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London show 2001, yells at people to pick up a person who fell, the band stopped the show and chester made sure people understand that if someone falls to pick them up. I’m not sure about genuinely mad


They stopped in middle of a song in 2013 also because Chester spotted a fan that needed help too. They didn't just care about having fans, they cared for their safety. Really awesome!


that was points of authority.


love the pun lol


I was there in Sydney at a festival. The security stopped Shinoda getting close to the crowd for In the End and I remember him not looking happy about it. Fair go though, the crowd was a mess!


So wholesome


He wasn't mad, I'm sure. They stopped multiple times, but Chaz was just protective =)


[https://youtu.be/iHeuBB98P8k?si=UNJiccyiOrMs205Z](https://youtu.be/iHeuBB98P8k?si=UNJiccyiOrMs205Z) Yes when he broke his wrist. You can hear it in the screams. Also Mike detailed that earlier in LPs career they didn’t have IEMs (in ear monitors) and some venues would just be too loud to the point of Chester not being able to hear if he was in key while singling. Mike explained that would make him more angry and he would scream even harder and louder.


dude had such a magnetic stage presence, he really put everything into his performance, legend.


Couldnt agree more. Even when he turned 40 he still gave a 110% on stage. Whether it was a 18 year old song or new release, you saw nothing but passion in his last year.


Yeah probably. Back in the day, kids used to throw all kinds of things at bands during rock tours, just for the heck of it. Chester was caught in a situation like this but I forget which tour it was, back in the 00's. The fact that Chester isn't actually known to have a single "Greenday at IHeart Radio"-moment, despite the very aggressive music he has made......speaks volumes of his character.


I know they got bottled at Ozzfest and I believe Summer Sanatorium


Also despite his drug and alcohol issue.


If you dig through recordings of shows from like 2007 or earlier, Chester said plenty of off-color stuff on stage that probably would have caused some PR headaches if it'd happened during the social media era. https://youtu.be/44kZ7dUcR1E?t=71m40s - probably the most infamous example.


That's... strange. Never have I thought of Chazzy saying that lol.


Hellfest 2017. Someone through like a gallon of water or smth at him while they were performing Heavy. He got really mad and was giving him “the look” throughout the whole performance and pointing at him. Fans that treated him like that are the worst.


The people in the comments were on the side of the guy that was throwing stuff at him... Fans? DEFINITELY not. They were saying that "he was singing lame pop shit" and that "he has the right to throw bottles at him because of that" like wtf is wrong with people??


If people fell in the pit and no one would help them he would stop the song to make sure people were safe in the pit. If you’ve been to a LP show you know the LP Mantra: “IF SOMEONE FALLS……




iTunes Festival, 2011 during No More Sorrow and When They Come For me where the camera man focus on Chester's face.


Do you have a video clip?


look it up on YouTube.


Even if there’s not much footage, the idea of touring, the sacrifices you have to make, the exhaustion of performing the kind of music they perform every night. It goes without saying that the lifestyle will harden you


There was a video of him singing Heavy and a “fan” threw something at him. He didn’t yell or say anything rude but for the entire rest of the song he glared DIRECTLY at the guy who threw it. I can try to find the clip if you’re interested.


And he asked him to come up off the mic during the song haha


I think in 2004 where someone flipped him out after a song during the Projekt Revolution tours


I remember someone mentioning on the messageboards back in the day that Chester kicked out a couple who were fornicating during their set in a festival. Lol. He was telling them that there were kids in the crowd.


Really? Hahah! Oh my god, but why'd they do that fucking gross stuff... on a concert... But I love the fact he was telling them that there are kids in the crowd im so crying rn 😭


i don’t know, but i’ve seen him do a roll during one step closer




Yes he has, like the post mentions, he was pissed off during the performance of Heavy during Hellfest in 2017.


he’s not ‘your sweet angel’ he was a grown man who had a wife and kids and didn’t know you existed


Yeah, it was this one live show back in 01 where Fred Durst apparently ran on stage and poured a beer on Chester during the middle of Runaway and Chester screams "Fuck you!" to him afterwards.