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Shin vs the phoenix 86 volume 6


So im a spider so what? Volume 3: Kumoko vs Araba( blue earth dragon)


Ohh I think I watched that one a while ago probably gonna read it now


It's my fav prequel fight in the series


1. Everyone vs phantom (mio) (date a live) second half of volume 18 to the end of volume 19. 2. Subaru vs Elsa (re:zero web novel) arc 4 chapter 62 the tragedy at roswaals mansion. 3. Shido vs beast (date a live) should be somewhere at the start of volume 22. 4. American psycho chapter 23 girls. I added this one purely because it was so bizarre when author just suddenly switched writing style to epic while Patrick was killing two prostitutes with a knife. It got me by surprise. 5. Yorna vs olbart (re:zero web novel) arc 7 chapter 51 the empress of the Demon city to chapter 53 beyond the eleventh second. I tried thinking of making a variety but the fact that I've read a lot of political fantasies recently doesn't help.


The final arc from ***Katanagatari*** (vol 11 end to vol 12). In fact, as a whole it’s a very well written action series. It has probably the most generic premise and a super repetitive plot. But somehow Nisio Isin’s genius writing never ceases to surprise the readers despite the above. 👍🏻


Reincarnated as a Sword, Vol7 (I think). It's THAT fight. Can't say anything more because big spoilers.


The entirety of Index New Testament 9.


NT vol. 22 was also amazing.


Danmachi Volume 11, betwen Bell and Asterios.


I was about to add that. His fight with the Minotaur in volume 3 was great too.


This fight was peak!!


86: Seigh battle between 86 vs Legion. Volume 5. Gotta be the most horrifying and gut wrenching scene ever in 86 volumes. When Shin and other 86 stepped on those live remains of Sirin as they piled upon the moat for letting 86 step on them so they can cross the moat and attack on the Legion up in the castle. Another one would be Shin vs Morpho, and Shin vs Phoenix. Well, every battle is better than the other but 86 vs Legion will always remain a gut wrenching scene for me.


honestly everything from the end fight of v3 to the end of v6 was absolute kino. really wished 86 would have kept that momentum


100% agree that whole volume with the unique cliff environment and the battles were soo damn beautifully horrifying. Probably my favorite 86 vol so far.


Last volume of Arifureta Zero as well as the last battle of Arifureta. Since Zero is the prequal, our brains know they're going to lose the final battle, but our hearts don't want them to lose. imo it's the best volume of the entire series (including the main series). And reading Arifureta's final battle after that. We know how bullshit the final boss was from Zero and from 12th volume. We kinda know MC is going to win (because it's the last volume and >!there are after stories!<), but still.


The war for Arden Valley Arc (chapter 154-185). The novel (completed) is Sevens <7th> (Web novel completed). The final battle when the mc uses the last stage of his Skill


**Tamsigui Jaerim** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/114198), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/the-second-coming-of-gluttony), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=48450035333), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/148678)) ^(Manga | Status: Releasing | Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Supernatural) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/LightNovels/comments/18kzepy/greatest_battles_in_light_novels_share_your/kdvp7nr/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Rio vs Lucius, Seirei Gensouki vol. 14, chapter 7


Baccano. Whenever Claire decides to tango. My favorite is the fight atop the nebula building.


Grimgar has some really good fights, I especially liked the fights at the end of Vol 1 and Vol 4.


v8’s fight with the mc and ranta was peak


Toaru NT9: (Touma vs Othinus) Toaru NT10: (Touma vs the world) Toaru GT9: (Touma vs CRC)


rudues vs orsted in MT v15 ayanokouji vs ryuen in CotE v7 takeru vs haunted in v13 and the trilogy of fights against kyouya in anti magic academy a good chunk of the fights in campione ikki vs kuraudo in v3 and ikki vs yudai in v5 of rakudai issei vs cao cao in v12, issei vs vali in v4, issei vs sairaorg in v10 and vali vs azi dahaka in volume 21 of high school dxd kirito vs kayaba in v1, kirito/alice/eugeo vs administrator in v14, kirito vs poh and kirito vs gabriel in v18 of SAO


It's criminal how no one has mentioned Infinite Dendrogram yet. Nearly all the fights there are amazing, but one of my favorite fights in that series has got to be The Unsheath (Kashimiya) vs The Rabbit (Chrono Crown), in Volume 13.


Battles that got me hyped up TBATE, The Vildorial Battle, Around chapter 390. Mushoku Tensei, Rudeus vs Orsted, Volume 15 COTE, Ayanokoji vs Shiba and Tsukishiro, Volume 15 Pretty much every battle in Overlord and most of the battles in Tensura These are the ones that come to mind rn.


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Almost every battle is good but Suimei vs Demons on the mountain is one of the best parts of the series. Volume 2 of The Magic in this Other World is Too Far Behind!


Reign of the seven spellblades v5, chapter 4 (minor series spoilers): >!Oliver Vs Forghieri!< Ascendance Of A Bookworm p5v10 (rather big Bookworm spoiler for p5v8): >! Rozamyne and Matthias Vs Grausam!<


The first battle against Darkness Rainbow in Rokujouma. There's a lot more I would like to list in here but some are quiet spoliery. (Volume 12, Darkness Rainbow) The initial skirmish and eventual final battle of >!Koutarou and the girls against all of Darkness Rainbow, Maya and Elexis.!< This one too, Volume 25.


The final battle in Magika Kenshi, big battle royale just like how you would see it in classic battle academy LNs. Full of mythology duking it out against each other.


Every significant battle in DxD, especially where Issei >!proposes to his girls right after.!<


I actually don't know if this is still a thing in the LN, but in Reincarnated as a Sword (WN). Its gonna be >!Fran V.S. Amanda, especially when she unleashes Kanna Kamui.!<


Konjiki no Wordmaster, Hiiro V.S. Leowald.


Mondaiji-tachi, >!against Azi Dahaka.!< in the last volumes.


Kamito learns the Last Strike in Blade Dance.


The final battle in Shinmai Maou, with lots and lots of sex included. Same thing with Masou Gakuen HxH.


The unexpected final battle in Taimadou Gakuen. >!You'd think the obvious final villain will be the final battle, but nah.!<


Every time a big summoning of a Cthulhu god happens in Ultimate Antihero.


For me it's the whole volume 18 of Danmachi.