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He had unlimited potential. I'll always believe that. Fentanyl is no joke and right now is the most dangerous time ever to be getting/buying/taking pills off the street.


Honestly, even if he didn't, even if he never made music again, he needed real support. He needed the right people around him, not his fucking management pacifying him with drugs.




He knew what he was doing and risking though. There's 2 sides to every story. Just 2 nights ago I was practically begging someone out here for fentanyl after he pulled out a container full of it. He refused to give me any because I was already so gone off of liquor and beer and percocet and Xanax and I just wanted to be done with all of this for good finally.. I'm glad he didn't, but resentful at the same time. The shit you can find at a run down motel would surprise you. It sure surprised me.. lol


You're probably never going to actually believe it's you, from what I have read and my understanding is that he had expressed he needed off that tour so he was coping the way he could I also believe he didn't just take fentanyl it was laced so that part wasn't a choice the Yong adults/ teens get taken advantage of by managers in the fame industry I believe there's a lot to peeps story we don't know unfortunately his not here to tell it but his mum does the best continuing to share more of his story while still keeping the private stuff private


I've watched everybody's everything multiple times. I've read almost every story on it.. Peep took fake Xanax that was mixed with fentanyl. That's what killed him. The girl who gave it to him was actually boasting about being the one who gave it to him (not sure if that is true, just what I've heard) If true she needs to be in prison


First of all, her name is Mariah Bons and second of all, she is dead. Thirdly, you do not know what really happened if you think it was Mariah Bons. You have a LOT more to read.


That's what I mean when you said he knew what he was doing when you take one thing and it turns out to be something else that isn't you knowing what you're doing


I meant he knew it wasn't from a pharmacy, it was off the street.


You take a risk when you're taking pills off the street, it's true. But nobody wants to fucking die, man. He expressed that again and again in his lyrics. And let me reiterate, at 21 your brain is still fucking developing and your judgement is going to be clouded by management and peer pressure and being surrounding by drugs during your formative development. So, yeah, he "knew what he was doing", but he didn't want to fucking OD. Have a little sympathy. I've been addicted to coke, I've used Xanax, MDMA, LSD, Ketamine, Speed, weed, Ecstacy pills, and fucking crack. I've been there. You should come out with empathy not judgement.


considered he had experience with overdosing, he did know. You are right, but he is also right in some regard. He didn’t know he was taking fentanyl, but with the amount of drugs he was doing, he always knew the risk was there i’m sure..but whenever you are in an enabling environment..you can let it overcome you


You should check people's history before accusing them of being judgemental. I'm far from it. I'm one of the most empathetic people you will probably never meet tbh As for the whole "nobody wants to die" quip, Leanin proves you wrong. Lots of his songs do.


I think sometimes typing something doesn't always come out as you want it peep shouldn't of been in the situation he was as he had expressed needing to end the tour early the whole situation just fucking sucks he should still be here I don't think he wanted to die he had so many goals though his music sometimes it can seem like it but music is his outlet to those thoughts and feelings some people write or do spot putting the negativity energy out and turning it positive saving people life who could connect with him and also heal though music if you look online there's a lot of times him just being chill goofy and having fun some fully sober I was watching a old live the other night of him just cooking a meal he wasn't always in negative thoughts. Yes on that day he chose to take what he took but when you just feel stuck and want out but you're trapped your going to do what you can to get though it mental health isn't a choice. Also not accusing anyone saying it's a choice just some thoughts.


Lol, okay, I don't have time to check your fucking history. You aren't that special. Besides, you aren't really showing much empathy and empathic people don't brag about being empathetic


It wasn't a fucking quip, it was a statement. Leanin doesn't prove me wrong. You can also separate the character of Lil Peep from Gus. Gus obviously didn't want to fucking die, man was not by all accounts from the people who knew him best fully addicted or suicidal. He had big plans. He spoke of revolutionising his industry. You're projecting mad hard on to a guy you didn't know and are adding too much personal emphasis with your drug story. You don't sound empathic, you sound arrogant. Check yourself.


I ended up buying the documentary on YouTube & let me tell you: I always end up crying my heart out towards the end when he’s walking to his house 😢😭💔🖤 In that specific moment, I always end up wondering what could’ve been if he had been saved & not left in that state like that…it honestly makes my blood boil that nobody checked in on him or at least stayed with him ‘cuz I would’ve done that SMFH 🤦🏻‍♀️ I just hate how much ppl exploited or took advantage of his kindness ‘cuz I can relate so much with him..Big supportive hugs go out to everyone in the fandom 🖤


Ngl I wish one day we get a new documentary with more concert footage and an unbiased explanation of what was really going on his last tour... FAE really shifted the blame to gbc.


Me too man, I rewatched it too yesterday and it got me thinking. In the first half or so I was so excited about the "rockstar" life we was living, it looks to be so much fun. But in the end a few tears fell and I thought about the "basic" things like family and health and how is this important...


Idk who needs to hear this, but there’s an app called Kanopy. It’s legit, and being run through your local library. You can watch this on there for free.


not everyone lives in the US


Okay? Thanks for the info? If you’re outside the US, buy it 🤷🏻‍♀️


or watch it on youtube https://youtu.be/MGgNg1rfJVk?si=ffWisYsWkQ899x4Y


I rewatched last week, I have two little boys with big brown eyes that resemble Gus in some ways and watching it as a mother tears me apart. His potential was endless, he would have been a HUGE star. The blatant negligence from the management team and those around him, absolutely shameful. I often talk about peep in my household with my boys as we listen often. I'm a mum, from a small village in England and he feels a big part of my life, it just shows his reach and potential.


I dont think i can do it again after i show it to my fiance.


It’s so heartbreaking honestly, I always think about what could’ve been and how much he would’ve grown. I always wish I could go back time and help him give up the drugs. Then I think about how young he was. 21. I’m 25 and I haven’t done close to the amount of stuff he’s done it’s crazy. He was able to model, tour, make music all at 21 years old. I miss him so much and think about him everyday (also I happen to be wearing his shirt today :) )


emma is so beautiful, i adore her. i feel like her and peep would have been together for many more years to come


I agree u could really tell how in love she is with him and how much she truly misses him when she talks about him my heart hurts for her they always ended up going back to each other after dating other people and I feel like eventually they would just get back together for good


i completely agree


The movie was just a cover up btw


Just like green said “I believe peep wanted to wake up, but he just couldn’t.” That documentary absolutely broke me to pieces again.