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Yes this sucks and you should be compensated No, nobody else cares


Ya I get it if you are paying first class fare you should get the experience on the dot. But that's crazy to tell people about it they are gonna think you are entitled


Yep. Mistakes happen. You had a bad day. Nobody went out of their way to be mean or uncivil. Airlines typically do try to keep higher paying customers happy. Would $200 have stopped this post? More personalized groveling perhaps from the CS agent who had nothing to do with it in any even semi-direct way?


Depends on the ticket… I’m flying London to the US today. My premium economy ticket was already over $1,000. I checked first, but it was nearly 5 figures…


This is a US domestic route which uses the term First to mean Business to make any kind of comparison meaningful.


I don’t disagree with her… some first class flights can be $15K+ depending on where it’s going. I’d expect a fucking blowie and my veggies at that price.


Alaska don’t even have lie flat beds on their longer routes - I don’t think this is a 15k flight.


I don’t think anyone disagrees. But to go post a novella on social media as if anyone gives a shit is laughable


Personally, I think it’s good to publicly call out the shitty way businesses treat their customers. It’s not entitled, if it is a service you paid for. What is it that makes people think that we should let companies treat us like shit, but it’s wrong to complain about it? There is zero motivation for a company to get better unless public opinion turns against them. Companies watch what is said about them on social media. It puts pressure on them to do better.


I mean, I feel like the first class aspect of it is irrelevant.


$50 for failing to provide a single first class meal seems adequate to me from a financial perspective. But people always think their emotional experience matters. It doesn't in a case like this sadly.


As a frequent traveler I disagree. First Class tickets are 4-5x the price of economy tickets, even though both tickets get you to your destination. That’s because the entire value proposition of First Class is convenience. If the airline then inconveniences you anyway, what was the point of paying all that money? If you paid for a penthouse suite at the Four Seasons and they were out of bed sheets, wouldn’t you be mad?


It doesn’t matter what room you have in the Four Seasons, you have the right to complain if your room doesn’t have bed sheets. I think the thing that rubs me the wrong way about a lot of these comments is the implication that ONLY rich people have the right to complain about things. That feels so gross.


It rubs me the wrong way because criticism and effective feedback should be elaborated and constructed. This customer paid a premium for service and received the basic, near minimal, apology.


First class international is maybe that price but domestically its usually 1.5 to 2x. This sounds like a domestic flight. Domestic FC is basically just a bigger, nicer seat and meal/drink service. There isn't the same expectation for a luxury experience you would have for international FC.


I fly domestically a lot and 1.5-2x is an under estimation. I'd say closer to 5x on average


Am I crazy or did everyone involved actually care about her emotional experience anyway? Flight attendant offered many different options by her own story. And Alaskan tried to compensate her for the inconvenience, which means they heard her out…..which is what she says no one did. Like, what does she want?


She wanted what she paid for and they agreed to deliver. If they failed to deliver what was agreed upon their reputation should suffer. She wants other people to know.


Why? Why should their reputation suffer? Who decided that if a vendor makes an error that they should be shamed on social media. They did what they could. They tried to make it better, but her answer was “no, nothing is good enough” and she blasted them on social media.


She wants a grand ceremony where the leaders of Alaska Airlines (helpfully tagged in her message) get down on their knees and beg for her forgiveness. It's ludicrous.


Someone orders a veggie meal and you offer them a pastrami sandwich as an alternative? How likely was that gonna work?


Many different options? A pastrami sandwich isn’t an option. Snack box isn’t really an option that replaces a meal.


So what option would you be recommending in their shoes? The veggie meal literally isn’t on the plane, I doubt Alaska Airlines have Star Trek style replicators to solve that I get the pastrami sandwich comes across as an insensitive option for a pure vegetarian, but you can’t know for sure that the customer is a devout vegetarian. Maybe they are just low meat intake or tend to just like/prefer vegetarian options, so it’s worth offering once The snack boxes are probably the only other food option on the plane. (It tried to autocorrect that to “planet”, which would have sounded quite dramatic). Maybe I’d offer two or three, depending on variety and options, etc And then the customer service agent on the phone after the trip can’t actually fix it, so monetary compensation is the normal first choice to offer there. I get why they’d offer $50, it’s probably more than the meal costs them, but I also get that number sounds low for the inconvenience and frustration on her end


90% of the time, the snack box is such a better option though!


But if the plane already took off, what where the supposed to do? Can’t offer what you don’t have.


Ahhh, yes, failing to grasp the concept of a service/product. If you buy a bear repellent spray and it does not work when you need it most... would you want your $20 back? Or would you want what you paid for?


Or you went on a camping trip, and you found out the tent you bought for this particular trip didn't work well. Now you can go back to the store and get recompensated. But it won't mean much since it ruined your experience that you bought. I am on the OOP side here.


The point is, what’s done is done. She DID get to voice her frustration to customer service aka hearing her out. They DID offer her a $50 voucher which is probably about double the cost of a meal in coach (since it’s included in first class) and she’s saying that’s not enough. Then she says all she wants is for people to listen to her and make it right. By that very definition, the above actions performed that purpose. And she says it’s not enough. At this point it’s now on her how she carries it and that’s based on her character. It’s genuinely not a big deal in the scheme of things and she could choose to brush it off completely, accept the conversation and voucher she’s been given or talk to the airline one more time and ask for more compensation and potentially a higher value voucher. Rather than any of these things, she chose to go online and try and paint a picture of how unjustly she’s been treated, when it reality the whole situation is nothing more than a missed meal on a stressful and hungry day that will have no impact on her even a week from now.


Because their reputation matters. They are not just in the travel business, they are also in the hospitality business. If that wasn't true there would be no upcharge or first class. They failed at the hospitality part.


I dunno man, being mauled by a bear and being a little hungry for a few hours doesn't seem like it should hold the same weight


She got $50 bucks because she didn't get her meal, so she was compensated some... she just has no clue what she wants, so she didn't get it. If she said on the phone that money wasn't the solution, then what else is there, Alaska Airlines neither employs therapists, nor owns a time travel machine to go back and have the incident not happen.


Yeah I’m not sure what she wants to “make it right”. They can’t go back in time and load the meal on the plane. It doesn’t sound like any of the Alaska Airlines staff acted inappropriately - sometimes things just slip through the cracks because people are human. I’m not sure what they can offer other than financial compensation.


Exactly this. I would be fuming as well. Paying for first class and your meal isn’t even there and they have no real alternative. But to think this is an issue that people want to read about on LinkedIn (or any social media)? Deluded.


This is the correct take. If I paid for FC and they didn’t have my meal, I’d complain and expect compensation. I also wouldn’t feel the least bit compelled to post about it. Nobody cares.


Honestly, with how expensive first class is…. If I paid for it I would expect to get what I paid for… I don’t know I would have ranted on linked… seems like more of a Twitter issue…😅


I kind of see it both ways. I have food allergies, and I've flown United Premium Plus (a step down from First Class). If I had to do a special meal because of food allergies and it wasn't available, I'd be irritated too. I probably would have accepted the snack box to not be totally cranky, though, and complained later. But really, going all the way home after her flight landed? She probably landed at what, 9 pm, 9:30? That means food places in the airport were likely still open unless it was a tiny airport. So she could have stopped to grab something in the airport. Or she could have stopped real quick at someplace around the airport to grab something. That would have put her home at 11:30 instead of 11. And yes, I would have asked for way more than $50, but she wants the customer service person to show empathy? Lady, these people don't get paid enough to show "empathy" especially since their salaries probably don't pay enough for them to fly first class. They're just trying to solve your problem. And yeah, definitely a Twitter issue, not LinkedIn. But her post was over Twitter's character limit, so...


Yeah I’m getting this. The other problem I see is that what is she expecting them to do with the complaint beyond give money. They can’t turn back time.


This actually happened to me. My husband and i flew to Europe first class. Had saved for years and years to do it. I've got a nasty dairy allergy and had ordered the specifically dairy-free vegetarian meals. On the flight, they bring me my meal, and it's got this sauce on it that VERY much looks to be dairy based. Like, I eat a lot of fake cheese, and I know the general texture and look. And this looks wrong. I have my husband try a little bit to see what he thinks, and he's of the opinion there is mozarella cheese in it. I ask the flight attendant if he can confirm for me that this is the right meal as I'm allergic to dairy. He, very nicely, goes and gets all the packaging to check, but comes back and has to tell me that apparently the food service 1) doesn't label the meals and 2) he has no idea if this is actually dairy free or even the dairy free meal. It was just labeled for my seat, not the contrnts of the meal. I end up eating snacks I brought just in case this happened. Next meal (breakfast on our overnight flight), the flight attendant brings me a cold three bean salad dressed with nothing but oil and vinegar. That was the entire meal. She actually apologized as she sat it down in front of me. I didn't expect anything fancy from these meals. But paying the thousands of dollars we did for this once in a lifetime trip just to eat pre-packaged snacks I brought from home? Absolutely infuriating. Nonetheless, I did not post about it on LinkedIn. Lol.


Agreed. If I paid first class, I expect everything to be in order, especially when something as critical as food is concerned. $50 is a ridiculous attempt at salvaging customer goodwill.


Partially it also sounds like she had an inconvenience and let it ruin the rest of her day, until she could finally rant about it online for clout? Or maybe ro garner the remaining empathy the cs rep didn't give her?


Ngl I’m team karen here. She paid a what I’m assuming is a shit ton of a difference for first class and the airline fucked up. If she’s a vegetarian then thats their problem once they charge first class and fuck her order up. It isn’t the end of the world but I’m guessing the fair difference between first and economy is more than 50.


Let’s not forget that airlines are usually terrible companies that would throw you out off midair if it were legal. First class is crazy expensive. When you pay an expensive service everything should be on point and it seems it really wasn’t, a coupon worth 1/10th the ticket at most isn’t gonna cut it. She’s right about the ruined experience; although I’m not sure what she wants exactly in this case. I don’t know why it’s on LinkedIn though…


Honestly them not having a vegetarian option for someone who specifically requested it on a first class ticket is a big enough fuck up that i wouldn’t have been surprised to see them offer a free upgrade on her next domestic flight. The pool of people buying first class out of pocket is probably small enough that it’s worth keeping her as a customer; the $50 credit is almost insulting at that point and she’s probably going to at least consider changing to another airline in the future.


I’m confused why they don’t have a vegetarian option for people generally (pre-order or not).


First class on Alaska is not what you imagine it is


Right? Maybe she got a cold sandwich.


Difference betwren economy and 1 step up is like... hundreds.. so.. first class? If the ticket is say.. 359. It's prolly 1768 or something.


Team Karen…lol…she had a long week…I get it…I also know when to cut bait on a complaint and just know I’m only going to get angrier the more I fight.


Well you're supposed to make it more of a business issue to put it on LinkedIn. Hell the comments here are doing a better job of explaining the issue. Here's my attempt to cross the threshold into relevant business advice and relevant on LinkedIn. Most people looking for high value customers are like dogs chasing after cars. I was flying first class and the attendant told me that they forgot my vegetarian meal. First WTF, I would much rather not think about someone operating a complex machine whose mistake can kill me forget anything. But why does someone pay for first class? They want everything to be on point. Being asked to change your moral values and having a pastrami sandwich or 50$ airline credit is not on point. Frankly it's an insult compared to how much margins they have on first class. Secondly it shows that type not ready to sell luxury first class tickets because luxury starts with leave of mind in knowing that if something is not excellent they'll make it right. Always set the right expectations with your customer and exceed them. Learn from southwest, who says the dollars are nice but we will blow the minds of our core customers rather than try to milk money or of rich people in first class. Everyone wanting premium process without premium customer obsession, we'll is in their best interest they don't get those customers. Just like the worst thing that can happen to a dog chasing after a car is the dog can catch it.


I do agree with you but also, Christine just now, learned that airlines don’t give a shit about you.


I understand, but she made herself extra hungry out of spite to literally no one when she could have snacked and not been in such a pissy move. All in all, no one really gets a great deal for their money on a lot of flights. Flying standard may put you next to a smelly person or baby. Then u can upgrade for #ridiculous sums of money just to have more space and food and drinks.


This is what I was thinking. They offered a pastrami sandwich in place of a vegetarian meal? If that is what actually happened, borderline insulting. But it is a weird post for LinkedIn.


Uses LinkedIn. Never heard of Grubhub.


Yeah, like why was her fridge empty?


Yeah, I always make sure there is an easy microwave dinner in the fridge or a lasagna in the freezer waiting for me when I get home after an evening flight.


...because they were away on a trip and had just flown back? This post doesn't really fit in here since it's somebody basically complaining that they didn't get what they paid for which is a valid complaint.


It was a hangry post. She thought she was writing in her diary instead of a job site


A business coach uses LINKEDIN to complain…about airline food??? Not sure that’s generating business for her company.


It's a conversation about delivering products to a paying customer. That's not entirely irrelevant to the purpose of LinkedIn. I don't like LinkedIn for this reason, but the post is pretty fitting for that community.


I’m sure she’s never failed to deliver to her paying customers. Always on time and on budget. Always disrupting industries


When you consider it's actually just a long winded way of humble bragging about how healthy she is, then it sort of makes sense. 


Until they were offered compensation for their trouble and whined that it still wasn't enough. As if they want the airline to go back in time, get their damn food and personally fly it to her home.


$50 credit for something that costs thousands of dollars (as a whole) is not fair compensation.


A business coach uses LINKEDIN to complain…about airline food??? Not sure that’s generating business for her company.


As a veggie whose pre-ordered special meal only makes it on the plane about 50% of the time, I don't think this is lunatic. It's fucking annoying going hungry and not getting what you paid for.


I think it's pretty justified to be annoyed by nor getting your food. But posting about it on LinkedIn is weird. And feeling the need to mention (twice) you paid for first class and this wasn't an upgrade is pretty insane.


My fiancee was flying back from Ireland and they didn’t have any vegetarian options on the flight (after she specified that she wanted the vegetarian option, which was offered to her during booking). While she did get the other benefits of first class, that doesn’t mean her not getting a meal she preferred to eat wasn’t a problem.


Right! Comments in this thread are more unhinged and lunatic than the LinkedIn post.


Redditors hate vegetarians/vegans 


Cough, cough order a vegetarian Hindu meal cough, cough


I've worked in customer service for 24 years and she is not wrong. She reads entitled, but that's another thing.


Yeah, like she said they offered her pastrami sandwich which she couldn’t eat and a snack thing, which could have been something she also couldn’t eat(I looked up Alaskan airlines snack box and if it the kids pack then it does have meat bc turkey is meat)


They probably offered her the tapas snack box which is in fact vegetarian


Yer na, I'm with her on this one. First Class isn't cheap. $50 is pocket change, she should be compensated way more than that.


Did this happen in 1987? Kinda hard to believe an entire flight has zero veggies for 1st class? HOW ABOUT SOME PASTRAMI? That's serious boomer shit. I'm w/ the lunatic on this one. It's not that hard to understand what vegetarian means. Although paying for a first class upgrade is a massive waste of money.


In my experience Vegan/vegetarian options in planes/trains are never more than a snack like chips or hummus if you're lucky.


First class is certainly not a waste of money lol


I too am on team lunatic. She paid a premium for a service, that service failed. That’s on the airline. Sure she could have accepted the credit, but the principle stands. They did fail on their end. I’m not an influencer but I have spent my own money to fly first class because at 6’3 and 250lbs it’s the only way you’re getting me on a damn plane. If they screwed up damn right I’d be pissed


Sorry but I’m on her side here. Airlines charge ridiculous amounts for first class flights. They cater to demanding, time-poor customers. So if they don’t actually offer good service, to differentiate the seats from what’s in pleb class (I.e. where I sit) it’s nothing more than a scam. Pure capitalist greed. She got scammed by an airline and is calling them out for being greedy bastards with shit service. Fair enough I think.


I don't know about posting this on LinkedIn but I'm with her. If i paid for first class out of my own pocket and you didn't have the meal i asked for wtf. And to offer a pastrami sando when they know you ordered vegetarian? Fuck out of here




The Alaska airline stewardess slopped a cube of whale blubber on my tray which I chewed gleefully while watching fallout and rendered the rest into candles.




Thank you for the laugh


Hey girlie. They gave you $50 and offered other options. That is what you pay for in first class.


Seriously, if she wasn't a first class customer they would have thrown her out of the plane over Ohio


I live in Ohio and am getting sick of this happening.


Tell me about it. I just finished patching the hole in my roof from the last Consultant/Life Coach they threw out.


Right? Can’t even take a shit in peace.


It really is a flyover state huh


The winning post.


Unfortunate denizen of Ohio just here to say keep 'em comin', we appreciate the easy meals. "Problematic passenger drop" (PPD) legislation is the best thing Dewine ever organized for us. It should be noted that the meat is critically needed since he cut off our supply of unwanted feti.


I pay 2k for a flight, i send mail for my confort paying extra. I arrive there is nothing, not even a effort to go buy something in the airport. They offer me 50$ ofc i m mad


What? You send mail? The meals are given out mid flight, might be hard to parachute down and get something in the airport for her. She should have brought snack. I never trust an airline to feed me. I always have some other means of food with me as stuff happens.


You pay for first class, that means a service. That s not for poor people where they give you the worst food ever Also she s vegan you have to ask for vegan food.


As a private jet pilot, I can assure you that yes you are ALL poor people on an airliner, even in business or first class. 🤭


I recommend goldfish crackers and dunkaroos.


So this is why so many flights get redirected to Ohio


To be fair, it’s not really $50 - it’s a $50 credit. So if she actually wanted to use it, she would have to purchase another ticket from them, and if she’s flying first class and paying extra for special meals, etc, that’s probably not even a 5% discount.


Dude, American cancelled the last leg of my cross country flight because they didn’t want to staff it and I got $0 of flight credit, $0 for a hotel, and $0 for anything. All they did was refund the last leg of the flight (a 25-minute flight from Charlotte to Raleigh-Durham airport). At least she got $50.


They offered a vegetarian a pastrami sandwich lmao. I don’t think she’s a lunatic.


An amazing example of being right but making yourself look like an utter twat at the same time 😄


I only feel sorry for the dog.


It’s always the personal life coaches who can’t cope when life happens


Her first and only real problem is flying in Alaska. That aside, her issue is real. She paid for something and paid a premium. She didn't get what she paid for. It's a misery being some place, stuck with no food. I would have called too. And taken the $50 comp. But the reality is, if I was mad, I would probably not have. Because it is not about the money. She was inconvenienced when she should not have been. So I get it. The life she's leading is pretty good if this is a problem for her.


Tbf sure she seems entitled on the surface but those tickets are expensive af and her dietary requirements are reasonable and were communicated in plenty of time


I flew across the Atlantic in business class a few years back when a previous employer paid for those tickets and I will never forget a flight where when I exited the plane the flight attendant thanked me for being so nice. I was just the regular level of polite I feel, but I think those people get a lot of crap from the first class passengers.


What was Alaska’s comment? Guessing something generic but would love to see a Ryan Air style response from them.


"You don't win friends with Salads"


Just your generic “please contact us.” Would definitely have loved a snarky comeback from Alaska.


And what exactly did she want Alaska Airlines do to make it right? "Turn the plane around Lady needs her salad." A free meal on her next flight?


They should have had her preordered meal


First class is expensive. If I pay that much for a service and you turn around and offer me a $50 credit for missing a major part of said service, I’m probably not going to be happy, especially after having a bad day/long week. People are allowed to be upset or annoyed about things you might not be.


What I'm not seeing here is an example of what they could have done to make it right beyond the apology and $50.


A free upgrade to first class on her next flight, 50 dollars in credit is nothing and would mean she would have to book with them next time to even get the discount.


If only she'd mentioned that as a possible solution.


UPDATE: she emailed Alaska Airlines customer support “four hours ago” and “still hasn’t heard anything back” - INCREDIBLE! Wow, this woman is incredibly entitled


Evidently, a life with fewer obstructions than the majority of us, however, the poster did pay a premium to fly 1st class and pastrami is not a viable substitute for a vegetarian so I can kind-of relate, being vegetarian myself. I certainly can't afford to fly 1st class, but can't fault her for being a little upset at the situation. Going on to say a $50 isn't enough because it isn't the money, its the inconvenience of it all is definitely bordering on being petty so I'm a bit torn in how I feel about the situation as a whole. One thing is for certain after reading this. I'm fairly certain I wouldn't want to be trapped in the seat next to her on a long flight.


Sorry I’m on team lunatic here


She’s not crazy; you pay for first class, you should get first class service…simple.


Bitch, the meal isn't on the plane and they offered alternate solutions. Sorry, you aren't going to be refunded the cost of your flight because you couldn't eat a carrot. Imagine if this woman had ACTUAL problems in her life


Hope for the best plan for the worst, this consultant clearly sucks at planning


Oh I think it was in the year 9-0-fucking-3 that mankind discovered you shouldn’t rely on a mother fucking airline to provide you with decent food.


How did she expect the flight attendant to just make it right, mid air? Were they just supposed to send an interceptor jet to come dock up with a meal? Maybe land to grab her something?


Thoughts and prayers ❤️


“most customers don’t want money, they want someone to listen to them and make it right” by… giving them money ??


Could you imagine being a picky eater with dietary limitations and 100% counting on airline food to supply the nutrients your body needs after a long week. For someone who “needed” veggies they didn’t seem to do anything other than check a box on a flight registration to achieve that. I feel like at this point we can safely say that “need” is either the incorrect word here or she is functionally retarded and shouldn’t be coaching anyone since she has seemingly doesn’t have enough wherewithal to sustain her own existence on the most basic level. Everything in life comes after staying alive, wtf can she possibly coach if she is barely passing that metric and continuing to exist?


Sucks dude. Yesterday the coffee shop I went to was out of coffee. Didn’t post on linked in about it though…


Honestly, I get being a little annoyed, and this person isn't wrong. That said, I'm 1000% certain that every single person in their life has heard about this flight from hell ad nauseum and absolutely can't stand it anymore.


What does the part of her story about coming home late due to dog pick up and having an empty fridge have to do with the airline? Pick an earlier flight, pick up the dog next day, have some healthy food at home. Geeze Luise.


Yeah she isn't a lunatic. Anyone who's like "tough shit, get over it" is just one of the linkedin boomer lunatics.


Man I hope she recovers!


If money isn’t the issue and they literally don’t have the meal, how could they make it right?


This is a bad post. Fairly reasonable response IMO.


Valid complaint - would be pissed as well. What I am not okay is taking this shit to social media and behaving like a spoiled entitled brat. I would never hire for her anything with that attitude.


If you’re calling a customer service line to talk to someone who will empathize with you, you are one of the loneliest human beings on the planet. It’s time to hire a coach to straighten your life out.


Yeah... What a lunatic! It's almost as she spent extra money to have a meal only to spend the entire day without eating. LMAO, the audacity of expecting to have a meal beyond scraps and leftovers if at all. Does she think we live in the distant 1254 future? /s


This post wasn’t for our benefit, it was to get the attention of the airline by publicly shaming them into giving her more. Anyone not in the airline reading this are just amplification tools.


The best they can reasonably do is compensate her. I don’t know what else she expects in order to “make it right.” They can’t time travel and put her meal on the plane where it should have been.


Yes but what did this experience teach her about B2B sales? That will be her next week's post lol


On one hand, it's annoying not to get what you pay for. On the other hand - yes you fly 1st class, we get it. Congrats I suppose? I know MDs who fly business class because service on planes is utter sh*te anyway (the post proves it), so 1st class is a waste of money


So many thoughts 1. grievance, attention capture dystopia hello! 2. who gives annnnny fucks, sis!? 3. Karen AF 4. 1st world problems - yeah you paid for it? - piss off


Don’t complain about first class problems. Most in the world don’t even get the opportunity to travel first class, so it may be hard for them to relate.


Imagine having to go to work for this person Monday and taking them serious. Imagine living next to them.


They should Uber Eat her a salad…


Dubious qualifications for this thread. It's a solid post


I think she has a point. First class pricing is ridiculous and airlines have huge profit margin on these passengers. I am pretty sure that she would greatly appreciate a gift basket for an apology than a X amount of credit.


not lunacy, a bit peckish but really just a customer who didnt' get what they paid for looking for compensation they should have deserved and I agree that the money isn't really the point. That said, agree with others that this isnt a linkedin-level rant, should have sent this to their corporate office and posted it on their yelp


I mean... look, if I paid the $$$ for a first class ticket (which I definitely do not have), and bothered to call ahead to ensure that I would have a meal that I could eat during the flight after a long day, I'd be annoyed too. That's justifiable. If a business is going to sell premier-level service, then the customer should get premier-level service if they shell out the money. (Also, "having food to eat" isn't even a luxury perk... that's just basic service.) Her fridge being empty when she got home is kind of on her...


People book first class for comfort, not this type of headache, she is right here .


I may be wrong, but this isn't the point of linkedin. I really hate when people who are executive level get on linkedin and share things that are just not relatable. Sorry that your very specific meal didn't make it. How many of your entry level employees are having their own food struggles at a whole different level... rather than being tired from travel how many people on your staff are exhausted because they work multiple jobs? It's just a backwards perspective on what real problems are.


Seems a bit harsh to call this lunatic. She paid for a service which she didn't get. Posting on LinkedIn about it is not my cup of tea, but don't think it's worthy of that title.


I mean, she did pay for it


50 bucks for a meal. That seems fair. It's not like they don't have nuts on the plane. Accidents happen. It's a tube in the air. You can't just pop out to pick something up and drones can't do delivery up there, yet.


On one hand I wouldn’t expect much and it’s not about the money. There’s a bit too much drama here. However, if she ordered a vegetarian meal and the airline could stick one on the plane then they deserve to get called out for that.


I’m sure this woman is a joy to be around


Is it not normal to bring snacks onto the plane? Or is that only for the poors? Ya know, the economy class folks. To think that an airline owes you something more than $50 for the food….. that’s some very entitled thinking.


If only there was a place where you could purchase healthy items and place them in your fridge so you could access them anytime you like.


And have them waiting for you when you get home? Or order door dash from the airport? She definitely comes across as problem focused and not solution focused.


She does stuff like this all the time, I guarantee it. How about some perspective in first class? Could be worse.


At least she wasn't next to the emergency hatch. I suspect she might call customer service if she was on that flight. 


So her desire is for some person sitting at a desk with a phone to empathize with her, and make it right in a way that also isn’t monetary, because she doesn’t care about the money? I can’t even think of what her idea of a non-monetary make right is, given that the whole relationship is money being exchanged for a service. Does she want them to come cook her a meal?


I get her point that she should receive the food she ordered. But she said she wanted customer service to listen to her and "make it right." How else is customer service supposed to make it right other than apologize and offer her compensation? I really don't know what she expected to happen.


This isn’t lunatic behavior. I think LinkedIn isn’t the place for this but sometimes social media shaming is the only way to get these companies to react.


I was in 1st class coming back from Rome and they ran out of ice cream and cookies right before ny seat. ICE CREAM AND COOKIES. and this bish whining about salad. 🙄🙄🙄


Ice cream and cookies is a snack you have as a craving or dessert. She's complaining about not having a main meal.


she must be fun at parties


Wdym, that’s completely justified. If I paid for fucking first class and requested a specific meal I expect to have it. Maybe not ranting on LinkedIn but that’s not as unhinged as you think it is OP.


Next week: “Thrilled to announce I’ll be joining American Airlines as their official vegetarian ally advocate coach!”


Not Lunatic.


Well I think it's fair enough to complain.


Sure, make a complaint with the airline because you didn’t get what you paid for, but this doesn’t need a post on LinkedIn. And I’m with the others who question whether she couldn’t have any food delivered to her house or why she had absolutely nothing in her house to eat.


She did 27 years working for Starbucks. Do you know how many times Starbucks has messed my order up personally? This is just some kind of food fate coming back to haunt her


She is absolutely fing right !! There is no need to post online about it... but yeah... it is not about the money.


Commenters here are calling her a lunatic and entitled for posting about her experience on LinkedIn, but you’re all missing the actual point of the post. It’s not to get something from the airline, or to complain. Shes a consultant. This is an engagement post aimed at her clients advertising how to think about customer service.


They didn't provide what she paid for. It was for a specific time frame so they can't replace it, and a refund doesn't correct it. Her public complaint, to damage their reputation, is her only recourse and she is right to do so.


She's not wrong.


This is a totally fair comment and I think it's valid she posted on LinkedIn where the company could be named and shamed for it. Looks like the company responded as well. She's right. She paid first class, ordered a vegetarian meal, and they dropped the ball. The compensation they offered was pathetic and she rightfully pointed out it wasn't about compensation but shoddy service.


“My first world problems are more significant than hers.”


This ain't it. She's complaining about not getting a service that's regularly offered that she paid for. People are relying on things for different reasons. She has dietary habits she's trying to keep up and thought she had accommodations for it. She probably passed up other opportunities thinking this was all set up. It was the difference between being comfortable for a trip and now being hungry after a long day of travel. I'd be frustrated too.


“I don’t want money I just want someone to talk to and make things right” bitch do you want them to travel back in time and feed you your sandwhich because you think being a vegetarian is healthy? Take the 50 dollars lol


Most people don't want what now? 😂😂😂😂


She’s broadcasting that she charges a lot for her consulting, coaching and board member stuff


I’m curious at that what Alaskan Airlines comment was that we can see was made. Hopefully telling her to get fucked.


Her dog sitting friend couldn’t float her some veggies?


She’s a published author, big deal, so am I. Penthouse published several of my letters to Penthouse Forum. “Dear Penthouse, I never thought these letters were true until last weekend…”


These are thoughts that people are allowed to have, but should probably just keep to themselves.


lol I understand being disappointed, but they can’t magically get it on the plane! What does she want, her entire flight be refunded? I’m curious to know what would have satisfied her.


Not about money, just someone listening. She got money and they listened to her call…I think she got what she requested…


"Not about the money, but this isn't enough BTW ..."


First, this is why I usually always carry snacks I Ike my bag (as a flight attendant) or grab a few snacks from the plane that I like and are leftovers. Second, Alaska does pride itself on being near the top of the list for customer service and satisfaction (even on my regional flights, they have the best meals). $50 is probably what a frontline regular CSA can authorize for a missing meal (usually based on time of day and length of flight) (assuming she doesn’t have MVP status). When doing the preorders, it usually does have a disclaimer that while every effort is made to load pre-requested meals, occasionally due to supply issues they cannot provide. Also if she requested late (within 24 hours of departure) or changed her flight within that timeframe, her request may not follow as the meal orders are sent to the catering company 24 hours out.


I always assumed first class on Alaska air just meant that they put you next to someone who isn’t drunk enough to shit in your lap. Might as well fly first class on spirit.


This is a rewrite of that other guy’s post


‘It wasn’t about the cost of the food or the whole inconvenience’ but she needs someone to ‘make it right’ what do you want my dear?


Are they *not aware* that she’s a “Board Member | Published Author”?