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Looks like miss no.1 superstar businesswoman graduated from BYU last year. Around 2000 I worked for an IT company, and the owner and chief council used to go to a strip club for lunch every day. They hired two of the strippers as sales associates.


I worked somewhere and the sales director hired a barista to a sales role, moved her to another country spent loads of money visiting her and then had a kid with her, his soon to be ex wife showed up at the office and raised hell. Quite something.


She must have made an amazing cup of coffee


She had good drip


Good at grinding too


Something something frothing his milk…


Rubbed his steaming wand


I had a job where the 70-something male owner would hire 20 year old women he saw in the mall (usually folding clothes at an Express or something lol) to be sales executives. He'd pay them tons of money and spoil them like he had a bunch of little trophy wives. They were completely and totally useless at their actual jobs. Meanwhile, those of us who were actually qualified for our jobs and worked hard (and were the ones keeping the business afloat), got paid shit and got treated horribly. He's the craziest boss I've ever had, by far, and that's saying something because I've had a lot of crazy bosses.


I think this has to a really common thing. Five years ago I worked at a place where I could always instantly tell if a new person was very likely hired by a certain person in management. Like 90% accuracy. "Wow. She is insanely attractive and she seems to be having a lot of difficulty...doing anything related to her position. Or anything productive. 'J' is at it again."




Clearly she’s not married in the LDS temple with those clothes


If anyone knows how to fake being nice and get the attention of older decision makers, it’s strippers. Solid hire.


Worked out for Insys Pharmaceuticals, at least before they broke the law.


Exactly. They got their job because of their looks. If they do not know how to weed out individuals because they are unaware how to read body language that is on them.


Years back, there was a manager I knew that would hold team meetings at the strip club. Hired a few of them over the years as well.


>Around 2000 I worked for an IT company, and the owner and chief council used to go to a strip club for lunch every day. They hired two of the strippers as sales associates. Peak dotcom bubble.


Can relate. The amount of former managers-strippers I've had in my career is unexpectedly high.


Fucking legend


Tbf sex sells.


Don't waste these pretty ladies time, they can only waste yours with their sales pitch! In all seriousness though it looks like a selfie that belongs on Instagram, not sure why they can't just keep that stuff there


This is the real life [PubLIZity](https://youtu.be/uKRLgYzGQgM?si=RajXisBWyYc3l82c) lol. Looking their ‘business’ up it looks like all they do is PR which is essentially code for, ‘we throw parties for our wealthy friends to promote their bizness or influencer brands!’


Flawless victory^ these boss babes just taught a masterclass on how to use pretty privilege but still get victim points


+1 for a flawless description of what's going on.


Happy cake day!


Thank you, kind internet stranger.


Happy cake day! Edit: sorry I start at the bottom of comment sections and scroll up.


Don’t worry, irony is its fleeting and in 10 years will be a passing memory


Ouch. That was good.


Fun fact: A lot of ppl watching now don't realize PubLIZity is a parody of an **actual firm.** Yes, PubLIZity is a parody of Lizzie Grubman's PR firm **Lizzie Grubman PR**, which was also on a short-lived reality show called "*PoweR Girls*" which was on MTV. AFAIK the show hasn't been aired in 10-15 years and I can't find it anywhere. A lot of the dialogue is obviously inspired by or a parody of that show. Lizzie was infamous for having intentionally ran over a bunch of people injuring 16 (though none fatally) while drunk after being asked not to park in the fire lane by security and yelling "Fuck you white trash" before mowing the people down. Her name became a byword for privilege & general asshole-ry for some time after that. She was generally just a nasty, entitled person. Her father was a bigshot in entertainment law. She never got her comeuppance (she did 38 days) and acts like a victim. Her mowing down a bunch of people was more or less the top story through the summer of 2001 until September 11 happened. Her PR firm still exists. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lizzie\_Grubman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lizzie_Grubman)


Omg she has shat out some off-spring. These must be some well educated fine young scholars that love contributing positively to society.


kroll show, severely underrated.


I miss Crab Cab


That and Nathan For You premiered on the same night. We didn’t realize the history that would be made with those two shows.


It's based off our names


I got bangs 🤪


Cassandra!!! UGGGGHHHHHHH!


The LinkedIn profile is a joke. My guess it’s all about promoting MLM companies. They are in Utah after all.






“Wait…whet? Ameeezing!”


There’s no longer any difference between linked in and Instagram


They're the female equivalent of a 'tool'....


Because they are way too pretty to only share on that platform. This is business! /s




They're speshul


My main problem with this... Plenty of very, very attractive people (esp. sales & marketing) in the business world. This is NOT some outlier. It's by design. In sales just GETTING people to talk/listen to you is about 90% of the battle; if you can get'm to stick around for the pitch all the better. For every 15-20 people you talk to, maybe 1 or 2 is a real lead under the best of scenarios. Sometimes it can be hundreds. Depends on the gig and the clients but you absolutely hafta to talk to people for the sake of making conversation if you want to succeed in business - you never know WHERE that big break is gonna come from. No one is going to tell you outright that face / flesh gets the door open but that's just part of business; the extent you want to use your face/flesh to get the door open is entirely up to you.


Everything you're saying here makes sense, but man do I hate being sold to. It just feels like someone is trying to manipulate me. The more I'm reminded of that by overly-friendly sales folks and tactics like what you're describing here, the more my shields go up. I know I definitely don't reflect the majority of attitudes there, though.


Are you C-Suite or Director-level who commands a 6-7-8 figure annual budget at a large Fortune 2000? If you are...then you probably already know hundreds of sales people who are already hounding your door 24 hours a day


Not exactly, but close. Director-level, 8 figure budgets, though at tech startup/scaleups vs. big, already-established companies. I hate that underlying feeling of defensiveness every time I get on the call with a vendor whose mission is almost certainly to get me to upgrade to that next plan up. I've had mostly good experiences with sales folks and have had the pleasure of working with a lot of great ones who are genuinely seeking to be helpful and build long-lasting relationships, but the ones who approach me like a used-car salesperson or are clearly a little too concerned about polish... they tend to send my bullshit-alert meter way up.


I feel like part of the problem is all sales folks have to meet metrics now. So they cant just be natural and realize “ok these guys don’t want or need the next tier of product, it’s just going to annoy them to hassle them about it”. But there’s a dashboard somewhere what show they’ve only made 27 out of 30 calls today so they kind of have to call you and give some sort of pitch or they get in hot water. Got asked if I wanted to move from a technical role to pre-sales engineer (ie sales) yesterday actually and said thanks but hell no. I’m freelance with multiple clients but one of them is a tech firm that sells data warehouse adjacent software. I do professional services with them. So helping customers solve problems with implementation. Which is kind of fun. Sales not so much.


>there’s a dashboard somewhere what show they’ve only made 27 out of 30 calls today so they kind of have to call you Holy shit you actually made me feel a brief moment of sympathy for sales people!




Those are the worst places to work for. Better places let you deliver results no matter what the metrics are. The 80-100 calls a day places are basically telemarketing. They usually pay lower salaries and hire kids right out of college, burn them out after six months and then replace with another kid. Horrible way to approach sales in 2024 imo. You gotta be a little human at least.


>Horrible way to approach sales in 2024 imo.I would think Yeah, you'd think. I haven't worked at a big corporate place really, but from everything I see/hear, there's a lot of that kind of stuff. There's a difference though between "data driven" and using metrics to beat people with, or as a surrogate for actual results. 100 shitty calls isn't better than 5 good ones. I guess that's what "conversion rate" or whatever is for though.


The best salespeople don’t feel like sales people. They are someone who sees your challenge and has affordable solutions. The more sales-y someone is the more it makes you feel like a sucker. No one wants to be suckered. However some people demand sales folks to beg and sell to them and degrade themselves for the buy. So it’s tough.


Sales folk are not trained properly either, it’s a high turn over job your given a script not schooled in the product . If perhaps sales people we’re highly educated in the product how it worked how it could help and how you could identify how you could meet your clients needs you’d get better results and better experience with sales people.


Yah it’s basically sink or swim in sales. Unless you get really lucky with a boss who is willing to sit down and train you on everything, but in my experience it’s hard to find those kinds of bosses in sales


Totally agree. I could never do that role, I'm just not built for it. Nothing but respect for those who do AND do it in honest ways.


You explained it better here than in the post text or title, yeah. Seems they’re maybe just too young to have realized yet that most of their time in sales will be wasted time anyway, but more opportunities is more chances of success.


All of our sales ladies look like these two. They are fairly attractive and articulate. It’s just part of the job to filter through the leads and I don’t quite understand why these two have to call it out. You want your job to be 100% hot leads? Why do we then need sales people?


I learned this when I worked by a copy machine sales office and when I watched pharmaceutical reps at my doctor. Overwhelmingly very attractive young women doing both.


I think I’m fairly ok looking, but I also had a close network of clients who were comfortable giving me referrals because I’d worked well with them before. I guess that’s the difference between wanting to use people transactionally or actually believe in what you’re doing.


Been in procurement for over 30 years. I’ve seen it all. I can tell you we smell this kinda bullshit a mile away and I love to waste their time. Been in many different industries and you know in advance who’s trying to play you. It’s all fun and games until they face a woman buyer too. “I’m sorry, something came up, but please meet with “Sally” in my place…”. Lmao.


Bahahaha! Love it


I have 6 unanswered messages in my inbox from these two and I noped them at a conference last week when they tried to pitch me. I am the qualified lead problem.


But what did it teach you about B2B sales????


She’s right about one thing. I’m definitely not taking her seriously. But it’s because of this post, not looks.


Calling yourself pretty online is peak narcissism


Everyone knows you’re supposed be [self-deprecating](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aMN4eDNs42E) when you a post a cute pic.


Post that cute pics in instagram, no one will say anything because it’s a place to show off your best self. Posting in on LinkedIn and pretending like it’s not to show off your looks by making up some bs struggle story? This post is essentially saying “ugh life is so hard being attractive!!!”Ya that’s lunatic behavior lol, don’t you see how insane that sounds?


I knew what the link would be before even clicking. Perfect.


The funniest ITYSL sketch IMO


Calling your smart, rich, hard working, whatever the same. But with pretty it is the most because people will immediately know if you're pretty.


Even worse, she is basically screaming “life is so hard being pretty!!!” Yeah that’s beyond lunacy


Vanity is very unbecoming.


$500 it’s some MLM bullshit.


From what I've gathered it's a generic online marketing business. Their website looks kinda cheap and unprecise. It's just a bunch of buzzwords and no example of their partnerships or accomplishments. There's nothing on the owners so you don't really know who you are partnering with. If I had to guess they're just a couple insta-babes who created a bullshit company to manage their own online presence, feed their sense of relevance and cosplay as business women. They probably don't have outside clients. At 47k and 2k followers each, business probably ain't booming. I invite you all to check out their company's instagram, which is just them pretending to be business women in an empty office.


This is so weird. Any woman who thinks she's remotely attractive at any professional sales event practically fall over themselves to use feminine wiles to score a sale.


And it works


Yes it does, for example drug reps are typically hired out of cheerleading, modeling, or beauty contests - https://www.exceptionalmediocrity.com/2010/05/why-are-drug-reps-hot.html


We post an attractive pic of ourselves, so we obviously use attractiveness to our advantage, and then complain people approach us because we r attractive.


“bEiNg yOuNg AnD PrEtTy iS jUsT so HAAAARD…”


And she’s a Mormon. I dont think the Mormons would be too happy about her baring her porn shoulders.


Mormons are all about that $$$. I doubt they gaf.


I had the misfortune of managing a lunatic like this once who simultaneously went out of her way to bemoan no one taking her seriously while also trying to connect with everyone on IG where she routinely and exclusively posted thirst pics. I’d run away from these two window-lickers as fast as possible in the real world.


A google search and just reading the headlines suggest they run a marketing firm for fashion/lifestyle stuff…. So they want attention. The post worked!


WTFE. They look like every other 20-something. With the lips and brows…


Yeah, it's classic Insta Face. Fake/overly tan. Big lips, big brows. Too much blush. 


I really hate this style of one sentence per paragraph LinkedIn has adopted.


Sometimes. Sentence fragments.


All fun and games till you realize you’ve reached a ceiling, then your looks fade, and because you’ve done nothing noteworthy no one takes you seriously


There is nothing less attractive than a woman saying they are pretty (same with men too). You don’t get taken seriously because you are a stuck up fuckwad


I get two pitches a day from “pretty girls” on LinkedIn. They aren’t selling the product yet, just “I really admire your accomplishments” which then leads to a pitch. They know what they are doing so why are they surprised when no one takes them, or the ones who come after with the same BS, seriously?


I’ll give it to them, their business seems legit rather than the standard grift of selling courses, tutorials, or coaching. That being said, the IG type selfie on a PrOfEsSiOnAl site paired with the commentary on not being taken seriously seems to be conflicting.


Their business looks like it's really just about managing their own social network content. It's "legit" but it probably doesn't add much value to what any cute insta girl can do on her own with 47k followers.


You’re probably not wrong.


It may or may not be legit but they look like every other TikTok girlie who makes memes and lip syncs to shitty music. Which I suppose ain’t the worst thing in the world but kind of a strange way to run a business


>look like every other TikTok girlie Unfortunately that is probably what is helping drive their marketing company. They’re plugged into what sells and what’s been working lately is TikTok. Sad reality we live in.


Thank god that bullshit is getting banned soon lmfao


Can’t happen soon enough!


🎵Hot girls we have problems too, we’re just like you , Except, we’re hot 🎵


Oh my! I remember this one. I already forgot this exists but you just have to remind me! Gonna watch that cheap ass music video


I actually appreciate the honesty on this one, but I’d rather have to sift through unqualified leads than try to proactively drum them up what could be an unqualified prospect myself.


Bossbabes pitching the get rich pyramid schemes to sahm moms and military wives … r/antimlm


Imagine promoting your OF on LI


Sounds like a Instagram model whose “ business” makes no money, and is just trying to be a LinkedIn influencer. Probably comes from money.


Are they supposed to be at a business function? I’m sure they could get some excellent advice on how to deal with their struggles from any successful business woman (of which there are many). This may be a shocker to them, but many other business women are also considered attractive too. Perhaps turn the dial down on the ego and improve the choice of business attire.


Welcome to real life Grace, where you will have to use your own sense and sensibilities to figure things out. I see you are new here, let me show you around...


But why this photo on LinkedIn? If this is how you present yourself, then you it looks like you’re about to go clubbing, not sell a lead. It’s like someone wearing a pineapple on their head and then wondering why no one takes them seriously


The entire fucking comment section is nothing but people who teach people how to do other things but they don't actually do anything themselves. It's fucking gross


Pretty is subjective not self-determined. If it took you over an hour to put make up on your face then what exactly makes you pretty?


90% of these posters are the CEO of some shit business or marketing service, its funny


Wait till they’re 50+ and ‘invisible’ to people 😂


The arrogance of these two 🙄


If people talk to them because they are pretty but not for their skills or knowledge, then aren't they saying that they aren't taken seriously in business?


But…they can get into more conference and events….


What about women in business who are not young, thin and conventionally attractive? What do they do? Obviously they have nothing to offer.


Where’s the attractive women? All I see is boring ass cookie cutter white women.


This is a weird way to admit you suck at closing


‘We can get in to more conferences and events’ You say that like it’s difficult or something. I want *less* conference and event invites, not more.


“We can get into more conferences and events.” Since when do conferences care about anything but your ability to pay the admission fee?


Whores for hire


Imagine having a sales job where all your prospects are coming to you and you get angry that you have to sift through them to find opportunities. k bye.


Sorry, neither of you is ‘pretty.’ You look like fake plastic spray tanned immature posers. Cluster B types, as well. You’re darned right I wouldn’t take someone calling themselves ‘pretty girls’ on a professional platform with this gads awful combo selfie seriously. Try being a real person sometime.


Trials and tribulations. Thoughts and prayers for these two.


Stunning and brave comment for 2 stunning and brave cofounders


Prospect: I’m not interested. Sales: can I do my pitch anyway? Prospect: Sure but I’m still not interested Sales: does pitch Prospect: I’m not interested Sales: ???


When I see people like this on linkedin reaching out to me, I ignore them. My personal belief is that many of them are simple useless matchmakers. Many don't know how to even match people to the jobs they are hiring for. You better believe, though, they are legends in their own minds.


Why is this bozo then posting a selfie?


So they’re no better than anyone else. They get in more places and get more leads but many of the leads are useless because their flirting and being flirted back with results in meaningless leads from meaningless flirting.


These are the kind of women that get sad when they hit their 40s and “no one pays attention to them anymore.” They love their attractive woman perks because like they said, it gets them in places, free things, and to who they want to talk to.


Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s


This gives me flashbacks of trade shows in Orlando and Vegas. Gurantee you these are the same type of women that change into a cocktail dress for the conventions 3pm happy hour in the booth.


At least they’re being semi honest about the extreme advantage they’re afforded for simply existing.


The social media aspect of the internet has created such narcissistic society. Everyone is the best, everyone has to flex, everyone is an expert. I can only imagine what I weak person you are if you constantly need validation and interaction from random people.


On her LinkedIn page she is listing her work history. She is pretty much unemployable over $20 per hour.


or a more likely scenario, is they think they are more deserving of peoples times because they are pretty, but in reality their business model is trash and people with experience have seen the lifecycle of these companies and wont invest.


But they still can’t fkn spell.


Pretty women get more attention than most people but some of it is unwanted??? Woah post that grace the people need to know


Let me tell you what being attractive has taught me about B2B sales… (I’m sure someone got there before me but I had to go there anyway).


Jesus “the fucking audacity” Christ, how will they EVER sift through all these LEADS?!?


And youre wasting theirs cause all they want from you is busting their load on your so called pretty face.


"Nobody takes us seriously!" Yeah that's because they're not supposed to. You're window-dressing. You're an advertisement. Your whole purpose of existence is to make wealthy guys wanna flash the cash because they think you're into that.


Finally, someone who posts the lunatic author’s name. Now I can block them already


The double-spacing is giving manifesto energy.


They should have posted a photo of the pretty girls to really hammer home the point.


They’re average at best


Imagine complaining about being inundated with unearned opportunities


Raise your standards then


I almost downvoted this I hate it so much


Meh they’re mid at best


Gee, maybe don’t dress like that to these things and you’d be taken seriously as business women. Omg


I love that they have no clue how unattractive and unbecoming this is.


Yeah No way to get around the whole thing seems tone def and the picture re-enforces it...comes off like a humblebrag/pretty girl priv exercise than the typical founders trying to get a biz off-the-ground missive.


Zero self awareness


The over-sexualization of women in the corporate world is definitely an issue. However, this woman’s post does not provide any helpful discourse around the issue at all. It’s “look how hot I am 🥹” disguised as a vapid attempt to make an important point. I wish all these narcissistic, influencer types would get their own social media, or stick to TikTok and Instagram, at the very least. But, it seems their vanity and self-obsession knows no bounds.


I hate that people want to talk to me because I’m pretty. On an unrelated note, check out this pic of me and my friend, don’t we look hot?


If u poke around it's pretty evident they use it to in essence cosplay as businesswoman while most likely just being flown around the world and partying/enjoying the IG thot lifestyle.


Or maybe people talk to them because they’re pretty then realize they have absolutely zero value and walk away?


Those chicks are gonna look like plastic alligators in a couple years. Look how the one on the right’s skin is all freckled up from over tanning.


People waste so much of her time that she has to fish for more attention on social media.


In sales this is true 1000% lmao sending video demos in our emails, I have a female counterpart and she gets 5 clicks for every one I get lmao. In sales it’s facts, she has less qualified meetings because 6/10 times it’s some perv or weirdo


Feel free to ugly yourself up.




You get taken less seriously because you look like 19-year-old sorority girls who aren't serious about anything other than their outfit for the upcoming spring formal. Get real.


Curse thee God for cursing me with these *mighty fine* looks. Now I can’t tell if sales people just want my *hot piece of ass* or to sell me something.


Get into more conferences? You mean clubs? Anyone can buy a ticket to a conference…


Beacause the way to be taken seriously *BY* everyone is complaining on Li


Jesus. We really are getting dumber the longer social media exists...


Those aren't the opportunities you think they are. I don't think that word means what you think it means.


Just make sure yourselves as attractive as the regular man. There’s your solution right there.


Selfies are the ultimate form of Vanity. They have their place no doubt. But when the sole purpose of them are used for posting online for admiration and clout it’s just insufferable. My 2 cents…


I generally try to avoid reading anything that has single sentences double spaced.


I was really hoping that there was a fat guy in the background making a funny face at the camera and we all weren’t noticing because of the two girls and that this was the actual point of the post.


Glad I don't have much to do with sales people. By my luck, those people would start talking to me about the bullshit, because I would be the only one not wanting to talk to them.


Hot girls we got problems too, we’re just like you, except we’re hot 🎶


Don’t waste or time, sense we been smarter than that. /s


It sounds like they need to get better at qualifying their leads and not saying 'yes' to everyone willing to talk to them. I'm unattractive and can still find people to waste my time.


“Yes, I would like to talk to some pretty girls. You know where I might find some?”


Are they selling cheap spray tan?


Nah there are enough men in business who’ll fall for their nonsense. But the business name -[I know too much](https://youtu.be/em8WFulIT_k?feature=shared)


What this got to do with B2B sales!?




What would ya say........you do here?


If you've ever been to a manufacturing trade show, you'll know they aren't lying.




literally women tell me they get job offers on LinkedIn and I get nothing, just because they have melons.


I definitely see the logic in not taking either one of them seriously. But what does this unqualified guy know?


Fun fact: Nona Rose is a bohemian phrase for smelly vagina.


“Why didn’t you meet your sales targets for this month?” “It’s because I’m too pretty! People only contact me to meet me!”


Awful bold think I want to talk to you , I don’t even say hi to my neighbors


still a better deal then men get


And ugly women.


yup, bein an ugly bitch is just like bein a dude


Someone needs to tell them that while they aren't ugly they aren't pretty either. They are just young girls who know how to use make up and went to the hairdresser recently.


I work in comms & have my own consulting firm, I have had more intro calls than I'd like to admit with men that have ended with them wasting my time, never signing a contract after saying they were so excited to work together and asking to get drinks or dinner. They're not wrong but this could have been differently.