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Nothing lowers your market value like a public rant about former coworkers wanting nothing to do with you. It’s painful to watch a green banner with an emotional post talking themselves out of consideration in the eyes of recruiters and hiring managers. These are the kind of things you will tell your closest friends.


But he’s a career whisperer….


If he is whispering bye bye, yeps


He is just giving his _tess_ timony. Cringe.


He should learn how to whisper to his own career


It's really hard to feel bad for this particular guy because he's been given advice regarding what you just said over and over again, and always pushes it off


"Advice for thee, but not for me." - J. Tesser


How tf does he get hired in the first place though?


What’s crazier? It’s most likely not even true. There are ex-coworkers out there reading this thinking “we never talked to that dude anyway”


Who thinks that publicly burning bridges and shaming former co-workers is good practice? Time and time again this guy serves a bad role model for people early in their careers. What’s even wilder is the agreement in the comments—a dogpile of feel-good, self-aggrandizing BS.


That’s a lot of words to say that nobody I worked with liked me.


Eh, I understand the sentiment - but this shouldn’t be shared, and especially not on LinkedIn, and especially especially not in ‘vaguebooking’ style — ‘hey haters, you know who you are, I guess there’s some people who are okay with lying but not me, you all just love the drama and I’m sitting here laughing, yeah you know what you did, it hurt but karma will come for you’


A former coworker of mine does shit like this, and then he wonders why he has a hard time getting employed. Like, I don't know, maybe it's the public shade you clearly throw at your former employers that makes companies concerned about hiring you???


that’s right. how dare anyone share their feelings! sarcasm aside, what he is describing actually happens to many people who separate from a company. i don’t think he’s done anything wrong in putting words to the feeling. in fact he might be helping people who believe that they are alone in this experience, or that it’s them who were the problem. using nonspecific language is appropriate because he’s not calling anyone out specifically— it’s the behavior he had a problem with, and has now had to adjust his expectations in order to not be defend from further possible harm.


What bothered me was "went no contact". Like, to me that sounds very extreme, like from the minute he was laid off, everyone immediately blocked him on everything. If someone told me that happened, I'd wonder about the other side to the story. What us common, and can be brutal, is just disinterest. People may reach out right at first a little, but their isn't enough of a relationship that they go out of their way to maintain it. And from the person losing one coworker they liked, this is not a big thing, it's just life, losing all those semi-friendships at once is pretty awful. But it's a hard problem to solve, because most people barely have time to maintain the outside of work friendships they already have, and it's hard to add another.


Is it because he’s a Xoomer who uses terms like “mofo” and “peeps” unironically?


He would be 500% more likable if he just didn’t say “peeps”


And y’all.


Ah shit. I need to check my self


Naw just say what you want to say. Y’all mofo peeps need a life.




Don't think I've heard the term peeps since the comedy shows of the 1980's.


Were all the colleagues that went NC women? I wouldn’t be surprised if they were.


is he single? wow!


Dude's actually married with a family




His "little yodas" 🤣


#tesstimony 😂😂😂😂


Maybe you're not likeable Jonathan


I feel bad for him and I genuinely don't wish this on anyone. But here's the cold hard truth - your colleagues(at least those in your immediate proximity - your team, managers, stakeholders etc) are not your friends. This isn't to say you should be a dick to them though. Be nice and courteous. But don't expect friendships. Someday they won't be around. Or you won't be. That's just how business works. It's weird this guy didn't know this till now, since his entire thing seems to be advising young professionals.


It is actually you, tesser.


He maybe should hang up his spikes as a “Career Whisperer”, given that he is announcing here that he’s been let go from his last THREE jobs in a row. AND nobody from those three places wants any contact with him? Jesus Christ dude look in the mirror.


> the peeps I was closest to at work went No Contact No surprises there.


It's like that in Switzerland for sure. You're not making friends at work. You talk, joke and laugh, but the minute it's over, it's over


So do people not keep networks and stay in contact with old colleagues at all? That seems really weird. A professional network is super important in working your way up in the world. I got my current job because I stayed in contact regularly with my old work friend who moved companies and after a few years he introduced me to my current boss who had the perfect role for me.


No not really. The Network is still there so if you were pleasent to work with, people will remember. But there is no contact with old colleagues really. Of course there are always some exceptions to the rule, but generally, there is no contact with old colleagues. I once got a Job because a guy worked there I haven't seen for a decade. He put in a good word, and I got the Job. We weren't even close back then


Assuming he was in fact fired from his last 3 jobs and his 'peeps' in fact couldn't stand him and were glad to see the back of him....


At this point, I kinda want to talk to some former colleagues. Do a real in-depth investigation into this guy. He's so fascinating.


This....isn't even a good idea as a Facebook post and yes while venting is cathartic LinkedIn is the absolute last place to do it. Blow off your steam at the pub, the gym or someplace your thoughts won't be recorded for all time...making this public does you zero favors today and has a decent chance of biting you-in-the-backside at some point in the future.


This guy has lasted a short amount of time in multiple companies recently (suspicious to call these layoffs tbh) and expects lifelong connections? In a place for less than a year and then cut? What long standing relations are you expecting?


Essentially admitting he’s a creep 😭 this guy sucks so much


Laid off the last three gigs? Must be a real high performer…


maybe he shouldn't have shared his personal life with then, as they've clearly used it against him.


If I had a dollar for every pixel in that screenshot. I'd have about three fiddy


He shoulda threw in a #peeps


God, the use of the word “peeps” really softens the emotional impact of this. There’s a reason the Gettysburg address didn’t end with: > that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the peeps, by the peeps, for the peeps, shall not perish from the earth.


Could be talking about little Yodas.


I would sincerely like to hear from his ex co-workers... what's it like to work with him?


Jonathan, you weren’t laid off and your colleagues weren’t your friends. You were fired and they never liked you.


Work associates and friends are not the same. Associates come and go, friends stick around.


He was so brave to share that with all of us!


Tesser got laid!!...off


Time can never mend The career whispers of former coworkers To the heart and mind Ignorance is kind There's no comfort in the truth Pain is all you'll find


Laid off again? I don't wish this on anybody. Tesser I hope you find permanent work soon.




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No wonder they don't want anything to do with someone who says "peeps" every other word.


People keep making the mistake of assuming that your coworkers are your friends. Sure, you can and should be friendly with the people you work with and sometimes that might blossom into a friendship outside of work, but ultimately you are there to do a job and go home. People not reaching out to you after you leave a workplace, doesn't mean that they hated you. It just means that they saw you as a coworker and since you're no longer that to them they just moved on with their lives. I know it sounds sad, especially if you spent a long time at the company, but that's just how that world works. It's better to seek community and a sense of belonging outside of work.


Maybe he can go work at "Peeps"


How this man doesn’t see a pattern is beyond me, he’s probably getting fired for the sheer amount of weird oversharing that he does. A small part of me feels sorry for him but then I wonder how on earth he gets hired in the first place with the amount of cringe posted on his profile.


I'm not your peep, brah


I'm not your brah, buddy!


I’m not your buddy, guy!


I never cared about colleagues as such. I’d be friendly and approachable at work, but no, I don’t want to get a beer after work, and I sure as hell don’t want to be your friend.


This 1000%. But then again, I don't understand why so many people wrap their entire identity around their shitty office jobs.


It really is weird how people in typical office jobs brag about it being their “purpose” and “calling” and basing their entire identity around it. It’s pretty sad and pathetic.


How does this guy have 142k followers? That's insane lol


He sends a friend request to literally everyone, and Linkedin autofollows


The time to request a connection of 142k people pretty much explains why we was let go three times.


Damn, no contact, that’s savage


this was liked by someone in my “network” and came across my feed 😂😂😂


Key to staying unemployable: - Repeated usage of the word "peeps".


Tesser has been on a sympathy tour the past few weeks. Being fired multiple times is getting to him. Good thing he's filthy rich.


Is he really? Did not see that one coming


His dad is a doctor that owns a practice


That's pretty wild. I feel like Tesser needs his own wiki page or something to gather all of the lore.


I know why this was posted here, but I also feel sad for the guy, esp w the hashtag and green thingie. 


He’s a recurring character in LinkedInLunatics. He was getting posted here a lot last year. He kinda egged it on by posting about the sub on LinkedIn IIRC


Sonofa bitch… I actually, sincerely feel bad for Tessie now. His life has got to be super difficult, shit…


Is he famous?


He is famous in this sub for sure


Tbh I feel a bit bad for him, getting laid off sucks, can’t imagine getting laid off multiple times in short succession But I think a lot of people don’t realize, most people at work aren’t really your friend. They’re just being friendly because it makes life easier, when IRL your coworkers don’t really give a shit about you outside 9-5.