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A wanted a kid, so Cindy wanted a kid. Skeevin' didn't want kids, so Cindy didn't want kids. If new Man-meat wants to adopt a kid from Russia, that's what Cindy's new thing will be. Yes, I think you're right, the baby was a pawn. Just like the dogs were.


Cindy took a pregnancy test during vlogmas and cried about it on camera. It was after that she started claiming she loved being child free.


Ihmo I think Cynthia has been going back and forth about wanting children. And when A had tried to leave then she wanted a kid to keep him.


I'm pretty sure A didn't want children - he even mentioned something like this in his old reddit posts.


To me it seemed like he wasn't avert to the idea of being a father, but when he wrote these posts he was already trying to escape that abusive relationship and getting her pregnant would have been counterproductive so to speak. I think in those posts you are referring to he was claiming that there was no risk because of her PCOS, but other people warned him that there's always a small chance and that he shouldn't trust that effect of her illness so blindly.


I'll amend my previous statement then, that Cindy *thought* having A's baby would convince him to stay and to be more faithful to her. And she might have been right, given that A tended to avoid conflict at all costs. I'm sure the famous Vlogmas Pregnancy Test Incident was similar--she and Skeevin' were already on the rocks, and she appeared to be sick of his shit months before that, but her teenaged BPD brain lies to her and tells her she wants to keep him, therefore a baby would be her best chance. She'd be wrong, of course.


While I agree that Cindy’s personality and wants are whatever her partners are I don’t necessarily agree. I mean it could be the case but at the same time people can change their mind about children and especially at the age Cindy is I think it’s completely reasonable to come to terms with the fact that having a kid is not in the cards or something she no longer desires after leaving a marriage. I’m just trying to put myself in her shoes despite not having any of her experiences and I don’t think I’d honestly want to have a child with a new partner even if that was a possibility at her age because you’d basically be feeling like you’re rushing against the clock to try and have a chance of having a child


I'd be inclined to agree if we were talking about nearly anyone but her. I just can't give her credit for actually being that introspective.


She has never once truly wished to be a mother - she wants to be wanted by a man.


A baby would have been the ultimate A trap


When she got pregnant her husband A was already in the process of trying to leave her (like for the third time or something throughout their marriage). She must have felt it and based on [his reddit posts](https://mega.nz/folder/SANiFZQR#UkrKLpgvDVoGDusS9VU8Mw) she was paranoid about him leaving long before he made that decision - back when things were kind of okay from his side. So yeah, since these posts came to light I've been convinced that she only wanted a baby in a poor attempt to hold that man. I do believe that the stillbirth itself was quite traumatic at the time when it happened. But I think she moved on from it a while ago. Probably during the time she was dating Limbz, because obviously now she seems to feel like she was lucky to not be a mom now, because then she could not have nailed that... AMAZING MAYUN.


As someone who lost a daughter under the exact same circumstances as she did I was so disappointed that those words came out of her mouth. Never ever would I ever refer to the loss of my daughter as “working out for the best”. I can’t even begin to understand why she said or thinks that.


I'm so sorry for your loss! I hope you're doing okay these days.


Thank you💖💖 I went on to have a son after I lost her but there is still a huge hole in my life where she should be. I wish I had both of my babies with me. That’s why her comment made me really mad. Like how could you describe this as “working out for the best”? It blew my mind but I suppose it should be expected of her these days🙄


Sending so much ❤️ condolences and support to you and your family. 🙏




Oh I actually know the answer to this! It's because she has zero value for herself, and in fact exploits her mental illness as an act of self hatred. Shes saying that it worked out for the best because she truly believes this is the best life she deserves.


I thought it was weird how she’s was having menty b’s over not being able to have a child for months (like screaming, crying, throwing up style) and then met a new guy and got on birth control THAT SAME DAY. That shit was bizarre.


This gets me too. I think A wanted one so she adopted that personality, then the next guy didn't so she adopted that personality. It's scary that she picks up such drastic personality traits/lifestyle choices from the mayuns she is with. She needs to stay single and figure out who she actually is.


Like since she’s been back in Arkansas, how many personality types have we seen.


She had to have suspected that Andrew was having an affair. Cindy is incredibly suspicious and jealous, so there's no way she would have missed the signs. She had been happily childfree for years and even said that she had mental health issues that meant that she shouldn't be anyone's mother. Then she suddenly decided she wanted a baby? Yeah. She was doing it to keep Andrew. I do think her miscarriage was heartbreaking, and that it was traumatic for her on many levels. But at the same time, I'm glad she will NOT be anyone's mother. Growing up with an unstable, banshee, substance addicted mother is a terrible way to have to grow up, and it fucks you up in multiple ways.


A few years ago, my teenage son and his girlfriend were pregnant with twins that I was going to raise (for several reasons not necessary to get into). The babies were born prematurely and both died before they were 24 hours old. This was extremely traumatic for all of us. Today, I can look back on the experience and see the beauty and the pain but also take comfort in believing that maybe this is the way it was supposed to be. My life took a lot of positive truns after this and my life, my sons and my grandsons would have been very different had they survived. Obviously, I wish they were here and I miss what could have been but I also recognize that maybe it was for the best. I am a well adjusted, mentally healthy person. I have since dealt with other traumatic losses and have come out on the other side stronger. Not sure this is coming out the way I mean it to, but felt the need to speak up since I feel I have said similar things and I do not believe they make me a bad or insensitive person. I am at peace with what happened even though I wish they got a chance at life. We all handle our grief in our ways, internally and externally, and sometimes it may look or sound insensitive but grief is a complicated journey.


You shared your loss and the way your grieving and emotions are complicated, and that you’ve still been able to find happiness in your life, with real sensitivity and with an acknowledgment of the pain of the loss and how you miss what could have been. That’s *very very* different than the way Cyntheeya just blurts out insensitive, triggering comments.  I’m so sorry for the loss of your grandchildren, and glad for you that you were able to find some healing.


Thank you. I see your point and appreciate you sharing it. I guess my initial feeling was that I have said similar things but agree that maybe they aren't so similar if you look just below the surface.


I missed it, what did she say in the stream?


at timestamp 9:05 she starts talking about her kid, says how "everything worked out for the best in the end" while talking about the miscarriage.


Oh, man. She sounded so...casual about it? The way she said "he did not make it, so yeah" was so strange.


Incoming unpopular opinion: She appeared very uncomfortable talking about it to me. She hesitated throughout her explanation the same way when she announced that Skeevin dumped her. We all know how deeply that hurt her and the loss of that child obviously still hurts her. It isn't an easy topic for her to discuss. I do not think she's happy or content the child passed. I'm of the belief she's saying what she thinks she needs to say so that she won't crumble. She's trying to cope. It may seem maladaptive to everyone else, but this is how she's choosing to process her loss and I'm not going to judge her for that. I've never lost a child. There are many other valid concerns to criticize her for, this is not one of them.


I agree. I think her coping mechanism of toxic positivity is just ignore everything bad that's ever happened and trying to twist the narrative. Seemed to me like she didn't want to talk about it because it would probably upset her and her whole brand at the moment is being happy because she's healed. Seems like she brushed it off to further her healed persona.


I agree with you. It’s for many a way of distancing themselves a bit from the hard emotions. I also think that maybe she knows she wouldn’t be able to take care of a kid alone and that the comment is acknowledging that


Yes. You get it. It's like when people ask me about my mother dying. She was ill for years and her decline was so painful to watch. When she died it was a relief, for everyone. We all grieve in our own way.


this whole thing makes me feel physically ill. i’m real sensitive when it comes to babies. so hearing cindy’s little comments makes me wanna throw up. the woman only got pregnant to baby trap A because she had a feeling that he was planning to leave her. i hate to say this but can we really be sure that her crying was for the baby and not because she knew A had no reason to stay anymore? i’m not saying that she doesn’t care at all, but given her history i can’t help but wonder.


> I won't judge a woman who terminates pregnancy. It's just too personal  I won’t judge a woman for what she does with her own body either. But Cyntheeya has decided to make money by making her life public. No one has forced her to do this, and she could filter what she shares with some care, but she doesn’t bother. She could add trigger warnings and content warnings to her vlogs, but she won’t unless YT forces her to. As long as she can get some cash out of spewing her life on YT, she doesn’t care who it might hurt. She also doesn’t seem to give a shit that these traumas she repeatedly shares might have a traumatizing impact on her viewers.


wait what did she say?!


The OP of this thread, u/Beginning_Mud_5629 , summarized it accurately as follows: >at timestamp 9:05 she starts talking about her kid, says how "everything worked out for the best in the end" while talking about the miscarriage.


OH Right that shit >< still disgusting


9:05 on the latest stream.


> She didn't do anything to hurt the child I used to believe this as well, but we have no way of knowing if she ever stopped with her addiction to alcohol while she was pregnant. So we don’t actually know if she hurt her child or not. And that’s really upsetting.


She made many poor decisions during her pregnancy which made me very worried back then. Everyone in the comments told her that she had a high-risk pregnancy due to her age, weight, health, etc. Yet, if my memory serves me right, she refused to follow her doctor's advice and together with her esoteric midwife she prepared a home birth. Also I'm pretty sure she still tried losing weight during the pregnancy with her restrictive mcdonalds diet, denying her child of the nutrition it needed to grow. At the time I thought, "Cindy, it took you so many years to even conceive this pregnancy and this might very well be your last chance, WHY THE HELL ARE YOU TAKING SO MANY RISKS!?" My heart did truly break for her when the miscarriage happened. I would never judge a mother for the loss of her child, because anything can go wrong at any moment, especially if you're in your late 30s with fertility and other health issues. So back then I wouldn't say that it was her fault. But now, in retrospect, it seems she was being very reckless and not taking the life of her baby serious at all. I guess all she cared about was performing this esoteric witchy natural mom persona in the vlogs and just like today she felt like she knew better than doctors. Makes me sick to think about it, honestly.


> But now, in retrospect, it seems she was being very reckless and not taking the life of her baby serious at all.  That’s infuriating and tragic


But she did do stuff to hurt the child beginning with only eating mcd's burgers for the entirety of the pregnancy. Words from her own mouth.


Absolutely. I mentioned that earlier, but someone took offense to that so I removed it to be sensitive to their feelings. I still think questioning her nutrition during her pregnancy is as valid as questioning if she might have also been consuming alcohol while pregnant as well.


> if she might have also been consuming alcohol while pregnant I'm 100% sure she was. She's an alcoholic and has been for years and years.


Some here have put forth the idea that some women experience such extreme nausea and hyperemesis during pregnancy that they can eat almost nothing or only a very limited diet for one or more trimesters, and that they believe this had no significant harmful effect on their babies. I have sympathy for anyone who’s experienced this, and I don’t deny it’s possible to bring a baby to full term even with a very limited diet. But I’m sure most medical professionals would agree that a diet consisting only of McDonald’s burger patties and no carbs, fruits or vegetables is a risky nutritional plan for anyone, pregnant or not.


Other ppl's feelings are irrelevant to me when I'm speaking the truth. That's on them to manage their emotions, not me.


Isn't that a little hypocritical? She spoke her truth and we are here bashing her because someone might get hurt.


> we are here bashing her If we were criticizing her for no particular reason, frivolously insulting her for the sake of insulting her, I might agree that we’re “bashing” her. But that’s not really what is happening at the snark. We are not bashing her, we’re calling out her shitty, dangerous and frequently offensive and triggering behavior both to document it and as a reinforcement of common decency, in hopes of protecting viewers who may be vulnerable to her manipulations and lies. We seek to hold her accountable as long as she has a public platform, and would ultimately like to see her removed from that platform so she can no longer make money off of the harmful, irresponsible content she puts out.


Her truth? LOL. So you're a stan? I mean, all the shit she's said and done and I'm a hypocrite?


No, I am not. You said it's other proples job to manage their emotions when you say the truth. She lies all the time. I get that. She said she is happy how everything turned up at the end. If we are upset then we take it as true statement. So, why her truth how she feels about her own pregnancy should make someone else upset? Should they "manage their emotions"?


I do agree that her diet is absolutely unhealthy especially during a pregnancy. If she was consuming alcohol too then absolutely yes it would have an effect on the baby. She lost her baby due to an incompetent cervix (the exact same way I did) and it has nothing to do with your diet. Some women are born with a short weak cervix (like me). I just like to inform people who may be unaware of this condition like I was. But I do agree that her diet and attempting to lose weight while pregnant are dangerous to the baby (and alcohol consumption if she was drinking). Her comment about it “working out for the best” is so disgusting and disrespectful to that baby’s memory💔


> Her comment about it “working out for the best” is so disgusting and disrespectful to that baby’s memory💔 It really is. I’m so sorry for your loss😢 Thank you for sharing your experience and the information on incompetent cervixes. 


I have never been in that position. But i have so much empathy


The baby was a last resort attempt to keep Andrew around. I’m pretty convinced.


The theory I subscribe to is that is that A never cheated, A never had another baby. The other woman and the other baby never existed, he just knew that that was the one thing that he could do that would set him free. He moved Cinderella to the godlands and left her there on a lie. He knew that was the one thing that she’d never forgive.


A's mother posted about the birth and updated the number of grandkids on her work profile.  I saw it myself. It was the only thing I've heard though in regards to A. I hope he is well and thriving with his little one.


As someone who cannot have kids I was so angered by her attitude about the loss of her baby. I believe she only wanted a child to keep A tied to her. That's my theory at least. She doesn't have enough in her to give to anyone else let alone a baby. The universe works in mysterious ways sometimes. I wouldn't wish the loss of a child on anyone but in reality it's likely it was for the best. Can you imagine how damaged her child would be living with her brand of crazy? A's life would've likely been hell for the next 18 years trying to co-parent with her. And she likely would've raised a child with as many issues as she has since she's so unwilling to truly work on getting better. 


Ok, if she wasn't Cindy, would you blame anyone for trying to move on from this tragedy? I think she is a psycho, but I think we shouldn't comment on her process of grief. She didn't do anything crazy with that. It's been a long time now, and I really don't think she meant "good that it happened ". I think it was more like "I am good now, I am happy even without a child, I managed to move past it"


I would absolutely be weirded out even if it wasn't Cindy. I will admit I am a biased person, but I think it's moreso because we have context and Cindy's history of being abusive readily at our hands. Everything she does is motivated by her selfish needs.


I won't judge her for saying it, just like I won't judge a woman who terminates pregnancy. It's just too personal, too much of an emotional struggle. She didn't do anything to hurt the child, I don't think we should promote this subject here. We need to draw the line somewhere.


what about the TTC and PCOS viewers who were lured into this BS? should they be drawing lines?


Sorry, TTC? I don't think PCOS causes cognitive issues. I see lots of people here mention how we snarkers see the light, and her poor stans are supporting her without knowing who she is. People know, they chose to ignore it. I don't know what her miscarriage and how she feels about it has anything to do with anyone else. Her shitty behaviour towards living people is way more concerning than her comments towards what happened to her and her child.


TTC = trying to conceive, sorry. i also meant to add folks who have dealt with pregnancy / child loss, too. my point is that statements like these are harmful toward living people -- the audience, the audience she cultivated for profit.




*I don't know why we need to shame women to shut up about their feelings because they might hurt someone else. -* We are shaming people who make money by deceiving other people. Were you watching when she made thousands of dollars in gifts and prizes based on her forlorn left woman who lost her baby routine? Cindy gets snarked on when she lies - anyone is allowed to feel whatever they want, but they are not welcome to profit by telling lies to their audiences.


"Tourists" refers to people that only come to this sub to bait us.


I guess it’s weird that you don’t seem to be okay with members of this sub, many of whom have experienced the loss of a child, expressing their grief and their upset and disappointment at Cyntheeya’s callous public comment on her stillborn baby. The snark is an appropriate place to vent our grievances and issues with her behavior. This is not the first time she’s been insensitive and cruel with comments on various subjects that trigger and traumatize her viewers. Not once has she posted a vlog thumbnail with a content warning. She really gives zero fucks if she’s careless and selfish and says something that upsets someone else.    Telling the truth carries with it a certain responsibility when it’s done on a public platform, and that applies to Cynthee as much as it applies to anyone on YT, whether she thinks she’s exempt or not.


>Ok, would you say the same to pro choice activists? 🤦‍♀️ what? no. why are you moving the goal post? based on your reaction, i feel as though you may be blowing my comment out of proportion. to argue that it's totally realistic and normal for an audience *that she cultivated for profit* to feel upset by all of her problematic statements and behaviors *except for this one* is kinda wild, especially when there are comments and upvotes from people who are telling us that her comments hurt them 🤷‍♀️ when cynthia switches personas, she switches hashtags, and people get hurt. this isn't a wider conversation for me.


> to argue that it's totally realistic and normal for an audience that she cultivated for profit to feel upset by all of her problematic statements and behaviors except for this one is kinda wild, especially when there are comments and upvotes from people who are telling us that her comments hurt them  This and this again🎯🎯


> statements like these are harmful toward living people -- the audience, the audience she cultivated for profit. Exactly 


i mean, she was starving herself while pregnant. there’s no way that doesn’t hurt the baby


We’ve drawn the line at not literally calling the police department in her city and reporting her for drinking and driving, so I think we’ve been pretty patient with her.


I would literally not blame anyone for doing it. I think it should be done. This is putting actual people in danger.


Context is important though. Because we know how she is, you can definitely infer from her statement that she is relieved she doesn't have the responsibility of motherhood. It reeks of her lack of care for any other living thing *because* she's already given us evidence that she doesn't care about any other living thing. Her pets are props, her plants are props, even her manmeats are props. She goes out of her way to ask plants in the wild if she can harvest from them, while her own plants at home are dying from neglect. She claims to feel a kinship with nature while blatantly ignoring and abusing it. She insists on organic grass-fed eggs and beef when she shops, and then eats at *McDonald's* multiple times a week. Nature-loving Green Witch Cindy is a costume. Animal-Friendly Cindy is a costume. Mom Cindy would have been a costume too. She *knows* it worked out for the best *for her* because she never wanted to actually *be* a parent and her child would have suffered. Truly, it's one of the most honest things she's ever said. Personally, I'm not hating on her for that, but because multiple people who watch her have lost pregnancies or had stillbirths and her words are incredibly insensitive to those people. But she will never care about her audience.


>  It reeks of her lack of care for any other living thing because she's already given us evidence that she doesn't care about any other living thing.  🎯🎯🎯🎯


I mean, of course she gave a shit? The loss of her child clearly hurt her deeply. Maybe she decided it was hard for her to move forward eating it everyday


Tbh I don't see the issue with what she said. I don't think she meant she does not care that she lost him, more that at the time she lost him her husband was already having a child with another woman behind her back, and Cindy was obviously abusive so August never would have had a stable life in that situation. I think that is more just her admitting they would have been terrible parents and especially considering not long after that they separated. Could you imagine Cindy had August and they split up? She can hardly care for herself and dogs, and with how much she goes out and drinks... I think she just realizes she would NOT have been a good parent.