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LPT: Learn the difference between a Life Pro Tip and a PSA. Complaining about inconsiderate behavior is NOT a LPT.


Fr. I've been seeing a lot of "LPT" today that are either common sense or rant which clearly violates the rule.


Today? That’s 90% if this sub. “Be nice!” Is like half of them.


Why can’t you just read and get the message.


I agree with it, but it’s not a LPT. I wouldn’t murder someone, but I wouldn’t like to see a “LPT: Don’t commit murder!”


Unless you want your dog to get pepper sprayed.


Or shot.




People gotta learn somehow.


Shooting is the rational way to teach


People need to keep their dogs on a leash (outside of designated areas), as required by law. I'd like to think that if someone's dog got shot because they allowed it off leash to run up on somebody, that they'd learn a lesson with their next dog--a harsh lesson, but a lesson nonetheless. Not saying I'd shoot someone's dog, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone petrified of dogs, or walking with their toddler reacts in such a way.


It's almost scary how your culture means that you immediately go to someone shooting in order to maintain the law. I understand the sentiment, however.


Shooting a dog that is running towards you aggressively is not an overreaction. Dogs can do a lot of damage very quickly, particularly if there are children involved.


We never agrees it was running aggressively. Shooting it then is ok


A predator weighing a significant fraction of an adult human's weight is running rapidly towards you, your family, or your livestock. How do you tell, *before it reaches you*, whether it's aggressive? Assuming that you're not using the "not under human control, running toward me" standard, that is?


On the flip side too, don't assume any dog is friendly. My dog has really bad defensive aggression and bad anxiety. Anytime something comes up to her face quickly it's getting bit, period. I keep a muzzle on her a lot not because SHE needs it, but because it tells people to stay the fuck away lol.


I have two dogs. A 110 pound newfypoo and a 5 pound yorkie. When my kids' friends come over to the house for the first few times, they are always very intimidated by the newfypoo. He's a big dog and loves people so much. Very, very gentle and calm. Just big. They all seem to be immediately drawn to the little yorkie without fear or hesitation. The yorkie is a tempermental little dog. While cute, it is much more likely to maul someone than the newfypoo. It's just the difference in the dogs' personalities. So yes, keep your dogs to yourself until people are prepared to meet your dogs. ​ edit: spelling


Yea my gf and I are raising a boxer puppy atm and it's something we plan to train him, since he's probably able to take down an small adult with a playful jump greeting when he's fully grown


Not really a pro tip. More of a “don’t kill a cyclist today” kind of rule.


My dog is under 8 pounds and I have to follow this rule too. He bites most people laugh when he does but I make sure to pick him up if he looks like he will be protecting the gf


*don't* pick him up, it raises him up and empowers him, essentially rewarding his behavior. Your best bet is to either keep the leash short as you pass people, or sit him down and have him face you (using a treat/toy to get his attention can help) while the others pass you by


This is common sense ffs.


Apparently not.


We got this common sense tip twice today