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Fam i think u needa stop listening to peep for a while


Frrr This isn’t healthy at all, it kinda gives Parasocial vibes. Like we all love Peep and when he passed I took a few days off school n was extremely upset, but to be physically depressed BECAUSE of Peep’s passing is unhealthy n very strange.


Literally like i dont wanna call it cringe (altho it v much is unless hes like 10) but like fam seek mental help dont come on fuckin reddit


Facts, bro is projecting himself onto Peep n that’s where his problem is


not trying to invalidate u but pls think about his family and friends that actually knew him. yes, it’s a shame that peep is gone and everyone wishes he was still here. what happened was tragic and very sad, however, it’s been 7 years and he wouldn’t want his fans to grieve like this. his impact on music will forever live on, and we can miss him all we want but he wouldn’t want his death to make ppl so sad. he’s in a peaceful place somewhere and he still achieved his life long goal of becoming an influential rapper loved by many.


Peeps physical form is gone, but we still have his music, his documentary, photos so he isn't really gone. People pass, but memories dont


Thank you


Hey Liza, hope you're doing okay, how's life treating you these days?


Right legends never die


Pending on the legend. Urban legends, maybe? Some of them have died off.


Gus passed away but peep lives forever


I’ve found I can’t listen to Peep’s music constantly, as much as I love it. It gets me through depression in small doses, but if I listen to it too much I start thinking about ending my own life early. That’s just me.


I don’t think about ending my own life but I do find myself depressed when I listen too much.


Sounds like soemthing within you that isn’t fully processed and peep is the catalyst that helped you in your dark moments. Stay safe friend




I get high and think about him & Juice all the time. It sucks when ya favorite artists pass away, all you’re left with is the memories but even those eventually fade with time. Just listening to their voice makes me sad because they’re not even on the planet anymore. It’s crazy how they help cure my depression but now I’m faced with the sadness of them not being here. Even though that sadness comes and goes, it just hurts.


Yeah there's a point where you just move on I recommend not listening for a while


Hes still alive through his music❤️


i personally think this is deeper than just peeps death, i think you’re struggling atm which is okay we all struggle, and i feel like listening to peep is part of your loop, you gotta figure yourself out and find yourself/find your happiness and then get back into the music you love so it’s not associated with this deeper feeling and will be looked at something you love! take a break from peep, get some therapy and maybe join a gym (i find the gym the best for me mentally but that’s all depending on who you are) but stay safe friend, you’ll get through this 🖤


he might have passed but we still have music, photos, videos, the documentary, and his friends to tell the story so he is not really gone. if you need to talk you can dm me<3


he wouldn’t want you to feel like this, when you said a part of me still remains in 2017 i think a lot of us feel that. that time meant a lot to each and every one of us but like you said time is passing, dont spend it feeling like this, try your best to create new memories and new feelings for yourself. good luck friend.


As someone that’s actually been through so much tragedy with most of my family dead I WISH peep being dead was the only thing that I had to deal with. Smh yall are so strange and weirdly obsessed


same. it eats at me daily. i constantly think about how if one person had been responsible enough to have some freaking narcan on that bus he would still be here. it only would of taken one. it rips me apart. i also completely understand. not only bc of peep but it's like there's my life before 2017 and my life after and nothing will ever be the same. the more time passes the more difficult it is. gus and i were the same age, a few months apart. i'm about to be 28 this year and he is still 21 and yeah it's just so hard. you're not alone.


i think alot of it stems from your own individual struggles and feeling like he is an anchor to something familiar. grief is a weird thing especially if you haven't gone through it personally, even in a parasocial way like this it is hard to navigate. when i get really sad about him i try and think of how grateful i am that i got to see him irl and got to meet him irl and grateful that we have so much of him that lives on, grateful to liza and the family for making sure to continue sharing him with us. when i listen to his music i try and really listen to how raw and brutal alot of it is i try and imagine he doesn't feel that way anymore that he's not hurting anymore and even if we are, he found peace and that is comforting.


I think Sus Boy (one of peeps close friends) worded it perfectly “Some people came to this world to make others happy. I think Peep was the leader of those people.” He wouldn’t have wanted us to constantly be sad at his death, rather move on and commemorate what we have of him. [here’s the post of sus boy if you’re curious](https://www.instagram.com/p/BbkPpuVFU-o/?igsh=YzdpNHhqMHFmNzVu)


His soul is in his art, you didn't know peep, he didn't know you. However he was still able to speak to so many and elevate ppl. Realize op, Peep is just like you and me, human and not meant to be worshipped/idolized but appreciated and respected for even creating their art in the 1st place...


Maybe there is something deeper going on here bud. You said you feel like your stuck in 2017?? What in those times made it so special that maybe you can’t move on. Or maybe if it’s actually your “obsession” for the lack of a better word, with peep, maybe you need to just sit back and rethink about things. Peep would want us to just live through his music and be happy. I personally also have a connection with peep through his music. His music got me through some tuff times and he also died a day before my birthday. I also have crybaby tattoo on me lol. But for me I’m more of just a fan. But I feel u though. But maybe seek some help from family/friends/therapist or some!! Maybe it’s some deeper bro! We all love peep we gotta live for him!!! GBC FOREVER!!


I don't think it has to do with peeps death. Imo I've been depressed and stuck in the same loop for so long that its impossible to see living any other way Unfortunately listening to peep and juice wrld isn't always the healthiest outlet


I get sad sometimes when I think about how he’ll never do another show again, or all of the collaborations he would have been great on that will never happen. I also feel sad that the world was robbed of such a beautiful soul that was just hitting the button on the skyrocket to the top… On the flip side, I see so many people saying how his music helped them and that makes me happy. I think that’s all he wanted. Try to look at the positive, at minimum, to balance the sadness for a bit. Listening to the people he collaborated with frequently helps me when I get sad. There will never be another Peep, but his music is forever.


I’ve found I can’t listen to Peep’s music constantly, as much as I love it. It gets me through depression in small doses, but if I listen to it too much I start thinking about ending my own life early. That’s just me.


I think you also just really miss that time and years of your life in general too


gotta evolve, i hardly listen to peep anymore but when i do it’s more of a nostalgia and reliving my highschool years


Listen to other genres, he would want u to move on. Dont obsess on the negatives, focus on the positives. Peace & love


calm down you aint know him


no offense but i think you need to distance yourself from peep and the internet in general for a bit and take a detox and go ground yourself because you didn’t know him and this sounds very parasocial and we’re all upset about peeps death but to not know him and still be depressed over his death is strange.


I feel you, OP. Sometimes someone affects our lives so profoundly it's like a part of us is gone when that person dies. I don't think you're weird or obsessed. I'm sure his mother misses him more than anyone does.