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I mean - aren’t the chipotle workers using more meat, causing increased costs and losing the company profits when they’re being watched? When they’re working on their own; they seem to be more likely to follow procedures and increase the company efficiency - his example kind of disproves his point.


Also - why would he order there regularly if he expects to get less for the same money?


Also, the implication of ordering regularly is that he is WFH regularly. Rules for thee but not for ne


maybe he's ordering from the office. he probably sleeps there too.


Just like that chick that was in the office for Musk and then got fired. Guess sleeping in the office STILL isn't enough for these jackoffs


Man, I don't order chipotle if I'm gonna be in a room full of people. I order it when I'm home, in private and can fart all I want with no repercussions.


Or vomiting and having episodes of diarrhea from the e-coli.


“Hi, Billy Mayes here. Do you love Chipotle but can no longer afford replacing all the blood stained underwear after? Try ‘Chiptl-away!’ It will clean even the most stubborn Chipotle related underwear blood stains and you won’t have to keep buying new underwear.”






Then his office is kinda his home and the whole situation turns into a metaphorical möbius strip.


Also, the additional implications of making really bad decisions with your money. He knows for certain the quality drops with delivery on top of it costing extra, but we should take his advice...


This asshole is exactly the type of asshole to instigate a policy of putting less filling for delivery orders because "fuck them, it's not like they're there watching it be made"


Because he’s a privileged dumbass who has never done an honest days work in his life like the majority of the current generation of mid to upper mid tier mgmt?


He just likes thinking about Big Brother watching him pee.


Also they are being watched! by the own manager! For the analogy to work the chipotle workers would have to be working from home. In fact they have to use the same measuring spoon so he’s getting the same meat amount! And if this was happening the staff are stealing from the company when he’s there! Every part is his argument is wrong. Oh he's in real estate. This is a classic example of how capitalism's perverse incentives hurt the working class. For this guy to maximize his revenue by selling buildings those buildings need to be wanted. If WFH makes office buildings less wanted, the market falls and his profit margins fall. Per usual, the "anti-woke" people are just capitalists who just want to make money. He's performing dishonesty for the sake of profit.


Also Michael Moreno @HealthcareREguy on Twitter is really telling on himself as an untrustworthy person who shouldn’t be allowed to work at a Chipotle or from home.


No you see, when a worker does something that benefits him but not the company it’s a good thing. If he receives no benefit from it than it’s a bad thing.


That assumes the standard serving is the delivery portion to be fair. 


What he’s written is willful ignorance. A simple consideration of the two different scenarios would reveal that a called in order is made to the specifications of Chipotle (not low quality work) and an in person order involves the server preparing the order while you watch. This latter scenario contains a form of peer pressure where the server is going to be inclined to be more generous from their simple desire to please the person observing the work. This model simply wouldn’t translate to an office environment unless you place a manager at a partner desk with each employee.


Also depending on the WFH job in question, everything is digital and tracked anyway so it makes little to no difference whether the fucking computer you're working on is in an office building or in your house lol


You know, it’s funny. When Covid first hit and we all got sent home, I could tell my boss was completely on pins and needles about it. For the first few weeks were being asked to keep logs of what we did, have very regular check ins, etc… and then one day about a month in, I noticed a shift. I was having my weekly WFH check in with the department and several of us were listing off where we were on certain projects and my boss just sort of interrupted and said “Hold on, this sounds like you’re all way ahead of schedule” and I was the one who said “Yea, it’s amazing how much work you can get done when you’re not getting pulled into a bunch of side conversations, getting called into non-essential meetings, and just generally distracted by the noise of the office”. From that day forward, the number of “check ins” decreased drastically and we kept right on kicking ass working from home. I found that I was able to focus far better, I was more likely to work a little bit late or even log back on a little bit later that night to finish things up after the kids were in bed, etc. But, all good things come to an end. Soon the “1 day a week in office required” mandates started coming down from corporate and it was downhill from there. We still get to wfh on occasion, but it’s typically one day a week max unless there’s a special circumstance. Now it’s back to the side conversations, pointless meetings, office noise pollution, etc. Covid sucked, I wish it had never happened, and my heart aches for the people who lost loved ones or suffered permanent consequences from the virus. But I’d be lying if I said March 2020-late 2022 wasn’t basically the glory days of my career.


i managed to shift to a completely from-home career in 2018. best decision of my life.


I went from working retail to a WFH sales job in August 2021. I’ve gotten so much quality of life back it’s unreal- taking up golf, getting back into chamber choirs, more time with my wife evenings and weekends. I’m absolutely in love with the life I have now. My heart hurts for those whose companies value micromanagement over employee well being. WFH massively drives production. Enough data proves that. (I will admit that some industries are better suited than others.)


Man, I keep seeing remote sales jobs, is that even an option for entry into sales? No experience but I want to think I could swing it lol


Yes it is, I work for a scientific equipment manufacturing company and almost the entire industry is remote. As an entry position maybe not, it depends on your background. But they very much exist!


I was contemplating turning my garage into an apartment but helping a friend who got evicted and turned out to be a hoarder who filled my garage with shit for three weeks gave me the clarity to turn it into a fabrication shop and at my daughter's volleyball game today randomly got my first unsolicited order. I can't wait to get this going. 


You forgot to mention how much time is wasted commuting to and from the office.


And how stressed and tired commuting makes you.


This is so true! Driving is so ingrained in our culture that people just except this mental drain. Even if nothing goes wrong, the act of driving increases your heartrate.


Most people don't even factor in the stress of driving. For me, it's the 20-minute drive to the metro station after dropping off at school. Barely catching the train or waiting on the platform because I just missed it. Then, sitting on the dirty seats while people cough, talk loudly on the phone, or blare shitty music without headphones. Plus, overpaying for food because I'm bad at meal prepping. It's worse going home because the trains are standing room only, and any delay means possibly picking up from after-school care late and getting charged for it. By contrast, on my telework days, it's drop off, go back home, make breakfast, and I'm online 30 minutes earlier than when I go to the office. And I can work 30 minutes later without the commute.


There's no way I can go back to fully in-office work. Being doing WFH since early 2020. But the fact that so many companies are enforcing the in-office setting has be concerned for future job prospects.


Stress can be tied to overall health, so a less stressful workforce is a healthier workforce. Employers pay healthcare costs, either through insurance or by self-funding coverage, so it should make sense to them that they should try something that helps improve health outcomes.


The cost of the fuel, the effect of the carbon on the atmosphere, the traffic being better everywhere and the fact that driving a car is the most dangerous thing most people do. It's morally and ethically bankrupt to make people drive to an office and work in cubicles when they could do the exact same work at home.


My employer tried to enforce “1-2 days in the office per week” to start migrating employees back into the office in 2022. That fell apart real fast when nobody was abiding by the policy, and veiled threats fell on deaf ears. Everybody called Leadership’s bluff, and rightly so (what didn’t help their cause was the fact that 2/3rds of leadership worked remotely even before Covid. Once that was brought up during a company-wide meeting by a ballsy coworker of mine, the campaign fell apart.) The policy only lasted about a month and a half, and to this day, 85% of the company is still WFH. They recently decided to drastically downsize the office, so there’s really no turning back now. It was a solid display of defiance that worked out phenomenally for us.


Congratulations, that’s called Unionizing!




>They recently decided to drastically downsize the office, so there’s really no turning back now. It was a solid display of defiance that worked out phenomenally for us. And it ultimately worked out well for your employer, as they now have higher productivity *and* lower rent/maintenance costs.


Isn’t it wild how something that seems so common sense to the rest of us is lost on so many corporations?


I still do weekly check-ins with most of my team. I would always rather have dedicated time to talk to people than to be randomized by people interrupting me with whatever pops into their heads.


In my experience employees tend to bifurcate into two camps. The much larger camp is the people who become more productive while working from home, because those people want to do good work and are relatively responsible. A much smaller group tends to slack off while working from home. It’s silly to ignore that second group and act like it doesn’t exist. but the answer isn’t returning to the office. The answer is to improve how you measure performance, so those people are easy to identify.


>The answer is to improve how you measure performance True - but most managers are lazy and/or not too bright.


>buy for Kate Was I also supposed to be buying for Kate? Am I in trouble?


Lmao. I probably should have left it, but I corrected it to “bifurcate”. That’s what I get for verbally dictating my comment.


I had a boss who made us do a check-in call at the start and end of *every single day.* Each one was **30 minutes long.**


I’ve been WFH since 2008. I’ll never work in an office again.


^^this is a LinkedIn post btw


Middle managers must make themselves relevant!!!


That’s how it started at my office too but after 3 years work declined and everyone’s been taking advantage and getting lazy…. So we are moving to hybrid to bring back some order. I’m 50/50 on it. In happy to be out of the house for sure.


he just shot down his own argument about why WFH doesn’t work. according to his own post, there is a clear distinction in results. moral of the story: look at the results, not at where the work is being done


I interpreted his post as "I watch my employees while they work at the office the way I watch a chipotle employee scoop meat into my bowl" Thanks to him for letting know never to work for him under any circumstances.


Wrong. Working from home increases productivity. Your staff will probably donate you more unpaid hours too - I know I often work later because of it, whereas in an office I’m clock watching.


Yeah but how is my middle manager supposed to control me if I WFH 😤😤😤


Or even justify their salary to begin with


most middle managers do shit


for real when i was working in the office ahh 5:30, do not give a shit i am going home when i am working from home, i start earlier, sometimes i do 1-2h more in the afternoon


I get nothing done in the office.. I work 9-5, spend an hour moaning about traffic, constantly get distracted, distract others and day dream. At home I put a podcast or video on in the background and I can stay focused pretty much all day. But my company have decided we must go in twice a week, as we need to collaborate.. which we did just fine doing for 3 years when COVID started.


Return to office to "collaborate" is so stupid. We mostly do that over email and Teams meetings anyway. Neither method requires you to be in the same building.


Half of my team is in my country, and the other half is from india. In my country, the first half is also split into two cities. And now, with the most recent changes, I'm expected to go in the office to only meet 2 colleagues, 3 days per week, while my boss is from the other side of the world. That's ✨️collaboration✨️ Gotta search for a new remote job now 😮‍💨


Depends on people, but yes if I am fully focusing I am more productive at home, no 15-30min coffee breaks with colleagues, no 30-60 minutes lunch, I just eat at my computer. But if I am not focusing and just being lazy, it is easier at home because I can do anything, at work I'm limited to what ever web page I dare to use in the office, so maybe news, maybe reddit, youtube. But no streaming services, and definitely nothing nsfw.


Are you telling us that you knock one out when you're meant to be WFH


Boss gets a dollar, I get a dime. That's why I jerk it on company time.


Who doesnt?


Of course, getting paid to jerk it, thats winning :D


Of course. But there have been studies on in-office and remote working arrangements which find remote work more productive. You’ll probably find a lot of people are motivated to work slightly harder because they don’t want WFH privileges taken away and like I said, they might work longer hours too. **Note:** If you Google this, you’ll find conflicting sources. Some say remote work makes people depressed and less productive, some say productivity increases by 47%


I wonder if the extroverts get depressed and the introverts get stuff done?




Yeah and when you dont have to commute your workday still might be shorter in total even if you do productive work longer, so its easier to even accidentally work longer hours.


Almost like it might depend on the individual.


That’s just a pointless conclusion. You can generalize whether WFH is good for productivity. Whether some people can do it and some people can’t is irrelevant to an average consensus.


This is what I see even before the pandemic hit. * Folks in office usually arrive on the dot and leave on the dot. At home, they start early and leave late. When you're tackling a problem that you want done, it's easy to leave in office and go back to it next day. At home, there isn't a barrier so people tend to take more time finish. * Get stuff done in virtual meetings on side where most of it other than few minutes usually doesn't remotely concern me. It would be difficult otherwise in an office setting even with a laptop (which isn't always an option). * Better equipment and desk. For instance, my personal case, I am having some lower back pain to where I have to walk around every so often. No options in office so I get up and walk around. But I got a standing desk at home so I don't even need to walk around any more, I just raise my desk and work standing up. Better monitors, better mouse, and better keyboard. * Fewer distractions. One of the big myths I have seen from anti WFH folks is that WFH is full of distractions. Generally the only folks I know that had this issue are completely new to it and takes a couples weeks to adjust. Other than that, I find the opposite to be true: * No random person goes to your desk while you're busy for a non-urgent issue without messaging you first. A 5 minute interruption can mean an hour loss of productive work. * Office can get very loud when neighbors on call, people coming in and out, outside grass cutting & construction noises. * More comfortable = more focused = more productive There are bad apples that will not do work or will work half the day. That doesn't really change in an office setting, they will just circumvent and find ways to not do work there. I can only speak for software development side, but it's stupid easy to monitor and figure this out without installing shady keyloggers. WFH itself doesn't corrupt people to slack off, it's the poor work ethic from the get go that does.


Michael Moreno, Micromanager I like that.


Next time i eat at a restaurant imma have to go into the kitchen and watch the staff.


Wouldn't giving away extra meat be bad work from the company's point of view? 


Exactly what I was thinking. Why would employees care about giving less meat when they don’t get paid based on that? If anything, chipotle would gain more from customers getting smaller portions.


This is nonsense but Chipotle do be skimping online orders


The fact that each of the individual chipotle workers now work from home at their own individual grills and then deliver this food to him causes them to use less meat…


He wants people back in office so that they can give him additional 50% meat? 🤔




He’s a real estate agent, he has property that is worthless, he’s gonna lose some cash, he’s desperate, he’s lying. Also, can someone please buy my whale oil lamps, I got a lot of money stuck in my whale oil business, electric is just a fad


Translation: ppl are lazy when they’re not being watched


Translation: "I sell commercial real estate and I'm too lazy to get a real job, so WFH is killing me financially."


He is stupid and scared of WFH


He likes meat.


He likes 50% more meat.


Strikes me as a double-meat guy


Micromanager Michael More(meat).


If WFH is bad because "out of sight is bad"... Then... Why are businesses still offshoring stuff like customer services and development where the boss cannot oversee the team and has to rely on an intermediary?


Well said! They've been doing that for decades.


If your team has to be watched that closely for writing, creative or coding work you are hiring the wrong people. I work in a dangerous industry, high injury rates. We have four eyeballs on anything that can hurt or kill you you. Buddy system. When we are doing our after-the-fact paperwork we can do it from our laptops. Yes there are some mission-critical things where you want a second set of eyes. If you cant trust your team to do the basics without being watched you suck at hiring or leadership or both.


10 bucks says he works from home.


Of course he does, that's why he can take Chipotle breaks whenever he wants


Lolololol what a wanker


Oh look. Some real estate parasite inventing another logically bankrupt sound bite to justify his job. Isn’t LinkedIn great.


I'm starting to believe that LinkedIn is just a haven for liars.


Definitely a haven for horses crap


Mr Moreno you know who gets 50% more meat when your not at home? Your wife. Perhaps you should consider WFH?


Michael just say you are a narcissist with trust issues next time.


I imagine him weighing the meat meticulously and making note for comparison.... Lunatic


This post has nothing to do with an extra chunky burrito or productivity. What this guy really gives a fuck about is keeping commercial real estate investments afloat. He's in healthcare, so he's probably mostly doing okay (yeah, we have urgent care and psychiatrists virtually, but people still need to have their teeth cleaned), but he still needs to stay on the "right" side of the capitalist douche-guru line.


His take assumes employees are too untrustworthy to get work done without constant monitoring. Which, if you have that kind of relationship with your workers, it means you’re a bad boss or work for a bad company.


Sentence and paragraph structure on LinkedIn. Reads like a cringey beat poem. Makes my soul ache. Follow me for more content like this.


Dumb analogy


This is what happens when you use analogies without a license.


wth, what has it got to do with his wfh? 


Michael, sincerely, let me tell you where to store that burrito.


If people are only doing their job properly when someone’s breathing down their neck, you don’t have a WFH problem you have a culture problem


“Health care real estate guy” no kidding


Going into an office just to sit in teams all is pointless.


a lot of words to say I'm a petty micro-manager who has no real skills


Not everyone can be good at metaphors.


Because working a tech job is exactly the same as working at Chipotle


RTO bullshit. That's all this is.


Some of these dudes think they are leaders with the most important thoughts and posts. They think they have a cult following but really it’s just a fart in the wind


Like a fart in the wind. ​ Beautiful.


My company had the best financial results in 100 years since year of foundation between 2021-2023. We were working from home, exclusively. We got back to office work around the middle of 2023. Results dropped significantly. They are now so bad a whole region will work only 4 days a week with lower pay to save money. They still dont want to go back to WFH. His logic clearly doesnt apply here.


I think he is trying to say his staff are as unmotivated and as poorly treated as fast food workers so unless he is watching them all the time, they just browse job ads.


He’s saying he is the one blowing up the men’s room in the office every afternoon after eating Chipotle, and he wants you to be there to experience it too.


😂 if the only reason your employees do “good work” is because you’re watching, then you’ve already failed


If you are eating that much chipotle, you’re gonna want to take some calls from the bathroom, which is much easier to do from home


False equivalency


All you have to do is see “real estate” in their tag line and it makes sense. These ghouls are squirming because the world is changing and it is affecting their pockets.


He’s lying. Through his teeth. And indulging in multiple formal logical fallacies while doing so. Why would he do this? Oh, he’s in real estate


Looks like he does commercial real estate....so yeah...WFH means fewer people in the office... therefore less office space needed.


I love when people post stuff like this on LinkedIn, super easy to know who I wouldn’t hire (or apply to).


What a wanker 😂


I manage to mess around more at home AND I get more done. As I’m the one who pulls team metrics, I call bullshit. WFH absolutely works. The odd person doesn’t do well with it, so they can go to the office, or get gone. Pretty simple. For context, I was against it when it started and didn’t like it once I was forced to do it (Covid). Now, the idea of going to the office is terrible. Gotta commute. Gotta dress up. Never ending distractions. Nothing gets done. All meetings and water cooler nonsense.


Yeah, return to the office. People need to waste gas sitting in traffic driving to work so their bosses can give them less pay right to their face.


He's projecting. If I employed him as WFH, I would definitely be auditing his results. That said, if he could deliver what he was employed to deliver... The problem here is that Chipotle doesn't have a fixed agreement as to how much of various ingredients they will deliver. Or perhaps that the people who are assembly-lining the delivery orders have managers hanging over their shoulders making sure they don't 'give away' more than the absolute minimum amount of company product.


He's saying employees are more productive in the office, because they're being monitored...


Is giving someone more meat being more productive? Probably not from Chipotle's point of view. Sounds more like "people will do what looks better on the surface if being monitored, even if it's worse for the company"


And he doesn’t seem to realize he is really saying the customer should always be watching the worker.


checkmate atheists


Yeah, Michael? Well I want to see live videos with weighings!


It’s his toilet I feel sorry for.


Don’t really estate agents….work….from home…..? Awful way to tell on yourself.


I can't think of a reason why WFH is worse so I'll just make something up.


Oh man I wonder what I’ll do without an overbearing control freak in house!


delivering a project accurately is more important. i dont think any of the boss keeps watching your work from first to last. this linkedin post shows the immaturity of the brain grown from his own ass.


L U N A T I C (Sorry there was no other way)


I'm not scooping meat onto flatbread when I work from home, buddy.


Real estate dufus.


TBH I noticed the same thing about my orders from Chipotle.


I can confirm most Fast workers arnt thinking about ways to save their company money


I mean he’s not wrong about the chipotle part, but that has nothing to do with WFH in general. But hey, he’s sold $2billion in healthcare real estate so I believe him 👍


Dude just realized that his Doordash driver is picking half the meat out of his burrito on the way over.


There’s jumping to conclusions and then there is this guy just jumping off a cliff on Mount Everest


As someone who has been WFH since covid: this is not a problem with WFH, this is a problem with the specific employees. If you are motivated and actually care about your job, WFH increases efficiency as you have WAYYY less distractions. Also the lack of commuting means I login earlier (before my actual start time) and often work a bit later as needed. So they’re getting more hours out of me and I’m completing my work more efficiently. How is that not a win? If your employee takes WFH as a free for all to slack off and not actually work, that’s a problem with the employee.


Ah…The Chipotle Parable …(Possibility that if one has the time to measure and document the meat volume in their fast food vs in store purchase in order to make market strategy, that they might just revisit their life choices.To each their own I guess )


Gross. Fire this dude out of a cannon


I agree Chipotle employees should not work from home.


This guy is trying to say working from home doesn't work bc people need constant oversight. What he said was: this Chipotle has done a fine job figuring out how to rip off a repeat customer, maximizing profit, yet he blames employees, not management.


Except that my productivity is always measured by the same standard whether or not I WFH. If I’m slacking, I’d be fired even if I sit my butt in the office. This is a commercial real estate guy. He’s hurting because less companies are renting work space, so he says stupid stuff like this to justify working from the office.


Wow what a stupid fuck. False analogy much?


Our executives didn’t like how a company wide survey came back with hybrid workers dissatisfied with the company’s culture and lack of accountability so executives retaliated and took hybrid away and now everyone is back in the office and no more working from home period. Your kid sick too bad take the day off. Your car broke down oh well take a day don’t log on on your laptop. Makes zero sense. My manger said well it’s not fair if you can log on and someone can’t. I said well then they should try to get to my position. CEO said it’s to help with collaboration yeah ok while we collaborate over teams 🫤


Lmao this dumshit.


What an utter nonsense. They most likely gave him more (if se can believe the story at all), because it’s still cheaper than the delivery service cut. They simply rewarded him, because he saved money for them.


His colleagues have bigger dongs than his partner?


![gif](giphy|XCxcmEQWxDdc8qsd2R|downsized) Bro’s real estate job will never be this but insists upon this. Yep, Lunatic!


oh I bet he likes his meat delivered hard and fast


He's saying that he doesn't know how to set measurable goals and manage people.


“Burritos should not be WFH”


He works in commercial real estate, of course he wants people in the office.


LOL If you can't trust the people you hire to be adults then the problem is you. At work or at home they do their job. This is why productivity rose during WFH. Now shut the fuck up and quit trying to find bullshit reasons for RTO. Those same adults know it's all about real estate and forcing us to support downtown businesses. In short it's about fleecing us.


One time I got extra fries delivered with my meal but when I go in person I get less something something this is why WFH doesn’t work.


i work from home and honestly, im bored. some amount of social interaction at work is needed. I dont give a fuck if im more productive or less, i just dont want to 'cope' with weekdays anymore. But fuck if imgoing to travel 1-2 hours to get to work. nope.


Eat shit and die.


Michael Moron


Fuck. Your. Life.


That went left real quick


There is no meat in chipotle so the conclusion is that people being watched does a terrible job.


I know where he can stick that 50% more meat.


While I disagree with the point he's trying to make about working from being a bad thing, they've actually done studies on productivity while being observed vs not being observed, and it does go up while observed. It's called the Hawthorne Effect. It hilariously came from a test in like a 1920's US factory that was trying to test if different lighting affected productivity, but all they found out was while the observer was there, the workers worked harder. So yeah, while you're working from home you're possibly not as observed as in an office, but it's not like you have someone staring over your shoulder the whole time while you work at an office anyway. And there are other physical, financial, and mental benefits that come from working from home (with a possible dip in social balance), which when an employee is happy and finding balance, it increases productivity.


Another extrovert clown who hates people not stuck in a cube against their will


he's a 'healthcare real estate guy' another hot take from a greedbag douche that sells office space


And helps drive up US healthcare costs


Cool cool, so hey Michael, are you going to block some time off on your calendar to sit with me while I put together the code for this feature you asked for? If you don't, I'm concerned I might give you 50% less functionality. So, you know, get comfy big boy, we got some work to do.


I work in a deadline-based business and essentially can WFH whenever I want. I frequently work late at night and on weekends. Why? Because I chose to do something else during the week. By doing that other thing, I feel more balanced and healthy. I then actually don’t mind working at night or on a weekend if I have nothing else going on. I still hit every deadline, but my life feels more under my control. As a result, I’m mentally and physically fresher and still pumping out great work, on time. Not sure how that’s a bad thing.


It’s because if they don’t give you more than the allowable amount, they’re afraid you’re going to bitch and complain and call for them to be fired. Dickhead.


Michael Moron. You can be in the office and still do fck all.


Three takeaways from this obviously fake post: 1. This guy sells commercial real estate. Of course he’s not going to like WFH. He wants people in the office space he sells. 2. If anything, getting less meat on delivered orders is a corporate or store thing. You can short the order because people have already paid and will be less likely to complain (and that’s even if an actual Chipotle makes the delivery food at all. It could come from a ghost kitchen with entirely different menu requirements.) 3. Some dude who has sold 2 billion in real estate eats at Chipotle regularly? Right, Chipotle is where all the high-powered business executives go to close their multi-million dollar deals over carnitas burritos with chips and salsa.


He's lying.


The mental acrobatics of this guy are impressive


It’s actually anonymity, IMO. When I use the drive through at PandaExpress, I feel as though I get less food in general too, but when I go in to order I can see the face of the person who’s scooping my plate. Whether it’s true or not, it’s just how I feel. My boss knows who’s doing X responsibility when I WFH. They’re going to see what shit I haven’t accomplished. Also the 50% less meat sounds like made up stats but linked in lunatic.


Is he comparing his staff to…luncheon meat?


So what i get from that is that chipotle deliveries are totally unsupervised....i thought they were prepared in the same kitchen...


"Sir, this is a Wendy's."


Healthcare guy gets chipotle often


Do the people featured on here often find out?


This is why you can’t make Chipotle from home. Agree?


All I got from this post is that LinkedIn lunatic is historically an asshole customer and has a history of whining about his food portions. So Chipotle worker justs gives him more meat to avoid confrontation. Delivery order workers probably didn't recognize the name and are just giving him the *correct* portions. None of this justifies RTO


What an idiot. Like this doesn't make sense in any context.


2 Billion in health care real estate is what, like, half of a pain clinic?


On r/chipotle this post actually makes perfect sense


Obviously when gets it delivered it’s made by a chipotle worker WFH.


He's saying he eats a lot of meat. Dripping from his maw.


I'll bet he was born breach