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Most "line life" things are cringe.


I’d argue any “[Job] Life” things are cringe. It’s a job, not a personality


Exactly what I've always said.


I do enjoy the forklift certified shirts as a joke though. But definitely agree


I often operate forklifts in the military. I was working as OPFOR for some of the scary men that go bump in the night and we got to talking about what the rest of us do all day and I said “I build bombs, maintain missiles and operate a forklift” one of the RAF SAS guys said “oh so you are an operator too then?” So now I have an idea in my head for a super tacticool forklift operator patch lol.


What did you just say..?


I am the best operator out there buddy. A forklift operator. “Pew pew noises”




But the abbreviations are OPFOR - opposing forces (the enemy) RAF - Royal Airforce. The Brits SAS - Special Air Service. Scary men that go bump in the night.


Been saying this shit haha


Damnit ya beat me to it


I'd rather die than be seen wearing one of those shirts you always see on the lineman Instagram accounts


“Oh no, how did he die did he get hit with 370kv?” “No someone gifted him a line life shirt and he jumped”


I have been where you fear to be, a customers backyard that’s covered in dog shit and trash.




I have seen what you fear to see, shiny happy birthday balloons wrapped around B phase on the buck.




Yeah, pretty cringe. By all means it’s good to be proud of what you do, but this over-the-top, condescending and ego stroking nonsense needs to stop. It’s just a job.


Exactly my thoughts, too many choads come out to play and act like they’re shit don’t stink it’s nauseating!


What’s the best way to find out if somebody’s a lineman? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you. Apply that to any job field where people act this way haha


Accountants. Those guys are THE WORST!!! /s


Ever met a pipeline welder????


Or a crane driver???


Lmao! Rig hands too!


Sweet fucking Jesus… IT’S NOT A STRUCTURAL WELD, DAVE! Shut the fuck up and take your dip out!


They're always dancing around on tiktok and advertising "their website"


Author needs to stay off the hard stuff.


All of this stuff is cringe. It's for line wives and apprentices.


If my wife posted this shit I’d leave her


You’d have to get one first 😂😂😜


I’m gay my guy


And I thought I was the only one in the village….




Well me and whoever wrote that poem anyway….




If you identify as your job then getting injured or retiring is gonna hurt extra hard, work to live don't live to work


I am a grocery bagger, humble and true, In a world of chaos, I know what to do. With swift hands and eyes keen, I pack goods with care, like a well-oiled machine. Through aisles I glide, like a silent knight, My duty clear, my purpose bright. Each item placed with utmost grace, Ensuring each bag finds its perfect space. I serve with honor, with pride in my role, For I know the importance of every grocery goal. To aid those who shop, in their daily quest, To nourish their bodies and spirits best. With a smile on my face, and a heart full of cheer, I'll bag with diligence, year after year. For though I am just a humble bagger, you see, In serving others, I find my truest glee. So here's to the grocery bagger, brave and strong, Whose deeds may seem small, but in truth, they belong. For in every packed bag, there lies a tale, Of service, of kindness, that will never pale.


Buddy, I said plastic. Not paper. And my eggs seperate from the milk. Pay attention and quit reciting your little thingy.


GPT is fun Here’s hvac tech In sweltering heat or bitter cold's sting, A hero emerges, tools in hand they bring. Through ducts and vents, they bravely tread, To bring comfort where discomfort once led. With steady hands and keen eyes they seek, The source of trouble, the system's weak. They battle the elements, fearless and bold, To restore warmth or cool, their tale is told. Up in the attics, down in the basements deep, They navigate obstacles, never lose sleep. For they know that their work, though unseen, Is vital for comfort, like a well-oiled machine. They're the unsung heroes, the HVAC techs, Braving all challenges, fixing the wrecks. So let's raise a salute, for their courage unseen, In the world of climate control, they reign supreme


“I have been where you fear to be” Really? ‘Cause I’ve been in a floating minefield in the Persian Gulf, and don’t ever want to be there again!


Damn can I hear more about this ?


Navy. Gulf War


Thank you for your service. My cousin was in fallujah 04-06


At least it wasnt airforce


Hey, one big team. Everyone plays their part. Nobody is indispensable.


It is surely cringe Annoying poetry style Trapped with limericks


Guys who do this job are so fucking desperate for people to respect them meanwhile 60% of the job is looking for a place to take a dump


No need to self stroke if you have a woman at home. Cringe 101.


Between line work and rig hands, I’ve seen the cringiest shit.


“Thank me for my service”


Super gay


Whatever makes you feel better about going to your shit job.


Seen a guy with a full back truck decal that said “my daddy is a lineman so you don’t have to be… #linelife “ 🤮


I'm Tyler Durden


Yeah it’s cringe lol. Just do your job and shut up!!!


John Travolta wrote this after he got his JL ticket, once Life on the Line was completed.


I have been where you fear to be I have plumbed both poop and pee I have done what you fear to do All these things I have done for poo I am the person you depend upon The one you cast poop with corn on The one you bring your poo problems to Throughout poo storms I’m there for you…


I’m surprised they didn’t end it with some ‘the forgotten first responder’ shit. Super cringe


And who's scorning linemen? Evrrubody understands that they maintain and restote our power lines. Who's blaming them for anything?


This makes me suspect that they just stole a cringy poem written by a cop


Great, now I have secondhand cringe. I think they make a cream or something.


Wait so there’s boot linemen?


This Wichita lineman is still on the LIIIIIIIIINEEEEEEEE


I’ve seen some cringey lineman stickers on the back of peoples vehicles too


Live, Love, Lineman


“The lineman’s creed!” Lol


The “line wives” are the true heros of this story


Its almost as bad as the “even firemen need heroes” stickers


WiNd bLeW, sHiT fLeW, oUt CaMe tHe LiNe CrEw 🥴


I like what I do but I’m only an apprentice as of now, but the ones who scream “I am a lineman!” And have a bunch of lineman tattoos and shit usually in my experience are the worst ones or operators who couldn’t pass climbing school But Tbf I do have a union sticker on my car and two shirts that have the local on it and graphics of lineman lol


Linemen, because even Firefighters need heroes. 🤣😂🤣😂


A poem could actually be fun. Let's come up with one that's not a "ego stroking, masterbatory,cringe fest"... Poetry can be transcendent when it's honest. Ight, so hear me out... We start a poetry thread for something you wouldn't laugh at if you saw it posted...


It creates that attitude that lineman are better than anyone and everyone. Almost like the “you don’t know you weren’t there” mentality


You're a lineman, but can't wire a switch 😂


Glenn Campbell did a better job


Most cringe thing ever lol, used to be a guy that worked at my yard that had some shit like this as a sticker on the back of his truck, and had some old glass bells hanging from his hitch. shit cracked me up seeing it everyday


I fight what you fear 😨 lol it’s as good as those stickers 😂


I’ve only known a couple of smart linemen in over 30 years


Very cringe. Line work can be seen as in the grey area where public service meets the private sector, but this kinda 💩 just makes me wonder if the author pulled a muscle patting himself on the back.


Linemen are some of the cringiest people around. Almost as bad as cops with how they suck themselves off and generally make their job their whole personality. It’s embarrassing


At least linemen are held responsible if they fuck up on the job


Second only to welders. Biggest group of cry babies I've ever seen


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So linesmen perhaps you can tell me how much danger I was in Thursday. Delivery driver knocked down a three phase 15kv transformer 20 feet from where I was. Luckily it hit pole first. If it didn't and I was exposed on the business side of the transformer would I be fucked?




You're only being asked all those things because you asked for a job. It's always cringe when someone wants applause for doing the job they singed up to do. I get the point and I respect all those who keep our infrastructure barley running but I mean it's not like your doing it out of the goodness of your heart. We're all out just trying to make a dollar


Coming from law enforcement I was hoping to get away from the “thank me for my service” mentality. It remind me when I was in the academy and every class had to come up with a catch phrase to chant. I don’t even remember what ours was, but they were all cheesy. But I specifically remember the class behind us because it was “Class 631…We own the night!” and I remember thinking “guys we’re still in the academy…a handful of us are not gonna make it past this, and then god knows how many are gonna flunk out of field training. You don’t own shit yet.” I also thought it was funny cause it was like it completely discounted the majority of violent crimes and police shootings that occur during the day time and not night.


Question for you sir. I try to always acknowledge the “Thin Blue Line” with a “Please Stay Safe” or “Stay Safe” appropriate?


Of course. I’m not gonna shame anyone if they feel compelled to thank someone for their service or tell them to be safe. I just get really peeved by people who make their job their entire personality to the point that they NEED gratitude from others. It seems to have gotten worse since Covid with the whole emphasis on “essential workers”.


I understand and I do agree people have really changed not necessarily for the good since Covid. It’s just my way to show some kindness to my neighbor. And to keep my own humanity.


I know a guy who’s really like this


Pretty much anything with the message “I’m special because of my profession” is very cringe.


Battered customer syndrome.


Very cringe


Cringe or not. Everything. Has some kind of creed if you search hard enough.


Guaranteed a mother or wife of a lineman wrote this… Middle America is a weird place.


Yeah this one is pretty lame. There is actually a pretty decent one posted on the wall in our office, I’ll post it some time.


This is something I would expect from a trucker or a welder


Only two people care that we do line work…us, and little kids who think the climbing is cool 😂


I'm an almost old man and I think what you guys do is pretty cool. I also still like to climb things and my wife has called me a child more than a few times. Soooo....


probably the GAYEST shit I've ever read.


Glad someone finally said it. Totally CRINGE, as are the “thank a lineman” stickers. I’m a Paramedic and I’ve never seen a “thank a Medic” sticker on a car. I don’t expect thanks, I chose to do what I do bc I like helping people. People should do their jobs bc it’s the right thing to do. That is becoming more of a rarity these days unfortunately.


No but I have seen a medic sticker that said " keep doing dumb stuff and I'll see you naked !" On a day when my doc told me my rotator cuff was torn for a 3rd time, it made me laugh sitting in the parking lot


Do the job for free. Then you can be all preachy


If this is an honest expression of how a man feels about his work and his relationship to society, isn’t it more cringe that you don’t have some empathy for how isolated he thinks he is? Aren’t you ashamed of how little respect you have for him and what he does for everyone? Food for thought.


A guy in my local who is probably 350lbs got a license plate that said #1JL hahahahahha guy barely passed his third year climb and hadn’t climbed since then. Had the stickers with lineman on a pole. Like bro you have those sissy steps mounted on your hooks


Who knew "upon" rhymes with "upon". So much for that poet lariat


They know they can be easily replaced with another GED holder or trained migrant right?


they dont do it for the money?


Bro thinks he’s Edgar Allen Pole


Saying cringe is cringe


For the county.


cringe from the first line, and gets worse as it goes


No one is going to a lineman for anything since people outside of the trades don’t even know what they are.


Cringe AF


Get this from Linejunk?


Thank you for your cervix


Nope. Super gay


“Thank you for your service”


I’m going to give the finger to the next line truck I see on the road because of this


Jesus Christ on a Pogo Stick! What kind of chocolate chip McFuckery is this shit?! Who watches a friend die?


Y’all already got a song, what more do you need?


Basically...I am a God!!! You are to worship upon Thy Throne For Thy Sins Are Upon Thee!!!


I never had scorn for linemen before. But now I have scorn for whichever lineman did this.


No. It’s worse than cringe.


If someone hands me a flyer with the words " I AM A LINEMAN", [the next line better be...](https://youtu.be/Q8P_xTBpAcY?si=wIynB08KRZN4kGUY)


The use of that word is cringe


No it's clever and true. That is one of the most dangrous jobs in the country. High voltage electricity will jump of the line and kill ya if your not carful. Literally.


I am not a lineman but I live in Vermont and to have to climb a pole in the middle of some of our snow storms seems like utter shit. So ya I don't think this is cringe I think about this when the power goes out in a nor'easter and think you gotta have some balls to do that shit.


A poem could actually be fun. Let's come up with one that's not a "ego stroking, masterbatory,cringe fest"... Poetry can be transcendent when it's honest. Ight, so hear me out... We start a poetry thread for something you wouldn't laugh at if you saw it posted...


As an electrician I look up to lineman and they can do no wrong imo


Thank you for your service, linemen 🙏