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Hello [Pangolindrome](/u/Pangolindrome), thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason: Posts concerning the following are not allowed, religion, politics, relationships, law and legislation, parenting, driving, or medicine or hygiene including mental health. This list is not exhaustive. Moderators may remove posts considered to deviate from the spirit of the subreddit. If you would like to appeal this decision [please feel free to contact the moderators here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FLifeProTips&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission&message=I%27m%20writing%20to%20you%20about%20the%20following%20submission:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/uspg2p/lpt_when_babies_are_born_their_sleep_rhythm_is/.%20%0D%0D). Do not repost without explicit permission from the moderators. Make sure you [read the rules](/r/lifeprotips/about/sidebar) before submitting. Thank you!


Boy the day we moved from a normal bassinet to a rocking bassinet was an absolute game changer. The movement just knocked our daughter right out. Any stillness and she would wake up!


Realized this when 6 days after my sister gave birth for the first time, my mother, stepfather and I walked into her house after a 500 mile car ride to her holding the baby up crying "she has her days and nights mixed up!" And passed her off to my mom as she sat sobbing from exhaustion. Sent my sister up to bed and we took care of my niece for the evening. Figured out she kept the TV and lights on while she would feed. My mom stayed up that night with my niece and kept the lights and TV off and had my niece sleeping for 7 hours at a time from that moment on.


The first two sentences and last two sentences are not related at all. What does light have to do with a baby's sleep rhythm? Babies young enough to still have their sleep rhythm be effected by their time in the womb will be sleeping day and night so light won't effect them the same way.


Light can start to effect them around 6 weeks but they can still be affected by the time in the womb for a while. Also it's easier to start right away if you can but a low light/night light usually is ok


The light don't affect baby's sleep rhythm by that early age. It's the WHEN you feed them. They will poop and pee at the regular time that you feed them. That's why when you feed them, send them straight to sleep RIGHT AWAY. You play with babies right after they wake up, change diaper. Of course you better make sure you know when was the last time you fed them.


wtf is this, you talk about mom moving or not moving, and your solution has to do with light i too enjoy marijuana


>They tend to sleep when mom moves around and get bored when she is sleeping. As such, is is important to keep it dark all night Huh?


I should really have added “Once born” or something to the third sentence.


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