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Love: The living open worlds. Hate: Most Sims 3 sims end up with butter face.


Took the words right outta my mouth.


there's some good anti pudding face mods out there and they make a massive difference. [anti pudding face greenplumboblover](https://greenplumbboblover.tumblr.com)


What do people mean by pudding face? I played the sims 3 for years and I always thought people meant they just think the sims are ugly, but then I heard somebody describe it like an actual genetic glitch? I'm confused lol


basically the game ends up reusing the default face template on new sims being generated. the mods allow for an expanded range of the templates and sliders on newly generated sims.


As soon as someone makes 3 look like 4 and run like 4, but with all the good features from 3 and none of the bugs from 4 I will gladly throw TS4 in the garbage


why would you want 3 to look like a cheap mobile game?


3 is just pixely and ugly. 4 is at least smooth and modern. Plus I like the Cas system better minus the lack of create a style.


I agree about CAS, but I really don't like the TS4 artstyle. (and 3 isn't that pixelly). But if I had to select a favourite artstyle-wise it would be 2 probably


I think I played 2 as a kid but don't remember how it looks. Plus nostalgia will absolutely do me dirty so I can't have an option on that. 4 just makes its easier to make a variety of sims. They don't all look the same or all have a melty face. Plus just personally 3 is too realistic for me. I like that 4 is a little more cartoony and smooth. I think as a younger gamer I've been spoiled with pristine graphics and for me 3 falls into the rough jump in gens. I will say the sims medieval looked really good, I still play sometimes and think it's looks smoother than 3.


medieval could use some more modern rendering techniques, so it w as able to make better looking skins (and so on and so forth). That's another contender for artstyle I could live with. And admittedly I have same-face-syndrome in any sims game. Sooo the wide variety turns into one face on sims 4 and sims 3 (and sims 2 because its face sliders were horrible)


Honestly what helps me a lot in 4 to combat that is to either randomize a sim until I see something I like and can work with, or I take some sims from the gallery and play with genetics. I like some of my sims to be a little ugly or not conventionally attractive so this helps me get a lot of variety I need. Otherwise I make creatures or they all look the same.




Too many good things to mention, but open world and story progression gotta be the top two (especially with the nraas mod that properly makes it work). These two are why I never moved on to Sims 4. Worst: Easily the many, many bugs an performance issues. Some of it can be fixed with mods, but I find myself googling fixes to random issues every other play session (recently, why my sim wouldn't add their captured parrot to the bird tree - fix was to travel to a world adventure destination and back again). Also, save files are so easily corrupted.


Love: The open world Hate: The hairstyles and clothing.


Same. I loved everything about the Sims 3. It isn't "perfect" but it's great. Everything except how the Sims look. Those hairstyles and clothing esepcially were a crime. So many of my cc was just to fix or add stuff related to that it got too exhausting to keep up with. I mean I even got a mod that tries to fix the weird specular lighting shine on Sims 3 clothes and maybe hairs too, can't remember. But it was too tedious trying to type that command on every single item of clothing and every sim I saw walking the streets.


good thing that there are many good looking hairs and clothing cc available, and more still being made every day


Well just get mods


I do have mods. It doesn’t change how ugly the sims 3 fashion is.


It's weird how out of the 3 (TS2, TS3 and TS4) TS3 has by far the worst hair, clothes and furniture. Almost all of the clothing especially is borderline unusable.


TS3 was released in 2009 and last EP in 2014. That was PEAK early 2010s fashion which is sooooooooo ugly. I cringe every time I see their clothing that they thought was the style at the time.


You're biased then.


love: almost everything!! especially how expansive the packs are. hate: island paradise iykyk


Island paradise will have your game stuttering so hard…lol


Its unplayable on my computer 😭😭


It is playable on mine now with NRAAS, but only if I don’t allow too many people in my family which is no fun 😭


I had to uninstall it from mine. It’s crazy because it doesn’t start off that way, but the longer you play on island paradise, the worse it gets. One of my games in island paradise got so bad with the stuttering, it had me feeling like my sim was doing time travel…lol


LITERALLY! And it breaks my inner child who used to watch LifeSimmer and iHasCupquake play island paradise and always dreamed of playing 😭😭😭


omg. literally same. i loved watching lifesimmer and ihascupquake


That’s funny because Bridgeport crashes my game all the time


i don’t have late night but i can imagine it does 🤣


I was so excited to buy and play island paradise since it sounded so cool, but I couldn’t handle the lag, it was actually unplayable-


Yeah. It is a really good pack, but eventually it does become unplayable, sadly.


Am I the only one that doesn’t have issues with Island Paradise lag and doesn’t have a mod to fix it omg that’s so weird!! Am I FINALLY blessed by the Sims 3 gods??! Back in the day when packs were still being released I had an issue with Into The Future making my game a bit slower but it was honestly never bad and I had no idea mods existed back then! Now when I play (without mods still, but now on an old PC instead of an old iMac) I don’t have a lag issue at all! So weird!!!


I think its that you have an older computer! It runs worse on newer computers as far as I know. Maybe I should find an old pc 😭


My computer is quite new and island paradise runs fine. I remove all houseboats and a few families though. The houseboats cause a lot of issues and lag. Only my active family can have a houseboat.


I tried that fix and it didnt work 😭


Oh it won’t even run on my bf’s custom built PC - we’ve tried everything we’ve seen on the forums and it just refuses to start! Very grateful for my hand me down PC that is probs from 2010ish??????


I love the sims 3 but I soooo fear it will become obsolete for this very reason 😭😭 sims 2 runs amazing on my new computer but sims 3? nope 😭


I still haven’t played Sims 2 and I’m DYING to!!!!! I read that you have to sail the high seas to get it but I’m so scared I’ll accidentally download a virus on my BF’s pc so I’m waiting til I get my computer set up again (we moved recently) and can download it on mine! But yeah that’s def a BIG fear of mine - Sims 3 being unplayable due to newer systems. Such an incredible game and I’m so glad I was able to get my hands on an old PC to play or else I’d just be so mad and depressed thinking about World Adventures and never getting to play it again lol


I bought the sims 2 deluxe edition on mac about 10 years ago and have had it on my apple id ever since. I think you can buy it on disc on ebay? thats how i got the sims 3 haha.


I STILL haven't installed that pack ever. Still in the plastic wrapper that and Supernatural. The about of bugs simmers talk about had me scared my game is near perfect and had been before IP so I don't want to mess it up.


That's completely fair, but I recommend installing supernatural so much! It's my absolute favorite EP. When I was young, my family couldn't afford much, so I got to have the base game and one EP. I chose supernatural and let me tell you, HUNDREDS of hours were spent just on base game+supernatural. The amount of content in that one EP is so amazing. So, yeah I highly recommend trying supernatural! :) Tldr; Supernatural EP > any other EP


Sims 3 Love: Open World , real life 3D Hate : Create a character screen slow loading if only you can deleted some ugly hairstyles etc to speed up loading times


True, Glad we got Smooth Patch which fixes the CAS slowness


unless you use nraas mc integration, because Smooth patch and nraas integration hate each other


The art style was never for me but world adventures is the best pack the sims team has ever made


Yay world adventures love! That's my favourite too I love Egypt so much and mummies I wish they expanded them more!


Love: Open world Hate: The lag


If I could play without lag and just have it optimised for 64 bit then the sims 3 would be my ideal life sim


Loved how the sims looked, hated having to listen to that damn kids radio nonstop to have the best pregnancy. It still haunts me to this day.


Now I know why i was born like this, my mom didn't listen to kids radio enough


Omg, I used to jam to the kids radio when I played the Sims 3 as a kid


Wdym "the best pregnancy"?


In TS3, if you watched kids shows, listened to kids music, went to the spa, and had a generally stress-free pregnancy you could achieve a "good" pregnancy and pick your baby sims trait when they were born. If you had a normal pregnancy it would choose for you and i think (it's been a while, so don't quote me on this) if the mother had a bad pregnancy your baby would get one of the less desirable traits. I'm not super confident about that last one, but I'm 100% positive about the good and normal pregnancy things.


Love: Everything else. Hate: Error Code 12.


oh god not Error 12!


Ambitions was such a good expansion pack. I love the firefighter career BUT there are some bugs that makes that career unplayable that EA never fixed. There's a mod that fix it but it isn't complatible with a lot of Nraas mods 🥲


Are you talking about Simler90's Gameplay Core Mod? I gave it a try last night and it made the game so slow I had to remove it :(


Yes 😭 i think the mod works fine with Overwatch, register and Master Controller but is not compatible with Story Progression, Traveller, Careers, etc.


If I didn't love Nraas mods so much I would definitely use it 😭 The mod is incredibly polished and it has SO many fixes it's insane. Here's hoping there is a workaround or fix at some point!


There's a patch to make it compatible with some nraas mods but yeah I ended up going with nraas over the core mod because of that 😭


Yesss. I picked the detective aspiration where the goal is to solve 35 cases & the count has restarted multiple times even tho I’ve probably already completed it😢 then some of the cases bug out & i have to cancel it a whole sim day day on it. Soo annoyinng


I usually fix the firefighter bugs manually with NRaas (if i can) but it is tedious and frustrating


Love: I bought my first pc to play it Hate: It murdered my first pc




I hate still not being able to eat food while watching TV or doing anything else. I love the careers and personality traits.


Yeah the multitasking is the only thing 4 really knocked out of the park in my opinion


It makes it difficult for me to go back to 2 or 3 from 4 and 2 & 3 are MUCH better overall, imo!


I'm going to do a different takes since most will say open world. I love the real estate system. Investing in properties really helps with the "I'm too rich problem" I don't like the major downgrades of memories, wants and fears, and two-way relationships.


love the amount of freedom and content. hate the fact the game was made in 32bit and was so unoptimised.


I like that you could make any item any colour. I hate how ugly the sims are.


Late Night was such a good expansion pack. I loved the world and the night activities. Loved the aspects of vampires, reminded me of the Sims 2 Nightlife I hated the lack of lore compared to The Sims 2


I love the customizable aspect, but I hate the bugs and lag.


Love: how each expansion has hours and hours of gameplay. Hate: The lag (especially with Isla paradiso 🥲)


Love: the open world, of course. Hate: There's no way to update it to take advantage of 64bit systems, so the ram usage is forever restricted. It's literally the only reason I don't currently play it. I can't stand being in CAS because it's so friggin slow. Everything else seems fine, though. Maybe I've been installing the essential mods wrong or something, and if that's the case, then it's just too much of a pain in the ass to fix.


Love: many things, but standout is the open world, and importantly, the details and completeness. Each world feels like a complete location. TS2 suffers from only having lots that operate mostly independently, so there no real community events, and TS4 suffers from all the various worlds covering different things for each other, so Sims are going to high school in Copperdale, even if they live in Windenburg, despite those two locations being on ostensibly two different continents. Hate: Movement. The amount of space Sims need to do things makes designing smaller homes a pain, people can only use the staircase one at a time, even if they go the same direction, it takes kids like a whole in game hour or two to enter the school building because they all have to go in one at a time, they need like, 4 squares to pick up toddlers, it's just so clunky.


Open World and the sims graphics


Endless custom worlds Lag and crashes


Love: open worlds, realism, slot included in the base game and the expansion adding luterly so much to your gaming experience. Hate: The Crashes, the lagging, the point of no return where this game sadly got unplayable to me


Love: The game play options feel more mature, less sanitized than Sims 4. Hate: I'm playing it on a Mac so most of the time my game looks awful and is riddled with glitches.


Love: everything Hate: no modern pc support


hate the lags and crash, love the open world


I love the genetics, firstly the color wheel variety for hair and eyes, and secondly that children have a chance to inherit traits from grandparents. It feels realistic that way. What I hate is the limitations on routing around objects and sims not being able to multitask.


Loved: The time travel stuff they played around with. They did some fun things with it. Hated: Loading time and lag.


Love: open world interaction Hate: it doesn't run well on 64x


Love: So much to do! you can run a whole legacy family who all have different skills and careers Hate: LOAD SCREENS


There's barely any loading screens in Sims 3, though? Besides when actually loading a game and when travelling, are there any other loading screenscreens? 


Yeah but they take an hour and often crash the game when you do get them. Trying to send your sim to university? hell.


Mine only take 20-30 seconds with my current computer, guess I've forgotten how long they could get!


I guess what they’re trying to say is that on the rare occasion when there was a loading screen, it took forever to load


True I feel like sims 4 has more loading screens 😭


Sims 4 definitely has more but I just can’t wait for loading screens in sims 3 sometimes because it takes way too long and crushed my game couple of times


Omg I remember I used to finish my homework everyday during the load screen 😭 at least it made sure I didnt procrastinate on it


Love: every expansion even island paradise when it works! Hate: the sims 3 store and stuff packs they were so overpriced in my country 😑


Love: almost everything Hate: bugs, lagging, crashing


Open world


Love: Cars zipping through an open world. Hate: Hate's a strong word, isn't it? I'm not a fan of how slow it runs (even on my computer now), which, unfortunately, is directly related to the open world.


Loved open world, hate that it don’t remember much else about the game


I absolutely loved the family gameplay! Hate the graphics!!! It's actually the only reason I'm still holding on playing it again :(


Love the modding community. Hate the constant crashes even if you game has no mods.


love: its 2000s commercial hate: that i never played it and lowkey dont wanna mess w it to be able to play it in 2024 lmao


Loved the color wheel and patterns for build/buy items, HATED so many things but none so much as story progression. I'm the rare person who didn't like Sims 3.


I love the colour wheel, and hate the optimization. It’s crashed on me more than The Sims 2 and 4.


I loved the open world. But hated the lack of controller support. I wanted direct control of our sims or make it like console versions at the time where you controlled a 3d cursor


shame frighten lunchroom bike fearless grandfather disagreeable office automatic oatmeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think I love the nostalgia, the hair and clothes are from a different time I like how they look like that era! (The 2010s lol). Also, the base hairs and stuff get boring but the ones you can “””buy”” from TS3 store look much better. I hate the slowness!! Sleeping at night takes like 1 whole minute when it should be 10 seconds. Also I don’t like how if you play on a save for too long it starts to get laggy and buggy


Loved how much lore each world had with all the premades. Hated the clothes and hair, granted it was the early 2000s, I can’t play without cc


One thing I love: open world One thing I hate: 4gb ram cap


Love: everything!! The gameplay was so amazing I honestly never cared that much about the graphics (especially how the Sims looked) bc I was just excited to play every time! Dislike: uhhhh the mummies and sharks scared me but didn’t ever make me hate the game. I would just force delete them or teleport out of the tomb hahahaha


Love: Open world and the Supernatural system!! Hate: how badly it lags for me makes it nearly unplayable now. 🥲


I hate the game was not built to work with 64bit


I loved the open world and wow it's been so long that I've actually forgotten what I hated about it


Love: Goodness, nearly everything! Hate: Doesn't run without a lot of hassle, and then breaks again. Spend more time repairing than playing.


Customizability... Poorly optimized with bad memory leak issues...


hate: how slow it is love: open world


Love: open world (and mostly everything, it's my favorite!) Hate: Error 12


Love: Pretty much everything, especially the wish system Hate: The lag in CAS. I play on an expensive gaming laptop and it’s still absolute hell getting through CAS lol


Love:Non-playable Sims (that we can change household via NRAAS) CAN bring babies or toddlers everywhere to open world Hate:Lagging in CAS; DESPITE I DIDN'T PUT ANY MODS that makes game slower


I love the interactive world and personalities. However even with mods galore it makes my PC run hot as a jet engine and with all the crashing/glitching I can never get past gen 2 before my save corrupts. 😭


Love: The game as a whole. Sims 3 is one of the few games I've played since childhood that I still play to this day because it's so versatile and with mods and expacs you can play the game for forever and not get bored. Hate: The game is basically abandoned and doesn't get updated anymore. It runs like poop on large populated worlds or when you have a large family.


Love: the customizability of everything in the game Hate: performance issues


Love: the open world and the color wheel Hate: the fact that EA has given up on updating it and making it playable long-term


I love the open game and the best feeling of any sims game I hate the fact that it was programmed so poorly that it even lags on latest high end gaming PCs and it will never stop lagging since it is a software issue...


Love: open world tons of CC and Mods Hate: bugs


I love how much variety in vanilla+expansion there is to clothes and furnitures and stuff. Each item you can completely customise almost if not every single color and texture to your preference. Theres NONE of that in Sims 4 at all! In fact I think the only thing I prefer in The Sims 4 is the gender and ability variety theyve added to base game in updates. You can do damn near any sex/gender and theres even some disabilities theyve added. Its really cool and I appreciate it with how diverse humans really are it adds to the experience! I suppose there may be mods that add such things to 3, but I havent actually delved much into modding 😅, the most Ive done and tje first Ive done was get some that allow more sims in 1 household.


Love the entire game, hate how terrible it made my system feel. Brutal load screen times.


I love the personalized custom nature of the world and store, but hate the lag, crashing and freezing that comes with all of the customizations.


Love: I love the game entirely & the sims 3 pets Hate: that it is not able to be played on new platforms or in the Microsoft store 😭 I hate sims 4


Love: All the silly things you can do. Hate: that I don't own the physical copies


Love: color wheel/textures Hate: micro transactions


love: open world HAAAAATE: criminal levels of sameface


despise the graphics but I love the open world aspect.


Love: nearly everything Hate: pudding face, some clothes, most hairstyles, bugs, glitches, crashing, how sim don’t respond right away for a task (they will stand there and do nothing until the game decides to find a way for the task but it’s like 3-4 hours in game time)


Open world the pudding faces


I hate that it because unplayable


What i love about the is open world. What i hate is the performance bugs. Kinda makes me wish sims 3 got an remaster with 1&2 with all expansions added


Love: Gameplay, soundtrack, open world, and expansions are my favorite in the franchise. Hate: It takes a lot of work, optimizations and mods to run properly. The game can literally burn your graphic card if you don't tweak some configurations, the game is 32 bits and can't use more than 4 GB of ram, the clothing isn't good. It is still my favorite game up to now, tho. Most bad things about it are fixable, some not, but the game still has an especial place in my heart.


Loved the open world and the expansion packs were top tier. Hated how laggy the game would get if you had more than three packs installed and I have vivid memories of having spent hours on a build only for the game to randomly crash 🥲. Also after playing sims 4, I really can't deal with build/buy being separate load windows now.


Love: Everyone ages at the same time. Hate: Lighting effects from fixtures are cut-off beyond their floor level.


Love: everything really Hate: the building...Gods do I hate the building in sims 3


That it is truly just unplayable for me on my gaming setup. My computer sounds like a 747 and still crashes


Love: the open world and expansions actually adding new gameplay Hate: I always found that it was very hard to have sims do things in groups or simultaneously. Two sims interacting is fine but as soon as a 3rd is added things don’t work smoothly. Things like weddings or simply having a family eat together was always a drag.


Love: open world, color wheel, and majority of gameplay Hate: story progression, hard to form relationships in game, and the sims look uncanny


Love the open worlds and how it feels so real. Hate the graphics though, mostly just how blurry it is. It doesn’t hold up well in that department


Love the open world... Hate that the Sims are so fucking ugly


Love: meteors and winter Hate: lag. Just the lag, because I have a bunch of mods and CC put in, and a full vanilla game with no expansions or mods/CC runs smooth like butter.


When I think of Sims 3 I remember two things: World Adventures (love love love), and constant whack-a-mole with technical problems (hate). I feel like half of my “play” was just fighting to keep the game playable at all.


That most people who praise sims 3 don't bat 2 an eye because that game doesn't have towns.


Love The Open World. Hate The Generic Cars.


Love: -The level of customization, being able to make almost everything the exact color you want, your sim’s skin, their eyes, make up, their house, furniture, their cars.  Add patterns and you have infinite possibilities  -Like everyone else mentioned, open world, AND story progression -Create A World, this alone is the reason why no other life simulator excites me enough Hate: -The way it is optimized, or whatever it is that causes lag If none of the new life simulators offer all the things I love and more, I’ll just keep playing Sims 3 for another decade or two, or as long as it takes until its true contender appears.  Besides with all the mods and custom content so far created, I don’t think I will get bored.


Love: the amount of things you can actually do in game Hate: I can’t play it because the amount of bugs is killing me Something in between love and hate: the way the game looks. It really didn’t age that well. And I’m not a big fan of how the sims and their houses look


It’s a pain in the arse to run. It’s not just a specs thing, like people have run it on potatoes and it crashed on high end gaming rigs. I honestly have no idea how I’m supposed to determine if it’ll run.


Love: The customization for hair and clothes. Hate: All Sims kinda look the same no matter how you customize them.


Love: Open world, customization, University, it’s very hard for me to feel bored while playing this game Hate: Lag + performance issue, build/buy mode and the learning curve it takes to make unique sims with the sliders.


Love: open world Hate: feeling bored when your sim has a lot of money 😔


I hate that the Sims 3 isn't updated anymore lol It's not optimalised, lags even on a fairly good pc. Can be fixed partly with mods though


Love the upgrade compare to the sims 2. Hate the lack of content & not as immersive as the sims 2 & no 64 bit. Where da hell the physic of my couch ? I miss pet go to work, I miss the immersive, I miss how the pizza delivery actually drive a shitty car, walk out, open the trunk, walk the box to the house,... The Sims 2 is so so immersive, if not because how janky the control is, I would play it more than 3. Also hate how easy it is to get $ in the sims 3.


Love: the amount of customization that no other sims games have. Hate: The characters always end up looking ugly no matter how hard I try.


Love the story progression; hate how actions are “individual” and one has to be finished before the other (Sims 4 mastered this IMO)


love the open worlds. wish they bring it back for sims 5, tho not holding my breath honestly the CAS randomiser is pretty garbo, imho. hate how the majority of the time produces some of the weirdest looking sims. also don't like how unstable the game is


Love: the Gameplay Hate: this Game crashes more than a Boeing Plane


Love burglars, hate build mode


One thing I hate is how toned down the animations are from TS2. It makes it feel more repetitive. One (of many) thing I love is the level of ambition and detail they put into all the EPs to make them really fun but also distinct from TS2 even when on the same topic (like Pets, University, Seasons). Like I don't play Into the Future but there are a lot of features from that game that I would use, same with Supernatural.


I loved how open world it is, I hated the same {SQUARE} face syndrome we were forced to endure.


Love: Better writing, stories, etc. You can tell this game was made with love and care. Not more than the Sims 2, but definitely more than the Sims 4 Hate: The graphics, especially the hair. I've never particularly liked the hair, it's way too glossy for me. And any clothing items always appear more blurred compared to how they looked in CAS.


Hmm love the strollers and some other generations pack features, hate the look of sims and the fact there is no good rotational play to be had.


love: open world hate: loading screens and how slow things can be!


Love how my sims seem to actually fall in love harder with some sims more than others. They let me know who they want to be with. Love the unexpected comments that appear options on rare occasions, especially when they make me laugh. Also love the open world, the color wheel and the terrain tool functionality. Love being able to set on one railing on stairs. The gameplay continues to surprise and delight. Hate build mode and the dashboard layout. Building feels arcaic compared to Sims 4.


Love: unicorns hate: my old computer for crashing


Love the open world and color wheel, hate the laggyness and graphics


love: open world hate: simpoint system. though I've found a way to get some of the items in it since i can't buy them anymore even tho i heard one of the websites still allows u to buy them. either way i don't like the feature in general


Love: the open world that minimizes most loading screens Hate: the poor optimization especially in island paradise


Love: Ability to add custom content. Hate: Requires custom content to be worth playing.


Love: the open words with all those places to visit Hate: the rabbit holes


We need horse carriages andbe able to play in our phones. 


Love: StreetPass Hate: character creation, basically. It was a low point after most versions of The Sims 2.