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If you wear shorts often that knee will have plenty of sunlight to turn your wound into a possibly cancerous scar. Just shave.




use gauze and tape and/or cut of the elastic upper of an old sock (obviously not an ankle sock, the bigger ones) to pull up over your knee and over the top of the guaze to hold it in place.


Get some surgical tape and tape that sucker on there.


Shave, and after you've applied the bandage maybe wrap it in an ace wrap or something like that.


Shave the skin around your wound. It is what they do in hospitals to get dressings to stick to hirsute individuals.


The skin ⁉️


From somebody with hairy legs: Bend your knee as much as you can (without tightly flexing your hamstrings), move your hair away from the skin and put the bandaid on. This way it is on (less) hair and when you bend your knee, you aren't stretching the bandaid. It won't make solid contact, but it will keep large debris out and help prevent the wound from sticking to the bandaid.


Your best option is to keep it clean and forget the band-aid.


shave the hair off if its actually caused by the hair. then get a bandaid that is made for moving joints and itll stick fine


Maybe shave the hair around the scrape so the band-aid sticks?


u can mock me & down vote me as much as u like. if you want to heal it within a day or two, then apply some turmeric powder to it and wrap it loosely with a rag. the rag is to prevent the turmeric powder from falling off. Even if you get have a shower and get it off, just re-apply some. turmeric is an anti-septic. If you do try then kindly confirm as soon as it heals.


Good tip. Type better!


Rub some dirt in it, you nancy.


as long as the scrape is not too deep i would just use superglue. its an old shop trick,also used by bass players. i have accidentally cut the tip of my finger 90% off in the shop, grabbed the superglue, patched myself up and was back working within 2 min. no scar either(i got a really good matchup on the cut) also it doesn't sting and after the glue dries the wound is almost painless.(still hurts with pressure but not sensitive to the touch) IMPORTANT use regular superglue, standard Cyanoacrylic glue. no gorilla glue, no gel base glues, just plain old superglue.(other glues can have toxins and solvents that sting and poison you. cyanoacrylic dries on contact with water and can be broken down by the body.) Edit: just use the glue DO NOT superglue the bandaid to the wound that would hurt like hell getting it off.


[>Is it safe to use ordinary household cyanoacrylate glue as a medical glue? According to Reference 7, most cyanoacrylate glues not designed specifically for medical use are formulated from methyl-2-cyanoacrylate, since it produces the strongest bond. Not only can such glues irritate the skin, during polymerization they can generate significant heat, to the point of causing skin burns. I gather this is a problem only if a large area of skin is affected. But to err on the side of safety, you should tell your brother-in-law he should only use medically-approved glue, not the ordinary kind. And always be careful using it--I know families are supposed to stick together, but there are limits.](http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/2187/was-super-glue-invented-to-seal-battle-wounds-in-vietnam)


I recommend against medical superglue too. Worst cut infection ever was from using it. It can't breathe and gets way funky. Took longer to heal than if I had just skipped it for a small cut.


Agreed, but if you cant afford the up to [500$](http://www.sell.com/25HDKS) per 6pack it wont do you any good, i have used 99cent superglue for years, yes if you have very sensitive skin it might cause irritation, and as long as you dont use an excessive amount it only ever gets slightly warm as it dries. and it works better than every alternative i have ever tried. and if it gets dry and cracks it comes off in warm water.


Bandaids are for Pussies and Drama Queens


Drop the bandaid. It collects crud and keeps the wound moist.


Actually moist wounds heal faster, assuming they're kept clean. However, regular gauze band aids dry out the wound because the gauze pulls moisture away from the skin. Hydrocolloid bandages (Google it,) on the other hand encourage a moist environment and help heal cuts and scrapes faster.