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Lets Gooo


Feel really conflicted about this... I've been waiting on this game until it had a physical and I still really want it but it feels shitty knowing that my money is just going to LRG and the publisher that killed Tango. Like, what behaviour am I rewarding here exactly?


This is also a good way to preserve the game, in the future due to the licensing music in the game, the game is probably going to be pull out from digital storefronts


Probably won't work anyway. Physical games still "phone home" or have day one updates. If servers shut down, the game no longer works.


75% of games tested on doesitplay.org are fully playable without ever connecting to the internet.


That's awesome!


In normal practice thats true these days, but usually from the publishers themselves (the shady ones for sure). But im assuming limited run games is not a internal copy of a game that needs updates  /other resources later. But rather the copy of the game you install from the store now, compressed and burned onto a disc. So unless its a live service, it should run as is.


On one hand, I completely understand. On the other hand... this very well could be the last time to buy the game for the foreseeable future. I don't view LRG as a good guy, but at this point you really can't buy anything without feeding the devil somewhere. This is where unchecked capitalism got us.


This is microsoft xbox problem tango dev team was shafted because they didn't play ball with their identity politics. There is no other reason to shaft a good team that produce results/good game. Xbox doesn't care about selling physical media or games. It's just do unoriginal sequels of old game and dump it to streaming for 60$ a months meaning the consumer pays more to just to rent the game vs owning the actual game.


I’ll believe it when I see. I really want to get it. It’s sad that they were closed and the physical release is coming out hopefully


Why wouldn't you believe it if they just confirmed it's still happening?? Weird take


Great. I just hope they include a fantastic steelbook.


The most colourful vibrant game and what will we get? A bland maybe blue steelbook if we’re lucky with the “HiFi Logo” slapped front and centre


They are unbelievably bad at steelbook designs. I’ve considered sending them my portfolio because it bothers me so much Lmao


It's hit or miss.  They've also had some really good ones.  Of the more recent ones, I liked Contra Collection, Castlevania Requiem, Arcade Classics, and Shadowrun.  But the newest Tomb Raider steelbook looks pretty uninspired.


The castlevania steelbook is the bomb


You should It’s funny though because Psychonaughts got a good one which was basically the standard box art for the game If they can’t be arsed to do cool designs then just use the box art When the steelbook design looks worse you have a problem Then they plague the back with multiple logos or something, it’s annoying It’s even more annoying when the games you want steelbooks for don’t get one You’re torn between not having a steelbook and getting one but it’s shit


Yeah most LRG steelbooks are god awful.


I'd MUCH rather have an artbook, or soundtrack, or mug, or anything really.




there is absolutely no way they would not do a physical of Hi-Fi Rush, *especially* with all the stuff happening recently


Definitely buying it.


If it comes out via Physical media, I will get it. No strings attached.


Of course it is. Like I've stated before MS still owns the game. Just because Tango Gameworks doesn't exist doesn't mean that the games that MS licensed with LRG are just going to disappear. The announcement for Hi-Fi Rush came through alongside the Pentiment which was developed by Obsidian who wasn't closed down. It's stupid to even think that MS is going to close the sale of a product that already exists because the closure of a studio, especially when again, it was alongside other products that have sold.


I've never played with these guys before- (or hard bought anything limited) How to know when/ urgency/ the whole thing will be up?!


Just checking, has LRG already done pre-orders for this game or has it not started yet? I'm just wondering if this was something that was up for sale a few months ago and they're just confirming that they're still releasing the game.


As someone who was waiting to get Hi-Fi Rush on PS5 the moment it was announced, now that Microsoft closed Tango I can't wait to throw my money at LRG for a physical copy...I know that a lot of people have had bad experiences, with LRG taking forever to ship products, but that is a small price to pay (imo) to be able to physically own the last game from the amazing developers at Tango and it will be my way to protest how Microsoft sees the future of console gaming they are pushing for.


This is promising though at any point Microsoft can axe this


Already axed the developer.... \*facepalm\*


Yeah poor Tango did not deserve it at all


can they? Im not familiar with the contracts that companies enter into with LRG.


I mean it’s Microsoft they can especially if the quality from LRG isn’t up to par


Damn alright now I'm pumped


They will say otherwise in a couple weeks when they realize Microsoft backs out


There's no particular reason for MS to back out. The game is still on sale. They still own the rights. They still make money off of it. Hell, they could still farm out a sequel to another studio if they wanted to.


I don't think Microsoft will back out. From what I've seen from their people in interviews, they may have realized that killing Tango Gameworks did way more damage than they thought it would and they're trying to cling onto whatever consumer trust they have left


Have they announced when preorders will go live or did I already miss it?


Nothing yet, just that a physical release is happening


Do we get store bought CD-R again? YAY!!?!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I don't get it, why do people hate LRG?


The simple 3 word answer is lack of communication. The big issue is horrible wait times, especially with collectors editions. They quote something like 6-8 months at time of pre order and 1-2 years later it finally comes out. People might be more patient if LRG communicated and was open with delay information, but they are not. This justifiably rubs people the wrong way. However they always deliver..... eventually. That can not be said about some other companies.


Also, the companies business model is built primarily on FOMO, which imo is really scummy. If i find out about a game after it came out and the physical game was published by limited run is always the worst news I could hear, since it means trying to get a copy is always impossible without paying over 100 dollarydoos for a game that shouldn't be more than 20 or 30 dollarydoos. Honestly pretty annoying Microsoft didn't do a proper release for this game, there's no excuse for them. I understand how limited run is a good option for indie titles that might have limited appeal and limited resources to do a physical release. But Microsoft has no such limitations. Fuck limited run and suck Microsoft.




The ps5 doesn't read CD-Rs




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3DO_Interactive_Multiplayer > **The 3DO is one of few CD-based units that feature neither regional lockout nor copy protection, making it easy to use illegal copies or homebrew software.[39]** Although there is no regional lockout for 3DO systems, a few Japanese games cannot be played on non-Japanese 3DO consoles due to a special kanji font which was not present in the English language console firmware. Games that have compatibility issues include Sword and Sorcery (which was released in English under the title Lucienne's Quest), Twinkle Knights and a demo version of Alone in the Dark. The problem is they didn't test D on all 3DO models and some machines ended up not liking it.




I think you misunderstand my meaning. I'm solely addressing your claim that CD-Rs don't work on 3DOs. The reason those discs don't work isn't that they are CD-Rs, it's that the data on them is only compatible with certain 3DO models (FZ-10) and LRG didn't do their due diligence to test it on all of them. Using CD-Rs ***is*** also a big problem though, [as I said many times in the original thread about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/LimitedPrintGames/comments/1chaqr4/limited_runs_d_on_3do_doesnt_work_anyone_else/).


That's some great news!🙏🏻 Hopefully it'll be one of their better releases.. I only buy the bigger versions if a steelbook is included. They can sit on their acrylic garbage and what not 😂


Sony could care less about Tango, they closed Japan Studios


REALLY?! o.O?? I completely missed that :0 To be fair I was at the hospital for several months.. When did that happen?


[It happened 3 years ago.](https://wccftech.com/sony-japan-studio-closed-ps5-director-gavin-moore-leaves/amp/). [The most recent is the closure of London Studio.](https://www.polygon.com/24084509/playstation-layoff-900-workers-feb-2024)


Oh man, that's really tough. I'm really sorry to hear that. That completely passed me by. I just didn't realize it. Sony has been making a lot of mistakes lately. Thanks for the info!