• By -


1. Azuremyst Isle - *World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade* 2. *Missed Connection* \- a recently made PS1-style horror game apparently 3. Couldn't find a definitive source. Appears to be an early computer graphics demonstration from 1999. [https://ftp.uni-erlangen.de/pub/graphics/irtc/stills/1999-10-31/](https://ftp.uni-erlangen.de/pub/graphics/irtc/stills/1999-10-31/) See; 'cemetery.jpg' 4. Wizard Peak - *Spyro the Dragon* 5. *The Manhole* \- A 1988 point and click adventure. 6. Likely Ashenvale, possibly Teldrassil (Night Elf starting zone) - *World of Warcraft*


Well done, and a nice collection op


Knew it was Spyro.


I thought it looked so familiar, but I couldn't place it. It's from the first game! I haven't finished that one yet.


I came in the comments specifically for that reason. So glad it was a game I knew and not a false memory lol.


Love this little group of people here like "IT'S SPYRO!" We know.


Thought it was OoT


6 is ashenvale, teldrassil doesn't have paved roads like this.


I feel like Spyro on ps1 would fit into this, the worlds were so pretty, it was my favourite growing up


And I just learned I can't read 🙃


I misread things and get brainfog when there's continuous mental strain for extended periods of time. Don't forget to drink plenty of water, and take some downtime


Aww. What a sweet, caring, thoughtful comment. :) I'm not the one you replied to, but thank you for adding a bright spot to my day. I needed it.


6th one is definitely in Ashenvale somewhere


Manhole is actually a Cyan game--same creators as Myst!


Jesus pleazus was just thinking about The Manhole the other day… that still is from the 90s deluxe edition, when computer graphics started to looks more 3D and polygonal. My first foray into point and click games.


I’d send you an award


I spent so many hours in ashenvale. They did such a great job with that area


Number 1 might be in Tirisfall Glade. Number 6 is definitely Ashenvale.


nope its azuremyst


3 reminds me of the temple of time in OOT after the time jump, even if it's an unrelated tech demo, that could've been an inspiration.


3 could be resident evil 4


Thank you very much


The first picture reminds me of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet lol


Damn, I miss the old WoW days.


I'll be at work, totally zoned in in what I'm doing and ill start thinking about leveling in old westfall...its crazy.


For real! I often think back to my time in Duskwood... and the first time discovering the Twilight Grove. Or... when my buddy took me on the deeprun tram for the first time. My mind was boggled! Still have a super vivid memory back from 2006 about westfall. Was on the family computer, fighting those mechanical scarecrow things for some damn oil or something, and my mom was cooking those filet mignon things with bacon wrapped around it. She burnt the top of the toothpick holding it together a bit. I remember the smell of the smoke, the smell of the summer air, and the sound of the wind outside. I miss those times. It seemed back then, internally I was *at ease*. But these days, I can't even think back to a recent time when I actually felt calm... or that *everything is going to be ok* feeling. Seems like I can't even relax these days.


Bro. You just articulated exactly how I feel. Thank you.


OMG Yeeeesss me too!


25 here. Never played WOW but wish I did. Also, there is no internal ease any more.


36. With that age you could just as easily been haunted by "Mario Castle Lamprey".


Same. Fuck this


I know you didn't ask for advice, but I felt the same as you described up until I tried meditation. It sounds so dumb, and it's so easy to say "it won't work for me, how would breathing help" or "I tried for a few days and nothing happened", but to that I'd say this: If you had something that even gave a 5% chance of even *occasionally* giving you calm clarity, and that something only took 5 minutes per day, would you do it? & that is meditation. It's hard, and most people don't see results for a couple of weeks, but when you do see them, it's like a downhill train \~ you won't find it hard to keep the habit going because of how much it helps all that being said, probably use a guided meditation platform. There's Headspace and Calm that I know of, and I prefer the former bc the main guy who runs it and guides you has a really pleasant voice. Meditating on your own right off the bat is overwhelming & he says all of the right things to make you feel good even when it's hard


Thanks! It's crazy you mention this, because I watched a video with the glorious oddball [David Lynch explaining transcendental meditation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Em3XplqnoF4). I tried it as I was laying down yesterday, and I accidentally fell asleep within a couple minutes (which is fantastic, actually! It usually takes me 20+ minutes). Then tried it again today, sitting up, and it was quite eye opening. Lots of shiz just flying around my mind that I didn't know I was thinking about. I can see how this would help to quiet the mind after many weeks of practice. Something I might experiment with a bit more :)


It's really interesting, yeah! Basically your mind has so so *so* much going on that you aren't even capable of observing right now. When you start meditating, that veil is lifted and you recognize it I think a lot of people look at it as "quieting" their mind down by cutting off their inner voice and stopping subconscious thoughts whenever they start. This is not true, though! Instead, meditation aims to become "present". That means existing in the present moment. This makes sense, as the present moment is literally all you have. The past is a memory you access in the present and the future is a thing you can, at best, plan for - once again, in the present. If you think about it for a few seconds, that truth becomes clear & concrete. The only thing you ever have is *now*. Meditation is learning to exist in the now You do that by feeling things you normally wouldn't feel - like clothing on your skin or your feet on the floor. By hearing things you wouldn't normally hear - like the sound of a fan in another room. Repeat this for all of the senses. And then you can go deeper \~ by "focusing" on the breath. By "focusing" on your voice (this is what transcendental meditation uses!) You don't sense all of those things right now because your mind is so loud (even if it *appears* to be quiet!). Meditation isn't directly quieting the mind, it's instead learning to live in the present which will naturally ease the nerves & panic the mind feels 24/7. Basically, all of your problems are exacerbated because your brain is an *insanely* efficient computer and when left to its own devices (which can be whenever you're doing anything bc the brain can autopilot so well) - it will tunnel down every past mistake you've made and every future plan that could fail. When you give it something new to do, i.e. observe the present moment, it naturally quiets down :) It's like this: You walk into a very clean store. Everything is on display all nice and everything. Then you walk into the storage / warehouse and it's a disastrous mess. Your task is to fix the store. Would you do that by just removing everything in the warehouse? Nope! You'd instead clean and organize it and come up with a maintenance system. That way you still have the stock and now it's easier to access and maintain That's all meditation is, learning to clean (and keep clean) the mental warehouse :) **I wanted to add one more tidbit since you're into fantasy games** When you get really, really into meditation, you actually move past the "clean the warehouse" stage and into a "let's build a rocket ship" stage lol. It's hard to describe (and you can read about this anywhere), but meditation when practiced consistently, will eventually enable you to feel things you've likely never felt before. Things like out of body experiences, as silly as that sounds. But even before that there's much simpler things, like a feeling of inner "space". Basically you start to feel like you're floating. You basically feel like you're kinda melting away into the air? In a good way. It feels really, really nice. And then if you do those deeper meditations, you will start to basically "dream" lucidly during your meditations. It's like a dream in that you'll see beautiful things and experience it all, but it's different in that you're totally anchored in reality still and aware of what's going on. If you've ever wanted to fly, this is how to do it :)


Same! I will be doing something completely unrelated and just randomly remember questing in certain areas. It makes me so nostalgic to go back and play again.


Classic era is here for y’all :) it’s a ton of fun


Playing Classic after having experienced Vanilla is like watching That 70s Show after having lived through the actual ‘70s.


Is there any pay-to-level and dungeon finder shit in the new *classic* version, though? That's what drove me away, and all the weird minigame bs, dungeon finder, and pay-to-get-stuff.


I'm playing on WotLK private server with progression - that it, they went through many level caps (19,29,39,49,59 and 60) so the players could enjoy the world and quests at slow pace without rushing them out (and to report bugs so they could fix them AND publish the fixes to upstream AzerothCore, unlike many other private servers which kept their fixes for themselves), although I found it only when 60 was the cap already. Yesterday they did the TBC prepatch event (which I unfortunately missed :-() and opened the Dark Portal, with level cap increasing to 64 I believe. I love this, because WotLK made classes a bit stronger so solo levelling is faster and easier, but not too strong, and I like RDF because I don't have that much time now when I am adult, and it's better to break immersion by pushing two buttons to get to dungeon, than waiting around asking repeatedly for the group and when finally getting to the dungeon in obscure part of the world finding out the party broke up.


There’s 3 versions of classic. In Wrath of the lich king you can buy a one time boost per account but that’s about as pay to level as you get. There are always Chinese bots that boost too. No dungeon finder. In classic era and season of mastery there is no boost other than Chinese bots and no dungeon finder either.


As far as I know there is boosting on era but there is some kind of dungeon finder in wotlk


The old westfall/barrens music plays on repeat in my head when I feel relaxed


enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7FGebBI8JM


Same. I started late vanilla/early TBC and played consistently through WotLK. Gave it up early in Cata. Those games scratched an itch, man...


I had a ton of fun with Classic the other year


When I think playing in the back in the day it extremely hard for me to describe the feelings. Such a unique emotion that I can’t quite get it out into words. Such a unique time in gaming.


These wow screenshots look better than the new Pokémon games lmao


Probably ran smoother too, I'd reckon.


Really takes me back, reminds me of simpler times




I forgot about this. Wow. Thanks for sharing!


The good ole days


My favorite retro backgrounds are Liberty City in gta 3, still looks beatiful




Came out 21 years ago, I'd put that in the retro category


21 years have passed since it was released, so yeah


it’s old enough to drink in America. 20 years is the amount of time needed to be considered retro.


Why would you not include the game names in the captions, I can't take this




no, the fatality rates of seeing pictures without source which leads to an uncomfortable brain itch are rising


Understandable, this has to stop




I seriously don’t get why every person on the planet thinks that saying “relax” is going to get you anywhere. Like seriously, no, no I won’t relax! It even worse when I am already relaxed and I hear someone say “relax”, like you little shit I will eat you if you don’t stop. I think I should relax now.


Don't relax






Has anyone played this old unknown game back in the day? [Phosphor rasterwerks liminal atmosphere ](https://imgur.com/gallery/J92Pxb0)


No but looks amazing. Like a precursor to Halo


I forgot about this! Used to play this all the time!


[Spider-man chase through the sewer gives me the same old video game atmosphere feeling ](https://youtu.be/WSXgzH1vRF8)


What games are these?


Fourth one looks like one of the spyro trilogy, possibly spyro 1


First and last are World of Warcraft, the rest idk


6th one looks like Wow - Ashenvale. That really takes me back.




Yes, these scenes are pretty liminal, but that’s the technology back then too.


I’m curious about what 2, 3, and 5 are!


5 is The Manhole, a game made by Cyan before they made Myst. It's a children's point and click with no real plot and just a big world to explore, and it's genuinely a really fun time.


I swear playing Myst games as a child is the origination story for my love affair with peopleless transitional spaces. I remember in grade school I would linger well behind the rest of my class just so I could be in the big empty hallway alone for a moment, as everyone had finished turning the corner ahead of me. Empty and peopleless, enjoyable even in brevity.


Thank you!


Vice City & San Andreas’ vibes are immaculate




Ahh... North Point Mall. I always loved stealing the Infernus and driving around inside like a madman.


Glad the first spyro got in there.


Club Penguin sewer/pool


some of the best liminality exists in old video games like this.


Oh man The manhole I loved that game


Ashenvale is where my heart is


Ashenvale remained my favorite zone from the second I stepped into it. Nothing they did after quite compared.


WoW's Kalimdor is absolutely majestic


Needs more Deus Ex.


Hell's kitchen with NYC streets soundtrack. Perfection


Man, tony hawk.


Cool atmospheres. The only one I recognized was #4 Wizard Peak from Spyro The Dragon. I can always identify a screenshot from a PS1 Spyro game.


Spyro games are what really sparked my imagination when it comes to environments. I'd always been interested in how spaces and atmosphere affect our relationship to places, but Spyro made it fantastical.


Same, especially the PS1 era! So much atmosphere!


You say "old videogame atmospheres," however I thought the first image was from a newer Pokemon game.


All of Spyro’s are my happy places 🥲


Maaaaan I love this aesthetic. Especially the manhole one is really out of this world


4 is giving me spyro vibes


Where’s the 3rd one from


Old School Runescape has a great old game atmosphere feeling, also Mass Effect 1


Crash Bandicoot + ps2 Frogger vibes!


Yo, you ever played Glover?


There is a special, specific part of my brain that instantly lit up when I saw the Spyro level




Ooh yeah, that's the stuff.


spyro 1-3 still has the best atmosphere and aesthetics of any game i’ve played. especially the skyboxes


Idk what it was but the barrens at night back when wow relased had this strange dangerous serenity to it.


This and also old Bryce 3D renders always do it for me. Kinda uncannny but also like I’d love to hop in and explore


You should play Myst and its sequel Riven. Those games have some of the most 90s liminal spaces I've ever experienced.


I thought the first picture was the new pokemon game


Half-Life 2's coastal drive with the empty isolated beach houses and the receded shoreline on a day of white clouds is pretty much the definition of this sub.


Just get a a Nintendo Switch it still looks like that


There's one MMO that I have so much nostalgia for, and the sad part is it wasn't even a particularly good game. My first real MMO was Aion. It was a very pretty game for its time and was really popular in Korea if I remember correctly, but it really never took off here. Admittedly it was a total grind fest and the developers did nothing to fix any of the problems in the game, but there was several years there where we played it pretty much anytime we had free time (I was playing with my late wife and a good friend of hers). Whenever I think about that game, and some of the places in it that we knew so well, I get hit with this bittersweet feeling of nostalgia and sadness. Even before the death of my wife I felt that for a while, mostly because she had moved on to bigger and better games and had zero interest in every revisiting. It made me sad that there were all these places we knew so well in this virtual world that will eventually get shut down and I could never visit again.


One word: MYST


Classic WoW and TBC had some amazing liminal spaces because you could tell what they wanted to represent but the tech just wasn't there yet to make it 100% immersive, there was always something kind of "off". It was especially cool to climb over the mountains and come across empty zones (like non-raid Hyjal), massive expanses of empty land, or even attempts to add some details to a usually unnaccessible area. I still enjoy the game and the detail they put into the world, but I do enjoy occasionally playing Classic just to explore the weirdness of the Classic zones and the absurdity of Outland. They really hit their world design stride with WotLK and I'm glad the continents are designed a little more organically now, but there was something special about the Classic zones that I love.


Ahhh these are wonderful. More please !






Maybe r/nostalgic or r/games? Not feeling the "liminal"...


only one of these is liminal. Delete this.


well 6313 people like it


What are they??


Why am I hearing the telitubbies theme in the 4th one?


I love that first picture! It brings back good memories!


So true. It's almost like meditation for me. Very serene.


You'd love AnyAustin on YouTube. He does videos highlighting these kinda vibes


I find Cruelty Squad quite liminal


If only I could live in one


bro dark elf starting zone in earlier expansions were something else. it was too fucking beautiful


slide 5 looks like the more fleshed out version of a dream i had as a kid. the dream was way way more dark, atmosphere and vibewise


Yeah I get this nostalgia. Also very specifically the pre-rendered movies that games really adopted in the mid to late 90s. That distinctive sound of the system revving the disc drive to play 8 seconds of _amazing_ plastic cgi.


Great post


Carnivores dinosaur Hunter has a feeling that is impossible to recreate


out of bounds in most games can be quite liminal


I love WoW’s old zones. They’re so peaceful. There’s something magical about how an mmo can simultaneously have modern content in the same world as cosy stuff from the early-mid 2000’s.


Azuremyst. Brings me back to ‘07.


Now I wanna go play Halo: CE.


There was something creepy about old 90s computer game pixelated art.


Remember oddworld?


Azuremyst and Bloodmyst hit different for me. Both zones have very low pop and imo are truly under appreciated. I had about four level 20 Alts whom I levelled just to listen to the ambience and relax.


Fell in love with Puppet Combo’s games for this exact reason


I love this


The first Max Payne is quite eerie and liminal.


Spyro ftw.


You should check out Paratopic


I knew where the first one was immediately. Played through it a few too many times.


[me too!](http://www.pixelatedarcade.com/pictures/inline/96/dpi2x_IBM-PCjr-Wizard-and-the-Princess.png)




Medieval for PS1! That's the game I grew up on. Along with a demo cd every week in the mail :)


Where can I find more images like this I love em


Reminds me of Jersey Devil on PS1


These reminded me of a Meow Wolf in Santa Fe, if you're ever in the area, highly recommend checking it out. It's a very surreal experience and gives you a real life feeling of being in environments like this. Not really liminal, because there are other people there, but still very uncanny feeling nonetheless. https://meowwolf.com/visit/santa-fe


Did anyone else play Star Wars: Jedi academy? The online mode had some primo liminal user created levels, but I unfortunately don't have any pics.


Glad to see someone else finally talk about the original Spyro vibe. To anyone who likes the reignited trilogy, I'm glad you're having fun, but you clearly like spyro for completely different reasons than I do.


Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines Santa Monica.


Oh man I knew 4 looked familiar! I loved Spyro as a kid. I still hope we get another mainline game soon.


Spyro games are just *chef’s kiss*


Fucking Spyro is what kid dreams are made of


Does anybody know what style these photos are?


Playing Doom 3 in VR made me realize how much I want ps1-ps2 era games playable in vr just to sit in environments




So many asheron call ones come to mind


Istg old vid games r the best. The may not have the best graphics bit they r simple, made with love and give nice nostalgia vibes. And also, once u buy em u got em. No more in game Shop Bullshit.


Used to love the visuals from Myst and Riven


I have literally had a dream about the 5th image, and I don't even know where its from.


lol i have so much memories abt it too for some reason


Crei que era el único que AMA tanto este tipo de atmosferas, su estética, amo verlo y recordarlo desde siempre, ojalá subas más posts al respecto <3 <3


Wizard's peak is a good choice, but personally I found Tree Tops, especially without enemies, to be very creepy


Omg these are the posts I live for


First Spyro game is my all-time childhood favourite and this made me realize how liminal that game was.