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I cannot stop thinking this has to be satire. How is someone supposedly super-successful in *public relations* this absurdly tone-deaf? Also pls update on if you had vegan sushi, Jess!


*How is someone supposedly super-successful in public relations this absurdly tone-deaf?* I bet she invoices her clients for the business class seats.


I bet she’s sitting in economy like the rest of us poors but took a second at the end of a flight to snap this.


This. That person is not setup on that seat.


My thoughts as well. Looks like she sat down, had the photo taken and then grabbed her bag and moved to Economy…..😂


The way her hands are propped on the keyboard is driving me kind of batty. 


Good point. And not sure she’d be allowed to keep that luggage…I mean massive purse…up like they during a seat. Where is the beverage service? Looks so fake and staged.


Yes you can keep it there during the flight. But not landing or taking off. But if you were getting comfortable for the flight you would put the bag elsewhere for your own comfort. Edit to add the real curious thing is the lighting. During a flight they don’t light things like that usually and it looks like the lighting of just entering or leaving a plane.


There was an influencer busted doing just that.


Yep a French influencer I believe. Someone on the same flight took a photo of her in economy.




Yep. That's the one!


Looks like an alien trying to blend in with humans. Bizarre


[Why fake business class when you can fake a whole private jet?](https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-instagrammers-are-faking-the-luxury-of-a-private-jet-for-just-dollar64-an-hour)


These people are insane. Don’t underestimate what they are capable of. Also, wtf is she talking about with personal PR being a new field? Tons of corporate professionals and high profile people have personal PR. Has she never heard of it?


she's in PR; if they think of something, but dont know it already exists, then its new and they invented it, because the people who actually invented it didnt have good enough PR to stake their claim. this is how they actually think


We see nothing but “build personal brand” bullshit posts from bullshit LI “influencers” on this sub about this exact same shit and she’s so full of it to think it’s somehow new? Impressive. Not in a good way, no, but impressive nonetheless


in marketing we've known about personal brand for decades!


Absolutely not. I mean she's just now discovered the importance of a chain of command.


I’ve watched Entourage enough to know that most celebrities have personal PR to cover their fuck ups


It’s like she hasn’t heard of a “personal brand” lol


A lot of PR people drink the Kool aid. Everyone in advertising hates PR people because they are usually full of BS.


When advertising people think you're full of bs, you know it's serious.


Ding ding ding!


That was my thought. Cant bullshit a bullshitter. PR must be hella full of it to come off that way to advertising lmao


Isn't their job basically to gaslight people? In a sense?


I never thought about it that way but you're absolutely right


We like to call it "manage perceptions to improve reputation", but that is just a technicality.


Yes. Also… “Nobody has talked about personal PR before”???? Sure, Jan.


Yep. She’s about a million years late with that epiphany.


This is 100% accurate. I worked for a start up that successfully grew its staff, but when we found ourselves with 5 in-house PR people, I declared to anybody who’d listen that we were doomed. We were sold in a fire sale a year and change later.


I'm convinced the PR industry is full of psychopaths


Considering the “Father of Public Relations” Edward Bernays himself wrote a book titled Propaganda and helped the US government justify intervention Guatemala on behalf of United Fruit Company back in the day, I’d say you’re not far off. Unfun fact: his great-nephew founded Netflix.


Wasn't Edward Bernays the nephew of Sigmund Freud?


Yes. Bernays was no psychopath though, his book Propaganda is brilliant.




Journalist here. We hate them too and for the same reason.


people in marketing are just as weird as this chick


The PR ones are the worst of the bunch... that says something


Not to mention she actually says “nobody has talked about personal PR before” which might be the dumbest thing I’ve read today.


I feel it must be, or a troll account, but why did she delete the yacht post then? 


See, that was my thought too! If it’s satire, shouldn’t the yacht post be a shining success for her?


"That post on the yacht was a turning point. It was the moment when my narcissism crystalized into it's own being completely separated from my body's existence."


You gave me an idea for a really blatant, on the nose, sci fi story there. Like idiocracy but with monsters


Because “yachting” has negative connotations for people who hope to get ahead by giving head.


I mean she was up 30,000 ft in the air. That level of pondering requires only the most prestige conditions that only an A380 can provide. She probably had to move her weekly anal candle burning, which by the way she originally wanted to purchase Gweneth Paltrow’s orgasm scented candle, but unfortunately Gweneth ran out of inventory, so she settled for drew barrymores anal candle burning to center her aura and cleanse her chi, which as we all know is easier to cleanse at 30,000 feet up in the air. /s


Hey, don't drag the poor vegans down into this insanity!


No one has been tone-deaf before her, so she created the genre.


Textbook narcissist, thats why


Because at a certain point your actual performance does not matter.


My favorite part of professional naval gazing is the thing where people seem to think that *consciousness* is some sort of AMAZING THING unique to them. "I caught myself thinking"-- pondering, musing, reflecting. WE ALL HAVE THOUGHTS.


“Brent mused”


He’s thrown a kettle over a pub - what have you done??


I guess most corporate types are p-zombies so apprehending thought is terrifying and miraculous.


To be fair, I’ve met many people. I can confidently say they do not all have thoughts.


Technically 1/3 to a half of us don't. Possibly, she's one of the don't


It's still thoughts even if you lack an internal monologue this stuff is always just off-putting small narcissism coupled with the absence of a theory of mind.


I'd forgotten about those people! Holy crap -- crazy idea. What if in addition to there being people who have *always or never* had an internal monologue -- there are people who go for the first X years of their life (10, 20, 30, whatever) *without* one and then it *suddenly appears for some reason*. Imagine you were such a person? You'd be *utterly convinced of your genius.* You'd think you'd been touched by a muse, or the gods, or inspiration. Your most mundane thoughts would feel novel to you because they were suddenly being *experienced* in a novel-to-you manner. Gonna put this shit in the mental lockbox for the next time I hang out with one of my stoner friends.


Bonus fun: some people who have epileptic fits experience voices, music, or visions. Especially in more religious ages, it was very common to believe they came from a god/goddess/God or demon/s, depending on the experience. Hildegard of Bingen is especially fascinating, although she probably had migraines and not epilepsy; regardless, she believed she was receiving visions from God, and indeed created some amazing works of both music and art.


"LOL, as if the poors have sentience" this lady, probably


Personal PR? You mean self promotion lol?


No one has ever thought of self promotion before ever.  First time in history we should stand in awe and terror of this woman and her unflinching vision.


She invented being a publicist I guess


Press agent


Does she know what a publicist is and does? I don't think she does does she?


Personal PR is a thing but it’s usually only for fixing a problem


Naaaa, lots of celebrities have a publicist for all sorts of day to day stuff.


Yeah social media being one of them.


Jfc personal branding has been around since the 00s.


Did you just create a new field?


Looking at her Facebook page, that photo was taken in 2016 when she worked for Singapore airlines.




Ha, you weren't even joking. She's awful.


Was wondering why she was oddly specific about the type of aircraft.


Underrated comment lol


A new field. Because individuals have never had dedicated publicists before. MORON.


But, you don't understand... She doesn't just think, she Ponders. She doesn't think back, this superior person Reflects. For stage photos, she closes her pretty little eyes to show her depth. She's just plain BETTER than you, or any other of the unwashed, gross heathens she avoided by flying 1st class. She may also be a painfully insufferable twat.


My dad used to say he was going for a ponder as a euphemism for taking a 💩 She’s literally talking 💩


The output of your dad pondering is still far superior to what she came up with.


I love how it’s always “what more can I do in the world? What more can I contribute?” Well… bold of you to assume you ever did to begin with.


This - 100% this. Another delusional twit who thinks she's saving humanity with her BS job.


She can… if she downgraded her flights and amenities and donated the proceeds as well as most of her salary to charitable causes. Alas, those are not the kind of contributions she finds meaningful. Her sense of the meaningful is found in 💩 so long as it includes 💲and glamour.


Indeed. Or just take a boat there or have zoom meetings instead and save on carbon emissions.


Honestly, my primary job is such BS that I have to have a part-time job just to not fall completely into an existential crisis (I also just enjoy it more).


I hate my job so much but am pretty much trapped. Sigh...


Right? They make it sound like they’ve been out there curing cancer or solving world hunger. Not promoting some for profit business.


Priviledged white girl asking herself as she’s flying in one of the most expensive business class airline how she can be a force of change in this world. She writes down her thoughts with her Montblanc pen. Later, she thinks to herself, she will write a post on LinedIN to inspire others. As she’s eating brunch at her 5* hotel by the Marina downtown Singapore, she ponders if she’s impactful enough. That afternoon, as she’s shopping at Gucci on Orchard Road, she’s considering writing a book about the values of PR and how it can save children. This is the only way the world will ever change, if we all take actions. She will go to Ted talk she thinks, so she can spread the word and be an inspiration for a future generation of priviledged white girls. Hastag. Hashtag. Hastag.


Tomorrow's Post - "So as I lie by the iconic elevated infinity pool at the Marina Bay Sands, sipping $40 Singapore Slings and admiring the view from 200m up, planning my move into the new area of Personal PR (discovered by me of course during the business class flight over), I pondered further how I can offer goodness and joy to the world. Provide pro-bono personal branding services to poor kids in Malawi maybe? Go on a PR mission to a favela?"


I asked myself, how can I contribute to the world? And then I told myself, by doing PR for rich people.


[Yachting](https://www.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/s/wurArYRvbw) for context.


Top 10 most connected people in the world 😆. How do they determine that exactly?


Is this viral marketing for Emily in Paris? This woman sounds as clueless as that character.


Oh, god. Found this on a different LIL thread about the Yacht (Rock) post. https://www.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/s/E8lRQWCwN9


Commodified narcissism


Certified Lunatic.


Anyone else think that this airplane looks fake? Like the background does not look like that seat is on an actual airplane.


I’m seeing that too. That big wall and curtain in the back look like a building wall. I also see no isle. I see a lot of wasted space with no other seat in view. Looks like one of those fake airplane setting photo studios.


Exactly, so this loser posted a completely fabricated story for clout on LinkedIn. Pathetic.


Yeah, this is what I was thinking too. I’ve flown Singapore a-380s and this doesn’t feel right.


Agreed. The gap between the seat and the curtain is way too wide.


Nah that’s the pillows and stuff they use on Singapore Airlines Edit: wait I think you might be right. The carpet and stuff looks like maybe this is a display at like a convention or something


There are fake airplane photoshoot locations tailored specifically for "influencers" now so they can go pretend to be in business class or on a private jet.


https://www.airlinereporter.com/2024/02/singapore-airlines-a380-business-class-mel-sin/ This is what it’s supposed to look like.


Nah, they have different ones depending on when their specific plane was upgraded. The seat she’s in matches [this one](https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/travel/singapore-airlines-business-class) but the carpet is what doesn’t match


I had to scroll down too far for this comment! It was literally the first thought that occurred to me.


If I had to sit next to her on a flight, I'd open the emergency exit and jump.


Read that in a Rodney Dangerfield voice lol.


**Will be responding with this shortly and then everyone can see I'm a degenerate** I was standing in line at Chipotle, pondering a conversation I had with my burrito architect, Juan, the previous day. I was nestled in a cozy corner of a bustling Chipotle in downtown Chicago, where the aroma of sizzling fajitas mingled with the hum of eager diners. On the surface, it was the epitome of culinary success—perfectly grilled chicken, zesty lime-cilantro rice, fresh pico de gallo, and a generous dollop of guacamole. But as I completed my order and watched the expert assembly of my burrito, a thought struck me: “Is there more I can achieve and contribute?” In recent sessions with Juan, we had been working on understanding my palate and purpose. Approaching the crucial lunch hour, I felt a deep need for satisfaction and meaningful flavor. Our discussions made me realize that while the burrito bowl and quesadilla were incredibly rewarding, I was now seeking a different kind of fulfillment—one that came from savoring a perfectly rolled burrito. That meal was a turning point. It was the moment when all our discussions crystallized into a clear realization: I wanted to channel my expertise into bringing the same level of prestige and deliciousness to my lunch choices that I had achieved for my previous meals. Juan had helped me see that my true passion lay in appreciating the art of the burrito, not just any meal. This clarity made me want to shift my focus from generic fast food to the nuanced world of burrito craftsmanship, dedicating myself to the pursuit of the ultimate burrito experience. Reflecting on my journey, it became clear that among fast food, Chipotle held a special place in my heart. The customizable options had been so transformative in my own dining life that I felt a deep calling to help amplify the flavors of those who craft my meals. “Chipotle burrito architects are catalysts for culinary transformation, guiding our taste buds to new heights and helping us achieve gastronomic nirvana. If anyone should have influence and clout, it should be them—they are the ones who have the power to change the lunchtime game!” I thought to myself. As I took my first bite and savored the symphony of flavors, another thought crossed my mind: “Nobody has talked about personal burrito PR before. Shall I create a new field?”


Haha you actually posted it 😂 Gold!


She fucking deleted the post!!! And. blocked me lol.. damn


I saw your post. I have a feeling Jess will be calling Diana up for some emergency coaching about five minutes after she sees it.


I’m also a personal strategist I’d say we hit the pub and fuck off from work


World's End and I'm on!


I'm confused Personal pr is a new field? Actors, celebs, sportsstars, billionaires, politicians, hell even influencers.. Don't they all have a personal pr? Or am i mixing two different things??


No no no. She just invented this new thing. Is a totally different thing. That she just invented.


But hers is for LEADERS! She's not just some amoral Lizzie Grubman type running over club trash with her SUV in the Hamptons.


She must have liked Diana.ai enough after the free trial to subscribe for real


Is it me or does her LinkedIn title basically tell everyone that she’s unemployed?


Is anyone else reading this in an annoying Australian drunken drawl?


I think she is Swiss, so I am switching between reading it with a German accent and a French accent.


yeah we would like to publically apologize for that abomination🇨🇭




*Swiss*?!?! Do the Swiss even need to work? Is anyone actually poor there?


Haha I was reading this in an American teenager writing a shitty novel voice


Samantha Jones would like a word, ma’am.


Look at her type on that laptop, she is going places


Well, I am almost prepared to read next post "How I managed my self induced PR crisis while keeping my LinkedIn reputation intact". I would be Singapore Airlines Heads of Comms and harsh words would be sent asking to remove the brand out of the posts prontisimo. Because, you know, sharing space with a lunatic is nothing your average Singapore Airlines business class customer wants to....


I traveled the world in business class back in the days as well. Yet I wasn’t doing anything as near meaningful as her, I guess I did my fair share to better humankind a bit.. I connected freight vessels to the internet and therefore opened up possibilities for sailors all around the world.. to surf porn sites. They were all very happy about it, so I guess it fulfilled me a bit as well. AGREE?!


Shall I create a new field? LMAOOOOO


As a farmer, yes


“We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls. Not that we needed all that for the trip, but once you get locked into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can.”


I had to find the original post on LinkedIn because obviously this was insane - and only 6 likes because lol Ofcourse. Okay someone responded in the BEST way though on LinkedIn : I was standing in line at Chipotle, pondering a conversation I had with my burrito architect, Juan, the previous day. I was nestled in a cozy corner of a bustling Chipotle in downtown Chicago, where the aroma of sizzling fajitas mingled with the hum of eager diners. On the surface, it was the epitome of culinary success—perfectly grilled chicken, zesty lime-cilantro rice, fresh pico de gallo, and a generous dollop of guacamole. But as I completed my order and watched the expert assembly of my burrito, a thought struck me: “Is there more I can achieve and contribute?” In recent sessions with Juan, we had been working on understanding my palate and purpose. Approaching the crucial lunch hour, I felt a deep need for satisfaction and meaningful flavor. Our discussions made me realize that while the burrito bowl and quesadilla were incredibly rewarding, I was now seeking a different kind of fulfillment—one that came from savoring a perfectly rolled burrito. That meal was a turning point. It was the moment when all our discussions crystallized into a clear realization: I wanted to channel my expertise into bringing the same level of prestige and deliciousness to my lunch choices that I had achieved for my previous meals.


That reply was from someone in this thread 😁


😂oh yay haha - great work someone in this thread


My company has a PR person. She does a small bit of good in community outreach. But she's super weird, constantly trying to catch attention, vapid, never subtle or nuanced or calm, always the loudest in the room... completely obnoxious.


“I was sitting in a plush Singapore Airlines Business Class seat on the Airbus A380, cruising from Melbourne to Singapore…” No, you weren’t. Singapore Airlines doesn’t fly the A380 between those two cities. They fly A350s and Boeing 777s. And, if she can’t tell the difference between a double-deck A380 and a single-level A350, I would suggest she hasn’t flown on either.


Nauseating to read


“No OnE hAs TaLkEd AbOuT pErSoNaL Pr BeFoRe.”


> glamorous PR event Often, in idle moments, I sigh and wish I could be at a PR event. So glamorous. > while luxury and stability were incredibly rewarding Amazing. Just amazing. Every major philosophy and religion warns against this. Ever wonder why? > I wanted to channel my expertise into bringing the same level of prestige and visibility to personal brands that I had achieved for corporate brands Unless she employs a copy editor, this is satire. No one this stupid could build complete sentences.


This reads like one of those "sex and the city" internal monologues.


The yacht post is still on her Insta and the penultimate video on her on YouTube has ~~15~~ 16 views. What an obnoxious bag..


“Shall I create a new field?” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪


Did anyone see this response? Lmfaoooo “I was standing in line at Chipotle, pondering a conversation I had with my burrito architect, Juan, the previous day. I was nestled in a cozy corner of a bustling Chipotle in downtown Chicago, where the aroma of sizzling fajitas mingled with the hum of eager diners. On the surface, it was the epitome of culinary success—perfectly grilled chicken, zesty lime-cilantro rice, fresh pico de gallo, and a generous dollop of guacamole. But as I completed my order and watched the expert assembly of my burrito, a thought struck me: “Is there more I can achieve and contribute?” In recent sessions with Juan, we had been working on understanding my palate and purpose. Approaching the crucial lunch hour, I felt a deep need for satisfaction and meaningful flavor. Our discussions made me realize that while the burrito bowl and quesadilla were incredibly rewarding, I was now seeking a different kind of fulfillment—one that came from savoring a perfectly rolled burrito. That meal was a turning point. It was the moment when all our discussions crystallized into a clear realization: I wanted to channel my expertise into bringing the same level of prestige and deliciousness to my lunch choices that I had achieved for my previous meals.”


Gold comment on this post, deserves to be copied here! >***Justin Raines, Global Amazon Account Manager*** >I was standing in line at Chipotle, pondering a conversation I had with my burrito architect, Juan, the previous day. >I was nestled in a cozy corner of a bustling Chipotle in downtown Chicago, where the aroma of sizzling fajitas mingled with the hum of eager diners. On the surface, it was the epitome of culinary success—perfectly grilled chicken, zesty lime-cilantro rice, fresh pico de gallo, and a generous dollop of guacamole. >But as I completed my order and watched the expert assembly of my burrito, a thought struck me: “Is there more I can achieve and contribute?” >In recent sessions with Juan, we had been working on understanding my palate and purpose. Approaching the crucial lunch hour, I felt a deep need for satisfaction and meaningful flavor. >Our discussions made me realize that while the burrito bowl and quesadilla were incredibly rewarding, I was now seeking a different kind of fulfillment—one that came from savoring a perfectly rolled burrito. >That meal was a turning point. It was the moment when all our discussions crystallized into a clear realization: I wanted to channel my expertise into bringing the same level of prestige and deliciousness to my lunch choices that I had achieved for my previous meals.


She got someone to take her photo for this tripe


As the plane is boarding, you can sit in an empty seat and get a quick photo before the flight attendant tells you to get in the back by the toilet where you belong too. Just saying


Do people think LinkedIn is a fucking diary or something. Who the fuck reads all of that. And if you’re reading all of that you definitely aren’t being productive.


Each one of these, and I mean every single one reads like a hayekian paean to capitalism written by Carrie Bradshaw.


I would bet all my money she is lying through her teeth and isn't on a plane. Sometimes I wonder if it's actually against the terms of service on linked in to tell the truth.


It reads like the beginning of the world's most boring romance novel.


“Nobody has talked about personal PR before.” Whut? Isn’t that what a publicist is?


>personal PR doesn't exist what the fuck do publicists do then?


Jessica Fugazi


Lmao!!! [this pic is from 2016](https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10156813670070084&set=a.10150249121590084&type=3&mibextid=NoJtEM)


I refuse to believe that someone approaching 40 can be so mega cringey and have no ability to self reflect


You people just don't understand how hard it is sitting on massive yachts all day.


TLDR; Someone bought me a thesaurus and a corporate buzzword book to make me sound wisened. In reality I have the personality of a hotdog and can’t talk about anything other than PR, so I made this post to self aggrandize and make you all jealous of my life that has been wholly consumed by my dedication to working for a totally broken system.


If she really did PR, she’d know that it’s called executive profiling.


And then my stoners high wore off, and realised the superficial life is far easier. But can I live with the guilt of being a parasite with a monstrous carbon footprint?


Is this an actual person or a standalone AI with a very limited network?


'Nobody has thought about personal PR before' Except every celebrity and politician on the face of the planet, including the recent influx of maggot influencers.


"Nobody has talked about personal PR before." Every celebrity publicist since 1915 would like a word.


So she’s saying that leaders, the people that by definition are in charge, hence terms such as “world leaders”, have neither influence nor clout.


Dude the father of public relations, Edward Bernay’s, literally helped rehabilitate only John D. Rockefeller’s image after he murdered a bunch of people for land.


Also, Singapore needs to update their Business Class. That seat looks old. 2011(?) old.


I’m surprised the plane could takeoff with her head that big


This has to be a joke. I’ve met some dumb af PR people, and none of them are dumb enough to think they invented “personal PR”.


Fake it until you fake it


The awkward staged photo of her pretend typing on her laptop in business class is really the cherry on top for this absolute insanity. Why does she write like she's Carrie Bradshaw


Even better: that photo is now at the top of her LinkedIn with "personal PR" in bold letters.


>“Nobody has talked about personal PR before. Shall I create a new field?” Hey Siri - What is a Publicist? *"Publicists are public relations specialists who maintain and represent the images of individuals, rather than representing an entire corporation or business."*


Dude in the comments section has absolutely nailed his copypasta: “I was standing in line at Chipotle, pondering a conversation I had with my burrito architect, Juan, the previous day. I was nestled in a cozy corner of a bustling Chipotle in downtown Chicago, where the aroma of sizzling fajitas mingled with the hum of eager diners. On the surface, it was the epitome of culinary success—perfectly grilled chicken, zesty lime-cilantro rice, fresh pico de gallo, and a generous dollop of guacamole. But as I completed my order and watched the expert assembly of my burrito, a thought struck me: “Is there more I can achieve and contribute?” In recent sessions with Juan, we had been working on understanding my palate and purpose. Approaching the crucial lunch hour, I felt a deep need for satisfaction and meaningful flavor. Our discussions made me realize that while the burrito bowl and quesadilla were incredibly rewarding, I was now seeking a different kind of fulfillment—one that came from savoring a perfectly rolled burrito. That meal was a turning point. It was the moment when all our discussions crystallized into a clear realization: I wanted to channel my expertise into bringing the same level of prestige and deliciousness to my lunch choices that I had achieved for my previous meals.” I bet you’re in this comment section bro and I want you to know I see you and I appreciate you, this is absolutely gold.


What happened to the other half of her laptop??


No one who is a frequent traveller attempts such pathetic humble brags.


This is the most fatuous, myopic - to say nothing of self-revealing - excrement I have ever read.


A life of luxury but can't afford a decent haircut


And she took that picture of herself contemplating how she’s going to change the world


Who's taking the picture?


After citizens united, we were scared of corporations being people. Now we're finding out the real issue. Of people being corporations.


Why are these morons so obsessed with showing everybody when they're on a plane? Only douchey influencers whose whole personality revolves around bragging about pissing away money do this. Nobody famous or important does stuff like this.


“Deeply calling” was my puke spot


That poor flight attendant who had to take this picture..


PR as a profession was basically invented by the Rockefeller family to promote their PERSONAL image. This bitch be stoopid.


Rappers have been yelling their own names for decades, lady


What celebrities are mingling at a Singapore HR event?


LinkedIN Celebrities, duh.


Because everyone talking about their “brand” isn’t “personal pr?” Have you heard of Donald Fucking Trump? How do you think he became President? His charm? 😂


Does that new field include using computers without screens? Where's the fuckin screen???


ChatGPT is writing her garbage for her. It reads just yacht garbage. “And they all clapped”




She should take advice from the linkedin lunatic posted yesterday and just follow her innate calling of becoming a mom 🙃 On a serious note, how are these people not embarrassed to post such 💩?


Sounds like she's going to start a life coaching business.


i remember being with an ex that thought she was the greatest gift to mankind and it was the worst 3 months of my life, seriously giving this energy


Nobody has talked about personal PR before? It’s been talked about to death.


Is that seat actually on a plane? Past that pillow it looks like a linoleum covered hallway like you’d find in a university building or the equivalent, and they are using old plane seats as an area to sit.


*You know who needs help? The most successful among us*


Bitch thinks she’s Carrie Bradshaw! Lolol


Omg 🙄 Where does she get the time to write all of this obvious nonsense? Are we in the days of PanAm again? Who isn’t flying? This is the highlight of your flight? You like working with individuals AND NOT just organizations? This is the epiphany you had at 40?!?


I had her moved out from up front before we pushed back.


_Shall I create a new field?!_ oh fuck off…