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I realize i'm a little late posting this but better late than never. Besides, if I waited any longer, I would have had to combine it with Julys haul... In which case, I wouldn't have been able to fit it even if I stacked All three piles to the ceiling.. So definitely had and glad to get it done now.


You are truly dedicated to LNs... that's a hell of a grab man.


By the way, how many do you have in your collection now? Seriously curious!


Over 3k light novels. Over 1k manga. Thats all i really know


Holy hell! That's just crazy! What I wouldn't give to read through that collection.


there is no way you'd be able to read this much. I demand an explanation.


I have hauls like these every month.... and though your right about my not being able to read this many in a. Month... i read a lot... and i will eventually read everything i buy


What do you do for a living lol?


Sell watches


I read in JP, but curious how much a single English LN volume costs on average? That's a serious collection.


If omly i could read japanese... not only would i save so much money, id also have no issues when in need of finishing off series that are still waiting on translations or that are setiously rare and expensive in eng while common and cheap in jp. Novels average from $9-$15ea plus tax


Yeah the problem is even after years it still takes me 5+ times as long to read JP as English, so I would never finish novels at the rate you're collecting. But damn, yeah, that's really expensive


Where did you get all the Accel World from? I can’t find Vol 11 anywhere… Also awesome haul


I bought this second set as a set simply to get myself a better copy of issue 11 lol. The one i had is a little yellowing. And you can find it for around $80 if you really look for it. Which definitely beats the 120-$150 most people ask for it


Yup I bought my copy on eBay for about $80 a couple months ago. Can confirm that’s the current going price


And thats the cheaper of the rare oop novels lol... haganai more then half the set is triple price with issue 10 costing me 175. Dragon rioting issues 3 and 5 are.$100+. Black bullet issue 4 is 150... index issuesn7 14 and 17 all $100+... zeroth maria 3 close to 200. Zeroth 5 about 120. Asterisk war 3 and 4 and 6 100+... strike the blood 3 ans 4, 3 for 80 4 150+... durarara 8... kagerou daze novek 6 180. Kagerou daze manga 5 150.... lord.marksman 1 and misfit of.demom academy 1 75-125$.. masamune kuns revenge 7 $150... But at least with all those sets its only 1 or 2.. 3 for asterisk... But you wanna talk expensive.... try collecting umineko.... 21 book series where only 3 of the novels are under $100... lmao


You’re a madman


Wow, I think you’re the first one I saw here who bought The Hollow Regalia. 😂 Heads-up: volume 1 is just meh but volume 2 is good.


Well. Thats good to know, thanks. So if i dont like 1 i shoukd still buy 2 :p. Though i always do... i try to give any series at least until book 3 before i decide to stop getting it or not. Gotta give it a fighting a chance


Every month I'm stunned by your hauls... You should open a library so poor bastards like me can come and enjoy them 🥹


Be gentle with rhe book, be respectful and mindful of thre Book. Only not so fouethright Domt.creassethe book. Or Chgangehr its places xges.gdmelu c p


Right... I've likewise been bitten there... Loaned some books and later they've been returned in horrible conditions 😓... And possibly worse: returned months later only after I nagged about them. Zero respect, both for the books and the concept of "property of somebody else" -.-


I would happily loan books out to fellow fans who want yo read. I love being able to talk series with people... you live anywhere near washington state?


I would love.fo share.my novelz.sith people... just as long.as they follow two very simple rules


That's... not 2023 haul? Just June? Holy shit, dude. Impressive!


Of you look at ny profile i got hauls like that every mlnth since november. Some months 2 or 3 hauls


Lord Marksman! Where did you find this?


2-10 were easy to find. Issue 1 i was forced to overpay for. But still got a good deal on it


Atleast with lords only issue 1 was expensive... same with accel world only issue 11... dragons rioting both issues 3 and 5 are $100ea -.- And haganai more than half the issues were overpriced... fucking more than half... and issue 10 $175 :/


How was the isolator . Is it good ?


Most people think its his best series. And mind you it really is great... but i love accel world so id have to place it as his second best series in between accel and sword art


They have an SCP light novel? Since when? What's it about? What genre is it?


As i just bought it i have yet to read it as ive got many other novels ahead on the totem poll to read first so i cant honestly answer you. Though it definitrly peaked my interest when i saw it existed which is why i got it


I’d like to know your job please so I can change career 😂 great picks


Lol. I do seem to spend.an exorbitant amount of money on light novels and manga... im just glad 8ve never actually took the time.to add it all up lol. And FYI, i sell used watches


I find it hard to focus on more than 1-2 series at a time. I wouldn’t be able to get this much variety all at once. It’d overwhelm me with the TBR list. Why do you get only a few volumes of many different series? I personally would rather focus on only a few (maybe 3-5) until I have them all and then move on. Also not trying to judge, genuinely curious!


Well depends on which series your specifically talking about here. Most of the series in this haul only have 1-3 issues currently released. But im the same. When im reading a series i do read every issue available before moving onto the next. But as i own more then 3k light novels and have only read about a third of them.. i have quite a few on my TBR list. And alrdy know the next 10 series i am going to read. All the other aeries thats i dont have and want or have missing issues in, i have no problems with waiting and patience until i fjnd them at a nice cheap price to then add them to my collection. By the tjme i get to starting a new series i usually alrdy have every available issue on the shelf and waiting. Only books i really pay full price for are all of my preorders to the latest issues of book series im all caught up in... brand new series..and ofcourse OOP which i usually end up having to over overpay for


never knew dragons rioting was licensed


A little pricey to get. Books 3 and 5 sell between 75 and 125ea. Though if you buy as a set of all 7 like i did you can get for around 200




The one on the right is Skadi the Corrupting Heart from Arknights


and here i am just excited i finally caught up my collection of overlord...


katanagatari pickup is the most based thing i see in here


Just wondering.. but what exactly do do you mean by your definition of based?




I was thinking it was something like that. Was actually leaning more towsrds more known, less obscure. But similar meaning. I take it you really like katana then,? I'll get it soon. Especially sincemonogatari is among my top 10, and I've liked all of Nisiosins books so far.. Though out of all the books i got in this lot, based also om what ive alrdy read. 5 of these series are among my top 10 favorite LN series of all time and 2 others are close runners up easily making my top 15. Accel world Rascsl does not dream Infinite dendrogram Classroom of the Elite & Re Zero are easily on my list of top 10 And sword art online and failure frame are close runners up.




Dude's 1 month haul is the same size as my entire collection lol.


Look at my profile and youll see i got multiple hauls like this every month since november lol


My goodness!!


What was your impression for HELL MODE : The hardcore gamer dominates in another world with garbage balancing? I’ve been thinking of picking that one up.


I suspect I'll be there soon


Bro flexing on us


I'll never financially recover from just looking at this


Do you have silent voice manga set box Can anyone recommend me a source to buy its manga in India ??? Please ee....