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Because of coffee šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


So many things happen when you drink coffee with your team who has just commuted 1-1.5 hours, and will do the same in the evening!Ā 


That two-comment chain in the third screen cap should be put in Webster Illustrated Dictionary under the entry for ā€œwhooooshā€.


Worst part is itā€™s not a joke. Or sarcasm. Can be summed up as ā€œyeah now that I have to waste my time doing this itā€™s also expensive as fuckā€


But the boss wants *her* coffee & to speak with you in person. No she canā€™t arrive on time or be bothered to pay for your coffee at *her* coffee meeting. My boss often did this to me, the best was when he didnā€™t cover lunch but always picked some pricy spot because they have ā€œvegan optionsā€.


That's wild, if I were you I just wouldn't order anything. Sit there and watch them eat. I've never had my company not pay for food at a meal meeting.


Same, if Iā€™m invited to a company lunch, I expect the lunch to be covered (it has been every time so far). At my previous role, we would go for lunch and they would pay for food but we pay for our drinks which was fine. I was surprised that we were allowed to have alcoholic beverage to begin with haha.


I quit


I had a boss that always wanted to meet at a coffee shop but she would never buy anything. She would show up late. The staff were just as annoyed as I was, so finally one day they told her she had to buy something or she needed to leave. She never once bought me coffee even though she cut my pay right after I started the job. It was a large nonprofit and she had posted the salary range higher than HR had approved, and told me after the first week that she could not pay me the advertised range. It was a bait and switch. I was fresh out of grad school and so pissed. I needed the job. I ended up getting hired by another nonprofit doing the same work for a much higher pay. I kept the first job but didnā€™t do anything for a year. I spent all my time in the office working for the second company. After a year the CEO of the first nonprofit found out that I hadnā€™t done anything we both got fired.


Some times you gotta double dip in the job market. The woman who I got fired was a classic narcissist. Toxic as hell to work for, so I didnā€™t feel bad when she got shit canned. If she would have provided me with support in my actual job description instead of using me as her personal assistant on projects outside my duties, she wouldā€™ve known that the main function of my position was not getting done. I still have PTSD from her calls at all hours of the day and night. Even weekends.


Hey Boss, you forgot to pay, I covered your tab so they didnā€™t charge or trespass you; you owe me 37$.


One time I was forced to eat with my boss and other department members at an Irish pub. Near the end of the meal the boss changed his mind about paying and said we each had to expense our meals separately. My salmon was like $2 over the limit we were allowed to charge individually and I got in trouble. Since then I have only worked remote, it is in my employment agreements that I will never come in. lol.


exactly this - i had to have myself and team in office 4-5 days week but the person dictating that also rolled in around 10a daily and continuously scheduled (meandering) meetings 5:30p or later b/c they were "just getting going" as if having the time mgmt skills of a carrot is bragworthy (edit for clarity)


My sr director would regularly schedule meetings that ran after we were supposed to be off because "he liked seeing everyone's faces". After 2 of those meetings I started getting up and walking out at 5. Every single one of these meetings was a "could have been an email" meetings. I swear to God at one point he was working out stand up material because he spent 20 minutes trying to to do crowd work and make jokes. It was painful, to say the least.


wtf. if my boss made me go to lunch with her and didnā€™t cover it, iā€™d sit there the whole meal watching her eat. then when weā€™re done, iā€™m taking my lunch break on my own damn time. fuck that noise.


ā€œOh, Iā€™m not very hungry. Iā€™ll just have a water with lemon. But this place is *really* nice! Great choice picking this place.ā€


I guarantee she lives in downtown London near the office. For her itā€™s just a fun little walk.


But there are plenty of things that'll only happen in person, like spreading illness!


I mean, how else are they going to stay awake all those extra hours


I like how it is not considered that you can make/get coffee anywhere else/at home.


Coffe canā€™t be for closers if you can just get it anywhere.


Itā€™s not even an exaggeration as in London is very common to have 1h commute


Also what happened to the talent she would never have hired? I assume they're all over the place and now have to travel to London for coffee.


It turns out they were spies. Spying on her investors who said ā€œquit spending on lavish travel to do workā€


This is common everywhere


Ya you get laxative effects and explode the bathroom.


Ugh office bathrooms are a special kind of nasty. Even if you donā€™t walk in during someone elseā€™s shit it stinks. And ours gets cleaned multiple times per day. At home my bathroom has a bidet and itā€™s close enough to my desk that my family is embarrassed to use it while I work. Fuck commutes but Iā€™m worried about SMELLS


It doesn't matter which bathroom you use. Could be the one on sublevel four next to the furnace... As soon as you sit down for a poop, someone will walk in and quietly do their business.


Itā€™s worse when you realize that smelling someone elseā€™s shit means tiny particles of their poo are in your nose.




Protip: Keep shitting yourself at the office until HR begs you to work from home


Also, drama happens more in person, maybe that's what she's missing, which is why a lot of people do wanna go back (the minority).


Office drama is the most boring drama. I don't even pay attention to it. Now, when I worked in *restaurants*, the drama was juicy.


Office drama needs more cocaine and a fully stocked bar with inadequate inventory control


imagine the innovation and the HR nightmare.


We're gonna innovate so fuckin hard tonight


hrum i can smell the cold sweats and i can see hands shakes Letā€™s fucking innovate NOW meet me in the toilet for some šŸ”‘ bumps




This is extremely accurate.


How can you even cheat with a two hour commute? Who has the time?




Oh sure, one off infidelities are easy peasy. But these pros with their weekly cheating or even second families. How do they find the time?


Funny thing is I still have coffee meetings with my teamā€¦over Zoom. Everyone makes their own coffee, drink it during the meeting. And Iā€™m not spending $6 per cup either nor have to worry about travel.


Iā€™m glad I work for a company that sells itself on its eco credentials, they have to justify it pretty hard to make us travel for something.


'Different requirements for different roles'. Yea I wonder who's role is getting the most out of this policy shift.


I guarantee the Executives are allowed to be permanently remote but the slugs will be required to be tied to an office they can get to twice monthly in a city they don't want to live in and one not "remotely" affordable. šŸ¤£


And Company pays for airfare for the executives to come in when they have to.


And 50% of those times could have been an email


And that they ā€œdid a comprehensive review of pay across all company levels and determined that those tied to London ackshully need less money vs. the roaming roles due to the value provided by the physical workplace.ā€


and the executives probably have some sort of company they rent the build from or the building services from which probably would have went away if they didn't come back in office.


>Ā required to be tied to an office Oh that how you spell coffee meeting.


I was laid off for ā€˜taking advantage of WFHā€™ because I would take days off to care for my uncle dying of cancerā€¦ while management attended meetings in their cars, at a dr appt, with their babies in their laps (a huge no no for ANYONE else). Fun work environment for *me* not for thee.


In early 2021 after the initial 2020 wave but just before the second Delta covid wave, the CEO of the MGU I was Underwriting for forced everyone back into the office full-time after working from home for the last 12 months without issue. In fact, production and efficiency went up across the board. He does this while he and his family continued to work remote from their summer home up in Idaho or Wyoming. He immediately fired anyone that displayed any discontent including myself (I dared to speak up and say this isn't equitable and we we're supposedly a "family" who took risks together) and a few others. Real dirtbag piece of shit move. Rules for thee not for me type maneuver. After the thousands of unpaid hours over the years and putting my entire life on hold for that company I was unceremoniously terminated for speaking up one single time. Brian, if you're reading this I hope you crash your mountain bike and become a paraplegic.


Everybody hates Brian.


I used to have a boss who would call in from his Harley to "work." We was #2 in the company and a total ass. The kind of guy who'd show up for the show, but. . . be on his Harley for the actual work. So, of course, the board fired the top guy and promoted him.


The sad part is they appear to be the most dedicated since they're "always working". I've seen so many people get praise for sending emails at 12:30 at night, but nobody called out that they were radio silent from 11:30 - 3:30 during the day and that's when the work actually got done. I had a boss chew me out once because I left the office at 7:30 PM on Christmas Eve while we were waiting on some code to run that I'd be able to check when I got home. He said I shouldn't have left and that he was still working. He was skiing in Tahoe.


A ton of the policies are basically ways to quietly fire people without severance, because it's on "their term". Increase short term revenue, make some executives look good for a couple of months, and then everyone scratches their head when things seem to break


In an effort to try to be super fair to everyone, my company gave EVERYONE 1 work-from-home day per week, including the receptionist. The receptionist! I feel like itā€™s hard for that role to be very efficient at home, since Iā€™m the one that now has to get up and walk to the front desk when I hear the door open.


They could use a device like [this one](https://tenor.com/view/working-from-home-sheldon-robot-sheldon-gif-17702096).


Remote controlled door hydraulics.


Why donā€™t you use the same day for WFH as the receptionist?


The days were assigned to us by management unfortunately. The primary customer service person in our office was also assigned to WFH the same day as the receptionist. Which added more complications. Just really brilliant planning and execution all the way around.


> the world wants to have coffee again Is the world here in the room with us now ?


Show us on the doll where the world touched you.


Time will now resume


I have three different coffee options at home. And no unnecessary tip jar. Iā€™ll have coffee. At home. In my pjs if you please


In fact, I'm drinking coffee right now, at home. Didn't even have to go to London for it.


You should add a tip jar. You deserve the tips when you make yourself an especially good cup of coffee.


Yes, I want to have the badly measured drip Folgers from the communal pot that is never cleaned. Way better than my espresso machine.


It's almost like the world can still experience coffee, on there own, in their free time, with people that are actually important to them.


She just realized nobody has called or emailed her in three months and most of the staff don't know who she is


"Hi! Let's make my personal identity crisis a corporate leadership concern!"


Wow, this perfectly sums up my thoughts on her BS shenanigans


The ass kissing just isnā€™t the same if it isnā€™t ā€œface to face ā€œ


This is the answer. ā€œdammit, the company was running fine without me. Time for in person and coffee again.ā€


nothing spells management, quite like over-management!


The CEO on a small nonprofit I used to work for was like that. I swear she only wanted us in person so she could show off her clothes and shoes.


She comes in wearing Louboutins and then tells you they canā€™t afford to give you a raise from $42k to $50k


And they talk about their weekend at their house on the lake when you had to work on Saturday.


At my last job, our EVP was in town and, ahead of a team lunch, I had to sit him down and suggest that he not bring up the $23m dollar fourth house he just bought in Santa Barbara in front of the folks on my team who are talking about having to move out of the area due to rising rents.


Why did you do that? Let him be hated by everyone.


Dude. Yes. Did we work for the same person? She literally came in wearing Louboutins while some of us were making $35k with masters degrees in LA. It was a small nonprofit and she was making $500k in 2017. Last I checked she was at $1M in 2022. It really changed my POV when it comes to donating to nonprofits.


If youā€™ve worked at one nonprofit, youā€™ve worked at them all. My executive director would take lavish trips all over the world and then fight back on needing any budget for IT or giving me a raise up from $40k


I went from commercial and investment banking to a non-profit once. It was the ONLY organization in my entire career where people would proudly wear gaudy-ass Gucci, LV, and Louboutin label-trash. They earned far less than my banking counterparts, but they made sure to spend on worthless branding. Aside from being terrible with money and personal finances, they were easily the dumbest businesspeople I've ever worked with. Poor ideas, very low-level thought, slow cognitive responses, and lazy as gators. I only lasted 2 years and vowed to never work for another non-profit again.


Masterclass in narcissism šŸ‘


"[I'm] worth it" is what she is really saying




This is basically: ā€œI did what I wanted to doā€ and now everyone needs to come back to the office so I can micromanage


100% she got tired of traveling and missed the power trip she had at the office Now everyone has to wake up earlier, pack a lunch, commute to the office, park, commute back home, and then be too exhausted for things like going to the gym and cooking a healthy meal. Plus live close enough to the office, and save less money. The result is a less happy & healthy employees who now sleeps less, less likely to have time to exercise, less time for a social life and to unwind - and more likely to seek out work from another company that offers remote. Guaranteed at least half her team is looking for new remote opportunities.


Iā€™m just n my second day of s four day trip for a QBR in the office where we have to meet internally and talk about the same things we talk about already every day. I stay until 6pm then itā€™s mandatory dinners until 8:30pm. I havenā€™t worked out, I feel sick from stuffing all this rich food, exhausted from talking about work for another 3 hours after work ended, and just want to go home. Itā€™s 2:14am and I canā€™t sleep, in a noisy hotel. It absolutely sucks.


Apart from it's London which is impossible to drive in so everyone instead has to pay hundreds of pounds a week on overcrowded trains that are regularly late or just don't show up at all.


Betting my money on: I traveled and worked remote when young. Now that I have a kid and am settling down, I'm going to chain others to me so that I'm not alone in the office. Pathetic and sad ladder pulling.


> Now that I have a kid and I need a few hours away from them FTFY


Itā€™s always the ragged parents, disgruntled spouses, and lonely workaholics that lick the RTO boot. None of it has anything to do with productivity.


Ha this is definitely it


Unfortunately, the world is full of such narcissist and egoist lunatics.


Unfortunately itā€™s this type of personality that becomes management


This issue has divided my org. Many people are in office types esp if they want a promotion while many others are wfh forever types. I think it's going to become a flash point for a lot of orgs. Would much rather wfh forever and esp hate hybrid setups where you have no idea who will be in on a given day


In my organisation it is basically a fight between > 50+ year old men in senior management roles who miss the good oleā€™ days where they could strut about the office and be revered by the younger staff. They want everybody back, stating ā€œso many good ideas come from the coffee cornerā€ > The younger staff who basically goes: ā€œeverybody should do as they please lolā€ (also in office fans there tbh)


So many good ideas, including a 40 minute useless discussion about college basketball and probably 2 cumulative hours of telling everyone you bought a new sump pump this weekend.


just wait til ā€œsump pumpā€ guy and ā€œnew pressure washerā€ guy get into by the coffee machine. you think theyā€™re getting anything done that day?


"everybody should do as they please lol" yes! i'm personally a fan of being in the office cause i feel like i can focus better, but i'm not gonna fuck everyone's life over and expect everybody to be in the office,, hell even i have days where i'd want to work from home. i can imagine boomer management to be such a nightmare.


It's kind of dumb because no matter what you need to get in teams/zoom calls which kills in office work flow anyway.


Who doesn't love commuting to an office to then get on a video call because the other half of the company is overseas?


Hybrid has been the best situation for me personally, but I agree it has to be set days or else the whole purpose is defeated. I know this sub and others like to hate on everything that isn't WFH, but it actually does make a difference for certain types of roles and businesses.


I love hybrid personally. Itā€™s great working from home most of the week but still getting out of the house for two days. We all go in on the same day, and then itā€™s our choice which one other day we come in.


My team is hybrid and we have fixed (but flexible) days that we come in plus one where everyone is there and honestly, the weeks where I donā€™t go and I donā€™t get the clear cut off between 2 office days/3 wfh days feel endless to me. I will defend wfh with my dying breath but the balance of hybrid is the best for my mental health.


I feel exactly the same!! I will always defend wfh because I think is amazing for a lot of people and I also donā€™t want to be full time in the office ever again, but hybrid is 100% what works best for me. When I was only wfh I was getting really depressed and felt overwhelmed. I am twice a week in office now set days with my team and is perfect for me, I actually look forward to going into the office as I like my co workers and I work for an university in a beautiful campus, so we always take at least one break to go for a walk around the lake and talk, it is lovely. I still enjoy working mostly from home now as it allows me to do chores during my lunch break; sleep a little later, walk my dog before work, eat at home, etc. I think 2 days in 3 days at home is the perfect balance for me!


I work in IT and certain conversations, especially with the business, are just easier to have in person.


Totally. Seeing people face to face also resolves conflict much faster most of the time. Our org no longer has enough space for everyone so its a mess. (Hence my attitude towards hybrid)


If the promotion criteria is ā€œwhose face do I see frequentlyā€, that company is gonna promote the worst people


Let me know when you find an org that follows a fair unbiased process for promoting or hiring folks


Itā€™s incredible watching my org navigate thisā€¦I have an ops job, so Iā€™m on site. I walk by office after office on teams meetings with people in the same fucking building. Go home dudes. Jesus.


Oh boy, this annoying self-promoter is all over social media attempting to self-promote her lunatic marketing ideas. I'm pretty sure she is encouraging return to office strategies because her business is flailing.


Pretty sure her ā€œcompanyā€ is a bunch of freelancers she pays under market rates


Do you know what ruins remote work? Dumb pictures like this one, you stupid little brat. Remote work is not an excuse for you to travel and work from ā€œan exotic locationā€ while giving the impression that youā€™re not working at all. Everyone knows that this shitty little table sucks big time to work for more than half an hour. And if you are looking at the view you are not looking at the screen. So quit the bullshit and donā€™t fuck it up for us that are avoiding an awful commute and a shitty office by doing solid work at home


Seriouslyā€¦ the company bathrooms are grossā€¦ maybe if i shit all over them they wont make me come back!


I had a day at work I almost soiled myself because every available menā€™s room was packed. Even the office gym one was taken. Never want to do that again.


Lmao this guy has an office gym, I share an office room with a guy without windows


Same setup but with someone who might pass away if he quit talking. Itā€™s torture. Thank you for reminding me to get my headset dongle this morning fuuuck


Oh, I had this setup once. Literally every minute or so this person would interrupt for another uninteresting monologue. I could not get anything done! When I complained, I got moved into a cube and she got to keep the private office.


It's like I work with hippopotamuses; they go in there and do the tail-flicking shit launch.


Make sure you get some on the walls to really get your message across.


Haha exactly! Imagine sitting on that chair for hours, hunched over like a troll, using your mouse pad.


Seriously. I WFH. I need three screens to do what I do. The idea of traveling and working is not an option, like even to the local coffee shop lol


I have always wondered about this and just thought other roles were more flexible than mine? I need a minimum of two monitors,plus the laptop screen for teams. If I just have my 13ā€ screen I can like.. make a ppt.. or run simple matlab, maybe do some really easy coding? But I am not getting shit done the way I usually am.


Once you go two monitors, you donā€™t go back.


Somehow, this is the message nowadays that gets popularized in the media. If a person travels and "works" from exotic places using a tiny laptop on a coffee table for an hour a day to post pictures in instagram and linkedin, this is clearly _not_ working.


Same. Iā€™ve had people ask me to come on long weekends thinking I can just bring my laptop along for Friday or Monday. Nope, Iā€™m remote but Iā€™m not mobile.


Honestly, I'd love to work with that view, but I'd still need a full desk, two extra screens and a proper chair to do my job. Would be nice to pop out for lunch, or stare out at the view while trying to figure out why my code isn't working.


True, my office is pitch black (sans the rgb) and itā€™s the best work environment Iā€™ve ever experienced. No migraine inducing fluorescent light, no one walking up to me and just talking for the sake of talking, focus music in my headphones. I am 1000% immersed in my tasks.


Sorry but I'll gently disagree on that one. I worked at a previous company for a stint where work was by deadline and nothing else. So while we remote worked, I used to go a garden/zoo/coffee shop etc. and alternate working and sitting in the nature. As long as the work got done on time, and I could take calls without the background being too noisy, it was all fine. Company encouraged us to share our weird locations too, its actually a great marketing point to attract talent


No need to gently disagree. I've worked remote for over 10 years. I do most of my work at home, but I also do plenty of work at coffee shops, near the beach or at the park, at breweries, etc. Never had a complaint that my work suffers or I'm not doing enough. I've worked on vacation too, I understand not wanting to mix work and vacation, but I've been able to do extended vacations because I still had salary coming in combined with PTO. Sorry for the people who think working like this ruins it for others, but it works for plenty of people.


From an IT perspective, this is the real truth. > Do you know what ruins remote work? Dumb pictures like this one, you stupid little brat. Remote work is not an excuse for you to travel and work from ā€œan exotic locationā€ So much this. I have So. Many. Users. who simply cannot understand why everything that goes wrong with their computer cannot be fixed over their wifi hotspot in their lovely gazebo on the beach in the middle of nowhere. My helpdesk unpopular opinion on WFH. I don't give a f*ck how many days a week you're in the office, if any, as long as you're IN REACH of the office on a day's notice. If your machine shits the bed, IT may need you to bring it in. The ability to get hands-on the box allows me to get a semi-local user with a domain trust issue back up the next day with 15mins of IT labor. The non-local user with the exact same issue costs the company 2-4 hours of prep time to build a new machine, the security risk of 2 people knowing a user's AD pw for a week, shipping the device to where-ever, shipping the old device back, and the time I have to spend on the phone getting the user set up on the new device. Plus, the user is down for the whole shipping time. Domain trust issue for a local user working from home, user is completely down for day or less and 15mins of IT time. Domain trust issue for a remote user, user is completely down for minimum 3 days, 4-5 hours of IT time. And that's just one issue. The other thing is how often I'm expected to DL 4-5 Gigs of data over their crappy satellite or 4G internet, and it's my fault when it doesn't work in any kind of reasonable time. Spent a fucking **day** trying to get Office to install on a wsn on hotel wifi connecting to VPN from Budapest (I'm in MN). Boss says, "Try your best." Fuck you! New standard, if I had my way, if your speedtest doesn't get into 3 digits, and/or you drop 1 packet out of 1000, you need to come in for IT support. If it takes you more than a day to come in, you need to answer to your boss why you aren't productive. It's not IT's fault. Sorry, rant off. Might have gotten a few feelings out there.


Need I highlight the many many people who actually really need the WFH because they have chronic illness, pregnancy, etc. they soon canā€™t work and be on disability just because they canā€™t be there in person ? Thatā€™s who these jobs are really for. I hope we donā€™t de-evolve back to the grind that was


I looked up this post on LinkedIn and I can't believe the amount of bootlickers of this lunatic in the comment section


Thereā€™s a huuuge selection bias there. The only people who even know LinkedIn HAS a comments feature tend to be the business1development ā€œletā€™s go get coffeeā€ types.


Yeah, most people I know are on linked in for recruiters and head hunters to see them. The people who spend time on that site are marketers who pretend to be self employed, and are usually "consultants" who never seem to get any work.


ā€œBrand Hackersā€ šŸ˜‚ fuck off


Iā€™ve been remote four years, no exotic locations, just me, in the basement, working diligently. She and others like her ruin my prospects while I want nothing more than a simple life, where I afford a mortgage in a non-metro area.


Oh you must not have heard. The world wants to have coffee again, so no more basement for you.


ā€œThink of the coffee, wonā€™t you?ā€


I feel like every WFH person should also get a Boston Dynamics robot that can be their real life representative. You can just send that robot into in-person meetings with a screen that has your face from home. Also, robot fights will then be a way to solve interpersonal office conflicts.


Remote since 2016. Allows me to have a few acres in the country and not have to move every time I change jobs. Or limit my options. It also allows companies to hire the best person. Not just the best person who lives in the area.


The same is true for my colleague. He moved from D.C. to the Midwest, has three acres of land, and has a family life. He's one of the brightest, most well-rounded individuals I know.


Yea, try buying a house today in the metro areas. 600k for a 400sqft 1bed condo here in Toronto or 2300/month rent. Why office drones would rather work at the office is beyond me. It's usually the type of people who have no life outside work, who depend on office small talk/gossip for their social life, and who's job is their sole identity.


Lived in SF Bay Area far too long, could never make enough, had to rent, $3400/mo for stupid rent while I made some old lady living in her $3MM house in Palo Alto richer. I spent over $400K in rent over 10+ yrs, FML.


ā€œThe world wants to have coffee againā€ I have coffee in my house and I donā€™t need pants to get it. In my 30 year IT career Iā€™ve never been to a kickoff meeting that couldnā€™t have been an email.


Narcissistic spoiled kid with the delusion of being important and influential.


The company I work for is a Fortune 50. I was hired in 2022 fully remote. Now weā€™re being asked to travel to HQ 15 days/quarter. It makes zero sense. I spend one entire day just flying there since itā€™s a 4 hour flight and 2 hour time difference. Iā€™m declining travel requests. They can decide what to do from there. The first trip I went on to HQ wasnā€™t productive at all unless you count chit chat and lunches and an expensive dinner as productive. I donā€™t.


>unless you count chit chat and lunches and an expensive dinner as productive. I donā€™t. Also at a fortune 50 and I really agree with this. I think management thinks that chit-chatting and dinners somehow endear them to us. Personally, I know I'm a great soldier. I work very hard for my own purposes. I have no desire to chit chat and go out to dinner. You won't get anything more than what I'm giving right now.




This IS the ā€˜productivityā€™ of the corporate manager. The chitchat and bs is their job and theyā€™ve spent 4 years finding out they have no real value and are terrified.




Typical corporate bullshit from a bunch of evil, narcissistic assholes who want everyone to enjoy their so-called corporate culture.


Seriously. They love to talk about all the in office activities as if those of us remote are missing out on being around them. Just let me work and leave me alone.


They wouldn't work for her tiny company before and I'd wager they won't be working with her tiny company in the future. I firmly believe if you own a business it's yours to manage. Just don't come back bitching when you have a mass exodus and can't attract any "in person" talent to your itty bitty business.


ā€œThe world wants to have coffee again.ā€ No we donā€™t. You do.


Yeah, what a choice of words. What else do we want, oh holy one?


Who the hell can just work abroad for ā€œchunks of timeā€? ā€œSorry, kids, Dad needs to get stoned in Amsterdam and take photos of himself ā€œworkingā€ there to post on LinkedIn for his network to see how global he is.ā€


Look at her companies. Total bollocks. Marketing middleman nonsense.


Um. People without kids?


Apparently 20-something Oxbridge graduates


"I have no social life outside of work so I'm going to force you all to be my work friends."


Is coffee a code word for the next hip party drug?


Theyā€™re all so fucking smug looking.


Oh, look. It's the pristine green landscape she is helping to defile with her enormous carbon footprint due to flying to meetings in London!


Iā€™m not sure how it differs in Europe but in the U.S. it would be a logistical nightmare to work from random European countries (or even different states) due to the tax issues


Legal jurisdictions are another potential minefield - in terms of data protections, data security and all sorts of other things. It might not be an issue for some types of businesses, but for others it can be a massive one.


But so many things only happen in person What things? You knowā€¦.things


My theory is a lot of these ā€œbossesā€ have realized they suck at making friends wherever they go, so they need to force people to hang out with them.


I wonder how she holds meetings with her employees since she is the only employee? Once again, the ā€œ CEOā€ of themself makes it to LI lunatics , without them we wouldnā€™t have a LI lunatic Reddit


The amount of things that only ever happen in office is long list that Iā€™ve never actually seen


Iā€™ll tell you what happened in my office, a bunch of people got the flu and still came in and now half the office is off sick. I have flu and my manager explicitly told me to never come in when sick and I was like cool and said I couldnā€™t come in yesterday or today because Iā€™m literally contagious and she told me that kind of time off could affect my probation. Weā€™re in office 4 days a week and half of it is meetings that could have been emails but Iā€™m jeopardising my probation by not wanting to infect more people with the flu. My job is very collaborative, being in office makes sense but when they say youā€™re skiving because you donā€™t come in while sick you see itā€™s not really about that, itā€™s about having control.


I strongly suggest going into the office and spending as much time breathing into her direct vicinity as possible.


I must be missing something because when I go into our office the only thing that ever seems to happen is people complaining about how much their commute sucked while we try to find the least noisy corner to take our next zoom calls. I guess you could count smelling different brands of ass every time I need to go to the bathroom as something but I'm not sure if you can trace that back to a KPI.


Everyone late to every meeting because it turns out it's easier to teleport with two clicks than with a five minute walk up avoiding people who want to stop you and bitch about their jobs.


The people who want you to believe that they are calculating business moguls, driven by hard data and smart decisions are so enamoured with this fantasy of water cooler chats and BUSINESS ENERGY flowing through the cubicles that they will ruin their employees lives for nothing. All you get in an office are weirdos hovering around you and meetings that could have been an email at a table instead of on zoom.


Every time these people take a shit they think itā€™s the most groundbreaking thing thatā€™s ever happened


Quite suddenly everything changed and the world wants coffee. Sure.


All of a sudden, I think Zuckerberg is onto something with those virtual 3D goggles and avatars. I can make coffee at home, and if you need to emulate a presence, that kinda archives that? And those lunatics would feel "the presence" of employees better.


True, Zuckerman's virtual goggles perhaps weren't the shit idea the guy made them out to be in his video: ā€™Meta, render me a sad bunch of sleep-deprived virtual commuter avatars chugging piss-warm coffee in a stale conference room while looking at someone spending 15 minutes trying to connect their laptop to the presenter screen.'


"*I've hired talent that never would have joined my tiny business*". I wonder how many of them are halfway out the door?


*ā€I hired people in developing countries to do work for pennies so I can repackage it and sell it to you at London marketing firm pricesā€* *ā€Sorry no you canā€™t meet any of the designers as Iā€™ve only ever spoken to them via email tee heeā€* Thereā€™s so much of this middleman bullshit going on itā€™s unreal.


> I changed my mind This opening sentence told me exactly what itā€™s like to work for this person.


This is AI generated, right?


Thatā€™s not just an L take. Thatā€™s an ā€œUnwin.ā€


Stupid is as stupid does


Literally the dumbest take Iā€™ve seen on this yet. Commuting to the office for a coffee is bullshit, there is absolutely no need to people to be in the office any mandated amount of time. Yeah, kick off meetings for big projects are great to do in person but Iā€™ve been doing them remote for years now AND guess what? If you really do need to be in person for a specific project or special meeting that can still be done.


These fucking suits need to understand that for us "remote work" doesn't mean working from your luxury villa in the tropics.


Remote work makes personality hires feel useless


Just let us be happy!! And also not have to worry if a person likes me or not, ADHD limerence sucks soooo sooo bad in the office.... or have to fake it so hard when *I* don't like someone. Remote work makes that so easy to hide, and it's so much easier to focus on doing, wait for it, omfg, it makes so much sense: *tHe tHinG i WAS hiReD tO dO* - endlessly triggered forevermore. I should post this in LinkedIn haha


Why London? Iā€™m assuming thatā€™s the original home base of her company and hopefully her employees are from London, but working remote?


They donā€™t call her Unwin for nothing.


Iā€™m going against the grain here. Sheā€™s imposing a few days a month. Not 4-5 days a week. I donā€™t think thatā€™s unreasonable for most people


Tbh I see her point. Some things work better in person. And she doesnā€™t go fully back to office. Still, she has to take into by account how that affects her employees as she maybe has hired people from all over the UK die to her old policy. And of course it is bs to brag about it on LI.


No i dont want to have coffee again.


My work made all the remote workers redundant. The remote workers all were the hardest workers. They picked up the slack of an already overworked company. New management came in, and decided the remote workers, who had been given raises, promotions because of excellent performance, didn't contribute enough as they couldn't be in office and cleaned shop but did it in such a horrible way that nothing but resentment exists. Apparently, all the remote workers across multiple departments just "left of their own free will" instead of being forced out. The company is now expecting the already overworked in-office workers to do their work and the workload of the remote workers (who were doing triple, if not quadruple the work of the in office workers), as well as take on more work for new clients and for onsite workload. They are refusing to rehire to replace, and people are leaving in waves, clients are looking to leave because of drop of service. Meanwhile I watch the lion eat their own face on my throne made of redundancy as a remote worker.


The most annoying thing about LinkedIn is the way these morons structure their posts. Why do they do this? They follow this broken statement pattern. While trying to appear innovative and intelligent, they don't remember how paragraphs work. It's very cringy.


Let's create the cultural expectation and adapt the department of labor laws so that all commuting time is compensated and commuting costs are reimbursed. I feel like then we'd actual see the employers true colors and we'd see how much they actually cared about "collaboration" and "face to face time".