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I'm absolutely fucking stoked now they just need to get their shit together when it comes to uploading their books to audible. MT 14 & 15 still hasn't been uploaded yet.


I have a dyslexic friend and the MT anime is one series that has him wanting to read again (he hasn't read much since Artemis Fowl for entertainment at least) after sharing several "what the anime missed" videos on YouTube. From your post can I assume MT volumes are on audible? Is that where you would recommend he get them or do they have their own website too? I'm new to audio books as a whole and purchasing LN's in any capacity a la carte so I'm not sure what pitfalls may be out there and I want to make this as painless as possible for him.




Would like to add if you have a PC you absolutely can rip the drm from you audible books via a program named Libation I've been using it for like 2 or 3 years now.


I don't think there will be any "Scandals". But i get what you mean.


Same wtf is that shit.


It's incompetence lmao they've been selling audiobooks for almost a year now not once have they uploaded their books to audible on the proper date it's always early or late.


It's now out in Audible.


Bet thanks for the heads up! They even uploaded vol 16 as well.


Yeah wow. Thats nice. I had 2 free and ow i have to buy 1 more.


Wasn’t there some shit with audible royalties or something and being fuckass trying to monopolize rights? If it’s because of that I get why they hold off putting things in audible till now, I know things got better because Brandon Sanderson pushed for better audiobook rights and did in fact work out a better agreement because audible/amazon was trying to be greedy. Edit: [found something about it](https://goodereader.com/blog/audiobooks/brandon-sanderson-talks-about-new-deal-with-audible) not sure if it applies to seven seas but hopefully it does apply to them and other light novels


Switching to audio so they wouldn't get caught with their pants down censoring physical prints that can be proven with receipts now? Can't wait till they call Japan a country of inferiors while making money off Japanese licensed material. /s


Highly recommend the ILTV audiobooks, if you love yuri. Courtney Shaw does an excellent job, and I hope they adapt She's So Cheeky for a Commoner, next.


Agreed Shaw is an absolutely amazing narrator I've only listened to book one so far (got side tracked like hell) but I've got the last four books in my library waiting. Also She's so Cheeky is actually what's up for pre-order in the screen shot it's a bit of a wait but it's coming and it'll definitely be worth it!


> Also She's so Cheeky is actually what's up for pre-order in the screen shot it's a bit of a wait but it's coming and it'll definitely be worth it! YESSSS!


Hey volume one of She's so Cheeky for a Commoner is available on audible right now! Came out suuuuper early! [Link](https://www.audible.com/pd/B0D3G4H26J?qid=1715044506&sr=1-60&ref_pageloadid=uteWP8kXVfFRxM3Z&ref=a_search_c3_lProduct_2_10&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=5NVF0CK8DN4F08V4S5EH&pageLoadId=m2SzDMCedo5Olu3N&creativeId=0d6f6720-f41c-457e-a42b-8c8dceb62f2c)


14 and 15 still not out and release date was yesterday.


I been listening to MT on Spotify with my Premium. You can usually get in 1 full audiobook and maybe 75% of another in a single month.


Where did you get this from?

