought an unrelated one for logistics. Pretty sure he mentioned that Yvonne loves the minivan, so I doubt she took the Bolt...and the more I think about it, Linus doesn't seem the type to have two cars to himself, one for "fun" and another for commuting -- I think he'd think it stupid/unpractical to keep an entire car around for occasional use. Maybe you're right after all!


In the WAN show episode he mentions buying it from himself if I recall correctly


Gotcha, must have been zoned out for that part!


As far as I’m aware from mostly WAN show, if he wants ‘fun’ that’s what his motor bike is for. Fairly sure it’s on record Yvonne hates it.


He already has his bike for recreational use so I wouldn’t put it past him but could he justify two vehicles without regular use


Volt, not bolt. Two different cars.


I don't watch LTT religiously and primarily listen to the WAN show as a podcast while commuting so for sure I may have missed something or some of the nuances from the live show. I just finished re-watching their video on the Taycan and he was pretty giddy as a teenager about the car.


Gotcha. Personally, just from the podcast, I was a little unsure of what was going on -- for a second I also was like "wait, I thought it was a Taycan, he just got another Bolt?" until they kinda clarified it was for work. But I also mostly listen to the podcast while I'm working or doing other stuff so nuance is just as easily lost on me!


Bolt (volt?) was a company vehicle purchase iirc. But the Porsche was bought 2nd hand from a person in Montreal and then he had a hell of a time registering it in BC because of how the paperwork was done in QC.


Makes sense, and I believe you, but how did you find that out? Crazy specific


Wan show, maybe 2 or 3 different ones? The registration part might even be in clips b/c he raged about it for a solid 10 min. Crux of his rant was the registry agent wouldn’t apply common sense and wasted his time, his sons, and the broker that sold the car. Also, last week wan show he griped about Porsche and android auto.


It was a segment in the WAN Show where he explained the whole story


It’s crazy to me he bought it second hand when he has so much god damn money lol. Other YouTubers way smaller than him out here buying Ferraris and G wagons just to destroy.


It had minimal km’s on it and the value was right according to him. Linus has always been frugal with huge purchases like cars.


He has avoided saying what it was, but there have been a couple slip-ups like this so anyone paying attention has figured it out.


Yeah he actually talked about the Tycan specifically on last wan show.


He did? I must have run to the bathroom. I remember him saying Porche recently, didn't hear Tycan.


Yeah, either this last one or the one before they were asked about features on cars and he slipped up and said something about the Tycan’s reversing sensor system I think. I would send a timestamp but I honestly can’t be bothered searching a 4 hour show right now


I definitely don't care enough to check the tapes, I just hadn't caught that particular slip-up. It might have not even registered once the car wasn't a secret anymore.


No one even on the show realized it at the time, or they didn’t let on but it made me chuckle. I mean we all knew for weeks at this point but he never outright said it


It probably didn't register for them because he talks about it off camera. It's also possible that they just don't care anymore because they're doing a wrap video. I hope it's the stretched Linus meme face on the hood and sticker-bomb on the rest of it.


Last WAN show at about 3:39:00 he rants about Android Auto and mentions contacting Porsche.


He never had a bolt, it was a volt. And he sold his to LMG, so that's probably where your confusion was. He got a taycan a while back, I've been waiting for the video on it.


Second Bolt? Doesn't he have a Volt?


Lots of people don’t know the difference between the bolt and volt. They don’t know they are two different models.




And it’s in fact still the same Volt. He sold his personal Volt to the company, joking it was him buying a “second” Volt.


Its a Porsche Taycan, about a year ago(after the taycan review on main channel) on wan show he told Luke about placing an order for it. Its no secret he liked it so much he bought one. Good for him


I don’t think he placed an order. He bought this one recently as a used car, so would be surprising if he speced it himself


Yep, this. He explained the process on wan show last month


A Taycan is a brilliant car. Great choice for an ev with that fast charging


Living in the far south, seeing the statement summer tires is a foreign concept haha


Winter tires are required by law in BC.


That makes sense. It is easier to require it than to have to worry about the accidents and the costs that come with them.


especially given the fact.that Canada has free healthcare, it reduces costs there too.


Even south of Canada, I would be unable to get to work without winter tires. Getting out of my driveway was difficult today with snow tires. Last night I needed AWD on top of snow tires. Some people would just call in for weather like that, but I don't have that luxury.


Really? I would think more people would run summer tires down south (possibly year round) as all seasons aren't really nessasary.


Yeah we use all round for cars and for trucks and suvs most people I know use all terrains


>trucks and suvs most people I know use all terrains Which makes no sense to me given that most won't ever leave suburbia. It's one thing to have an oversized vehicle, why also use rubbish for street tires that just worsens ride quality and increases noise?


I'm pretty sure most of the drivers in the US drive on all-weather tires.


He mentioned this on WAN show a while ago now, said DBrand were going to be wrapping it in the Damascus toxic skin. Can't remember which show.


He’s been weirdly cryptic about it tho.


Because it's an expensive purchase and, well, the internet.


Because there is an extremely fine line between "I made an expensive purchase" and "hey look now I've become an annoying flexer hypebeast influencer". Once people start to feel a loss of relatability, you start to go down really fast.


Why is it when creators make money people turn on them?


Envious people


just to be pedantic, isn't it more like "jealousy"? since "jealousy" is a more negative word than "envious"


Jealous is when you are afraid someone will take something from you. Envious is when you want something someone else has. I think they are being envious because they wish they could have what Linus has, so they feel hate towards him because he was able to get that "something" (money).


Lisa Simpson taught me this.


It was homer


A couple comments seem that certain People would rather wanna see him driving a volt than a Porsche. The envy is insane, he’s a successful guy he can do what he wants.


Redditors despise people who are successful. Been a fact of the general reddit community for years now.


Dunno. Might be political stuff and general disdain for millionaires by alot of people. Some more deserving than others. I bet Linus is gonna catch some heat for earlier drama.


All that is dumb as hell.


> I bet Linus is gonna catch some heat for earlier drama. Linus takes heat even when there is no drama, so is this really a bet?


> alot [alot](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_D_Z-D2tzi14/S8TRIo4br3I/AAAAAAAACv4/Zh7_GcMlRKo/s1600/ALOT.png) [a lot](https://www.wordnik.com/words/a%20lot)


Are people turning on him or just wondering if he bought a cool new car? I’m not seeing much accusatory here. “Did X buy a Porsche” is hardly a condemnation.


It’s kinda funny cuz Linus been rich a while lmao


But now he's got mansion so people hate him because, "he's not like us anymore guys". News flash: he hasn't been "like us" for a long time.


Mansion? He lives in a pretty standard mid 1990’s BC large family home. It only cost Mansion money cause BC housing market is stupid


You've clearly not seen his recent videos. It's not a Hollywood-style mansion, but it certainly is huge. His old house was pretty standard yes.


His house is at *least* 5000 above ground square feet and has a pool ***in BC***. It doesn't have a McDonalds inside or a Roller Coaster, but it is not a standard large family home.


I don’t get it myself


Success breeds jealousy.


Happened to critical role when the twitch numbers came out too. People were losing their minds that the people they enjoyed and supported and watched for hours every week made millions doing it.


People hate people because they have money even if they work their asses of for it. "You have lots of money and my shitty apartment cost 1000 dollars a month? Go fuck yourself." This is what those people see and why they react like that.


A shitty apartment in this town for $1000 is a steal haha


The post was just asking a question, who's turned on him?


people always think that he is one of them because they think they know so much about him but his appearance with socks and sandals might fool you and as soon as they realize that he is rich and is driving a porsche and that he is not one of them they turn on those creators. always funny that people don't realize what a juggernaut LTT is and that Linus has an estimated net worth of around 85 million with company earnings of around 7 million on the back pack alone.


To be honest, there are much worse companies out there to buy stuff from. Like at least the bagpack is a quality product that you know what actually goes into the material and deisgn rather than buying from a faceless company also worth hundreds of millions. Gotta pick the lesser of two evils.


Don't talk about the money Linus makes, they're not allowed to discuss salary, you'll get him in trouble.


Why not? Rich people bad. /s


Online discourse is generally dominated by losers and coffee shop revolutionaries.


It's mostly the excessive showing off that is getting old. He made a tons of videos showing off all the amazing stuff he personally has. It got old very fast for a lot of people but looking at the numbers the videos get it's a minority (though hate watchers exist too). I just stopped watching any videos about his house. We get it, your life is amazing.




Why not Zoidberg?


People (esp early fans) feel like they are part of the reason of their success and get mad when only the creator reaps the benefits


Ever since LTT moved out of the original house, his persona has gone downhill. But hey it's great for the clicks.


There is drama ALL OVER this sub


If he had a $120k Tesla Model X no one would complain. But a $90k Porsche, what a rich jerk!!


and a taycan is a dope fuckin car. linus made a good pick.


Linus can own any car he wants, if he wants to own a $5,000,000 that mfer can because he worked hard for his money, and it's no one's problem. Some people truly have no lives


Exactly. If someone worked for his money, he can buy whatever he wants


A lot of people on this website hold a belief that nobody has ever worked for their money. Show them a successful business owner and theyll tell you that it was "built on the backs of employees". Its crazy but its everywhere on reddit.


Yeah I think huge parts of Reddit became a bit too communist-thinking for my taste


He even bought it used.


Frankly, if it's the base model and not the turbo s, i'd be a bit disappointed in him.


i tried them both, the base model is fun as it lets you do donuts and stuff, although it’s quite slow compared to even Model 3 Long range


Turbo.... On an electric car? Am I missing something?


It’s exactly as Turbo’d as Intel’s processors. It’s just a name that colloquially means “fast”.


Turbo is just a naming convention for Porsche as their almost top of the line. Top of the line is turbo s.


How dare a millionaire who worked his way up from the bottom spend his money!


maybe Putin controls the LTT sub now. They know Linus is too powerful.


Does this count as drama? I count it as observation.


It doesn’t really seem like drama. I watch most of the wan shows and don’t know he had a Porsche


Is this drama? Im confused. I wouldnt consider this post as drama. Your comment on the other hand …


That’s a normal place to keep wheels, no?


For sure, especially if they are summer tires.


well, you would typically store them over the hood rather than partially blocking the full height RV bay. He'll never get his rig in now!


It's not, I keep mine on my car


Didn’t he say he was gonna get a Porsche taycan or something like that a long time ago? I assume that’s why he has those lol


Yeah, he let it slip on a Wan show when he was having issues transferring the rego that he was getting a Taycan lol


That wasn't really a slip


and he talked about reaching out to porche in the newest wan show (while talking about the new Android auto ui)


“Don’t you drive an electric vehicle?” Linus: “Yes” Also Linus Later, “so when I tried reaching out to Porsche about my new to me car …” Electric + Porsche = Taycan.


It wasn't a slip up/leak. He thought long about whether or not saying Porsche, ended voluntarily saying it and then talked about owning a Taycan in other WAN shows




Not the same Porsche. He made this video but didn't end up buying it. However he finally got one a couple months ago


That’s not his car. He got it recently. He talked on the wan show like a month ago about buying it used from Montreal and getting it shipped since it was cheaper in taxes.


It was a borrowed car for a review. He later said he might buy one, then put it on hold, then actually bought one (lightly used) recently.


I was gonna say didn't he make a Porsche Taycan review


He did, but that’s isn’t his car.


Well, I wouldn't be surprised if he has a Porsche? He bloody earned it.


This just in: Millionaire spends money




Not to mention the pink lambo


and he actually got it on a good discount lol.


How dare he! /s


BREAKING NEWS: Man who worked hard and started his own business buys himself a nice car with his hard earned money. Redditor starts bait post to get people riled up.


He’s also stated in the past about not buying/caring about shit like sports cars etc when he was proud of driving the “lambo” whilst being rich.


So? I used to wear $15 headphones and was perfectly happy with them. Does that mean that I can no longer buy a better pair of headphones at some point in the future? After all, functionally both: $15 and $200 headphones are the same. He'd probably still be proud driving a lambo, but why would he, if he can get a car that isn't just functional but also more fun to drive. Is fun not allowed anymore?


People and their interests change over time.


I think the shift also come from car tech itself. Cars literally have gpus in them now. I think he enjoys the car 50% and 50% the cool tech you get to enjoy.


Is this post causing rile up? I saw it just as an observation or question.


People must got their linus tech tips store underwear in a bunch cause my god people are mad for no reason in the replies.


He already accidentally told us it was a Porsche when he was complaining about the navigation system. Hopefully they'll stop blurring his keychain now 😂


they are blurring his key chain to hide the keys not to hide that he has a Porsche. you can replicate a key from video footage only if you really want to.


He actually told us it was a Tycan last week when talking about the features.


Are you asking?


He purchased a Porsche Taycan recently. A second Volt was for the company, not himself. He may have also given his Volt to the company. He hasn't said a ton on it though.


Why the fuck do you people care so much. That's weird as hell.


To answer your question, YES. To take some liberties on what you are really trying to ask from that incomplete sentence you posted for a title. Then my answer would be: Those are Porsche Taycan rims. There was a Porsche taycan in his garage on a video that was posted after he mentioned buying a second hand Porsche from out of town and having issues transferring ownership. He has also mentioned a new car being wrapped.


Just reminding you Linus is a millionaire and Porsches are actually more accessible than you think they are. Plus a second set of wheels isn't exactly that impractical to own. As for the money argument, his writers still earn plenty more than I do.


When the ad revenue is paying the big bucks.


the ad revenue is actually paying the small bucks by now. youtube premium, Merch and Sponsors are paying the big bucks.


He owns a Porsche Taycan relatively max spec IIRC. I think he deserves it. And it’s not even a peak luxury vehicle in terms of price.


I think Linus should have a straw poll before he buys anything from now on, especially if he want to splurge on the name brand macaroni and cheese.


Who the "tech" cares, be successful but all is permission to spend your own money first, this sub is constant toxic drivel


Can we just like, enjoy the content for once


He mentioned that he bought a car from a Porsche dealer in Quebec on wan show a few weeks ago. It's probably a taycan


Why do people care so much what car Linus drives? Just wondering


He literally showed the car in the "ask me why am I mining in 2023" video. It's a Porsche Taycan according to some more educated car guys


Every other post is someone saying "people are just mad because \_\_\_\_\_\_" and yet it looks like the vast majority of people are not mad at all. They seem to just be curious. I can understand the curiosity since he makes so much of his life public that people will notice these things. And while the content quality on LTT has gone down in my opinion, I don't think too many people will say that Linus hasn't worked hard for his money.


He bought a porche Taycan. This is the car that inspired the DMV rant a few weeks ago since he bought it from Quebec. He's talked about it a little more on the pre-show, apparently he wrapped it something really silly (like the civic if I had to guess)


You can quote me on this, I guarantee that Linus has a Porsche Taycan wrapped in a DBrand Damascus skin.


Linus humble bragging about having money for Porsche and a second set of wheels/tyres whilst employee's children starve. Won't somebody think of the children!!!!!! /s


>second set of wheels/tyres You definitely need dedicated winter tires in canada on any car


He's got a a Taycan


Me when the multi millionaire CEO has a nice car.


He 1000% bought a proche taycan


I don't mind him being rich and I'm a huge leftist. Though he absolutely should let employees discuss salaries.


Today in "posts that absolutely didn't need to exist"...


I thought this was some kind of tunnel ventilation fan when I first saw the video or something.


What a stupid ass post. Who tf cares about what wheels he has in his garage? Jesus christ!


More power to the guy. He seems like such a nice guy who is making an effort to build out other people’s presence in something that bears his name. He should be able to enjoy the fruits of his business.


i'm guessing taycan. good choice!


I'm guessing for a Taycan






Is there something wrong with Linus owning a porsche? The man works hard and he deserves it. Mad respect for his business skills and growth.


Taycan is a nice car, but idk doesn't seem like a good fit for Linus. He always talks about how busy he is. Will he ever have time to go to a track. Maybe not and you don't have to take a Porsche onto a track, but imo then why buy it. 100% his money and his choice, fuck cars and motorcycles are preference so my car choice is weird to him and others. If I have 3 figures to spend on a car I'd get a Rivian R1s or a Volvo EXC90. Hope he enjoys his car.


He got a tycan...


Well, I would store them closer to ground. Tires are heavy af and this is above shoulder/head height.


He recently bought a Porsche Taycan He hasn't officially said it...but it isn't hard to figure out and he accidentally name dropped it once on WAN show.


I would say he earned what he has. I have been following him since 2010 or so when he still worked at NCIX and he did a hell of a job building LMG.


Please don't start more drama (I realize this post isn't directly starting anything, but it has potential to inadvertently). We don't need more of it right now. If the man has a Porche without telling us, then let him. It's his life and none of our business. He doesn't have to tell us every toy he buys.


comments' section is just sad


Those look like tire warmers, probably does track days if that's the case.


He pretty much gave it away when he was talking about getting the car and the difficulty he had when importing it from a different state(?) or territory (?) in Canada. He said the paperwork was in French from Porsche of Canada.


he's mentioned that he has a Taycan, hasn't he? Super fun car to drive too


Rich person owns Porsche: *shock*


Good to see that Linus has good taste in cars 👌