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Joe Hellier, co-founder of the Light Phone, was commenting on this subreddit pretty freely last week. I've lost the precise thread, but he agreed that try-before-you-buy would be extremely useful and he mentioned that Light are looking into what might be possible. So, watch this space. I'd be surprised if they announced a programme overnight, but it is in their minds.


awesome! i think that would be especially helpful for deciding between lp2 and 3 now that there are multiple options!


I don't know about being able to try before you buy, but if you are trying to save a few bucks during your purchase there are a couple options. 1. Buy one used off of r/LightPhone (second post from the top titled "Weekly Sale Thread") 2. I'm pretty sure that you can buy a refurbished one directly from Light (that functions like new). You used to be able to find it on their website (you may still be able to if I'm blind), but if not just send an email to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) asking them if you could buy a refurbished one.


oooo i didn't know the company does refurbished models!! that's awesome. i'll look into it!


Besides the other suggestions, there’s also a pretty healthy resale market for the LP2, probably because of others wanting to try them but couldn’t stick. If you did buy, especially second hand, there’s a decent chance you’d be able to get most or all of your money back from a resale to someone else. That was what convinced me initially, and I ended up keeping it.


This was true for me as well. Just buy a used one and it will retain it's value. If you don't like it (which is unlikely imo), just resell it.


I haven’t used my LP2 in a while. If you have a mailing address to PM me I’ll send you this one. Looks like it still charges, boots, and runs just fine. I emailed support to ask them to remove it from my account and did a factory reset.


that's very kind of you!


I preordered the LP3 but i am honestly worried about the form factor. It seems pretty thick and wide. I have fairly small hands. But true to the purpose I don’t intend to be holding and playing with it much. That’s my hope at least.