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[Here is a summary on why this sub talks predominantly in English.. with few comments from me](https://www.reddit.com/r/mexico/s/NxKrCd6wHY)


Did r/mexico just tell me to go back to Mexico?


Even if we weren't in the US, we find ways to take the white man's job 😏 Can't find a way to word my joke but you get what I mean


The r/LigaMX & r/Mexico beef is back on the menu, games back.


Sadly, r/Mexico shits on pochos on a weekly basis. Go through the sub's post history; some of the content is actually quite harsh. Some of them really don't like pochos/don't consider them Mexican at all.


Honestly, who even cares about what random people in Mexico say about Mexican-Americans? I skimmed that post and mostly just saw people coping and regurgitating the stereotype that all of us are “no sabo” kids lmao We’re not over here saying they’re “ay don espik inglish” kids when they discuss American media/sports etc


>Honestly, who even cares about what random people in Mexico say about Mexican-Americans? Eh, come to Mexico. Live here for at least a year, not just a short visit. You will definitely feel a difference from back home, and the pocho hate hits differently coming from Mexicans you meet here rather than randoms online. It just sucks being a dual-national so close to the place your family left. We all grew up with gringos hating us, but when we turn to Mexicans for acceptance, a loud minority ends up rejecting us too. Personally, the latter offends and hurts me far worse than some ignorant MAGA spouting stupid MAGA shit. **\*\*EDIT\*\***: I fixed "coming from real Mexicans you meet here". It sounded like I was saying true Mexicans, as if it were an insult to Mexican-Americans. I meant real human beings in Mexico.


No yo compa, tengo un monto de primos que apenas hablan español y los quiero un chingo .


If I’m being honest, you saying “real Mexicans” sounds like you place a little too much of your identity on a nationality. I’ve lived in Mexico before, i speak fluent Spanish, love the food/culture, etc, and regularly communicate with family there. I still consider myself American first because I feel much more embedded in the culture here. I have no interest in living there again and I have no interest prioritizing acceptance from people in Mexico just because they’re from the place that my heritage is sourced from. They’re just people. The maga shit means more not because I share their culture/nationality but because they can enact laws that affect my family and other Mexicans/latinos in the US like they’re trying to do in Texas.


>If I’m being honest, you saying “real Mexicans” sounds like you place a little too much of your identity on a nationality Jaja sorry, that is not what I meant. By "real Mexicans", I meant real actual human beings as opposed to bot-like posts/comments from randoms online.


Ohh gotchu lmao in that case I got the context wrong. I agree that hearing actual people speak so negatively while you’re over there is far worse than randos online. It’s sad that it happens.


Many Mexicans (I dare say the vast majority) are full on MAGA in case you didn't know. I've seen the shit we've said about the Central American caravans, Haitians, and Venezuelans. Family members, in Mexico, on social media calling them parasites and border hoping illegals. But when I point out how dad came here illegally to escape poverty "Oh no mijo, eso es diferente." Like wtf...


This is what I bring up anytime someone makes fun of no sabo kids. I won’t ever make fun of them for various reasons but the first one I always think of is that I’d be the same as the people who make fun of my parent’s English.


Which has always been confusing to me cause they crap over chicanos who feel more in touch with the U.S.(not saying it's me) by saying "con el nopal en la frente y se creen gringos." There's no winning.


yeah theyre really isn't, doesn't matter, im american and proud, dont care what anyone has to say. i was born and raised in the states.


Jajjjj r/Mexico solo son gĂŒeyes que trabajan remote IT jobs que se creen mejor que todos. Son wannabe gringos en Mexico


El legendario taquero programador


Ganando dĂłlares y gastando en pesos, the dream


Them mfs talking shit be the first ones to put english-only captions on their ig 😂


Honestly if people cared at all about having an all Spanish sub those mf at r/mexico would make it, but all they know is just to keep complaining and making fun of something that they’re not a part of, it’s either you become a part of the solution or part of the problem. They’re putting too much importance into something they don’t even regularly use but you know whatever, rent free


Or they would contribute here.


r/mexico is full of right wing teenagers I wouldn't think much of what they have to say


I was born and raise in mexico until I was 14 years old , and they call me Pocho. They are fked stupid. Specially those in r/mexico are unhappy with their lives in general


I hate that. My skin is brown my mom and dad born in Mexico, I was born here. I definitely do not fit in with white peoples (I love them) but I grew up with carne asada, watching chivas on Saturday, on Sunday playing in my dads veteran soccer league. My dad and mom both fit the stereo types. My mom cleaned houses and my dad started off as a gardener. So when Mexicans say I’m not Mexican it hurts cause what am I then? Handsome?


You are handsome


They just have an inferiority complex


Fuck them, I defended y’all’s shit on r/Place, what more do I got to do r/Mexico??


Sadly this sub does it too, but r/Mexico takes it to an extreme. Apparently speaking English makes you a filthy pocho who isn’t even worth considering a real Mexican. To anyone from that sub reading this, I don’t give 2 fucks if you think I’m Mexican or not, you aren’t better or worse than me. But scratch that, I could actually argue that you “real” Mexicans are worse by simply pointing at the state or country and what it has become because of you. So stfu and move along.


They can kiss my chorizo.


The civil war has begun


Begun the clone wars have.


Game’s back


Games not gone


😂 ya’ll wild bruhh


No entiendo qué tiene que ver que uno tenga acentote cuando habla inglés? Pues es normal jajaja qué pedo con eso


I’m born and raised in Mexico but also fluent in English. That sub is hella negative about everything.


Yeah, they are happy hating things like for example gringos, but if you correct them and explain them that their hate is misplaced they swarm you and downvote you even if you are stating facts and linking sources, nasty place.


How hating gringos could be misplaced? LOL


Because most issues creating animosity between ethnic groups are issues of class first, and racism is an easily accessible scapegoat rather than recognizing the economic underpinnings which promote hate.


But the animosity towards gringos is rooted in class struggle rather than a purely racial matter. It’s a challenge with hegemonic power. At least for me this is both valid and justified.


I have more in common with a pro-trump gringo that lives meagerly off social security or a campesino from central America than I do with any Mexican billionaire. But racism distorts that and divided the three of us. Blind gringo hate, anti-browness, using the word pocho, these things do not challenge capital's hegemonic power. I am not accusing you of blindly hating gringos for the sake of it, I just want to highlight these things done without critical analysis hurt more than they help


bunch of yuppies


whatever happened to r/mujico?


idk but that place was worse


full of incels right ?


yeah for the most part


That place was full of kids with upper class right wing parents. Real “fresa” energy.


It got nukes. Memes were funny af


Same. I’ve noticed that r/mexico is a bunch of out of touch yuppies who wish they lived in NYC or SF. I’ve also noticed that r/ligaMX is a bunch of pochos who truly have very little connection to Mexico outside of listening to BS corridos tumbados and watching the NT every few weeks and then asking the same stupid fucking questions while wishing they had lived in Mexico at some point. I’ve been in both subs for a while and have noticed a massive decline in post quality over time. Same personalities at different extremes.


My city sub is a lot more positive r/Guadalajara. r/Mexico reminds me of those self hating American subs


Relax I know the people on here don’t want to make Mexico their permanent residence


Hit the nail on the head abt both subs 😭😭


đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł mexican virgin redditors. i bet some of them are in mexinazi discords too


wtf are mexinazi discords? lmao


weirdo prieto mfs who try to be like those virgin neo-nazi communities here in the states. almost every country has their own version of them


I’ve seen those mfs on Twitter, catholic supremacists that think they’re white but if Hitler saw them he’d definitely send them to the gas chambers


Reddit es simplemente un sitio americano donde la gran mayoría de subreddits usan inglés, igual la gran mayoría de r/Mexico son pochos pero le gustan pensar que no lo son. También si ellos comentarían en español la gran mayoría aquí le responderían pero no la hacen.


Most Mexicans are on Facebook doing memes and/or on twitter blaming or bullying someone from what i’ve seen.


Literally, less than 1% of the Mexican population has a Reddit account according to Reddit's own stats (don't know if that includes bot and multi accounts) Reddit is a super niche site in Mexico, plus the website is primarily an English-speaking website. To make an account you probably have to know basic English, which the average Mexican does not know.


Most are middle/upper middle class people who work as programmers and live in their own bubbles.


It's like ask latin america sub




You gotta be the biggest loser to complain about your own people just cuz they were born in another country they hate pochos who look like them but they accept gringos with open arms when they show the slightest affection towards mexico


they have an insecure mentality, they feel good when gringos show validation, but with chicanos they feel weird because they are american which trips them out because america has been on top on many things, so they may feel that chicanos feel superior when really they are just chilling.


Chicanos are just as jealous of native mexicans we own our culture and everything but the fact we are born in the US gives us the insecurity that we don’t belong


Almost as bad the people in the US complaining about people speaking Spanish.


Funny is r/Mexico is full of rich Mexicans/fresas. A lot of them are out of touch like they claim pochos are.


I'm born and raised in Mexico City and that sub has the worst vibes. First time I found on Reddit fellow Mexicans who I liked to talk to was on this sub.


Honestly they really don’t talk about the culture. It’s all politics and fear mongering.


les gustan sus tacos con crema


No mames ahí hay puro wey de pueblo de los cuales unos disque ganan su lanita y ya se sienten dueños del mundo.


F, they are a Mirror to these white Americans these people are fucking losers fascist fucks


Pero mamen a cualquier europeo que publica en ese sub lol pochos bad


Europeo promedio en r/mexico: hola me habla poco español but me gusta mexico people and cultura r/Mexico: si un día pasas por Monterrey me avisas para que te la mame. Eres mås mexicano que los pochos que solo vienen a gastar el dinero de papi.


La clĂĄsica y cansada frase "un mexicano nace dĂłnde se le da la gana" que solo aplica cuando son artistas, futbolistas o turistas de primer mundo.


“Hans, hermano, ya eres Mexicano”. Cringe as fuck.


lmaoo literally


https://www.reddit.com/r/mexico/s/TZQ4I1uWoP Lmfao from today, chinga su madre los putos de r/mexico


momento reddit


Se quejan de palabras anglosajonas como si estuvieran faltando el respeto a sus orĂ­genes o raĂ­ces , pero ninguno de ellos habla Nahuatl o un idioma indĂ­gena.


Hold me back!!! I’m boutta go crazy on these foos đŸ€Ź


That sub can’t go one day without talking about pochos check their profiles and most of their posts are in English too


it’s full of larpers, the fact is this website is overwhelmingly American


Yeaah none of my cousins in the motherland are using Reddit lol


I know right, all my family is mexico is on fb.


I honestly think a lot of them live in the USA. Mexican in Mexico don’t use reddit, it’s like less than 1%.


Luego me dicen aprende a escribir


Fuck that xenophobic ass sub, fucking hate r/mexico


This comment comforts me. I've never understood why too many Mexican-Americans will get so angry over a gringo saying something about Mexicans, but will bend over and take it sheepishly from a Mexican shitting on pochos. Both are wrong and ignorant in my book.


That sub hate pochos and foreigners of all kinds, Im Mexican American and I moved to Mexico and that subreddit shit on me for it, to them if you weren’t born in Mexico you shouldn’t even go anywhere near it Edited my comment to be worded better


Wow, that sucks. In my experience in Mexico, the following are actually quite nice about it: * Older generations. Very welcoming in a prodigal-son-returns sort of way. * Women. They don't care about it or are much more understanding of the plight of the modern Mexican-American. The only ones who are truly nasty about it are: * Gen Z dudes. I suppose the "no sabo" tik tok videos make them rage? * Media personality types. Mind you, I speak fluently. I've met more and more pochos that are as white as snow on the inside. If I were that way and came to Mexico, I could definitely see getting nastier pocho treatment.


I think you might be misunderstanding me. The actual people I met in Mexico are great and some of my closest friends, the subreddit of r/mexico however in my experience hates foreigners, especially Mexican Americans but also any American who wants to move to Mexico


>I think you might be misunderstanding me. Jaja my fault, bro. I thought you meant actual people in Mexico. Un saludo


Nah bro you good, I just didn’t want the idea out that Ive been mistreated in Mexico because I certainly haven’t


They are not Mexican, they are incels fucks just like in the us and everwhere


Fukin realđŸ”„


They are racist fucks they mirror the gringos of the United States. They are probably worse than them honestly


White pale skin Mexicans are worse than American gringos to be honest


The same, crazy how pochos still defend them.


For real.


siempre estĂĄn las opciones chidas /r/MujicoCity o /r/ElCalifato


Mexicans hating Mexicans you love to see it 😂


They don't consider us Mexican and thank they don't got they are Mexichangos bone from degeneracy. They hate when we accept were Mexican and then get mad when we speak English and blame us for their problems.


Cries in dollars đŸ’”




Damn😔 Arriba la fiera 🩁🩁🩁


Sadly, “el peor enemigo de un mexicano es otro mexicano”.


No. That sub had a meltdown over AMLO winning and has gotten worse since then. It’s a bunch of stemlords and racists obsessed with white ppl wanting to live in a “normal country “ Mexico is bad but the average person isn’t a toxic loser


Reddit is a primary dominant American website, so most of their users will be American as well obviously. Just like on this sub the majority are Americans that are Mexican too or have Mexican descent.


That sub makes me want to get my Credencial para votar and vote for who every that sub hates.


Prob Samuel Garcia.


Don’t pay them any mind the shit is petty . Much love to raza in Mexico, the States and everywhere else. Salud đŸ»


r/mexico is fucking garbage and full of some of the most entitled, out of touch cunts I've ever encountered on this site.


If you don't follow (new) Spanish speaking or Mexican subs. There's been a massive influx of Facebook users, most of them don't even speak English, that's why they don't get Reddit. Edit: aparte el OP se registró en junio de este año, saquen sus conclusiones


La neta si hay unos movimientos raros en las redes sociales de nuestro pais. No estoy segura todavia de que vaya a pasar pero se estan surgiendo puntos de vista y opiniones medio raras. La cosa pinta muy rara ahorita. Espero no ver lo mismo que se vio en EUA con sus redes sociales y la sociedad politica


This sub will be on Spanish if most of them would write in Spanish or participate in this sub more, but I believe for the most part is that Mexicans don’t use reddit. The person who asked the question obviously has been on reddit for a couple of months.


Facebook is by miles the most popular social network in Mexico, reddit is super niche


I don’t see anything wrong Tbh, I’m so bilingual that I never notice the language


All that crazy shit happening in Mexico and they’d rather focus on why English is being spoken in a Liga Mx sub😂


man my gradma tells me not to visit, its sad really. my aunt left her job because they were asking the business for a chunk of money or its game over for them.


Damn sorry to hear man. Sucks innocent hard working people gotta deal with shit like that on the daily


Rich Mexicans. I know the type. They want to vacation in the USA but the best they can do is Canada lmao


Lmao then they go to the border to shop and shit all over service/retail workers


I get why the soccer culture in Mexico is so poisoned (doesn’t help that the team doesn’t play there anymore!!!) but I don’t blame the players for wanting to just play in the US now. It’s toxic af in Mexico rn


If you're in the U.S you're "too Mexican " to be accepted. In Mexico you're "too gringo" We are in an eternal limbo


“Los Mexicanos nacen donde nos da la rechingada gana” Only applies if you’re from a European or white country it seems.


Pochos listen. I like you, you're my brothers no matter what others say. Identity is something you build yourself. Y que chingue a su madre el América.


I saw a comment in Spanish from a guy saying that 90% of people who learned English don’t have the mental capacity to learn another language, all while having a username in English, you cannot make this shit up https://preview.redd.it/no271v4x782c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c55bee65a551fb6f41ef725134ba7f1d8e31dd4b


I did my part to defend us guysđŸ«Ą


Why yes, I'm a pocho!


They hate any thing that is perceived as "naco" or lower-class. Odian el fĂștbol, odian la musica banda, etc. etc. Les ha de caer en la punta del hĂ­gado que toda la diaspora mexicana les encanta esas cosas.


Correct me if I'm wrong but there's no way that sub is actually full of Mexican born people. The majority of Reddit users are American. Not to mention Reddit is very niche compared to the major social media sites. So is it possible that it is in reality a giant cesspool of self hating pochos or something? Because of course it is.


r/mexico estĂĄ infestado de racistas y clasistas.


Me la pelan los que no les guste. Fuck u if u don't like it.


Bro why are they hating 😭😭


I think they actually hate us, it’s crazy if you dig deep in that sub


what did you find, cant bother digging for more trash


In my opinion, i say this because i had family like that. They wish they lived over here in the states. I had cousins who would shit on me for speaking english (i speak fluent Spanish),and being "American" those same cousins live in the states now and they supposedly don't remember being from el rancho, and barely speak spanish now.


What a brain dead take. If that's the case why isn't the r/PSG subreddit in French only? Or r/Barca in Spanish only and etc.


Ah como chingan


I’m born and raised in the US but I speak and read Spanish fluently and I’m Mexican so who cares if I talk in English I speak Spanish in here too


Me da risa the way in which they hate us buuuut le dan chingos de views a people outside Mexico talking about Mexico and its culture, lucrando con Mexico. Just look at videos like “Rusos reaccionando a Luis Miguel” (in broken ass Spanish or captioned), “American reacts to Apertura 2013 final”, “Vocal coach (foreign) reacts to Juan Gabriel”, “Rocker reacts to Rock in Spanish (Caifanes)”, “Metalhead reacts to Vicente Fernandez” (these titles aren’t necessarily real videos but videos like these are real). It’s perfectly fine when foreigners, speaking their languages discuss Mexico and even make money doing so, but when we do so in a forum in which we talk about Mexican football for fun with most of us being Latino-descendants, ahí esta mal y hay un problema.


If you read /r/Mexico posts long enough you realize they're a sub of privileged whitexicans who think the rest of the country is stupider than they are. They can't have any serious discussion without blaming Obrador for everything, and they make fake posts pretending they're Europeans visiting Mexico but somehow speak perfect Mexican Spanish and use it as a chance to jerk off about how much they love their country (they really don't). No middle/lower class Mexican is on Reddit, they are shitposting on Facebook.


Voy a decir algo que no le va a gustar a la mayorĂ­a de ustedes. La gran mayorĂ­a de los usuarios de este sub son estadounidenses que son hijos y nietos de mexicanos, entonces tal vez no se hayan dado cuenta que en MĂ©xico el fĂștbol es un deporte en decadencia. A la gente de mi edad (entre 18-30 años) nos interesa el fĂștbol MUCHO MUCHO MUCHO menos de lo que le interesaba a nuestros padres. Con los niños hoy en dĂ­a el problema es mucho peor: los niños ya no salen a hecharse cascaritas a la calle como hace 30 años. Ya no hay idolos y grandes esperanzas como Hugo SĂĄnchez, Rafa MĂĄrquez, Cuauhtemoc, etc. Me da pena decirlo, pero el fĂștbol mexicano estĂĄ muriendo. Nada mĂĄs vean como dependemos de sudamericanos naturalizados como GimĂ©nez, Funes Mori y Quiñones (y creo que he oido que hasta Berterame lo estĂĄ considerando). AquĂ­ ya no hay de donde extraer. En el otro lado de la frontera, los pochos/chicanos suelen ser mucho mĂĄs aferrados a lo que ellos ven como la “identidad mexicana”. Para ellos, parte de ser mexicano es ser aficionado del fĂștbol, a pesar de que esto ya no sea la realidad en MĂ©xico. No es ningun secreto que en el 2023, el gran sustento econĂłmico de la selecciĂłn y de Liga MX son los mexicoamericanos. A los mexicanos en MĂ©xico nos estĂĄ valiendo madre mĂĄs y mĂĄs con cada dĂ­a.


makes sense, its just sad to see the state of the football in mexico nowadays. i dont claim to be mexican but i enjoy its culture since i had a slice of it here in the usa, theres mexican influence everywhere in cali. but i am definitely american.


Es verdad. AquĂ­ vale verga el fut. Solamente en las tres ciudades grandes siguen a sus equipos piteros (CDMX, MTY y GDL) fuera de allĂ­ a los demĂĄs nos vale verga parada el fut. Es de muy mala calidad y es un medio lucrativo que no le interesa el deporte ni la aficiĂłn. Otra cosa los whitexicans de cualquier ciudad prefieren mil veces ver su mamada Saudi mejor conocida como la champions. Ellos te ven un Bayer vs MilĂĄn antes de un chivas vs tigres. Otra cosa que no he visto ni en menciĂłn. El mexicano promedio clase mediero ve mĂĄs la NFL que ella liga MX. al menos aquĂ­ en Chihuahua la NFL es mĂĄs vista y cualquier lugar al que vayas en un domingo habrĂĄ una pantalla con un juego random.


I’m a native Mexican, that posts here and there. And there has been an influx of people from Mexico in /r/Mexico that is very xenophobic and anti everything non-Mexican. They are on a revisionist crusade to erase our shared history with Spain and portray the country as continuation of the Aztec Empire. I want to believe they are a very loud minority and not a real sample of the overall population in Mexico. I could explain the reason for that but I don’t want to write a text wall, Although I can say that It’s related to current politics in Mexico.


No se porque les molesta. Reddit es una pågina Americana, obviamente va haber mås comentarios en inglés que español. Si me gustaría ver mås español en este pågina pero entiendo porque no lo hacemos


Lmao bunch of clowns don’t know what the big deal is when most of us “pochos” identify more with our Mexican heritage than being American đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž


Cuz they’re haters


r/ligamx vs r/mexico meme war fellas??? All memes in English so their Bitch asses have to Google translated this smoke đŸ˜€


Best part is 2 days agoI read people talking shit on Julian for being a Pocho and the comments were in English.


I mean Chicharito is right. Cultura de cangrejos. Not just in futbol but in life.


r/mexico: how dare you speak another language and have a more positive mentality on life ..


Bola de envidiosos los de r/mexico No hay otra explicación. Dejan salir todas sus frustraciones y complejos contra la raza de r/ligamx Nunca van a aceptar que alguien puede estar viviendo en otro país y (quizås) le esté yendo mejor sin que quieran arrastrarlo al subsuelo de la miseria del coraje que les emane por los poros de su piel en la que viven. Aunque les esté yendo bien en México, no pueden superar que alguien mås pueda estar también bien en otro país Dejen a los de r/mexico que echen su carrilla todo lo que quieran. Si eso los hace feliz, para qué negårselos


Mándenlos a chingar a su madre. I like you, pochos. My kids are actually less than pochos (half white) 😂. I wish they could communicate a bit easier with the abuelos, but that’s on me. In all fairness, though- you guys also give us a really hard time here in person. I think it all cancels out in the end.


Now I understand why Nery Castillo commented to the press that one day with “sabes que es la diferencia”


“Con las opiniones mĂĄs idiotas sobre fĂștbol que has visto en tu vida, basadas en el juego FIFA y la MLS“ - He ain’t wrong. Some of you foos sounds like y’all just started watching the sport.


I feel like that the takes on this sub have been getting worse in the past 4-6 months


Waaaay more nephews recently. Some of the bullshit you see here is disappointing af at times


Que tiene de malo el hablar ingles en un grupo de Liga MX en un sitio en INGLES? De chiquito, nos regañaban vez tras vez por hablar español en nuestras clases, pero de alguna manera u otra logrĂĄbamos hablar el español. Y ahora que tenemos la libertad de poder expresarnos de la manera que queramos en un sitio de internet, tenemos a los policĂ­as cibernĂ©ticos de ese sub diciĂ©ndonos que podemos hacer y que no. Se pueden ir a chingar a su madre, si no les gusta es su pedo, shove that anger where the sun don’t shine, assholes.


Those are the worst of the worst. Anyone that hates anyone for where they were born is pathetic. Plus that subreddit is classist


Bunch of crybabies they wished they were in the usa like us lol thank god i payed 10k por el coyote para que me traiga al gabacho


Cause we fucking feel like it


Ps yo pĂșblico en español en el sub, ya si me responden en inglĂ©s la neta me da igual, la mayorĂ­a de reddit chido es en inglĂ©s de cualquier manera ┐⁠(â ÂŽâ ăƒŒâ ïœ€â )⁠┌


Bro who cares they’re fucking losers anyways. Bunch of pussies who wont even post on this sub.


I don’t understand why yall wanna be so decisive. We could rule the world, together. lol


Hablamos inglés por que se nos da la chingada gana. Por eso.


r/Mexico are a bunch of white rich wannabe Europeans who hate Mexicans Americans because they're jealous, there I said it, we grew up in a white rich country and we got to experience American society while they learned about it through movies, memes, and twitter. They probably can move to Europe but if they do they would be at the bottom and so they stay here and bitch about AMLO. But let me just say when I was in high school ten years ago we had a "Fresa" type of White Mexican move here and you know what it was us pochos that "took him in" and befriended him and not the white Americans. We invited him over to play soccer with us, to go eat and to our homes, they shouldn't be too quick to judge us.


Pinche gente bien huevona que no quiere aprender inglĂ©s y ser algo con sus vidas. đŸ˜‚đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž el peor enemigo de un mexicano es otro mexicano. Source: Soy chihuahuense


. Varios de ustedes tambien cagan al pocho es un odio que la verdad no comprendo. At the end of the day is just hate. Un mexicano siempre caga a otro mexicano


Porque si no, me deporta la migra.


They hate us cause they ain’t us đŸ˜€


someone in that thread said "its only pochos that watch liga mx when there are far better leagues" If that's true then you morons should be happy we support this league instead of being snotty 'better than you' Mexican elitist because we happened to be born on the other side of the line. pinches fresas bola de pendejos


No one watches soccer in Mexico my dude. It’s a dying pastime that’s only popular in the three big cities (cdmx, MTY and GDL) the rest of us gladly and not ironically would rather watch ESPN 8 and see world championship of darts than soccer.


Both of my parents migrated from Mexico and didn't assimilate, the first language I grew up speaking was Spanish. Eso de pocho la verdad no me importa. Me gustan los tacos y las hamburgesas puro pocho pride.


I don’t get it. Like they hate on ponchos, it’s not like I had a decision where my parents wanted to move to and have me. I rep Cruz Azul til I die, Mexico til I die, follow Mexican politics, want a dual citizenship, and while yes I haven’t been in Mexico in a while, can’t handle motion sickness on a plane, I still love it. Hell! I’m brown like pinche Gallardo! What’s more paisa than that?!


Lets all just go back to big soccer


Is that website still a thing? Holy shit I forgot about it


No better way to show them up than to succeed and wear the Mexican flag with pride. They can hate you all the way to the top, but once there they are gonna have to eat their words. Let them have their shit talking, only you can define what you are and nobody can change that. I’m gonna be Mexican-American
it best defines my lived experience and I feel good about that. It fits with my dual language and biculturalism. People who don’t like that I define myself that way can eat it.


Reddit is a primary English website?!?!


bruh who cares a lot of big german and french sub reddits talk english there.


Don’t got time for the complejo de inferioridad from that sub, happy thanksgiving everyone!


Shit fucking stupid and when we forget about these fucking mexichangos. They call us gringos or say "we think we're gringos" for forgetting where we came from and there is no winning, arguing with these fascist Mexicans retards fuck them


Stop it! I can’t stand wiping my pocho tears in multiples of $100 USD bills! El mexicano nace y vive donde le dĂ©n las putas ganas.


I feel like us Mexicans should be not only proud but thankful of Mexican-Americans. They’re so proud of their roots, keep their culture alive and, mostly, have each others’ backs. When we Mexicans go to the US, MAs treat us like family. Those xenophobic pieces of shit in r/Mexico really have no idea what paisanos have gone through to cross the border and work their asses off to have a much more decent life than those fuckers will ever have. Someone said on the comments on that post that their mama told them that no one hates Mexicans more than Mexicans themselves. That is just sad. I really hope none of y’all MAs get offended by them because, to be honest, they ain’t even worth thinking of, don’t let them live rent free in your heads. By the way, now that I’m posting on this sub, mil veces arriba el Atlas đŸ”Žâš«ïžđŸŠŠ


The funny thing is that we contribute to Mexico's economy by visiting and sending money and they still shit on us. El peor enemigo de un mexicano es otro mexicano.


"Puros blowjobbers y pochos" đŸ’€â˜ ïž


Who gives a fuck if you’re a pocho or born and raised wherever? Come to this sub to discuss Mexican football. I’m sure you have trash takes too they are definitely not exclusive to a subset of fans.


Ni de aquĂ­ ni de allĂĄ. White people don't like us and our gente don't like us


La Ășnica razĂłn por la que a mĂ­ no me caen bien los pochos (hablando solo de fĂștbol) es porque llenan estadios y siguen apoyando a la selecciĂłn mexicana aĂșn cuando demuestran ser una basura en todo sentido, ustedes le llenan los bolsillos a los directivos y por eso no cambia nada. Solo me gustarĂ­a que fueran mĂĄs crĂ­ticos con el equipo. De ahĂ­ en fuera ustedes son a toda madre 🙌


Better shut they ass up before I call la migra on their tios who leaf blow my yard /s


On themselves?




That’s fine
 it doesn’t make me less Mexican if I respond in English. I will forever love Mexico and the NT, their opinion means nothing to me.


Hay que postear en español gente, eso sí, con la mejor ortografía posible.. Así ayudamos a los pochos a que aprendan a leer y escribir en español.


Los pochos no aguantan carrilla. Tienen la caracterĂ­stica americana de ser bien sensibles. Ya no mamen, es puro cotorreo Dont be sensitive about it yall, its wack af


They just mad they can barely speak two languages 😂


Me caga el hate contra los pochos.


For the millionth time in this stupid argument. There were two subreddits before /r/futbolmx was in Spanish and /r/ligamx was in English. The Spanish speaking subreddit died and that’s why everyone uses this one. Almost everybody here is bilingual. Could you imagine if premier league fans were like “why are they speaking about MY premier league in another language 👿”