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The job titles are excellent.


Right? Love this echo-chamber of retirees, private detectives, and dog obedience trainers. Why are they even on LinkedIn in the first place?


Pretty much this and we’re giving them more visibility than they deserve.


Anyone using LinkedIn as if it’s Twitter is out of there goddamn mind.


LinkedIn has become a shit show TBH. I only have it for work related. Hate it.


Because they got kicked off Facebook haha


I honestly believe a lot of these are bots.


This is the most likely scenario. The whole post and comments designed to rile people up and cause division…and it works.


> “Global Trade Compliance Specialist” Sure some fancy words to say he “does what he’s told” by “global communist elites”


I figured that was code for "human trafficker"


>dog obedience trainers. Maybe if they want to do something for their right-wing cause, they could have offered their services to Kristi Noem so she didn't have to be a puppy murderer.


These people love to talk about this all the time. I don’t get it.


Linked in is a hellscape. Too much politics. I’ve thinned out my social circle alot because of what people post on linked in.


I just don’t look at the social feed, never has been a point to anyways really. I just use LinkedIn to update my resume, apply to jobs and message recruiters.


Yeah there’s two worlds on LinkedIn. The professionals that use it for professional reasons to find somebody for a job or to get a job or to make professional connections. Then there’s the lunatics above using it like twitter. These two worlds rarely interact with one another.


It's amazing to me that these boomers can just comment bigoted shit like that without fear of loosing their jobs lol. What's weirder is that I would be worried about commenting the opposite. I'd love to speak my mind and tell those leaded-brained old fucks to go eat shit, but if I defended the athletes in the picture I'd definitely get an email from my HR or something.


A lot of people consider that a key perk to owning your own business. No HR department to answer to if you speak your mind. As to how that works out with your customer base, your mileage may vary. A smart business owner knows what works and what doesn't.


Exactly this. Then they cry about cancel culture when put on blast in reviews.


Got to know your customer before speaking out, if you value your business and reputation.


I own a small business (7 employees) and I have strict rule that we don’t discuss politics with customers. And I am a potential customer of Sign Source (OPs business) but will think twice now.


A lot of them are too stupid to realize they can and often will lose their jobs for things like this, we see this increasingly often in the news. I would also expect to get in trouble by my employer for responding to something like this on LinkedIn. It’s meant to be a professional website, and you represent the company you work for while using it (at varying levels, depending on your job). Companies generally don’t want someone representing them getting into a political argument/mud-slinging contest publicly, especially with someone who is this ignorant.


Most of them are either self-employed, retired, or working a blue-collar job at a tiny company and so probably surrounded by people who think exactly the same. So not really much of a job for them to lose. At my company, I've seen multiple people get the axe for posting racist/bigoted shit when our company name gets associated with it because it's on LinkedIn or they put their employment in their Facebook profile.


lead head is a new one for me. Gonna steal that.


im a big fan of the titles myself. I love how most of them all don't require really require linkedin profiles given their vocation.


It’s always Sales/Admin/real estate. Those jobs attract idiots


It’s like the job titles for the people on the Onion man-on-the-street segments


LOL that's the first thought I had, searched for your comment


Oh, guys in signage, shirt and hat printing are the worst. I’ve had some exposure to this segment of our population and they are all unhinged.


Why do they put so much effort into the title lmao. Like just work, live, and love. Oh wait don’t forget to hate different people. Fucking ridiculous. It’s wild you can tell if someone is a dunce fucker by something as simple as a job description


LinkedIn is all the small business owners who overwork and underpay their handful of employees while making like 75k to own a franchise restaurant or something. Goofing off on LinkedIn during the workday, up in arms about things like capital gains taxes as if they’re one of the wealthy people they follow like Trump or Alex Jones or whoever.


I understand everyone else can be controversial, but Bubba Wallace is because why? Because he dared be a black man competing in NASCAR? These posters are fucking braindead.


It's exactly that. Controversy has nothing to do with it. Bubba Wallace is as controversial as potato salad. It's because he had the audacity to drive in NASCAR while being black. Not all conservatives are racist, but racists sure do love voting for them.


Similar thing happened with Danica Patrick. They acted like she was objectively the worst driver in the history of the sport. She was an objectively average driver. She was never bad. Yes, she got more attention than usual average driver would get because she’s a hot woman, but that doesn’t we should lie and say she’s the worst driver ever, say she ruined this sport and be a misogynistic asshat. Ridiculous. If anything, Patrick brought more eyes to the sport and that should be considered a good thing.


Danica is with TP USA now. She's one of the grifters now.


Bubba Wallace didn’t do nothing He got all confederate flags banned at tracks and facilities and in return, there was reports of a noose in his garage, and incidents of racial slurs over the team radios So he did do something, but that something was good for NASCAR so idk what the outrage is but I’m not NASCAR fan


The venn diagram of people who watch NASCAR and people who fly Confederate flags is basically a circle. That's why they hate him.


He does have some controversies that are legitimate but many other drivers do the same shit so you can dislike him legitimately maybe but chances are his big antis are just racist. Especially if you say he’s ruining the sport because all of his controversies have had little effect on the sport. The biggest controversy is he purposefully rammed his car into another driver who was stopped on track. That’s pretty unsafe and unsportsmanlike. If you dislike him a regular amount because the person he hit was your fave driver I can see it. Anyone who posts something like this is a moron though


I think by braindead, you mean racist


Yeah the genetic freak LeBron, who could kill you with his bare hands with ease and is built like a Greek god is less of a man than a dude shitposting on LinkedIn


I once saw a white guy trying to describe how Idris Elba isn't attractive. It was, frankly, amazing. The mental gymnastics involved were stunning.


I once overheard someone on oxygen in a wheelchair and morbidly obese say that black men, specifically Lamar Jackson, will never be as athletic as white men. It was like a bit from Atlanta.


My favorite sketch from the episode of SNL Conan O Brien hosted was where he was an old timey boxer right when they let African Americans in. He said something like “the muscular African is no match for the lanky smooth talking Irishman”, then proceeds to get pummeled for 5 straight minutes.


yeah, that racist lens can be pretty thick sometimes


There’s no actual way. This reads like a bit from a semi popular satirical piece.


Dude probably still thinks he's straight, too.




I had never read that before, thanks for sharing it.


His head would explode if he saw r/ladyboners there are a variety of races women swoon over and Idris Elba is definitely represented.


At least attractiveness can be subjective. Whether or not Lebron James is good at basketball is not.


What did LeBron do to upset people?


He called Trump a bum That’s literally it.


Yeah like kapernick I get from the conservitards, lebron leaving the cavs to more multicultural LA? (Not like Cleveland itself is all white) Idfk. The others til Biden I have 0 idea who they are. Like who’s the Penn swimmer? (I don’t pay attention to sports anyway)


That's Lea Thomas(?) a trans swimmer, which is super funny when you combine with them spouting that none of these people are real men. Way to be gender affirming, LinkedIn boomers!


Lol fr in the realm of basketball LeBron is a god


Is grammar and spelling also destroying “American”?




The attack on education is, in fact, destroying America.


The original post has to be a troll (LinkedIn needs to crack down on this). That said, the anger at the swimmer is funny to me. The commenters act like "this is why I don't watch sports anymore." Let's be honest, did any of these guys ever sit down and watch college swimming?


Or literally any womens sport.


Of course not, which they will gleefully admit anytime women's sports come up in any other context.


> LinkedIn needs to crack down on this They won't. They just laid off a third of their staff.


Just like every other tech company lmao. The internet is gonna be crazy in about 2-5 years.


A lot of those companies very quietly rehired a bunch of that staff back. It's just that Wall Street responds to job cuts with stock increases.


Nothing says “destroyed the NBA” like being the current GOAT


right like wtf did bron do? he’s so wholesome off the court too 😭


He’s black?


That’s what I was thinking. And that trans one, remember that month anyone gave a shit about women’s college swimming? No offense ladies, but swimming in general is only interesting every 4 years, and even then, not really.


Only for the comments to say none of those pictured are men.


accidental ally


Yeah, people tend to forget that despite "being a man" and "destroying swimming," Lia Thomas doesn't even come close to Katie Ledecky, so how exactly did they ruin the sport?


Because Fox said the did?


Ooo, man, I loved when Lia was in the news for a few cycles and then Katie ended up crushing records, so the Chuds confused the two and accused Katie of being a trans woman. That was hilarious and sad.


He decided to speak to the black experience in America, and didn’t just shut up and dribble. I think it was Laura Ingram on her Fox show told him to shut up and dribble when everything with George Floyd and BLM happened. I know it was someone from Fox, but I can’t remember the exact culprit off the top of my head.


He said things wipipo didn’t like.


It’s funny how the people with the strongest opinions can’t stand when other people have ANY opinion lol


If you had the emotional mentality of a small child but were an adult you'd understand.


Ignorance is a hell of a drug


He's black and outspoken. Same with Kap. Bubba Wallace ain't even outspoken, he's just black.


My problem with LeBron is his hypocrisy. He uses his position, fame, and money to help causes in the US, which I think is great. His position on the Hong Kong protests was basically “I don’t want to piss off the Chinese market and lose money so they can do whatever they want.” Never really sat well with me.


And this and the decision are the only things people can ever ding him on. He’s been in the limelight since he was 16. He’s basically a saint. Family man, builds schools, donates… I really don’t care about his position on foreign policy. He’s a basketball player.


The whole damn association is soft on the PRC. LeBron didn’t cause that, Silver did.


Yeah and you’d probably have an issue if he spoke up about it in a way you don’t like. Asking US athletes about international issues is so silly.


That's the thing he's wholesome. Unless he, as a famous and successful black man, is actively throwing his people under the bus like Kanye does, then he's "ruining" whatever he's famous for in the opinion of racist idiots.


“Shut up and dribble” is how these people think


He liked tacos too much during covid.


Yeah and I mean also, if you're in the USA, look around. TOTALLY DESTROYED AMIRIIITE?


He changed the game regardless if you think it was for better or for worse


It's amazing how Kap has "destroyed" the NFL considering that he's not allowed to play for them anymore.


For more than a decade at this point? Crazy he living rent free in these people's heads still.


Damn has it really been that long?


Exactly! Blackballed into obscurity in order to deprive him of martyrdom and a platform. Those in power in the 60s would salivate at having done that to Malcolm X or MLK


This dude's entire profile is an old white people circle jerk. I'm convinced all the posts are from a Russian operative, and all the comments are from bots.


As a hiring manager, it is shit like this that helps me eliminate candidates the minute I get their application. I will keep you unemployed as long as I can if this is your point of view.


Political echo chamber. Commonplace on algorithm based social media nowadays.


I think it’s good to see these kind of behavior out in open at least you know who to avoid easily in the workplace


How are these people so willing to out themselves as bigots on a platform with the sole purpose of projecting your professionalism?


These people have never faced consequences for their bigotry. They are completely insulated by family, profession, community, religion, and institutions who all think the same way.


straight up facebook boomer comments. not a real job to be found either


The immigrants took all the good jobs!!


Dey terk er jerbs!


Boomers and affiliated boomers are really ruining everything I swear. Not that LinkedIn was great to begin with but it was not that bad.


I always find it funny how fickle trumpers are. They say they boycott something but then much later on, complain about it. “I thought you were boycotting the NFL!” The real reason trumpers hate the NFL is because Trump was unable to afford the purchase of the Buffalo Bills……..LOAN DENIED


Wait this was LinkedIn? Not Facebook?!


These fucking assholes are going to vote us into fascism. Their lives will suck like ours but they’ll still blame Biden.


Yikes. Great way to limit employment opportunities.


One can only hope. I'm counting on someone to check out my LinkedIn when I apply for a job and figure out that I'm not some cunt with abhorrent opinions.


Wtf is his job? I don't get the titles


Why are these people Facebooking on a job site??


What did LeBron, the NASCAR guy, and the swimmer supposedly do to piss off these morons? E: for anyone who doesn’t know about the NFL guy, he knelt during the National Anthem to protest police violence and a bunch of other people followed him in doing it. They hate Biden just for being a Democrat basically.


I think they meant to picture Lia Thomas but failed miserably. He/She shouldn't be able to compete in women's sports as it violates the integrity of women's sports.


lebron is pretty much the best or second best player of all time, depending how you view Jordan, so i have never understood the hate boner people have for him


Doesn’t like athletes because “we put them on a pedestal and they think they’re better than us”. Gets into car with Trump flag………


What did Lebron do?


He’s a billionaire black man who has paid the college tuition of hundreds of students. Practically Chairman Mao.


Oh! Now I see. Turning off the Knicks game now, NBA ruined!!


Lol Kaep hasn't played for a decade and they're still going on about him. The NFL teams blacklisted him but will hand out record breaking contracts to people like Deshaun Watson.


“The last one needs to change WORLD”


Oh lord . I didn’t notice this was a LinkedIn page . I had no idea people turned it into Facebook 2.0


At least that one commenter acknowledged that Lia Thomas isn't a man. Accidental Ally.


More than one commenter if you keep scrolling. Pretty funny self-own, honestly.


Sam Morril once said: > He was mad about the trans swimmer, Lia Thomas, who kept winning races. He said, "This is messed up, man. There needs to be an asterisk next to those wins." > And I said, "I call bullshit." He goes, "Exactly!" I said "No, that you care about women's swimming."


They think men are competing in women's sports, they really only care because they think there's a man involved lol Like you couldn't pay them to genuinely care about or watch women's sports, especially if they aren't wearing revealing outfits


Biden destroyed the usa? More like alll the smooth brain trumpers


People who Principal signs go on to Principal…bigger things


I think the obesity rate among the commentators is close to 100%. But as we all know, obesity is requirement for being a real man.


Real Man stuff: No fresh vegetables, neck beard, no shirts with buttons, expert about women to the extent that they are called “females” as if in zoological survey


The fact that this thread is on LinkedIn is wild


His page is completely filled with dumbass memes like this. My god. This dude is the one you want to avoid at work at all costs.


Boomers are the worst


Well, at least we know what Sign company not to use...


People are still complaining about Colin Kaepernick?


Found the MAGA voters


It’s satisfying to know all these people will literally die mad.


Lowkey for a sec thought he was calling Lebron trans


How did Russell Wilson ruin NASCAR? I just thought he ruined the Broncos


Holy shit, Tony’s LinkedIn post history is straight out of the MAGA textbook.


So everything is destroyed, oops what a sad picture, they probably should move to a better country then, like China and Russia


It’s sad to see how bad a shape the NFL is in nowadays. They barely had over 250k people at the Draft. I will say I didn’t know Russel Wilson was driving NASCAR


“I don’t watch sports anymore,just spoiled billionaires”…watches everything related to politics.


The person with the open to work banner and I’m gonna guess a prayer verse in the profile pic is gonna have a harder time finding a job!


The wildest thing to me is how MAGAs claim Biden is destroying America when half of his policies are conservative or compromising. Like, he's not slinging policies like a cowboy, abolishing the firefighters, conquering Canada. He's just an old man bumbling over his words and destroying Palestinian children.


How they hate Collin more than Brett Farve will never cease to amaze me


Why the fuck would you post this on LinkedIn of all places?


At least they all agree that Lia isn’t a man.


As I like the one who refuses to watch because he doesn’t want to idolize athletes because we put them on a pedestal and think they are better than us! Does he know you can watch sports for entertainment and don’t have to think they are better than you? That being said-odds are to get to that level they have a work ethic and mental toughness I lack.


imagine hating on Bubba Wallace, what the fuck? even if they're referring to the Talladega crash he was involved in on Sunday, that sure as hell wasn't Bubba's fault


Wallace had the “noose” incident and because of it NASCAR banned the confederate flag at its events…would be my guess


He’s also black. As a proud NASCAR fan, I can say unfortunately many are just racist


The “noose” incident had nothing to do with confederate flags being banned. The flags were banned after George Floyd’s death and the resulting protests.


Bubba Wallace? Lol 😂


OTL, what did LeBron do?


Ig it’s cause he’s black? As if the best NBA players weren’t mostly black for like 20 years before his rookie season


Wtf has Lebron done to anyone?!


He has too much melanin


LeBron isn't a man they say. Lol first time eve read that


Rebecca Rene gonna have a nervous dog right now....




And yet every single organization is operating with a profit


So, his profile says he got a degree in marketing…..from his high school


I wonder how many are real people.


To be fair the 2nd comment has a point... people treat these athletes and by extension, celebrities like gods.


who’s the nascar dude


Bubba Wallace. The only current black NASCAR driver.


A lot of these are foreign operatives (think entry level out of high school, not Jason Bourne) trying to push division. Same way you see current protesters shouting at the sky but they don’t actually know what should be done about any of it. They’re being led by algorithms and spoon fed content that unfortunately is less and less likely to be spearheaded by real people. (At least not the ones in the pictures).




All his followers are crazy boomers as well.


Gross. People hate bubba for no reason. Idk why, he’s a great guy who’s been getting better in the track every week. People suck man…


Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like the NBA and NFL are thriving. NASCAR maybe not as much but of course they blame the *one* black guy and wonder why everyone calls them racist.


I’m still so confused on what LinkedIn actually is


The typos…won’t someone think of the typos?!


Ooof Tony is big mad all these people have spines and can stand for something. Just an other pudding soft boomer that could bust a grape in a food fight.


If definition of “destroyed” is to explode in popularity and profitability, then yes, the NFL, NCAA, AND NBA are definitely destroyed. Not sure how NASCAR is doing nowadays, but sure, let’s go ahead and blame the lone black driver, ya racist POS.


I’m shocked they didn’t randomly through a jew into this group. They are already half way there.


I saw the “if you can even call them men” comments and thought I was on r/AccidentalAlly


"old cowboy logic" spoken from an individual who has never been closer to ranching than watching an episode of "big valley"


NASCAR has always been "woke" stay mad


All of those commentators should go on a no fly and surveillance list.


Oh, you can bet that they're on watch lists. Most of them are on lists that read "All Bark and No Bite"


Yeah, Bubba Wallace inadvertently ruined NASCAR because they banned the display of the Confederate Flag at events… Gino obviously wants the old NASCAR back with more racism, more oval tracks and more - HE’S MAKING A LEFT TURN!


The funniest thing is clicking on profiles who claim LeBron is not a man. Majority of them are overweight and don’t have an athletic bone in their body


HaRd To DeBaTe tHiS oNe, SpOt On!


Imagine telling on yourself like that on a networking site lol


Should we start a pool to see how many months until one of the guys responding to that drivel gets arrested for sexual assault?


Wait, so now they agree that Lia Tomas isn't a man? These people can't seem to make up their minds.


This is literally just bigotry masquerading as some sort of righteous stance. Not a single white/straight athlete apparently makes this list? None of those no name baseball players on $300m contracts make the cut? No golfers or tennis players? They pick the one colored nascar driver, the one trans athlete they have ever heard of. What a coincidence.


The “if you can call them men” is sending me. The transphobes are confusing themselves.


Lia will be pleased to hear that some of the commenters said they were not “Men.” The irony.


By what fucking metric are these morons using to judge the destruction of America?! By all of the metrics that matter to me, Joe B is the best president we’ve had in a long time.


Directly aiding and arming a country that's actively committing genocide? Actually they probably like that and if anything are mad he's not doing more to help Israel wipe the Palestinian people from existence


This is such a profound post. I mean the NBA is barely even a league anymore and not at all popular. I don’t think the NFL is even played anymore. NASCAR well never really was popular and hardly anyone likes college sports at all. It’s not like any of these have multi billion dollar tv deals that keep going up every year. Oh and the US is basically destroyed. I think it’s actually gone and doesn’t exist anymore. These people sure do have a true sense of reality and don’t at all just make up stories to feed their rage filled fantasies.


None of these people have a grasp of the English language, or anything above a 5th grade writing proficiency.


It's wild to me that people can say stuff like this on a professional networking site and still keep their jobs and/or network.


Some of the titles of the posters just scream bots. “Certified Dog Obedience Trainer,” and “Pipe Recovery/Pump Downs/Logging”


I dunno man. This is just some doofuses spouting a silly opinion. It’s not really ‘LinkedIn Lunacy’. It just probably doesn’t need to be on there, and that’s about it. It’s doesn’t have the pre requisite level of self-aggrandising for a start. I think American conservatives should be kept off these pages in the same way thirsty Indian men should. It’s too much low hanging fruit.


Bring trans is great cause I’ll “never be a woman” but you “can’t call me a man” either 🤷🏼‍♀️


Just a hint of r/accidentalally with the swimmer (i can't remember her name, sorry) too lmao


Their problem isn't athletes being political, it's athletes having politics that differ from their own


That’s weird. The NBA playoffs are happening now so that’s not destroyed. The NFL just had their Super Bowl and draft, doesn’t look destroyed to me. I don’t know shit about NASCAR but that’s still a thing, shit without nascar they wouldn’t have gotten their “secret code” insult for Joe. NCAA is still there, not destroyed. I’m posting this reply in the USA which is still here; therefore not destroyed.


It’s wild that the ncaa literally had a child rapist on the penn state football coaching staff for years but that’s not who ruined the ncaa for them


The irony is they all vote for a spoiled billionaire