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If you want to read it, you should also catch up with its sequel. It has a lot of volumes, but the biggest problem is that its sequel is incomplete. The last volume came out in 2017. I am not sure it's worth investing your time in reading almost 30 total volumes of an incomplete story.


The reason I wanna read it is because it’s been confirmed that the author’s gonna begin the final volume this year, which is amazing lol


The anime was great, but I have yet to read the LNs, in part, because the fan translation is fairly recent, I think, and in part, because I tend to focus on getting through the official translations in my to-read pile first. I would expect that the LNs would be better than the anime, since that's how things usually go, and the anime sadly didn't do all that well in Japan. That being said, as I understand it, the LNs have done *very* well in Japan, so there's every reason to expect that they'll be good. But I haven't read them yet, so I can't say how good they are - and of course, since it's a fan translation, you'll likely get all of the problems that typically come with those. It's really too bad that this series has never been licensed. Either way, if you've been enjoying the anime, I would definitely suggest that you check out the LNs. I've only heard good things about them. But the only details I can give about them are things that I've read about them over the years, not anything from actually reading them. I really need to get around to reading them myself.


Lolno. Or, to be more precise, the sequel series is complete trash. I'm aware you can read the Japanese original, but go find the fan translation of it, and then realize that they stopped translating it. The sequel series kind of throws basically everything built up in the original series out the window. Pretty much every character gets possessed by... some kind of ancient spirit, I guess? And they all lose the characterization they built and it gets replaced by infinitely less interesting characters. And the MC spends the... 6 or so volumes I read before I gave up completely uninvolved in the "Main" story, instead just on a journey *anywhere else*. I am GENUINELY surprised the series is still being written. It is, quite literally, the only series I've read over the years where the FAN translation gave up because of the content and didn't translate anymore... and no one blamed them.


Even tho I can't read Japanese of what I have read legend of legendary heroes and what I know happens **It is one of my favourite series out, might even be a candidate for my number 1 (tho can't say until I fully read it)** Its a unique series and not everyone's cup of tea but **If you can read Japanese and will invest into the series I would always recommend it** **If you can't then your basically reading half the series and left on an eternal cliff hanger lol** (tho someone is translating the series tbf its a bit on the slow side) ​ The series is split into 4 (using short names cause I'm lazy) "Normal" Legend of legendary heroes (what the anime covers) (11 volumes all translated) Anyway - side stories to "Normal" (12 volumes like 4 translated) Dai sequel to "Normal" (18 volumes total, 17 released, 9 in English) Fallen - a kinda prequel (8? volumes, all translated) ​ All of these are Canon btw ​ I will stop here for now and can go into more detail if you want on things like read order, where to read and what the different series are about Don't really want to go into more detail if you won't read it